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The economic loss caused by the storm surge disasters is much higher than that caused by any other marine disaster in China, the loss from the severe storm surge disaster being the highest. Statistics show that there were 62 typhoon landings over the east-southeast coast of China since 1990, three of which, occurring in 1992, 1994 and 1997, respectively, caused the most severe damage. The direct economic losses due to these events are 9.3, 17.0 and 30 billion yuan (RMB, or about 1.7, 2.6 and 3.8 billion USD, respectively), which is much greater than the loss of 5.5 billion yuan (RMB) on an average every year during the 1989-1991 period. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the damage caused by the three events and presents an overview of progress of precautions against storm surge disaster in China. The suggested counter measures to mitigate the loss from the severe storm surge disasters in China is as follows: (1) Raise the whole society awareness of precaution against severe storm surge disaster; (2) Work out a new plan for building sea walls; (3) Improve and perfect the available warning and disaster relief command system; (4) Develop the insurance service in order to promptly mitigate the loss caused by severe storm surge disaster event.
本论文的主要实验测量工作可分为古地磁学与地球化学二大部分。在古地磁学方面。对JX91-2A(168),JX91-2B(80),JX91-3A(66)和JX91-3B(137)共451个样品进行了天然剩磁(NRM)及交变退磁测量,还进行了磁化率及磁化率各向异性的测量。对JX91-2A,JX91-2B和JX91-3A开展了岩石磁学研究,测量了非粘滞性剩磁(ARM),等温剩磁(ARM),饱和等温剩磁(FIRM)以及个别样品的FIRM衰减曲线,对JX91-3B求出了中间破坏强度(MDF)。在地球化学方面,对JX91-2A(79),JX91-3B(67),JX91-3m(50)和JX91-4G(27)共223个样品进行了X光萤光(XRF)分析。包括10种主要元素及21种向量元素,以及X光衍射(XRD)分析。还对JX91-2A进行了有机碳、微体古生物学及稳定碳氧同位素分析;对JX-91-3B进行了~(210)Pb 测量。另外还对此四岩芯测定了含水量及粒度分布等。所有实验数据都用计算机进行了分析处理,并做了广泛的多学科综合对比研究。在充分借鉴前人成果的基础上,本论文就以下四个方面的问题得到了一点新的认识。一、渤海黄河口外的浊流系统及浅水浊流沉积。这一浊流系统的存在具有多方面的证据。二、渤海沉积物的高精度年代学。对于渤海中央盆地沉积物主要采用了全新世以来的海平面变化曲线及古地磁场强度曲线确定年代,定出JX91-2A底部年代为距今8,500年。三、古地磁记录改正方法及渤海地区古地磁长期变样本曲线的建立。四、渤海古环境综合分析及黄河全新世以来的河道变迁。
鱼类细胞培养已成为鱼类病毒学、肿瘤学、毒理学、遗传学和免疫学等研究的重要手段。本文首先从形态、蛋白质(同工酶)和DNA(RAPD分析)三个层次水平对牙鲆鳃细胞系FG、鲈鱼心脏细胞系SPH和真鲷鳍细胞系RSBF的特性进行了分析,并分别与其所对应的原代培养组织作了比较。形态、蛋白质和DNA分析的结果表明:(1) 三株海水鱼细胞系的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)酶谱彼此明显不同,可作为对它们进行种属鉴定和交叉污染鉴别的有效遗传标记;(2)与所对应的原代培养组织的LDH酶谱相比,细胞系FG的LDH酶谱维持不变,而细胞系SPH和FRSBF的LFH酶酶谱变化较大;(3)与所对应的原代培养细胞的形态相比,细胞系FG的细胞形态没有明显改变,而细胞系SPH和RSBF的细胞形态则发生了明显改变;(4)60个DNA随机引物对三株细胞系及其原代培养组织的RAPD分析表明,有35-48%的引物在细胞系及其原代培养组织之间产生完全相同的RAPD指纹,为这三株细胞系种属来源的鉴别奠定了基础,另有27-32%的引物在细胞系及其原代培养组织之间产生不同的RAPD指纹,表明这三株细胞系中发生了遗传变异;(5)FG、SPH和RSBF三株细胞系与其所来源鱼类个体间的总遗传相似性指数大小为0.825-0.851,这表明了它们之间的同源性,同时为我们采用RAPD技术对其它细胞系进行种属鉴定提供了可供参考的实验数据;(6)筛选得到四个随机引物S-91、S-223、S-228和S-237,分别可参在这三株海水鱼细胞系中扩增得到特异性的彼此明显不同的RAPD指纹,这些特异性RAPD指纹在各细胞系与其原代培养组织之间,以及在细胞系的传代培养过程中是稳定的,因而这四个引物对于这三株细胞系的种属鉴定、交叉污染检测以及监测它们与其来源鱼类个体之间的遗传变异将非常有用。