837 resultados para 655, EAST


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"Summer institute on Modern European Culture" (1947?); 1. Ankündigung für eine Vorlesungsreihe von Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Leo Löwenthal, Herbert Marcuse, Friedrich Pollock. a) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Ergänzungen, 20 Blatt b) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 19 Blatt; 2. Herbert Marcuse: "Philosophie allemande et francaise 1871-1933". Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 18 Blatt; "Tentative Program for the Course of Antisemitism". Vorlesungsankündigung 1948 von Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Friedrich Pollock. Typoskript 2 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: Bericht über die Antisemitismus-Forschungen des Instituts für Sozialforschung (GS 12, S. 165-171). Vortrag gehalten am 16.4.1943, englischer Text. a) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 5 Blatt b) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 8 Blatt c) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 8 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: Bericht über die Antisemitismus-Forschungen des Instituts für Sozialforschung (GS 12, S. 172-183). Vortrag gehalten am 30.4.1943, Temple Israel. a) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen und Ergänzungen, 12 Blatt b) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 11 Blatt c) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 14 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: Über die Psychologie des Judentums und des Antisemitismus; 1. Vortrag, gehalten am 7.10.1943 im Department of Psychology, UCLA, eigenhändige Notizen, 1 Blatt; 2. Auszüge aus Schriften und Arbeitspapieren von: G.M. Davidson, Salomon Andhil Fineberg, A.R.L. Gurland, Oscar I. Janomsky, Paul W. Massing, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Ergänzungen, 8 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: Anti-Semitism as a Social Phenomenon (GS 5, S.364-372); 1. Vortrag, gehalten am 17.6.1944 in San Francisco, Psychoanalytic Society, veröffentlicht unter dem Titel 'Sociological Background of the Psychoanalytic Approach". In: Ernst Simmel (ed.), "Anti-Semitism. A Social Disease", New York, 1946, S.1-10. a) Typoskript, 13 Blatt, b) Teilstück, Typoskript, 1 Blatt, c) Teilstück, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt d) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 9 Blatt; 2. "Notes to the Speech in San Francisco", Notizen, 4 Blatt; 3. eigenhändige Notizen zum Vortrag, 5 Blatt; 4. Rede für Maurice Karpf, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 5. Theodor W. Adorno: "Mammoth Motives", Notizen zum Verhältnis von Soziologie und Psychologie des Antisemitismus, 3 Blatt; 6. Theodor W. Adorno: "Patterns of Anti-Democratic Propaganda", veröffentlicht in: Ernst Simmel, "Anti-Semitism. A Social Disease", New York, 1946, S.125-137. a) Typoskript, 15 Blatt, b) Typoskript, 14 Blatt;; 7. Einladung, Drucksache, 2 Blatt; 8. Max Horkheimer: 2 Brief an Donald MacFerlane, Pacific Palisades, 22.5.1944, 1 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: Vorträge 1944-45; 1. "Report for the N.C.R.A.C.". Über Forschungsprojekte des American Jewish Committee and des American Jewish Congress, vorgetragen am 14.1.1944, Typoskript, 4 Blatt; 2. Notizen zu 1: Über Kurt Lewin, Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 3. eigenhändige Notizen zu 1., 3 Blatt; 4. Über die europäische Tradition der Arbeiten des Instituts für Sozialforschung. Vortrag, gehalten am 8.12.1944. Eigenhändige Notizen, 1 Blatt; 5. Über psychologische Aspekte der Antisemitismusforschung des Instituts für Sozialforschung. Vortrag, gehalten am 19.4.1945. Eigenhändige Notizen, 2 Blatt; 6. Über sozioökonomische Aspekte des Antisemitismus in Europa und in der Arbeiterschaft der USA. Vortrag, gehalten am 8.6.1945. Psychosomatic Society a) Notizen zum Vortrag, 4 Blatt, b) eigenhändige Notizen, 3 Blatt; 7. Notizen zu 6., Typoskript, 17 Blatt,; 8. Notizen zu 6. "Quotations from Labor Study", Typoskript, 12 Blatt; 9. Über neue Forschungsprojekte des Instituts für Sozialforschung zum Antisemitismus. Vortrag, gehalten am 24.10.1945. Eigenhändige Notizen, 2 Blatt; 10. Über Antisemitismus. Vortrag, gehalten am 3.12.1945. Eigenhändige Notizen, 2 Blatt; 11.-15. Vorträge über Antisemitismus. Datierung unklar (etwa 1945) (u.a. "Mountvernon Speech" und "Breakfast Speech"), 17 Blatt; 16. Über Judentum und Katholizismus in der neueren Geschichte. Eigenhändige Notizen zu einem Vortrag, Datierung unklar, 3 Blatt; 17. Über Vorurteil, Vortrag oder Diskussion in einer Synagoge, Datierung unklar, eigenhändige Notizen, 1 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: Über die Antisemitismus-Forschungen des Instituts für Sozialforschung. Vortrag, gehalten beim U.C.R.A.C.-Meeting, 15.-17.6.1946, Chicago:; 1. eigenhändige Notizen, 13 Blatt; 2. Fragebogen, als Typoskript vervielfältigt, mit eigenhändigen Ergänzungen, 6 Blatt;


