851 resultados para 1939-| -- Criticism and interpretation
El anlisis de la interaccin individuo-paisaje presenta numerosas perspectivas de estudio vinculadas a la generacin e interpretacin de simbolismos e imaginarios. La capacidad significante y/o de evocacin comunicativa del paisaje encuentra, en la comunicacin intrapersonal, una argumentacin relevante en el proceso de construccin de un aparato terico que permita estudiar el proceso de apropiacin y vivencia del paisaje en trminos de manifestacin comunicativa. El despliegue de un aparato terico que permita interpretar el mensaje del paisaje as como descodificar su discurso intangible, representa el objetivo principal de la investigacin que se presenta a continuacin.
RESUM Com a continuaci del treball de final de carrera Desenvolupament dun laboratori virtual per a les prctiques de Biologia Molecular de Jordi Romero, sha realitzat una eina complementaria per a la visualitzaci de molcules integrada en el propi laboratori virtual. Es tracta duna eina per a la visualitzaci grfica de gens, ORF, marques i seqncies de restricci de molcules reals o fictcies. El fet de poder treballar amb molcules fictcies s la gran avantatge respecte a les solucions com GENBANK que noms permet treballar amb molcules prpies. Treballar amb molcules fictcies fa que sigui una soluci ideal per a lensenyament, ja que dna la possibilitat als professors de realitzar exercicis o demostracions amb molcules reals o dissenyades expressament per a lexercici a demostrar. A ms, permet mostrar de forma visual les diferents parts simultniament o per separat, de manera que ofereix una primera aproximaci interpretaci dels resultats. Per altra banda, permet marcar gens, crear marques, localitzar seqncies de restricci i generar els ORF de la molcula que nosaltres creem o modificar una ja existent. Per limplementaci, sha continuat amb lidea de separar la part de codi i la part de disseny en les aplicacions Flash. Per fer-ho, sha utilitzat la plataforma de codi lliure Ariware ARPv2.02 que proposa un marc de desenvolupament daplicacions Flash orientades a objectes amb el codi (classes ActionScript 2.0) separats del movieclip. Per al processament de dades sha fet servir Perl per ser altament utilitzat en Bioinformtica i per velocitat de clcul. Les dades generades es guarden en una Base de Dades en MYSQL (de lliure distribuci), de la que sextreuen les dades per generar fitxers XML, fent servir tant PHP com la plataforma AMFPHP com a enlla entre Flash i la resta de parts.
El objetivo de este artculo es presentar las bases tericas y algunas aplicaciones contemporneas de la teora de Urie Bronfenbrenner. En primer lugar, se describe su biografa. Posteriormente, se explica su teora ecologa, su modelo Proceso-Persona-Contexto-Tiempo (PPCT) y su reciente aproximacin bioecolgica. A continuacin, exponemos algunas consideraciones educativas de su teora. Ms especficamente, destacamos seis temas basados en algunas ideas de Bronfenbrenner: 1) la relacin entre poltica social y ciencia, 2) la creacin de contextos de desarrollo primarios y secundarios, 3) la implicacin afectiva, 4) el currculo centrado en el cuidado o la atencin de las personas, 5) la intervencin comunitaria, y 6) el establecimiento de continuidades entre microsistemas (nocin de mesosistema). Finalmente, revisamos algunas aportaciones contemporneas en psicologa y ciencias de la educacin basadas en la perspectiva de Bronfenbrenner
The evaluation of the quality and impact of journals as a starting point to systematise the quality of research is an indirect method commonly used for obtaining information for systematic and major evaluation efforts, such as those needed for public tenders to aid projects and research groups. Nevertheless, this method runs into an important obstacle: preparing rankings of journals in the humanities and social sciences is considerably more complex than for those on experimental, biomedical or technological sciences. Cultural, linguistic and territorial components of research in the humanities and social sciences radically question the international rankings. Within this context, the article presents the experience of a study-in-progress whose intention is to evaluate the rankings of journals in the humanities and social sciences published in 1997 by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Even thought an attempt was made to bring this type of titles closer to the Catalan community of researchers, the initiative has been frequently surrounded by controversy and criticism and, at the present, does not enjoy the needed recognition of the Catalan academic sector.