其次,170代以后的FG细胞发生了自发性肿瘤转化,具有了在细胞单层上聚集生长和堆积生长的能力,本文对转化前后细胞的形态、贴壁依赖性(软琼脂克隆形成实验)和遗传物质稳定性(RAPD分析)进行分析的结果表明:FG细胞失去接触抑制和生长的密主抑制,获得在细胞单层上聚集生长和堆积生长能力的同时,也获得了在软琼脂中生的能力(8-14个克隆/10~6个接种细胞);RAPD分析表明,转化前后FG细胞的RAPD指纹发生了明显的变异。因此,FG细胞的自发性肿瘤转化也如哺乳动物细胞一样,包括一系列不断进行的细胞学和遗传学变化,并最终导致其基因组DNA的遗传变异。最后,本文分析了聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)和氯化镍在RSBF细胞中的细胞毒性和基因毒性,结果表明:鱼类细胞系RSBF可作为一个有效的检测水环境中污染的细胞毒性和基因性效应的效应的筛选系统;RAPD分析可作为一个灵敏的非专一性的基因毒性检测终点;PEI对RSBF细胞的高细胞毒性和基因毒性表明,我们在利用PEI作基因载体进行人类基因冶疗和进行鱼类转基因实验时要格外慎重;镍及其化合物可能是导致鱼类肿瘤性疾病的原因之一。
Two different stocks (A and B) of the bay scallop Argopecten irradialls irradians (Lamarck, 1819) were used to test mass selection on growth. Stock A was a descending stock from the initial introduction from U.S.A. in 1982, which had been cultured in China for about 20 years. Stock B was the third generation from a recent introduction from U.S.A. in 1999. Truncation selection was conducted by selecting the largest 11% scallops in shell length from Stock A and the largest 12.7% scallops from Stock B as parents for the respective selected groups. Before the removal of parents for truncation selection, equal numbers of scallops were randomly chosen from Stock A and B to serve as parents for the control groups. Offspring from the four groups were reared under the same hatchery, nursery, and grow-out conditions. Values of response to selection and realized heritability at larvae, spat and grow-out stages for Stock B were all significantly (P < 0.001) higher than its counterpart for Stock A. For Stock A, no significant response to selection was observed (P > 0.05) at any stage, and the realized heritability for shell length was 0.015 +/- 0.024 for larvae, 0.040 +/- 0.027 for spat, and 0.080 +/- 0.009 for grow-out, respectively. For Stock B, however, significant (P < 0.05) response to selection was observed, and the realized heritability for shell length was 0.511 +/- 0.010 for larvae, 0.341 +/- 0.022 for spat, and 0.338 +/- 0.015 for grow-out. On average, responses to selection at the three stages for Stock B was 30 x, 7.1 x, and 3 x higher than its counterpart for Stock A, respectively. Accordingly, realized heritability at above stages for Stock B was 33 X, 7.5 x, and 3.2 X higher than its counterpart for Stock A, respectively. Differences in response to selection and realized heritability between the two stocks are presumably due to differences in genetic variability. As the 20th generation from the initial introduction consisted of only 26 scallops, Stock A is known to be highly inbred, while inbreeding in Stock B is negligible. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An impedimetric immunosensor was fabricated for rapid and non-labeled detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, Desulforibrio caledoiensis (SRB) by immobilizing lectin-Concanavalin A using an agglutination assay. The immobilization of lectin was conducted using amine coupling on the surface of a gold (Au) electrode assembled with 11-Mercaptounclecanoic acid. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to verify the stepwise assembly of the sensor system. The work conditions of the impedimetric immunosensor, such as pH of the buffer solutions and the incubation time of lectin, were optimized. Faradic impedance spectra for charge transfer for the redox probe Fe(CN)(6)(3-/4-) were measured to determine SRB concentrations. The diameter of the Nyquist diagram that is equal to the charge-transfer resistance (RI) increased with increasing SRB concentration. A linear relationship between R-ct and SRB concentration was obtained in SRB concentration range of 1.8 to 1.8 x 10(7) cfu/ml. The variation of the SRB population during the growth process was also monitored using the impedimetric immunosensor. This approach has great potential for simple, low-cost. and time-saving monitoring of microbial populations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2007年5-9月在青海湖北岸的高寒草甸草原,定位研究天然草地地下、地上和总生物量的变化动态。结果表明:青海湖北岸高寒草甸草原天然牧草地上生物量有明显的季节变化,在生长季呈单峰曲线,生育初期地上生物量最小,8月中旬达到最大值,为223.0 g/m2;地下生物量空间分布为倒金字塔型,010 cm层地下生物量占地下生物总量的65%,010、1020和2040 cm层牧草地下生物量在5-9月均表现为"N"型变化规律;地下生物量周转值为0.45;在生长期内地下生物量的积累远远大于地上生物量的积累,地下生物量峰值也比地上生物量峰值提前;群落根冠比先降后升,平均值为16.1。
本论文以青藏高原东北部海北地区高寒灌丛(Alpine Shrub)生态系统为研究对象,利用微气象观测系统及涡度相关(Eddy Covariance)技术,自2003年1月1日至2005年12月31日对该类广布于青藏高原的典型高寒草地类型进行长期连续观测。在对生态系统CO2净交换(NEE)以及群落叶面积指数(LAI)、生物量等生物学指标和光合有效辐射(PAR)、温度、土壤水分、脉冲性降水事件等主要环境因子进行连续监测的基础上,重点分析和探讨了海北地区高寒灌丛生态系统净生态系统CO2交换(NEE)在时、日、月及年际尺度上的变化模式,生长季与非生长季高寒灌丛生态系统CO2净交换特征,高寒灌丛生态系统大气CO2源/汇年际差异,土壤温度、昼夜温差、光合有效辐射、脉冲性降水事件等主要环境因子影响。从而,揭示了不同时间尺度下的高寒灌丛生态系统NEE变化规律,阐明主要环境因子对生态系统NEE的影响,明确了该生态系统大气CO2源/汇状况及其季节分布模式;同时,也为青藏高原区域尺度的高寒草地生态系统CO2通量研究和碳收支的估算提供科学依据和基础数据,对进一步揭示我国乃至亚洲陆地生态系统的碳收支状况有着重要意义。主要研究结果概括为以下几个方面: 1、海北地区高寒灌丛生态系统净生态系统CO2交换时动态特征存在很大的季节性差异,暖季小时NEE变化振幅大,CO2净吸收的极值一般出现在午间,最大吸收量为1.7 g CO2 m-2 h-1左右。夜间为CO2净释放,净生态系统交换值较为稳定(0.5~ 0.9 g CO2 m-2 h-1);冷季日变化振幅极小,除14:00~18:00时一定量CO2释放外,其余时段通量均很小。 