997 resultados para 185-1149D
Pooled F(ab')2 fragments of three MAbs against distinct epitopes of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were used for radioimmunotherapy of nude mice bearing a subcutaneous human colon carcinoma xenograft. 9-10 d after transplantation when tumor nodules were in exponential growth, 36 mice were treated by intravenous injection of different amounts of 131I-labeled MAb F(ab')2. All 14 mice injected with a single dose of 2,200 (n = 10) or 2,800 microCi (n = 4) showed complete tumor remission. 8 of the 10 mice treated with 2,200 microCi survived in good health for 1 yr when they were killed and shown to be tumor free. Four of nine other mice treated with four fractionated doses of 400 microCi showed no tumor relapse for more than 9 mo. In contrast, all 15 mice injected with 1,600-3,000 microCi 131I-control IgG F(ab')2 showed tumor growth retardation of only 1-4 wk, and 15 of 16 mice injected with unlabeled anti-CEA MAb F(ab')2 showed unmodified tumor progression as compared with untreated mice. From tissue radioactivity distributions it was calculated that by an injection of 2,200 microCi 131I-MAb F(ab')2 a mean dose of 8,335 rad was selectively delivered to the tumor, while the tissue-absorbed radiation doses for the normal organs were: peripheral blood, 2,093; stomach, 1,668; kidney, 1,289; lung, 1,185; liver, 617; spleen, 501; small intestine, 427; large intestine, 367; bone, 337; and muscle, 198. These treatments were well tolerated since out of 19 mice with complete tumor remission only 4 required bone marrow transplantation and 17 were in good health for 6-12 mo of observation. The results demonstrate the selective destruction of established human colon carcinoma transplants by intravenous injection of either single or fractionated doses of 131I-MAb F(ab')2.
Zola, Émile. Oeuvres diverses, manuscrit(s) autographe(s)
Cinco novas variedades de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum officinarum L.), recomendadas para cultivo comercial pelo Programa de Melhoramento da Copersucar em 1997, foram avaliadas quanto ao nível de produtividade, estabilidade produtiva e adaptação ambiental, mediante metodologia para estimativa da estabilidade fenotípica. Os dados foram comparados com a variedade-padrão RB72454. Observou-se alta linearidade da produção em relação à melhoria ambiental, além de ótima estabilidade e nível de resposta nas variedades SP80-185, SP80-1816 e SP80-3280. A variedade SP83-5073, precoce e de alto teor de sacarose, também foi bastante estável. A variedade SP80-3480 apresentou maior dispersão dos dados, porém com alta produtividade. A variedade SP80-185 passa a ser indicada como padrão de estabilidade em futuros ensaios, sendo estável nos piores ambientes e responsiva nos melhores.
Purpose: To evaluate the toxicity focussing on hepatic, gastrointestinal and cardiac parameters following PRECISION TACE with DC Bead? versus conventional transarterial chemoembolization (cTACE) in the treatment of intermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods and Materials: This prospective, randomized, multicentre study was conducted under best practice trial management and authorized by local institutional review boards. Informed consent was obtained. 212 patients (185 men/27 women; mean: 67 years) were randomized to be treated with DC Beads? or cTACE. The majority of both groups presented in a more advanced stage. Safety was measured by rate of adverse events (South West Oncology Group criteria) and changes in laboratory parameters. Cardiotoxicity was assessed by means of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in MRI or echocardiography. The results of the two groups were compared using the chi-square test and Student`s t-test. Results: Mean maximum alanine transaminase increase in the DC Bead group was 50% in the cTACE group (p < 0.001) and 59% for aspartate transaminase (p < 0.001). For bilirubin, mean increase was 5.30±15.13 vs. 13.53±73.89 µmol/L. Concerning gastrointestinal disorders, 120 adverse events (AEs) occurred in 57/93 (61.3%) patients in the DC Bead group vs. 114 in 49/108 (45.4%) in cTACE. Concerning hepatobiliary disorders, serious AEs occurred in 8/93 (8.6%) vs. 11/108 (10.2%) patients. LVEF showed an increase in the DC Bead group by +2.7±10.1 percentage points and a small decrease by -1.5±7.6 in the cTACE group, p=0.018. Conclusion: PRECISION TACE is safe, even in more advanced HCC patients. Serious liver and cardiac toxicity were significantly lower in the DC Bead group.
Paradise Lost can be read on various levels, some of which challenge or even contradict others. The main, explicit narrative from Genesis chapters 2 and 3 is shadowed by many other related stories. Some of these buried tales question or subvert the values made explicit in the dominant narrative. An attentive reader needs to be alert to the ways in which such references introduce teasing complexities. The approach of Satan to Eve in the ninth book of Paradise Lost is loaded in just that way with allusion to the literature of Greece and Rome. The poem recovers for this long and intricately constructed passage the weight of classical reference, especially in similes, that it had during the first Satanic books. Gardens, both classical and biblical, disguised or transformed serpents, and the weight of allusions that Eve is required to bear, all threaten to undermine the meanings of the overt narrative. The narrator has difficulty rescuing Eve from the allusions she attracts, or the many stories told about her.