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by Ernest F. Spanton, priest of the Universities Mission to Central Africa, pricipal of St. Andrew's College, Zanzibar. With a prefatory note by Harry Hamilton Johnston


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The studies completed herein explore different phenotypes related to the genetic defects that predispose individuals to a disruption of normal hemostasis. In the first study, a novel autosomal dominant bleeding disorder, which is characterized by excessive bleeding with trauma or surgery and menorrhagia in affected women, was studied in a large family (16 affected individuals) from east Texas. Affected members had a prolongation of their PT and/or aPTT, but normal clinical coagulation studies. Previous linkage analysis by Kuang et. al. (2001) mapped the defective gene to 1g23-24 (LODmax 7.22), which contains the gene for coagulation factor V (FV). I identified an alteration (A2440G) in the FV gene in exon 13 that segregated with the disease and was not present in 62 controls. Interestingly, this alteration resulted in a 22-fold up-regulation of a novel alternative splicing variant in patients' RNA versus controls. This translated into a similar fold increase in a 250-kDa isoform of FV seen in patients' plasma versus controls. A recombinant of this splicing event exhibited an increased sensitivity to cleavage by activated protein C (APC) that was more striking in the presence of PS. In addition, this novel isoform had increased APC cofactor activity, thus increasing the degradation of FVIIIa. These data indicated that A2440G up-regulates an alternatively spliced transcript of FV, and increases a FV isoform that hinders coagulation as opposed to promoting it like its wild-type counterpart. ^ The second study reports the largest screening to date of African Americans in two independent cohorts for a rare prothrombin variant, C20209T, which is suspected to be associated with thrombotic disease. The Texas Medical Center Genetics Resource (TexGen) Stroke DNA repository revealed 1.67% (Fisher p=0.27) of African American stroke patients were heterozygous for the 20209*T allele. Screening of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC) cohort (n=3470) for the 20209*T allele revealed a population prevalence of 0.58% in individuals of African American descent; however, all associations with thrombotic disease were negative. Analysis of these two independent cohorts revealed that, unlike its neighbor G20210A, the C20209T variant does not increase the risk of thrombotic events in the African American population. ^


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This study explored the health, education, social assets, needs, attitudes, and behaviors of residents of Ferrocarril #4, a small urban community in Tamaulipas, Mexico. A collaborative Participatory Action Research approach was used to emphasize community involvement. Using Triangulation to ensure validity, qualitative methods included key informant in depth interviews, participant observation and participatory discussion groups with women and men. A personal interview with a probability sample of women was done. The median age of interviewees was 37 years. The majority was married or had a partner. Over half of respondents completed grades 6-9. Employed women (25%) earned a median weekly salary equivalent to ∼56 USD. Women with health insurance (67.7%) were covered mainly through Social Security and Seguro Popular. One in 5 reported bad health. Barriers to care were primarily money and transportation. To improve health care, women wanted a full service clinic in or close to the community and affordable health care. Socially, 28% of respondents had no close friends in the community and most did not participate in beneficial community activities. Many women did not socialize with others and help from neighbors was situational. Primary school teachers lacked parental support and it interfered with classroom efforts. Healthy community discussion groups focused on personal and environmental hygiene and safety. Valuable assets exist in the community. To date, collaborative efforts resulted in a school First Aid station, a school nurse visit weekly, posting of emergency contact phone numbers in the school and community center, and development of a student health information form. ^


