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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este estudo apresenta a composição florística de trechos de uma faixa de vegetação de transição existente na região centro-leste do Estado de Mato Grosso, mais precisamente no município de Gaúcha do Norte (13° 10'S e 53° 15' O), onde dá-se o contato entre a Floresta Ombrófila e a Floresta Estacional. O levantamento florístico foi realizado em março de 1999 e bimestralmente a partir de agosto de 1999 até março de 2001, em excursões com duração média de 5 dias, por meio de caminhadas na borda e no interior de florestas, sendo coletadas fanerógamas em fase reprodutiva. Também foram incluídas amostras vegetativas de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas, que não floresceram ou frutificaram durante o período de amostragem, amostradas em 3ha destinados ao levantamento fitossociológico. O levantamento florístico resultou em 72 famílias, 168 gêneros e 268 espécies. do total de espécies, 66% apresentaram hábito arbóreo e 18% foram lianas. As ervas e arbustos praticamente restringiram-se às áreas de borda ou clareiras, somando 13%. Já a flora epifítica mostrou-se pouco expressiva (1%), quando comparada ao restante da Amazônia, em conseqüência do clima regional mais seco. Hemiepífitas, parasitas e palmeiras constituíram o percentual restante. Constatou-se que 39 espécies amostradas em Gaúcha do Norte ainda não haviam sido depositadas em herbários que mantém coleções representativas da flora matogrossense, enfatizando a carência de coletas nas áreas florestais do Estado.


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In this road-crossing simulation study, we assessed both participant's ability to visually judge whether or not they could cross a road, and their adaptive walking behavior. To this end, participants were presented with a road inside the laboratory on which a bike approached with different velocities from different distances. Eight children aged 5-7, ten children aged 10-12, and ten adults were asked both to verbally judge whether they could cross the road, and to actually walk across the road if possible. The results indicated that the verbal judgments were not similar to judgments to actually cross the road. With respect to safety and accuracy of judgments, groups did not differ from each other, although the youngest group tended to be more cautious. All groups appeared to use a strategy to cross the road based both on the distance and the velocity of the approaching bike. Young children waited longer on the curb before crossing the road than older children and adults. All groups adjusted their crossing time to the time-to-arrival of the bike. These findings are discussed in relation to the ecological psychological approach and the putative dissociation between vision for perception (i.e. verbal judgment) and vision for action (i.e. actual crossing). (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Few studies are available about the effect of alcohol on the epithelium of the urinary bladder. In the present investigation we studied the ultrastructure of the vesical transition epithelium of normal rats and of rats submitted to experimental chronic alcoholism. Adult rats were submitted to experimental chronic alcoholism by the ingestion of sugar cane liquor. The vesical epithelium was examined after 60, 120, 180 and 240 days of alcohol treatment by transmission electron microscopy. Surface cells presented nuclear and cytoplasmic changes and marked cellular desquamation. There was an increase in multivesicular bodies and lysosomes suggesting cell degeneration. Mast cell infiltration was observed, possibly related to increased epithelial sensitivity. Intercellular spaces were frequently observed. The transition epithelium of the urinary bladder was found to be sensitive to the action of alcohol, as demonstrated by the changes in the components of the blood-urine barrier, the greater sensitivity to inflammation, the increase in cell desquamation and the greater recycling of the apical membrane and of the fusiform vesicles of surface cells observed in alcoholic rats.


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Small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs)are involved in trans-splicing processing of pre-mRNA in Trypanosoma cruzi. To clone T. cruzi snRNPs we screened an epimastigote cDNA library with a purified antibody raised against the Sm-binding site of a yeast sequence. A clone was obtained containing a 507 bp-insert with an ORF of 399 bp and coding for a protein of 133 amino acids. Sequence analysis revealed high identity with the L27 ribosomal proteins from different species including: Canis familiaris, Homo sapiens, Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This protein has not been previously described in the literature and seems to be a new ribosomal protein in T. cruzi and was given the code TcrL27. To express this recombinant T. cruzi L27 ribosomal protein in E. coli, the insert was subcloned into the pET32a vector and a 26 kDa recombinant protein was purified. Immunoblotting studies demonstrated that this purified recombinant protein was recognized by the same anti-Sm serum used in the library screening as well as by chagasic and systemic lupus erythemathosus (SLE) sera. Our results suggest that the T. cruzi L27 ribosomal protein may be involved in autoimmunity of Chagas disease.


