997 resultados para 320-U1334C
Em sistemas agrícolas em que se aplica lodo de esgoto, devem ser consideradas as necessidades de N das plantas e, simultaneamente, evitar a geração de excesso de nitrato, poluente potencial de águas subsuperficiais. Para isso, na determinação das quantidades máximas a serem aplicadas em determinado cultivo, devem-se conhecer algumas propriedades do lodo de esgoto e do solo. Uma delas é a fração de mineralização de compostos nitrogenados orgânicos (FMN) contidos nos resíduos que serão mineralizados durante o ciclo da cultura. Essa quantidade, somada ao N na forma mineral contido no lodo, fornece a quantidade de N do lodo de esgoto que ficará disponível durante a safra. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar se as aplicações anteriores de lodo de esgoto, feitas em um Latossolo, alteram a FMN do resíduo recentemente aplicado. O solo foi previamente tratado, em quatro cultivos sucessivos de milho, com quatro doses e dois tipos de lodo de esgoto, um de origem urbana (Franca, SP) e outro de origem urbano-industrial (Barueri, SP). O experimento de mineralização foi instalado em laboratório, com delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados e três repetições, realizado durante 15 semanas. As doses dos lodos de esgoto estudadas, na quinta aplicação, corresponderam a 160, 320, 640 e 1.280 mg kg-1 de N orgânico. Em sete épocas, foram determinados o pH e os teores de N nas formas amoniacal e nítrica. A FMN foi calculada com os dados obtidos para a mineralização líquida medida 105 dias após o início da incubação. Os comportamentos dos dois tipos de lodo foram similares, com taxa de mineralização inicial elevada. Os teores de amônio mantiveram-se baixos logo após o início da incubação até o final, com aumento linear nos teores de nitrato. Houve maior acúmulo de nitrato para as maiores doses aplicadas. O potencial de mineralização dos tratamentos, estimado pelo modelo exponencial simples, variou entre 58 e 284 mg kg-1 de N. Não houve efeito das quantidades de resíduos previamente aplicadas ao Latossolo sobre a fração de mineralização do N orgânico recentemente aplicado via lodo de esgoto, com confiabilidade de 95 %. Os resultados mostraram que, em reaplicações na mesma área, as doses de lodo de esgoto devem ser menores do que as doses calculadas para aplicação única, devido ao N residual acumulado no solo, tanto na forma orgânica quanto inorgânica.
From data collected during routine TDM, plasma concentrations of citalopram (CIT) and its metabolites demethylcitalopram (DCIT) and didemethylcitalopram (DDCIT) were measured in 345 plasma samples collected in steady-state conditions. They were from 258 patients treated with usual doses (20-60 mg/d) and from patients medicated with 80-360 mg/d CIT. Most patients had one or several comedications, including other antidepressants, antipsychotics, lithium, anticonvulsants, psychostimulants and somatic medications. Dose-corrected CIT plasma concentrations (C/D ratio) were 2.51 +/- 2.25 ng mL-1 mg-1 (n = 258; mean +/- SD). Patients >65 years had significantly higher dose-corrected CIT plasma concentrations (n = 56; 3.08 +/- 1.35 ng mL-1 mg-1) than younger patients (n = 195; 2.35 +/- 2.46 ng mL-1 mg-1) (P = 0.03). CIT plasma concentrations in the generally recommended dose range were [mean +/- SD, (median)]: 57 +/- 64 (45) ng/mL (10-20 mg/d; n = 64), 117 +/- 95 (91) ng/mL (21-60 mg/d; n = 96). At higher than usual doses, the following concentrations of CIT were measured: 61-120 mg/d CIT, 211 +/- 103 (190) ng/mL (n = 93); 121-200 mg/d: 339 +/- 143 (322) ng/mL (n = 70); 201-280 mg/d: 700 +/- 408 (565) ng/mL (n = 18); 281-360 mg/d: 888 +/- 620 (616) ng/mL (n = 4). When only one sample per patient (at the highest daily dose if repeated dosages) is considered, there is a linear and significant correlation (n = 48, r = 0.730; P < 0.001) between daily dose (10-200 mg/d) and CIT plasma concentrations. In experiments with dogs, DDCIT was reported to affect the QT interval when present at concentrations >300 ng/mL. In this study, DDCIT concentration reached 100 ng/mL in a patient treated with 280 mg/d CIT. Twelve other patients treated with 140-320 mg/d CIT had plasma concentrations of DDCIT within the range 52-73 ng/mL. In a subgroup comprised of patients treated with > or =160 mg/d CIT and with CIT plasma concentrations < or =300 ng/mL, and patients treated with < or =200 mg/d CIT and CIT plasma concentrations > or = 600 ng/mL, the enantiomers of CIT and DCIT were also analyzed. The highest S-CIT concentration measured in this subgroup was 327 ng/mL in a patient treated with 140 mg/d CIT, but the highest S-CIT concentration (632 ng/mL) was measured in patient treated with 360 mg/d CIT. In conclusion, there is a highly linear correlation between CIT plasma concentrations and CIT doses, well above the usual dose range.