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I have developed a novel approach to test for toxic organic substances adsorbed onto ultra fine particulate particles present in the ambient air in Northeast Houston, Texas. These particles are predominantly carbon soot with an aerodynamic diameter (AD) of <2.5 μm. If present in the ambient air, many of the organic substances will be absorbed to the surface of the particles (which act just like a charcoal air filter), and may be adducted into the respiratory system. Once imbedded into the lungs these particles may release the adsorbed toxic organic substances with serious health consequences. I used a Airmetrics portable Minivol air sampler time drawing the ambient air through collection filters samples from 6 separate sites in Northeast Houston, an area known for high ambient PM 2.5 released from chemical plants and other sources (e.g. vehicle emissions).(1) In practice, the mass of the collected particles were much less than the mass of the filters. My technique was designed to release the adsorbed organic substances on the fine carbon particles by heating the filter samples that included the PM 2.5 particles prior to identification by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCMS). The results showed negligible amounts of target chemicals from the collection filters. However, the filters alone released organic substances and GCMS could not distinguish between the organic substances released from the soot particles from those released from the heated filter fabric. However, an efficacy tests of my method using two wax burning candles that released soot revealed high levels of benzene. This suggests that my method has the potential to reveal the organic substances adsorbed onto the PM 2.5 for analysis. In order to achieve this goal, I must refine the particle collection process which would be independent of the filters; the filters upon heating also release organic substances obscuring the contribution from the soot particles. To obtain pure soot particles I will have to filter more air so that the soot particles can be shaken off the filters and then analyzed by my new technique. ^


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It is the aim of this paper to examine iron supplementation programs which receive funding from United States Agency for International Development (USAID) but approach combating iron deficiency anemia in two vastly different ways. A brief literature review and background information on iron deficiencies and the differences between supplementation programs and micronutrient fortification were reviewed. Two non-governmental organizations (NGO's) were examined for this paper: the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance II (FANTA) and the MicroNutrient Initiative. The FANTA program included an educational component to their supplementation program while the MicroNutrient Initiative solely used supplementation of micronutrients to their population. Methods used were cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis to determine the overall effectiveness of each program in reducing iron deficiency anemia in each population, if the added costs of the incentives in the FANTA program changed the cost-effectiveness of the program compared to the MicroNutrient Initiative program and to determine which program imparted the greatest benefit to each population by reducing the disease burden in Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY). Results showed that the unit cost of the FANTA program per person was higher than the MicroNutrient Initiative program due to the educational component. The FANTA program reduced iron deficiency anemia less overall but cost less for each percentage point of anemia decreased in their respective populations. The MicroNutrient Initiative program had a better benefit cost ratio for the populations it served. The MicroNutrient Initiative's large scale program imparted many advantages by reducing unit cost per person and decreasing iron deficiency anemia. The FANTA program was more effective at decreasing iron deficiency anemia with less money: $5,660 per 1% decrease in iron deficiency anemia versus $18,450 per 1% decrease in iron deficiency anemia for the MicroNutrient Initiative program. ^ In conclusion, economic analysis cannot measure all of the benefits associated with programs that contain an educational component or large scale supplementation. More information needs to be gathered by NGOs and reported to USAID, such as detailed prevalence rates of iron deficiency anemia among the populations served. Further research is needed to determine the effects an educational supplementation program has on compliance rates of participants and motivation to participate in supplementation programs whose aim is to decrease iron deficiency anemia in a targeted population.^


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Sexual/reproductive/health and rights are crucial public health concerns that have been specifically integrated into the Millennium Development Goals to be accomplished by 2015. These issues are related to several health outcomes, including HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence (GBV) among women. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region comprises Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), West Bank and Gaza (WBG), and Yemen. This region is primarily Arabic speaking (except for Israel and Iran), and primarily Muslim (except for Israel). Some traditional and cultural views and practices in this region engender gender inequalities, which manifest themselves in the economic, political and social spheres. HIV and gender-based violence in the region may be interlinked with gender inequalities which breed justification for partner violence and honour killings, and increase the chance that HIV will transform into an epidemic in the region if not addressed. A feminist framework, focused on economic, political and social empowerment for women would be useful to consider applying to sexual/reproductive health in the region.^