2、从日平均净生态系统CO2交换来看,6~9月日平均NEE一般为负值(CO2净吸收),2003~2005年6~9 月间日平均NEE分别为-5.65 g CO2 m-2 d-1、-6.08 g CO2 m-2 d-1和-4.81 g CO2 m-2 d-1;而10~12月及翌年1~5月期间日平均NEE通常为正值(CO2净释放),该时段3年高寒灌丛日平均净生态系统CO2交换分别为1.91 g CO2 m-2 d-1、1.90 g CO2 m-2 d-1和2.19 g CO2 m-2 d-1。2003~2004年高寒灌丛生态系统CO2净释放维持天数分别为249 d、 254 d和264 d,2003年净释放维持天数最少,而净吸收维持天数2005年最少(101d)。2003、2004和2005年全年日平均CO2净吸收分别为0.611 g CO2 m-2 d-1、0.759 g CO2 m-2 d-1和0.167 g CO2 m-2 d-1。 3、就季节差异而言,2003、2004和2005年整个生长季节高寒灌丛平均CO2日净生态系统交换分别为-3.99 g CO2 m-2 d-1、-4.59 g CO2 m-2 d-1、-3.27 g CO2 m-2 d-1。7、8月生长季节CO2净吸收的最高,2003、2004、2005年7月和8月份高寒灌丛生态系统CO2净吸收分别为222 g CO2 m-2 和224 g CO2 m-2、355 g CO2 m-2和216 g CO2 m-2、263 g CO2 m-2和186 g CO2 m-2。在相对短暂的生长季节海北地区高寒灌丛生态系统表现出显著的大气CO2净吸收能力,2003、2004和2005年生长季节高寒灌丛生态系统CO2净吸收量分别为610 g CO2 m-2、701 g CO2 m-2和500 g CO2 m-2。相对于温度等环境因子,高寒灌丛生态系统生长季白昼NEE小时变化规律更受光合有效辐射变化的影响。 4、2003~2005年非生长季节日平均NEE分别为1.83 g CO2 m-2、2.01 g CO2 m-2和2.07 g CO2 m-2。4月和10月是非生长季节CO2净释放的最高月份,2003、2004和2005年全月净释放量为105 g CO2 m-2和77 g CO2 m-2、105 g CO2 m-2和117 g CO2 m-2及105 g CO2 m-2和138 g CO2 m-2,2003~2005年整个非生长季CO2净释放分别为CO2为388 g CO2 m-2、425 g CO2 m-2和439 g CO2 m-2。非生长季节海北地区高寒灌丛生态系统NEE小时变化与5 cm土壤温度存在极显著的正相关关联,表明在非生长季节土壤温度是影响青藏高原高寒灌丛生态系统NEE的重要环境因子。 5、从生态系统CO2源/汇特征来看,海北地区高寒灌丛生态系统2003、2004和2005年全年净CO2固定总量分别为223 g CO2 m-2 a-1、277 g CO2 m-2 a-1和61 g CO2 m-2 a-1,3年平均CO2值为187 g CO2 m-2 a-1。在为期3年的研究时段海北地区高寒灌丛生态系统表现为弱的大气二氧化碳的汇。 6、高寒灌丛群落表观光合量子产额(a)和表观最大光合速率(Pmax)受叶面积指数的影响。在6~9月份期间,由于LAI的不同,a和Pmax值差异明显,7、8月份较高而6月和9月明显较低。海北地区高寒灌丛生态系统a和Pmax值高于西藏当雄地区高寒草甸生态系统,但低于平原地区相关生态系统。 维持天数2005年最少(101d)。2003、2004和2005年全年日平均CO2净吸收分别为0.611 g CO2 m-2 d-1、0.759 g CO2 m-2 d-1和0.167 g CO2 m-2 d-1。 3、就季节差异而言,2003、2004和2005年整个生长季节高寒灌丛平均CO2日净生态系统交换分别为-3.99 g CO2 m-2 d-1、-4.59 g CO2 m-2 d-1、-3.27 g CO2 m-2 d-1。7、8月生长季节CO2净吸收的最高,2003、2004、2005年7月和8月份高寒灌丛生态系统CO2净吸收分别为222 g CO2 m-2 和224 g CO2 m-2、355 g CO2 m-2和216 g CO2 m-2、263 g CO2 m-2和186 g CO2 m-2。在相对短暂的生长季节海北地区高寒灌丛生态系统表现出显著的大气CO2净吸收能力,2003、2004和2005年生长季节高寒灌丛生态系统CO2净吸收量分别为610 g CO2 m-2、701 g CO2 m-2和500 g CO2 m-2。相对于温度等环境因子,高寒灌丛生态系统生长季白昼NEE小时变化规律更受光合有效辐射变化的影响。 4、2003~2005年非生长季节日平均NEE分别为1.83 g CO2 m-2、2.01 g CO2 m-2和2.07 g CO2 m-2。4月和10月是非生长季节CO2净释放的最高月份,2003、2004和2005年全月净释放量为105 g CO2 m-2和77 g CO2 m-2、105 g CO2 m-2和117 g CO2 m-2及105 g CO2 m-2和138 g CO2 m-2,2003~2005年整个非生长季CO2净释放分别为CO2为388 g CO2 m-2、425 g CO2 m-2和439 g CO2 m-2。非生长季节海北地区高寒灌丛生态系统NEE小时变化与5 cm土壤温度存在极显著的正相关关联,表明在非生长季节土壤温度是影响青藏高原高寒灌丛生态系统NEE的重要环境因子。 5、从生态系统CO2源/汇特征来看,海北地区高寒灌丛生态系统2003、2004和2005年全年净CO2固定总量分别为223 g CO2 m-2 a-1、277 g CO2 m-2 a-1和61 g CO2 m-2 a-1,3年平均CO2值为187 g CO2 m-2 a-1。在为期3年的研究时段海北地区高寒灌丛生态系统表现为弱的大气二氧化碳的汇。 6、高寒灌丛群落表观光合量子产额(a)和表观最大光合速率(Pmax)受叶面积指数的影响。在6~9月份期间,由于LAI的不同,a和Pmax值差异明显,7、8月份较高而6月和9月明显较低。海北地区高寒灌丛生态系统a和Pmax值高于西藏当雄地区高寒草甸生态系统,但低于平原地区相关生态系统。
卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区是世界著名的荒漠有蹄类自然保护区, 区内有蒙古野驴(E. hemionus)、鹅喉羚(G. subgutturosa)、盘羊(Ovis ammon)以及近期野放的普氏野马(E. przewalski)。经过多年有效保护和管理,区内蒙古野驴及鹅喉羚种群得到恢复并有较大增长。从2006年开始,我们在该保护区开展了蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚的食性构成、社群结构、种群密度、卧息及采食生境利用、季节性栖息地利用等方面的研究。主要结果如下: 采用粪样显微分析技术研究了蒙古野驴、鹅喉羚与家羊、家马和家骆驼3种家养动物春季、秋季和冬季食性组成及食物生态位。结果发现:(1) 该区域的蒙古野驴、鹅喉羚和家畜所采食的植物科数和种数都不相同,针茅、驼绒藜、蒿和梭梭在各自食谱中所占的比例不同, 但蒙古野驴、鹅喉羚和家畜主要采食针茅、驼绒藜、蒿和梭梭;(2) 春季、秋季和冬季这些野生与家养草食动物两两之间的食物生态位重叠均在0.8以上,最低为0.832(冬季:鹅喉羚和家马),最高达到0.986(秋季:蒙古野驴和家羊;秋季:家马和家羊)。五种有蹄类之间的食物生态位重叠度也达到了0.3以上。表明在卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区,上述野生动物及季节性进入该自然保护区的家畜之间均存在食物竞争。冬季积雪深,食物短缺, 荒漠有蹄类易因冻饿及疾病等造成死亡。因此,应采取限制秋冬季进入该自然保护区家畜数量及调整放牧区域等保护管理措施,对该区域荒漠有蹄类实施有效保护。 对蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚的集群行为进行了初步研究。将鹅喉羚或蒙古野驴集群划分为雌性群、雄性群、母仔群、雌雄混群和独羚或独驴5种类型。共统计蒙古野驴556群次,计8235匹次。其中,雌雄混群223群次, 占40%, 为最多的集群类型;其余为雄性群(24%)、独驴(19%)、雌性群(11%)和母仔群(6% )。不同集群大小的比例差异极显著 (P=0.000)。其中2-30匹的集群占69%,独驴占18%,其余为13%。最大集群为266匹。除独驴外,其余4种集群类型的集群大小存在极显著差异。独驴作为一种特殊的集群类型,其占雄性个体的比例达63%,说明雄性个体比雌性更容易形成独驴。观察记录到鹅喉羚1286群次,计9148只次。其中,雌雄混群459群次, 占35%,为最多的集群类型;其余为独羚(18%)、母仔群(18%)、雄性群(17%)和雌性群(12%)。不同大小集群的比例差异极显著(P=0.000),其中2一15头的集群占73%, 16头以上集群占42%,独羚仅占3%,不同集群大小差异也极为显著(P=0.000)。除独羚外,其余4种集群类型的集群大小存在极显著差异。独羚作为一种特殊的集群类型,其雌性个体的比例占到55%,因此, 不能说明雄性比雌性更容易形成独羚。 分四个季节采用截线取样法,用DISTANCE5.0估计了蒙古野驴、鹅喉羚的密度和遇见率。根据DISTANCE5.0计算,该区域春季蒙古野驴种群密度为0.55±0.14匹/km2 (平均数±标准差,下同),夏季为0.60±0.13匹/km2,秋季为0.78±0.19匹/km2和冬季为0.54±0.14匹/km2。春季、夏季、秋季和冬季的鹅喉羚种群密度分别为1.14± 0.18头/km2,0.95±0.12头/km2,1.08±0.18头/km2和1.54±0.31头/km2。将这些结果与本区域不同时期及不同地域的蒙古野驴、鹅喉羚密度和遇见率数据进行了比较对比。截线取样法为研究干旱地区的有蹄类动物提供了一种标准方法,本研究结果为卡拉麦里自然保护区蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚的长期监测提供了基础数据。 采用样方法研究了鹅喉羚夏季和冬季卧息生境选择。夏季测定了49个卧迹样方,36个对照样方;冬季测定了75个卧迹样方,75个对照样方。研究发现,春季鹅喉羚主要选择平滩、下坡位和无坡位、海拔高度910米以上、与水源距离较远、远离道路、远离居民点、隐蔽级高、中低植被密度和中高草本密度的区域作为卧息生境;而冬季则主要选择山坡、阳坡和半阴半阳坡、中上坡位和下坡位、海拔900~1000m范围、离道路501~1000m以及大于2000m的距离、靠近居民点、中低隐蔽级、中厚度(1.1-3cm)雪深、中高植被密度和中高草本密度的区域作为卧息生境。主成分分析表明,卡拉麦里山鹅喉羚夏季季卧息样方前4个主成分的累积贡献率达到86.57%,第1主成分主要反映卧迹样方的植物密度、草本密度、针茅密度、至最近居民点距离、至永久水源最近距离和海拔。冬季该区域鹅喉羚卧息样方前4个主成分的累积贡献率达到73.88%,第1主成分主要反映卧迹样方的植物密度、草本密度、针茅密度和坡度。 通过设立样方研究了蒙古野驴的采食生境。研究发现,夏季和秋季两个季节蒙古野驴主要在平滩和山沟采食。集中在无坡向的平滩、1001m以上的海拔高度、与水源距离较近、远离道路、远离矿区等人类活动点、植被盖度高、草本盖度高、植物多样性高、草本多样性高(P<0.05)的区域采食。主成分分析表明,夏季影响蒙古野驴采食生境选择的环境因子是植物盖度、草本盖度、针茅盖度、植物密度、草本密度、针茅密度、植物种类、草本种类和禾本科种类。秋季影响蒙古野驴采食生境选择的环境因子是海拔、植物盖度、草本盖度、针茅盖度、植物密度、草本密度、针茅密度、植物种类、草本种类和禾本科种类。 