996 resultados para 205-1254


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羊草(Leymus chinensis(Trin.)Tzvel.或Aneurolepidium chinense Trin.),隶属禾本科(Gramineae),大麦族(Hordeae),小麦亚族(Triticieae),赖草属(Leymus),兼具重要的生态价值和经济价值。面向国家重大需求,本论文选择羊草作为主要研究对象,开展了两方面的研究工作,即我国羊草种质资源的遗传多样性评价和赖草属物种的系统发育分析。 羊草是一种多年生根茎型禾草,根据叶色可以划分为黄绿型和灰绿型两种生态型。其分布范围横穿亚欧草原的东部,包括朝鲜和蒙古的西部,以及西伯利亚的西北部,集中分布于我国的东北部。羊草是我国典型草原植物群落中的优势种。它可以在多种土壤和气候条件下正常生长,如松嫩平原、内蒙古草原和黄土高原。从另一个角度讲,不同类型的生境也造就了羊草丰富的遗传多样性。 自上世纪90年代中期开始,我们陆续从我国东北部6个省市收集了293份羊草种质,包括205份灰绿型羊草和88份黄绿型羊草。经过连续3年的观测记录,通过37个重要农艺性状,对293份羊草的遗传多样性进行了评估。依据10个质量性状和27个数量性状,统计了羊草不同性状和不同地域羊草的Shannon遗传多样性指数,同时还使用了主成分分析和通径分析做了相关统计。结果显示:(1)与黄绿型羊草相比,灰绿型羊草具有更高的遗传变异(P<0.05)。结合这两个趋异型羊草的分布范围,可以得出两种类型羊草之间存在稳定的遗传差异;(2)通径分析显示,羊草营养生长性状和遗传多样性两者的组合效应可以解释羊草生殖特性中20.6%的遗传变异;(3)在124-128ºE这一区域,羊草的遗传多样性指数最高(H=2.252),表明这一地区具有最丰富的羊草种质资源。 赖草属(Leymus Hochst.)是一个异源多倍体属,约有34个物种,该属未知基因组的起源一直争论不休。其倍性范围从四倍体(2n=4x=28)、八倍体(2n=8x=56)一直到十二倍体(2n=12x=84)。新麦草属(Psathyrostachys Nevski)只含有Ns一个基因组,约有9个物种。这两个属都是多年生牧草,具有抗旱、抗病和耐盐碱等生物学特性。 应用核糖体ITS(Internal Transcribed Spacer)序列和叶绿体trnL-F序列,我们对13个赖草属物种、小麦族18个属(40份二倍体材料)、以及Elymus californicus和Bromus catharticus,共计57份材料进行了系统发生分析。ITS序列分析表明,赖草属分别与新麦草属和小麦族中一个未知属在进化上具有紧密的关系。ITS谱系树表明赖草属内部存在大量的分化,以及赖草属物种具有多次起源的特征。trnL-F序列分析表明,赖草属物种的母本,部分来自Ns基因组,部分来自Xm基因组,这可能与赖草属物种的地理分布有关,分布于亚欧大陆的物种其母本是新麦草属,而分布于北美的大部分物种其母本是Xm基因组。trnL-F序列分析还表明,E. californicus和赖草属未知的基因组具有紧密的关系。以上研究结果表明:(1)从分子层面证明,赖草属的未知基因组并非来自薄冰草属,或是一个修正的新麦草基因组,其基因组组成应是NsNsXmXm;(2)赖草属物种的母本,部分来自Ns基因组,部分来自Xm基因组,这可能与赖草属物种的地理分布有关;(3)E. californicus的母本是Xm基因组,父本是Ns基因组,该物种应从披碱草属转移至赖草属。


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): A high resolution, AMS carbon-14-dated sediment record from the Sulu Sea clearly indicates the Younger Dryas climatic event affected the western equatorial Pacific. Presence of the Younger Dryas in the tropical western Pacific indicates this climatic event is not restricted to the North Atlantic nor to high latitudes, but is global in extent.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Early in 1993, Cyclone Kina struck the Fiji Islands, causing more than $100 million in property damage and damaging the coral environment as well. A few days after the cyclone, the most damaged reef was studied. The same reef had been studied 6 months before. This reef crest is dominated by Acropora. Comparison showed that 80-90% of the Acropora was torn from the outer reef and deposited in the inner lagoon. ... It is estimated that it will take a few years to 30 years for the reef to recover to pre-Kina conditions.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Our objective is to combine terrestrial and oceanic records for reconstructing West Coast climate. Tree rings and marine laminated sediments provide high-resolution, accurately dated proxy data on the variability of climate and on the productivity of the ocean and have been used to reconstruct precipitation, temperature, sea level pressure, primary productivity, and other large-scale parameters. We present here the latest Santa Barbara basin varve chronology for the twentieth century as well as a newly developed tree-ring chronology for Torrey pine.


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Fluctuations in the K values of Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch) off Bombay coast were interpreted regarding sex, month and females maturity stage. These indicate differential growth rates in males and females. Males and females attain first maturity at 145 mm and 115 mm respectively, second maturity is attained by both the sexes at 195 mm. First spawning occurs when both are of 155 mm length and at second spawning males and females attain 215 and 205 mm of length respectively. The fish mature and breed at "O" year; the main spawning period is from August to November with peak spawning activities in October. It grows about 155 mm in first year at 12.91mm per month and about 215 mm in the second year at 5.0 mm per month on an average. Length-weight relationships for males and females are given. The rate of growth of females by weight was found to be slower below 150 mm, but faster than that of males above 150 mm specimens.


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Potentially the inland fishery resources of the country are of very high order. But the present level of their exploitation is far from optimum, mainly because of the inadequacies of the existing fishing gear and methods. There is vast scope for increasing the fish production from inland waters by improving the existing gear and methods. This would require a thorough study of the fishing gear and methods in vogue, of which very little is known at present. In the present communication the authors discuss the fishing gear and methods of the river Brahmaputra, in Assam, based on a survey carried out by them during January-February 1964. The survey covers a 640 km stretch of the Brahmaputra River, its important tributaries and connected bheels, from Dhubri to Dibrugarh. As a result of the survey about 19 types of fishing nets, which could be grouped into eight classes, were identified. The salient technological features of the gears and their methods of operation are discussed class-wise. The characteristics of the individual types are shown in tables. The materials used for gear and gear accessories, are briefly discussed. The classification and relative importance of different types of gear are examined. Besides, the influence of the ecological and topographical features of the river on the development of different types of fishing gears, is also discussed.