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Benthic foraminifer and delta13C data from Site 849, on the west flank of the East Pacific Rise (0°11 'N, 110°31'W; 3851 m), give relatively continuous records of deep Pacific Ocean stable isotope variations between 0 and 5 Ma. The mean sample spacing is 4 k.y. Most analyses are from Cibicides wuellerstorfi, but isotopic offsets relative to Uvigerina peregrina appear roughly constant. Because of its location west of the East Pacific Rise, Site 849 yields a suitable record of mean Pacific Ocean delta13C, which approximates a global oceanic signal. The ~100-k.y.-period climate cycle, which is prevalent in delta18O does not dominate the long-term delta13C record. For delta13C, variations in the ~400- and 41-k.y. periods are more important. Phase lags of delta13C relative to ice volume in the 41- and 23-k.y. bands are consistent with delta13C as a measure of organic biomass. A model-calculated exponential response time of 1-2 k.y. is appropriate for carbon stored in soils and shallow sediments responding to glacial-interglacial climate change. Oceanic delta13C leads ice volume slightly in the 100-k.y. band, and this suggests another process such as changes in continental weathering to modulate mean river delta13C at long periods. The delta13C record from Site 849 diverges from that of Site 677 in the Panama Basin mostly because of decay of 13C-depleted organic carbon in the relatively isolated Panama Basin. North Atlantic to Pacific delta13C differences calculated using published data from Sites 607 and 849 reveal variations in Pliocene deep water within the range of those of the late Quaternary. Maximum delta13C contrast between these sites, which presumably reflects maximum influx of high-delta13C northern source water into the deep North Atlantic Ocean, occurred between 1.3 and 2.1 Ma, well after the initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Export of high-delta13C North Atlantic Deep Water from the Atlantic to the circumpolar Antarctic, as recorded by published delta13C data from Subantarctic Site 704, appears unrelated to the North Atlantic-Pacific delta13C contrast. To account for this observation, we suggest that deep-water formation in the North Atlantic reflects northern source characteristics, whereas export of this water into the circumpolar Antarctic reflects Southern Hemisphere wind forcing. Neither process appears directly linked to ice-volume variations.


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This paper presents data on geographic and geologic conditions of modern sedimentation in the Lake Untersee, the largest lake in the East Antarctica. Geochemical and sedimentation data indicate that the leading mechanism supplying aluminosilicate sedimentary material to the surface layer of bottom sediments is seasonal melting of the Anuchin glacier and the mountain glacier on the southeastern part of the valley hosting the lake. Strongly reduced conditions in the lowermost 25 m of the water column in the smaller of two depressions of the lake bottom were favorable for enrichment of the bottom sediments in bacteriogenic organic matter, Mo, Au, and Pd. H2S-contaminated water results to significant enrichment of the sediments only in redox-sensitive elements that are able to migrate in anionic complexes and precipitate (co-precipitate) as sulfides.


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The ice cover of the Arctic Ocean has been changing dramatically in the last decades and the consequences for the sea-ice associated ecosystem remain difficult to assess. Algal aggregates underneath sea ice have been described sporadically but the frequency and distribution of their occurrence is not well quantified. We used upward looking images obtained by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to derive estimates of ice algal aggregate biomass and to investigate their spatial distribution. During the IceArc expedition (ARK-XXVII/3) of RV Polarstern in late summer 2012, different types of algal aggregates were observed floating underneath various ice types in the Central Arctic basins. Our results show that the floe scale distribution of algal aggregates in late summer is very patchy and determined by the topography of the ice underside, with aggregates collecting in dome shaped structures and at the edges of pressure ridges. The buoyancy of the aggregates was also evident from analysis of the aggregate size distribution. Different approaches used to estimate aggregate biomass yield a wide range of results. This highlights that special care must be taken when upscaling observations and comparing results from surveys conducted using different methods or on different spatial scales.


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In this study four data quality flags are presented for automated and unmanned above-water hyperspectral optical measurements collected underway in the North Sea, The Minch, Irish Sea and Celtic Sea in April/May 2009. Coincident to these optical measurements a DualDome D12 (Mobotix, Germany) camera system was used to capture sea surface and sky images. The first three flags are based on meteorological conditions, to select erroneous incoming solar irradiance (ES) taken during dusk, dawn, before significant incoming solar radiation could be detected or under rainfall. Furthermore, the relative azimuthal angle of the optical sensors to the sun is used to identify possible sunglint free sea surface zones. A total of 629 spectra remained after applying the meteorological masks (first three flags). Based on this dataset, a fourth flag for sunglint was generated by analysing and evaluating water leaving radiance (LW) and remote sensing reflectance (RRS) spectral behaviour in the presence and absence of sunglint salient in the simultaneously available sea surface images. Spectra conditions satisfying "mean LW (700-950 nm) < 2 mW/m**2/nm/Sr" or alternatively "minimum RRS (700-950 nm) < 0.010/Sr", mask the most measurements affected by sunglint, providing efficient flagging of sunglint in automated quality control. It is confirmed that valid optical measurements can be performed 0° <= theta <= 360° although 90° <= theta <= 135° is recommended.