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With the purpose of enhancing the efficacy of microparticle-encapsulated therapeutic agents, in this study we evaluated the phagocytic ability of rat peritoneal exudate cells and the preferential location of poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles inside these cells. The microparticles used were produced by a solvent evaporation method and were characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Size distribution analysis using DLS and SEM showed that the particles were spherical, with diameters falling between 0.5 and 1.5 mu m. Results from cell adhesion by SEM assay, indicated that the PLGA microparticles are not toxic to cells and do not cause any distinct damage to them as confirmed by the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) assay. Among the large variety of cell populations found in the peritoneal exudates (neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and macrophages), TEM showed that only the latter phagocytosed PLGA microparticles, in a time-dependent manner. The results obtained indicate that the microparticles studied show merits as possible carriers of drugs for intracellular delivery.


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Drosophila sturtevanti from several geographic origins were analyzed for their capacity to intercross and to yield progeny. Mass intercrosses involving laboratory stocks and recently collected strains were fertile, which suggests that the genetic differentiation among these geographically isolated populations did not affect their reproductive patterns sufficiently to lead to reproductive isolation. Analysis of the number of progeny (productivity) in intracrosses and intercrosses was informative as to the amount of variation this feature exhibits in the laboratory stocks and in the recently collected strains. Also laboratory stocks and recently collected flies shared a positive correlation in that the greater the control productivity of a strain the greater the number of its intercrosses which exhibited reduced productivity.


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A highly sensitive amperometric biosensor for determination of carbamate pesticides directly in water, fruit and vegetable samples has been evaluated, electrochemically characterized and optimized. The biosensor strip was fabricated in screen printed technique on a ceramic support using silver-based paste for reference electrode, and platinum-based paste for working and auxiliary electrodes. The working electrode was modified by a layer of carbon paste mixed with cobalt(II) phthalocyanine and acetylcellulose. Cholinesterase (ChE) enzymes with low enzymatic charge were immobilized on this layer. The operational simplicity of the biosensor consists in that a small drop (similar to 50 mu l) of substrate or sample is deposited on a horizontally positioned biosensor strip representing the microelectrochemical cell. The working potential of the biosensor was 370 mV versus Ag/AgI on a ship reference electrode preventing the interference of electroactive species which are oxidable at more positive potentials. The biosensor was applied to investigate the degradation of two reference ChE inhibitors in freeze dried water under different storage conditions and for direct determination of some N-methylcarbamates (NMCs) in fruit and vegetable samples at ppb concentration levels without any sample pretreatment. A comparison of the obtained results for the total carbamate concentration was done against those obtained using HPLC measurements. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: the purpose of this study was to evaluate, by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the effects of Nd:YAG laser irradiation applied perpendicular or parallel to the root canal dentin wall. Methods: Thirty human teeth were divided into two groups: Group A (20 roots), laser application with circular movements, parallel to the dentin root surface; and Group B (10 roots), roots cut longitudinally and laser applied perpendicular to the root surface. Group A was subdivided into A1 (10 roots), laser application with 100 mJ, 15 Hz and 1.5 W; and A2 (10 roots) with 160 mJ, 15 Hz, and 2.4 W. Group B was subdivided into B1 (10 hemisections) and B2 (10 hemi-sections) with parameters similar to A I and A2. Four applications of 7-sec duration were performed, with a total exposure of 28 sec. SEM evaluations were made in the cervical, middle, and apical thirds, with 500X and 2000X magnifications. Morphological changes scores were attributed, and the results were submitted to Kruskal Wallis statistical test (5%). Results: Significant statistical differences were found between groups A and B (p = 0.001). In groups A1 and A2, few areas of dentin melting were observed. In groups B1 and B2, areas of melting dentin covering dentin surface were observed. Conclusions: It was concluded that intracanal laser application with circular movements (parallel to the surface) produces limited morphological changes in root canal dentin wall.