932 resultados para 430201 Archaeology of Hunter-Gatherer Societies (incl. Pleistocene Archaeology)
Sedimentological and faunal records from the transitional period marking the onset of widespread northern hemisphere glaciation have been investigated at Ocean Drilling Program Site 984. The late Pliocene interglacial sediments of the northeast Atlantic are carbonate rich and show evidence of vigorous bottom water circulation at intermediate water depths. Contrasting this, the late Pliocene glacial sediments are characterised by carbonate dissolution and slower bottom current velocities. Weak or "leaky" Norwegian Sea overflows, undersaturated with respect to carbonate, influenced this region during the late Pliocene glacials. The early Pleistocene pattern of intermediate water circulation appears to have changed radically in the northeast Atlantic. At this time, interglacial carbonate values and inferred bottom current velocities are low. This suggests slow-flowing, undersaturated Norwegian Sea water bathing the site. The overflow increased during the early Pleistocene interglacials as the exchange between the Atlantic and Norwegian-Greenland Seas improved. The most significant feature of the early Pleistocene glacials is the increase in inferred bottom current velocity. These changes reflect a switch in deep North Atlantic convection to shallower depths during glacial periods, possibly in a manner similar to the increasing contribution of glacial intermediate water to the North Atlantic during the late Pleistocene glacials. Our results suggest that the late Pleistocene climate variability of the North Atlantic is a pervasive feature of the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene record.
Using data from a self-administered survey of 1,017 households we assess the long-term impact of establishing a special economic zone, on those who are exogenously selected to be displaced. We find those who are displaced suffer from lower land compensation and lack of adequate property rights. There is also some evidence of lower labour market participation among those who are displaced. However, in the long term, across measurable welfare indicators, we do not find that displaced households are significantly different from other households. One source of this resilience is through employment at the special economic zone – which is higher among displaced households compared to other households. Another factor that contributed to the absence of differences is spill-over effects; which made access to employment, education and other facilities about homogenous across displaced and non-displaced households.
En 1929 aparece el primer número de AA (L’architecture d’aujourd’hui), en 1932 existe un número-Monografía sobre los hermanos Perret, escrita por Pierre Vago, en 1946 se consolida como revista mensual y bajo la fundación de Andre Bloc. El primer número de AA que tengo en mi biblioteca es el número 34 (febrero-Marzo) de 1951. Mediante la lectura observada de una colección como AA, la determinación de unos capítulos representativos y la elección de imágenes de su tiempo se explican estos 57 años de arquitectura, cuyos resultados de un proceso temporal disfrutamos desde hace aproximadamente veinte años. A principio de los años cincuenta un grupo de jóvenes arquitectos, denso e intercomunicado en los congresos CIAM se propone situar la realidad de la arquitectura en los principios y realidades de su tiempo y de los que se intuyen futuro. Resultados de la Segunda Gran Guerra no son solo tragedias humanas sino gran investigación y desarrollo concretada industrialmente, enormes movimientos de personas en Europa y una sociedad enormemente optimista en USA, todo esto producirá las grandes transformaciones sociales de los 60’ y sus concreciones tecnológicas, políticas y desarrollo. Muchos arquitectos, publicaciones, concursos o decisiones políticas o privadas han producido el catalogo de arquitecturas de estos años, desde el CIAM IX hasta el POMPIDOU, desde la casa GEHRY hasta el KUNSTHAL, desde BRASILIA hasta SIDNEY, desde COPLEJIDAD Y CONTRADICCIÓN hasta DELIRIOS DE NY, desde OSAKA hasta MUNICH. En todas han existido un esfuerzo enorme por concretar la realidad de nuestras aspiraciones desde las puramente ideológicas de introspección social, hasta las concreciones de imagen directa. Varias líneas he abierto en mi proceso de investigación, las he llamado “anillos” porque todas estas líneas tienen similitud con los “anillos de crecimiento” de los árboles en cuanto a como se presentan en la estructura de formación y ha la cantidad de información no solo interna sino externa que aportan sobre la estructura árbol, su medio y la historia. Igual que podemos saber las temperaturas o las pluviometría que cubrieron Europa en la edad media solo estudiando los anillos de crecimiento de nuestro árboles (su grosor), de igual forma repasando LOS CONCURSOS y sus resultados que existieron en los últimos cincuenta años, podemos entender las aspiraciones y concreciones de las sociedades