The potential ecological impact of ongoing climate change has been much discussed. High mountain ecosystems were identified early on as potentially very sensitive areas. Scenarios of upward species movement and vegetation shift are commonly discussed in the literature. Mountains being characteristically conic in shape, impact scenarios usually assume that a smaller surface area will be available as species move up. However, as the frequency distribution of additional physiographic factors (e.g., slope angle) changes with increasing elevation (e.g., with few gentle slopes available at higher elevation), species migrating upslope may encounter increasingly unsuitable conditions. As a result, many species could suffer severe reduction of their habitat surface, which could in turn affect patterns of biodiversity. In this paper, results from static plant distribution modeling are used to derive climate change impact scenarios in a high mountain environment. Models are adjusted with presence/absence of species. Environmental predictors used are: annual mean air temperature, slope, indices of topographic position, geology, rock cover, modeled permafrost and several indices of solar radiation and snow cover duration. Potential Habitat Distribution maps were drawn for 62 higher plant species, from which three separate climate change impact scenarios were derived. These scenarios show a great range of response, depending on the species and the degree of warming. Alpine species would be at greatest risk of local extinction, whereas species with a large elevation range would run the lowest risk. Limitations of the models and scenarios are further discussed.
Resposta do abacaxizeiro 'Vitória' a doses de nitrogênio em solos de tabuleiros costeiros da Paraíba
Apesar de importantes, são bastante escassas as informações sobre adubação e nutrição mineral de cultivares de abacaxi resistentes à fusariose. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta do abacaxizeiro 'Vitória', em termos de nutrição mineral, produção e qualidade, à aplicação de doses crescentes de N, em Espodossolo Humilúvico da região de Tabuleiros Costeiros, Estado da Paraíba. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos, correspondente às doses de 100, 200, 300, 500 e 600 kg ha-1 de N (ureia aos 60, 180 e 270 dias após o plantio), e três repetições. Avaliaram-se o comprimento, a matéria fresca da folha 'D' e os teores de N, P e K nas porções clorofilada e aclorofilada aos 300 e 420 dap; e peso médio, produtividade, atributos físicos (peso, comprimento e diâmetro mediano de infrutescências; peso e comprimento de coroa) e químicos (pH, sólidos solúveis - SS, acidez titulável - AT e relação SS/AT) de infrutescências na colheita. A elevação da dose de N aumentou linearmente os valores de comprimento e matéria fresca da folha 'D'. O aumento das doses promoveu também elevação dos teores de N e diminuição dos de P e K da porção clorofilada aos 300 dap, sem alterar, entretanto, os teores desses nutrientes aos 420 dap. Na porção aclorofilada, a elevação das doses de N aumentou os teores de K aos 320 dap, mas diminuiu-os aos 420 dap. Os valores de peso de infrutescências e de produtividade aumentaram com a elevação das doses de N, estimando-se valores máximos de 1,0 kg e 37,9 t ha-1, com doses de 409,0 e 439,0 kg ha-1 de N, respectivamente. As doses de N não alteraram os atributos de qualidade das infrutescências, as quais se mostraram compatíveis com as características descritas para a cultivar.