The changes undergone by the Si surface after oxygen bombardment have special interest for acquiring a good understanding of the Si+-ion emission during secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis. For this reason a detailed investigation on the stoichiometry of the builtup surface oxides has been carried out using in situ x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). The XPS analysis of the Si 2p core level indicates a strong presence of suboxide chemical states when bombarding at angles of incidence larger than 30. In this work a special emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of the valence band region was made. Since the surface stoichiometry or degree of oxidation varies with the angle of incidence, the respective valence band structures also differ. A comparison with experimentally measured and theoretically derived Si valence band and SiO2 valence band suggests that the new valence bands are formed by a combination of these two. This arises from the fact that SiSi bonds are present on the Sisuboxide molecules, and therefore the corresponding 3p-3p Si-like subband, which extends towards the Si Fermi level, forms the top of the respective new valence bands. Small variations in intensity and energy position for this subband have drastic implications on the intensity of the Si+-ion emission during sputtering in SIMS measurements. A model combining chemically enhanced emission and resonant tunneling effects is suggested for the variations observed in ion emission during O+2 bombardment for Si targets.
The primary objective of this research was to demonstrate the benefits of NDT technologies for effectively detecting and characterizing deterioration in bridge decks. In particular, the objectives were to demonstrate the capabilities of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and impact echo (IE), and to evaluate and describe the condition of nine bridge decks proposed by Iowa DOT. The first part of the report provides a detailed review of the most important deterioration processes in concrete decks, followed by a discussion of the five NDT technologies utilized in this project. In addition to GPR and IE methods, three other technologies were utilized, namely: half-cell (HC) potential, electrical resistivity (ER), and ultrasonic surface waves (USW) method. The review includes a description of the principles of operation, field implementation, data analysis, and interpretation; information regarding their advantages and limitations in bridge deck evaluations and condition monitoring are also implicitly provided.. The second part of the report provides descriptions and bridge deck evaluation results from the nine bridges. The results of the NDT surveys are described in terms of condition assessment maps and are compared with the observations obtained from the recovered cores or conducted bridge deck rehabilitation. Results from this study confirm that the used technologies can provide detailed and accurate information about a certain type of deterioration, electrochemical environment, or defect. However, they also show that a comprehensive condition assessment of bridge decks can be achieved only through a complementary use of multiple technologies at this stage,. Recommendations are provided for the optimum implementation of NDT technologies for the condition assessment and monitoring of bridge decks.
This article reviews the spectrum of Epstein-Barr virus and Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV/HHV-8)-associated B-cell lymphoid proliferations, their pathologic features and clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, and pathogenetic aspects. Emphasis is on the differential diagnosis issues and difficulties that the pathologist may face for the correct identification and interpretation of these lesions.
Autoantibodies are frequently determined in unclear clinical situations and in the context of an inflammatory syndrome. The aim of this article is not to review all autoantibodies in details, but to discuss those used in clinical practice by describing their methods of detection and interpretation. Thus we will focus on antinuclear antibodies (ANA), which are typically associated with connective tissue diseases, as well as anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), which are useful in the diagnosis of ANCA-associated vasculitides. Due to its high sensitivity indirect immunofluorescence is used as a screening test; when positive, ELISA is performed to search for antibodies more specifically associated with certain auto-immune diseases.
The present study proposes a modification in one of the most frequently applied effect size procedures in single-case data analysis the percent of nonoverlapping data. In contrast to other techniques, the calculus and interpretation of this procedure is straightforward and it can be easily complemented by visual inspection of the graphed data. Although the percent of nonoverlapping data has been found to perform reasonably well in N = 1 data, the magnitude of effect estimates it yields can be distorted by trend and autocorrelation. Therefore, the data correction procedure focuses on removing the baseline trend from data prior to estimating the change produced in the behavior due to intervention. A simulation study is carried out in order to compare the original and the modified procedures in several experimental conditions. The results suggest that the new proposal is unaffected by trend and autocorrelation and can be used in case of unstable baselines and sequentially related measurements.
This letter to the Editor comments on the article Practical relevance of pattern uniqueness in forensic science by P.T. Jayaprakash (Forensic Science International, in press).