y sus arquitectos en este tiempo. Cuatro capítulos, los mas determinantes son los elegidos para dar cuerpo a una TESIS de tamaño capaz: Las ideas, el futuro, las referencias y el presente son los capítulos que de forma visual intentan explicar el fruto arquitectónico, sus aspiraciones y sus concreciones. Las ideas sin ninguna duda, pertenecen a los padres de nuestro tiempo, son las del Team X, la reflexión sobre lo perecedero, las realidades programáticas, densidades o lo publico-privado son solo planetas en el universo de sus ideas. El futuro lo trazaron aquellos que empezaron a investigar, concretar o reflexionar sobre la incidencia tanto de los procesos industriales con sus nuevos materiales como de las nuevas concreciones urbanas que los movimientos migratorios producirían en las ciudades. Las referencias son las bibliotecas de carácter informativo-visual que han generado nuestro inventario icónico. El presente son las imágenes de referencia de nuestro tiempo-mediático, no solo las produce un arquitecto (en este caso R.Koolhas), pero si que es verdad que en las imágenes arquitectónicas de OMA se concreta todo el catalogo de arquitecturas del presente. ENGLISH SUMMARY The fisrt AA (l´Architecture d´Aujourd´hui) issue was published in 1929, three years later, in 1932, a monographic issue on Perret brothers was written by Pierre Vago and in 1946 the magazine was strongly established as a monthly publication under the direction of André Bloc. The oldest copy I own on my bookshelves is nº 34 printed in February-March 1951. While carefully reading a collection such as AA we are able to extract representative chapters and images that can explain a linear process lasting 57 years of fruitful architectural production of which consequences we have been enjoying the past twenty years. In the early fifties a compact group of young architects linked by the CIAM congress decided to encompass architectural reality to the needs and principles of their time. Not only big human tragedies arose from the Second World War but also some of the fastest industrial inventions due to a powerful will to development, that altogether with european migrations and a high standard of optimism in the United States headed to the peak transformations of the sixties and their technological and political development. A bunch of architects, magazines and architectural competitions sided by political and private decisions produced the architectural catalogue of those years, from CIAM IX to the Pompidou art centre, from Gerhy´s house to the Kunsthal museum, from Brasilia to Sidney, from “Complexity and Contradiction“ to “Delirious NY” and from Osaka all the way to Munich. All of them carried a vast effort towards the concretion of will, from social introspection to a more effective development of images. Several paths run across my investigation, namely “the rings”, as they tend to behave as a growing structure like a tree trunk, providing internal and external information not only of the vegetal element but also of the environment and events crossing its time. In the same direction as we are able to predict the weather in the Middle Age by means of studying our forests, we can use the architectural competitions ant their results for the past fifty years to understand the will and ambitions of these developing societies and their architects. To give shape to a sizeable thesis the selected information has been packed in four chapters: Ideas, Future, References and Present, each of them structured as an Image bank visualizing the architectural product, its will and specific ambition. The first group, Ideas, is devoted entirely to the step-fathers of present architecture, with ideas that belong to TEAM X and embrace the reflection about the transitory, the programmatic reality, density or the public-private debate as wandering planets of their ideal universe. The second group is dedicated to a Future that was traced by those engaged on industrial processes and new material investigation together with some others exploring new urban concretions brought to existence by the pressure of the after war migrations. The third group, References, have been shaped as a stock-list containing all our iconic cross-references. The last group, Present, brings together the icons of this media-time we live in and not only those produced by one single architect (Rem Koolhaas) even if his production embodies all architectural references at the moment.
The study of three soil profiles in the aridic-xeric zone of Las Palmas island showed that: petrocalcic horizons are formed in pyroclastic episodes; these horizons are generally thick; the xeric zone frequently have polycyclic profiles and their carbonates have complex mineralogy; underlain basaltic rocks are scantly altered, and their joints are frequently filled by carbonates. These facts suggest that the development of these profiles is mostly Pleistocene, and the diffuse carbonates accumulation in depth obstructs the assessment of carbonatation processes.