Quality control (QuaCo) in urology is mandatory to standardize or even increase the level of care. While QuaCo is undertaken at every step in the clinical pathway, it should focus on the patient's comorbidities and on the urologist and its complication rate. Resulting from political and economical pressures, comparing QuaCo and outcomes between urologists and institutions is nowadays often performed. However, careful interpretation of these comparisons is mandatory to avoid potential discriminations. Indeed, the reader has to make sure that patients groups and surgical techniques are comparable, definitions of complications are similar, classification of complications is standardized, and finally that the methodology in collecting data is irreproachable.
The species Salix x rubens is being grown on the Southern Plateau of Santa Catarina since the 1940s, but so far the soil fertility requirements of the crop have not been assessed. This study is the first to evaluate the production profile of willow plantations in this region, based on the modified method of Summer & Farina (1986), for the recommendation of fertility levels for willow. By this method, based on the law of Minimum and of Maximum for willow production for the conditions on the Southern Plateau of Santa Catarina, the following ranges could be recommended: pH: 5.0-6.5; P: 12-89 mg dm-3; Mg: 3.2-7.5 mg; Zn: 5.0-8.3 mg dm-3; Cu: 0.8-4.6 mg dm-3; and Mn; 20-164 mg dm-3. The Ca/Mg ratio should be between 1.2 and 2.9. For K and Ca only the lower (sufficiency level), but not the upper threshold (excess) was established, with respectively 114 mg dm-3 and 5.3 cmol c dm-3. It was also possible to determine the upper threshold for Al and the Al/Ca ratio, i.e., 1.7 cmol c dm-3 and 0.28, respectively. For maximum yields, the clay in the soil surface layer should be below 320 g dm-3.
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Studies of soil-water dynamics using toposequences are essential to improve the understanding of soil-water-vegetation relationships. This study assessed the hydro-physical and morphological characteristics of soils of Atlantic Rainforest in the Parque Estadual de Carlos Botelho, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The study area of 10.24 ha (320 x 320 m) was covered by dense tropical rainforest (Atlantic Rainforest). Based on soil maps and topographic maps of the area, a representative transect of the soil in this plot was chosen and five soil trenches were opened to determine morphological properties. To evaluate the soil hydro-physical functioning, soil particle size distribution, bulk density (r), particle density (r s), soil water retention curves (SWRC), field saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), macroporosity (macro), and microporosity (micro) and total porosity (TP) were determined. Undisturbed samples were collected for micromorphometric image analysis, to determine pore size, shape, and connectivity. The soils in the study area were predominantly Inceptisols, and secondly Entisols and Epiaquic Haplustult. In the soil hydro-physical characterization of the selected transect, a change was observed in Ks between the surface and subsurface layers, from high/intermediate to intermediate/low permeability. This variation in soil-water dynamics was also observed in the SWRC, with higher water retention in the subsurface horizons. The soil hydro-physical behavior was influenced by the morphogenetic characteristics of the soils.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és mostrar quins són els rèdits dramàtics de la inclusió de la referència a la deessa Diana a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof de Tennessee Williams. En opinió del autor, no es tracta simplement d'una referència significativa, sinó que l'anàlisi acurada del text de Williams demostra que és un element vertaderament nuclear i cohesionador de tot el drama.
Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is a tree species native to the subtropical regions of South America, and is found in Brazil predominantly in the southern region. Despite the historical importance in this region, so far, studies on crop nutrition to improve yields are scarce. Thus, this study evaluated the effect of potassium rates on K soil availability, and the yield and nutritional status of yerba mate. The experiment was conducted in São Mateus do Sul, State of Paraná, on a Humox soil, where K2O rates of 0, 20, 40, 80, 160, and 320 kg ha-1 were tested on 7-year-old plantations. The experiment was harvested 24 months after installation by removing approximately 95 % of the canopy that had sprouted from the previous harvest. The soil was evaluated for K availability in the layers 0-10, 0-20, 10-20, and 20-40 cm. The plant parts leaf fresh matter (LM), twigs (TW), thick branches (BR) and commercial yerba mate (COYM), i.e., LM+TW, were analyzed. In addition, the relationship between fresh matter/dry matter (FM/DM) and K concentration in LM, AG and BR were evaluated. The fertilization increased K availability in all evaluated soil layers, indicating good mobility of the nutrient even at low rates. Yerba mate responded positively to increasing K2O rates with higher yields of all harvested components. The crop proved K-demanding, with a maximum COYM yield of 28.5 t ha-1, when 72 mg dm-3 K was available in the 0-20 cm layer. Yerba mate in the plant production stage requires soil K availability at medium to high level; in clayey soil with low K availability, a rate of 300 kg ha-1 K2O should be applied at 24 month intervals to obtain high yields. A leaf K concentration of 16.0 g ha-1 is suitable for yerba mate in the growth stage.