利用卡山保护区不同季节野外种群调查数据,以3S技术为手段,评价了蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚季节性栖息地适宜性。首先把各季节蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚分布点图层,分别和固定水源点图层、道路图层、固定冬牧点图层和矿点图层进行叠加和距离查询,用Vanderploeg & Scavia’s选择指数(Ei*)分析了蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚季节性栖息地选择及其主要影响因素,建立了固定水源点、植被、道路、固定冬牧点和矿点对蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚栖息地影响强度的评价标准。通过缓冲区分析,分别研究了固定水源点、道路、固定冬牧点、矿点对蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚季节性栖息地的影响。通过缓冲区分析,综合研究了与人类活动有关的道路、固定冬牧点和矿点因子对蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚季节性栖息地的影响。最后将固定水源点、植被、道路、固定冬牧点和矿点等5个因子结合起来通过地图综合查询研究分析了这些因子对蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚季节性栖息地的综合影响,在固定水源点较适宜以上范围给出了该保护区蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚季节性不同适宜等级的生境面积。 我们建议采取以下积极措施来保护卡山保护区荒漠生态系统多样性以有效保护该区域内栖息的蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚:提高保护区周边社区政府的认识,提高公众参与自然资源和生物多样性保护的意识;加强水源地建设,积极采取飞播等措施,恢复植被,提高栖息生境质量;逐步限制进入卡拉麦里山越冬渡春的家畜数量;严格进入卡山保护区采矿制度,取缔非法矿业;加强草原围栏生态通道建设;与蒙古国合作建立跨国界的国际自然保护区;建立卡山自然保护区自然资源有偿使用机制;开展长期蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚种群监测。
As an important part of petroleum exploration areas in the west of China, the north part of Qaidam basin is very promising in making great progress for petroleum discovery. But there are still many obstacles to overcome in understanding the process of petroleum formation and evaluation of oil & gas potential because of the complexity of geological evolution in the study area. Based upon the petroleum system theory, the process of petroleum formation is analyzed and the potential of oil & gas is evaluated in different petroleum systems by means of the modeling approach. The geological background for the formation of petroleum systems and the consisting elements of petroleum systems are described in detail. The thickness of strata eroded is estimated by means of vitrinite reflectance modeling, compaction parameter calculating and thickness extrapolating. The buried histories are reconstructed using the transient compaction model, which combines of forward and reverse modeling. The geo-history evolution consists of four stages - sedimentation in different rates with different areas and slow subsidence during Jurassic, uplifting and erosion during Cretaceous, fast subsidence during the early and middle periods of Tertiary, subsidence and uplifting in alternation during the late period of Tertiary and Quaternary. The thermal gradients in the study area are from 2.0 ℃/100m to 2.6 ℃/100m, and the average of heat flow is 50.6 mW/m~2. From