A Região do Grande ABCD Paulista destaca-se por abrigar o mais significativo pólo industrial brasileiro. No entanto, muitas indústrias da região têm se retirado ocasionando desta forma, mudanças na estrutura social e econômica. Observa-se então que as cooperativas da Região do Grande ABCD Paulista começam a ganhar vitalização. As cooperativas neste momento de globalização se destacam em vários países, sendo elas, em essência associações de pessoas reunidas por um ou mais objetivos comuns. As principais perguntas que norteiam esta pesquisa são a representatividade dos ramos das cooperativas na Região do Grande ABCD Paulista, e suas contribuições sociais para a região. A natureza da pesquisa é exploratória, apresentando revisão bibliográfica desde o surgimento do cooperativismo até os dias atuais, fundamentada em um estudo de caso de uma cooperativa do ramo de transporte. Os dados foram coletados em base documental e entrevistas com cooperados, funcionários e diretores. No caso da cooperativa pesquisada o estudo proporcionou evidências significativas da melhoria de vida de seus cooperados, bem como a expansão da própria cooperativa, principalmente pela aquisição de sua sede própria., além do posicionamento como referência da sua logo marca no nicho de mercado em que atua.(AU)
A Região do Grande ABCD Paulista destaca-se por abrigar o mais significativo pólo industrial brasileiro. No entanto, muitas indústrias da região têm se retirado ocasionando desta forma, mudanças na estrutura social e econômica. Observa-se então que as cooperativas da Região do Grande ABCD Paulista começam a ganhar vitalização. As cooperativas neste momento de globalização se destacam em vários países, sendo elas, em essência associações de pessoas reunidas por um ou mais objetivos comuns. As principais perguntas que norteiam esta pesquisa são a representatividade dos ramos das cooperativas na Região do Grande ABCD Paulista, e suas contribuições sociais para a região. A natureza da pesquisa é exploratória, apresentando revisão bibliográfica desde o surgimento do cooperativismo até os dias atuais, fundamentada em um estudo de caso de uma cooperativa do ramo de transporte. Os dados foram coletados em base documental e entrevistas com cooperados, funcionários e diretores. No caso da cooperativa pesquisada o estudo proporcionou evidências significativas da melhoria de vida de seus cooperados, bem como a expansão da própria cooperativa, principalmente pela aquisição de sua sede própria., além do posicionamento como referência da sua logo marca no nicho de mercado em que atua.(AU)
This work has for general objective to investigate the information regarding sexuality and STD/Aids among students in the city of Rondonópolis (Mato Grosso), observing the behavior of this public for concepts on sexuality and STD, use of condoms and behaviors faced in a virus HIV intense reality. The analysis involves the interpretations, beliefs, images or symbols shared and used for the people in its interaction with sexuality and STD. This manner, the analysis of literature demonstrated that the lack of information on the STD don t usually differs from a situation of salient social differences. The Structuration theory, theoretical framework of the present work, visualizes that the themes like sexuality and the STD s/Aids needs to be part of day-by-day of the young and the adolescents of all the societies, independent of the social or cultural class of the same ones. In this way, it is conceived that school is an important vehicle of information that must be used in all its amplitude, thus assisting in the maintenance of the public health through the prevention of the STD s/Aids. For in such a way, a collection of data was carried to get more details on questions as: Knowledge on sexuality and concept and use of condoms. Among others results founded, it has evidence of the necessity of the school, while privileged space of the information and knowledge, to insert itself in programs that oportunizes the debate and the reflection of the such themes.
This work has for general objective to investigate the information regarding sexuality and STD/Aids among students in the city of Rondonópolis (Mato Grosso), observing the behavior of this public for concepts on sexuality and STD, use of condoms and behaviors faced in a virus HIV intense reality. The analysis involves the interpretations, beliefs, images or symbols shared and used for the people in its interaction with sexuality and STD. This manner, the analysis of literature demonstrated that the lack of information on the STD don t usually differs from a situation of salient social differences. The Structuration theory, theoretical framework of the present work, visualizes that the themes like sexuality and the STD s/Aids needs to be part of day-by-day of the young and the adolescents of all the societies, independent of the social or cultural class of the same ones. In this way, it is conceived that school is an important vehicle of information that must be used in all its amplitude, thus assisting in the maintenance of the public health through the prevention of the STD s/Aids. For in such a way, a collection of data was carried to get more details on questions as: Knowledge on sexuality and concept and use of condoms. Among others results founded, it has evidence of the necessity of the school, while privileged space of the information and knowledge, to insert itself in programs that oportunizes the debate and the reflection of the such themes.
Many problems in human society reflect the inability of selfish parties to cooperate. The “Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma” has been used widely as a model for the evolution of cooperation in societies. Axelrod’s computer tournaments and the extensive simulations of evolution by Nowak and Sigmund and others have shown that natural selection can favor cooperative strategies in the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Rigorous empirical tests, however, lag behind the progress made by theorists. Clear predictions differ depending on the players’ capacity to remember previous rounds of the game. To test whether humans use the kind of cooperative strategies predicted, we asked students to play the iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma game either continuously or interrupted after each round by a secondary memory task (i.e., playing the game “Memory”) that constrained the students’ working-memory capacity. When playing without interruption, most students used “Pavlovian” strategies, as predicted, for greater memory capacity, and the rest used “generous tit-for-tat” strategies. The proportion of generous tit-for-tat strategies increased when games of Memory interfered with the subjects’ working memory, as predicted. Students who continued to use complex Pavlovian strategies were less successful in the Memory game, but more successful in the Prisoner’s Dilemma, which indicates a trade-off in memory capacity for the two tasks. Our results suggest that the set of strategies predicted by game theorists approximates human reality.