Geophysical techniques can help to bridge the inherent gap with regard to spatial resolution and the range of coverage that plagues classical hydrological methods. This has lead to the emergence of the new and rapidly growing field of hydrogeophysics. Given the differing sensitivities of various geophysical techniques to hydrologically relevant parameters and their inherent trade-off between resolution and range the fundamental usefulness of multi-method hydrogeophysical surveys for reducing uncertainties in data analysis and interpretation is widely accepted. A major challenge arising from such endeavors is the quantitative integration of the resulting vast and diverse database in order to obtain a unified model of the probed subsurface region that is internally consistent with all available data. To address this problem, we have developed a strategy towards hydrogeophysical data integration based on Monte-Carlo-type conditional stochastic simulation that we consider to be particularly suitable for local-scale studies characterized by high-resolution and high-quality datasets. Monte-Carlo-based optimization techniques are flexible and versatile, allow for accounting for a wide variety of data and constraints of differing resolution and hardness and thus have the potential of providing, in a geostatistical sense, highly detailed and realistic models of the pertinent target parameter distributions. Compared to more conventional approaches of this kind, our approach provides significant advancements in the way that the larger-scale deterministic information resolved by the hydrogeophysical data can be accounted for, which represents an inherently problematic, and as of yet unresolved, aspect of Monte-Carlo-type conditional simulation techniques. We present the results of applying our algorithm to the integration of porosity log and tomographic crosshole georadar data to generate stochastic realizations of the local-scale porosity structure. Our procedure is first tested on pertinent synthetic data and then applied to corresponding field data collected at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site near Boise, Idaho, USA.
The objectives of this work were to optimize the isozyme electrophoresis technique for Bixa orellana, and use isozyme markers for a preliminary survey on the genetic variability in Brazilian annatto germplasm accessions. Collection consisted of seed samples from sixty open pollinated trees, representing two Northern and four Southern geographic provenances. The extraction, electrophoresis, and interpretation of annatto isozymes are described. Three out of the twenty-one identified isozyme loci were polymorphic in the collection. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P = 21.05) and the expected heterozygosity in annatto (H T = 0.064) were low, compared to other tropical woody species. A UPGMA phenogram, constructed with Nei's genetic distances, clearly separated the germplasm provenant from North and Central Brazil. Variability was significantly higher among the accessions from Maranho. A sharp genetic differentiation was detected between accessions from Maranho and Par States, despite their geographical proximity. The distinctive isozyme polymorphism, observed in the accessions from Maranho, together with reports on local morphological heterogeneity in annatto fruit shape, color, and pubescence, calls for more detailed genetic and taxonomic investigation.
This paper presents the results of the first phase of archaeological and historical study developed in the Valls Oriental. It has done a complete study of the archaeological information available from the several documentary sources (bibliography, IPAC, etc.). This has lead to an interpretative update on the forms of occupation and settlement dynamics developed in the study area during the 5th BC to 1st century AD. Preliminary results of the archaeomorphological analysis focused primarily on the road network are also presented. The first results highlight the importance of territorial organization programs of the late 2nd BC and 1st century BC. In this sense, it has been documented a close relationship between the road network and the distribution of rural settlements in late-Republican and Augustan periods. The use of databases in the management of archaeological information, and especially the application of GIS in the analysis and interpretation of data, suggest new interpretive approaches.
The global structural connectivity of the brain, the human connectome, is now accessible at millimeter scale with the use of MRI. In this paper, we describe an approach to map the connectome by constructing normalized whole-brain structural connection matrices derived from diffusion MRI tractography at 5 different scales. Using a template-based approach to match cortical landmarks of different subjects, we propose a robust method that allows (a) the selection of identical cortical regions of interest of desired size and location in different subjects with identification of the associated fiber tracts (b) straightforward construction and interpretation of anatomically organized whole-brain connection matrices and (c) statistical inter-subject comparison of brain connectivity at various scales. The fully automated post-processing steps necessary to build such matrices are detailed in this paper. Extensive validation tests are performed to assess the reproducibility of the method in a group of 5 healthy subjects and its reliability is as well considerably discussed in a group of 20 healthy subjects.