the vitrinite reflectance and apatite fission track data, a new approach based up Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for thermal history reconstruction is presented and used to estimate the plaeo-heat flow. The results of modeling show that the heat flow decreased and the basin got cooler from Jurassic to now. Oil generation from kerogens, gas generation from kerogens and gas cracked from oil are modeled by kinetic models. The kinetic parameters are calculated from the data obtained from laboratory experiments. The evolution of source rock maturation is modeled by means of Easy %Ro method. With the reconstruction of geo-histories and thermal histories and hydrocarbon generation, the oil and gas generation intensities for lower and middle Jurassic source rocks in different time are calculated. The results suggest that the source rocks got into maturation during the time of Xiaganchaigou sedimentation. The oil & gas generation centers for lower Jurassic source rocks locate in Yikeyawuru sag, Kunteyi sag and Eboliang area. The centers of generation for middle Jurassic source rocks locate in Saishenteng faulted sag and Yuka faulted sag. With the evidence of bio-markers and isotopes of carbonates, the oil or gas in Lenghusihao, Lenghuwuhao, Nanbaxian and Mahai oilfields is from lower Jurassic source rocks, and the oil or gas in Yuka is from middle Jurassic source rocks. Based up the results of the modeling, the distribution of source rocks and occurrence of oil and gas, there should be two petroleum systems in the study area. The key moments for these two petroleum, J_1-R(!) and J_2-J_3, are at the stages of Xiaganchaigou-Shangyoushashan sedimentation and Xiayoushashan-Shizigou sedimentation. With the kinetic midels for oil generated from kerogen, gas generated from kerogen and oil cracked to gas, the amount of oil and gas generated at different time in the two petroleum systems is calculated. The cumulative amount of oil generated from kerogen, gas generated from kerogen and gas cracked from oil is 409.78 * 10~8t, 360518.40 * 10~8m~3, and 186.50 * 10~8t in J_1-R(!). The amount of oil and gas generated for accumulation is 223.28 * 10~8t and 606692.99 * 10~8m~3 in J_1-R(!). The cumulative amount of oil generated from kerogen, gas generated from kerogen and gas cracked from oil is 29.05 * 10~8t, 23025.29 * 10~8m~3 and 14.42 * 10~8t in J_2-J_3 (!). The amount of oil and gas generated for accumulation is 14.63 * 10~8t and 42055.44 * 10~8m~3 in J_2-J_3 (!). The total oil and gas potential is 9.52 * 10~8t and 1946.25 * 10~8m~3.