A newly released study shows that the prevalence of mental health and substance abuse disorders among Iowa’s inmate population is even higher than earlier findings indicated. Using the MINI-Plus assessment tool, University of Iowa researchers screened a randomly selected group of 320 incoming nonviolent offenders at IMCC from 2005 to 2007. DOC’s Director of Mental Health Services, Dr. Bruce Sieleni, participated in the study.
A 15-year-old boy was admitted for vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, crampy abdominal pain and oliguria. A renal failure was diagnosed (creatinine 2523 μmol/, urea 53,1 mmol/l) with severe aregenerative anemia (80 g/l), metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia, elevated inflammatory markers and normal platelet count. A nephrotic proteinuria was noticed (350 g/mol). Patient's creatinine was normal 4 months before. The diagnosis of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis was suspected. C3 and C4 were normal, ANA and ANCA were negative; anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody (anti-GBM) was positive (1/320) which lead to the diagnosis of Goodpasture's disease. Chest X-ray showed bilateral hilar infiltration and CT-scan revealed multiple alveolar haemorrhages, confirmed by broncho-alveolar lavage. Renal ultrasound showed swollen and hyperechogenous kidneys with loss of corticomedullary differentiation. Renal biopsy revealed a global extracapillary necrotising glomerulonephritis, with IgG lining the membrane at immunofluorescence. The patient was treated with continuous venovenous hemodia- filtration, plasmapheresis and immunosuppressive therapy (cyclophosphamid and corticoids) which lead to normalisation of anti-GBM level and favourable respiratory evolution with no sequelae. The renal evolution was unfavourable and the patient developed end stage renal disease and was treated with haemodialysis. Goodpasture's disease is an autoimmune process in which anti-GBM are produced against collagen IV present in the kidneys and pulmonary alveolae, resulting in acute or rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis and altering the pulmonary alveolae. It is a rare disease concerning mostly infants and young adults. Clinical presentation consists in an acute renal failure with proteinuria. Pulmonary symptoms (60-70% of the total cases) are dyspnea, cough, and haemoptysis. Diagnosis is made with the dosage of immunological anti-GBM and with renal biopsy. Factors of poor prognosis are initial oliguria, alteration of >50% of the glomerulus, very high creatinine or need of dialysis. Anti-GBM dosage is used for follow up. Patients are treated with immunosuppressive therapy for 6 to 9 months and plasmapheresis. Few recurrences are seen. Goodpasture's disease should be evoqued whenever a young patient is seen with glomerulonephritis, especially if pulmonary abnormalities are present. The disease requires an aggressive treatment in order to prevent respiratory and kidney failure.
The magnetic properties of BaFe12O19 and BaFe10.2Sn0.74Co0.66O19 single crystals have been investigated in the temperature range (1.8 to 320 K) with a varying field from -5 to +5 T applied parallel and perpendicular to the c axis. Low-temperature magnetic relaxation, which is ascribed to the domain-wall motion, was performed between 1.8 and 15 K. The relaxation of magnetization exhibits a linear dependence on logarithmic time. The magnetic viscosity extracted from the relaxation data, decreases linearly as temperature goes down, which may correspond to the thermal depinning of domain walls. Below 2.5 K, the viscosity begins to deviate from the linear dependence on temperature, tending to be temperature independent. The near temperature independence of viscosity suggests the existence of quantum tunneling of antiferromagnetic domain wall in this temperature range.