In order to know better about the Phanerozoic lithosphere thinning process of Sino-Korea Plate, four Cretaceous intrusion complexes and their ultramafic xenoliths are investigated by this thesis, which are located in Laiwu, Shandong Province, Eastern China, a region far away from plate margin. The four complexes, Kuanshan, Jiaoyu, Jingniushan and Tietonggou, intruded into Archaeozoic granite gneiss and Paleozoic carbonate rocks with scam iron ore at their contact zone. The four complexes can be divided into two magma series, abyssal rocks for the early and hypabyssal rocks for the later. K-Ar dating show that the abyssal rocks intrusion began with 120 ±2 Ma and the hypabyssal rocks intruded about 113 Ma. Abyssal rocks, mainly made up of augite diorites, amphibole diorites and gabbros for the lesser, are chemically characterized with high-Mg (Mg#>0.5) high-K calcalklic rock, which are depleted with Nb, Ta and Ti related to LILE and extremely enriched with Sr and Pb. Comparatively, augite diorites are the most LREE enriched in abyssal rocks, and they show no Eu abnorrnity or weak positive Eu abnormity. Gabbros show the least LREE enrichment with a strong Eu abnormity relatively. In (~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_1 -ε Nd(T) diagram, the abyssal rocks show a mixing trend , a rapid change in ε Nd(T) with a relatively small change in (~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_1. Low radiogenic Sr and Pb composition with high radiogeic Nd composition indicate that the mixing processes happened in lower crust Melt-rock interactions in lower crust might be the most possible processes to produce these high-Mg and high-K calcalklic magmas. Hypabyssal rocks, mainly made up of granite porphyry and dioritic porphrite, show much higher ε Nd(T) than abyssal rocks. Granite porphyry are distinct with an adakite geochemical characteristics, high (La/Yb)_N, Sr/Y and low Rb/Sr ratio. The adakitic granite porphyry indicates a new lower crust produced by underplating within plate. Ultramafic xenoliths had been found only in augite diorites and amphibole diorites. Field investigations show that ultramafic xenoliths in augite diorites had been inherited from amphibole diorites, so ultramafic xenoliths had been only entrained by hydrous dioritic magma. Ultramafic xenoliths are mainly made up of dunite and harzburgite, orthopyroxenite and bistangite are the lessor. Coarse olivines in dunite often show many chromite exsolution lamellae. Opx in orthopyroxenite often show dense chromite exsolution lamellae. The presence of exsolution minerals indicates that ultramafic xenoliths had cooled before entraining. Metasomatism phenomenons are popular in dunite and harzburgite xenoliths, including two kinds of assemblage, cpx+phlogapite and opx+pl. The first metasomatism assemblage indicates an ancient enrichment. Rb-Sr dating of xenoliths shows that the ancient enrichment happened in 223 ± 7Ma. The second metasomatism assemblage indicates a recent, relatively not deep melt-rock interaction, which might be related with the genesis of the high-Mg high-K calcalklic rocks. Mineralogy and geochemistry indicate that these ultramafic xenoliths might sample the crust-mante transition zone (or the base of lower crust, moho). Investigation of high-Mg intrusions and their ultramafic xenoliths in Laiwu indicate that the thinning processes of Sino-Korea Plate can be divided into two stages. The first stage is lithosphere mantle thinning with crust thickening by underplating in lower crust. The second stage is that the thickened lower crust delaminated into the underlying mantle.
紫阳黄柏树湾毒重石矿床和竹山文峪河毒重石-重晶石矿床呈层状或似层状产于下寒武统下部的硅质岩中, 矿体受岩性和岩相控制明显. 矿床中毒重石、钡解石和方解石的硼同位素及碳、氧同位素研究结果表明, 形成这些矿物的碳主要来自沉积物中的生物有机质在早期成岩阶段经降解、缩合及脱羧基作用所形成的烃类物质或生物气; 而硼主要为孔隙水中硼与有机质降解过程中所释放的硼的混合, 少部分硼来自盆地深部循环热卤水. 硼同位素及碳、氧同位素研究结果一致表明, 毒重石沉淀于早期成岩阶段富含有机碳的孔隙水介质中. 毒重石矿石中广泛发育的生屑及粒屑结构说明生物作用通过生物成因重晶石(Bio-barite)的形式将海水中的Ba2+浓集并沉降于海底, 形成钡矿床的初始富集体. 海水中生物作用和沉积物的早期成岩作用是形成本区毒重石矿床的主要成矿机制.