The neurology field has been greatly improved in 2008. The therapeutic window of intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stoke is extended to 4 h 30. New studies show that the clinical progression of Parkinson's disease might be slowed by some medication. Deep brain stimulation may be beneficial early in the course of the disease. Tysabri and Fingolimod in multiple sclerosis are discussed. The pharmacopoeia for epilepsy is in constant development with new products recently released in Switzerland. CGRP receptor antagonists are about to be launched as a promising acute migraine treatment. The pharmacological approach in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients might be improved according to research results.
Client change talk (CT) during motivational interviewing and brief motivational interventions (BMIs) have been described as predictors of behavior change, but these links have not been clearly evaluated in research on young people. Within 127 BMIs with 20-year-old men with at-risk alcohol consumption, each CT utterance was categorized and given a strength rating using the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code 2.1. Several ways of categorizing and measuring CT were tested using stepwise regression procedures. Overall CT measures were not significantly related to changes in drinking at 6-month follow-up. Regarding CT sub-dimensions, the frequency of ability/desire/need to change and of ability/desire/need not to change, as well as the average strength of ability/desire/need, predicted significant change in the expected direction. CT length was not significantly linked to outcome. The frequency and strength with which some CT sub-dimensions are expressed during BMI seemed to be important predictors of change in drinking among young men and might thus be especially important for clinicians to notice.
The success of combination antiretroviral therapy is limited by the evolutionary escape dynamics of HIV-1. We used Isotonic Conjunctive Bayesian Networks (I-CBNs), a class of probabilistic graphical models, to describe this process. We employed partial order constraints among viral resistance mutations, which give rise to a limited set of mutational pathways, and we modeled phenotypic drug resistance as monotonically increasing along any escape pathway. Using this model, the individualized genetic barrier (IGB) to each drug is derived as the probability of the virus not acquiring additional mutations that confer resistance. Drug-specific IGBs were combined to obtain the IGB to an entire regimen, which quantifies the virus' genetic potential for developing drug resistance under combination therapy. The IGB was tested as a predictor of therapeutic outcome using between 2,185 and 2,631 treatment change episodes of subtype B infected patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study Database, a large observational cohort. Using logistic regression, significant univariate predictors included most of the 18 drugs and single-drug IGBs, the IGB to the entire regimen, the expert rules-based genotypic susceptibility score (GSS), several individual mutations, and the peak viral load before treatment change. In the multivariate analysis, the only genotype-derived variables that remained significantly associated with virological success were GSS and, with 10-fold stronger association, IGB to regimen. When predicting suppression of viral load below 400 cps/ml, IGB outperformed GSS and also improved GSS-containing predictors significantly, but the difference was not significant for suppression below 50 cps/ml. Thus, the IGB to regimen is a novel data-derived predictor of treatment outcome that has potential to improve the interpretation of genotypic drug resistance tests.
Etude des modèles de Whittle markoviens probabilisés Résumé Le modèle de Whittle markovien probabilisé est un modèle de champ spatial autorégressif simultané d'ordre 1 qui exprime simultanément chaque variable du champ comme une moyenne pondérée aléatoire des variables adjacentes du champ, amortie d'un coefficient multiplicatif ρ, et additionnée d'un terme d'erreur (qui est une variable gaussienne homoscédastique spatialement indépendante, non mesurable directement). Dans notre cas, la moyenne pondérée est une moyenne arithmétique qui est aléatoire du fait de deux conditions : (a) deux variables sont adjacentes (au sens d'un graphe) avec une probabilité 1 − p si la distance qui les sépare est inférieure à un certain seuil, (b) il n'y a pas d'adjacence pour des distances au-dessus de ce seuil. Ces conditions déterminent un modèle d'adjacence (ou modèle de connexité) du champ spatial. Un modèle de Whittle markovien probabilisé aux conditions où p = 0 donne un modèle de Whittle classique qui est plus familier en géographie, économétrie spatiale, écologie, sociologie, etc. et dont ρ est le coefficient d'autorégression. Notre modèle est donc une forme probabilisée au niveau de la connexité du champ de la forme des modèles de Whittle classiques, amenant une description innovante de l'autocorrélation spatiale. Nous commençons par décrire notre modèle spatial en montrant les effets de la complexité introduite par le modèle de connexité sur le pattern de variances et la corrélation spatiale du champ. Nous étudions ensuite la problématique de l'estimation du coefficent d'autorégression ρ pour lequel au préalable nous effectuons une analyse approfondie de son information au sens de Fisher et de Kullback-Leibler. Nous montrons qu'un estimateur non biaisé efficace de ρ possède une efficacité qui varie en fonction du paramètre p, généralement de manière non monotone, et de la structure du réseau d'adjacences. Dans le cas où la connexité du champ est non observée, nous montrons qu'une mauvaise spécification de l'estimateur de maximum de vraisemblance de ρ peut biaiser celui-ci en fonction de p. Nous proposons dans ce contexte d'autres voies pour estimer ρ. Pour finir, nous étudions la puissance des tests de significativité de ρ pour lesquels les statistiques de test sont des variantes classiques du I de Moran (test de Cliff-Ord) et du I de Moran maximal (en s'inspirant de la méthode de Kooijman). Nous observons la variation de puissance en fonction du paramètre p et du coefficient ρ, montrant par cette voie la dualité de l'autocorrélation spatiale entre intensité et connectivité dans le contexte des modèles autorégressifs
O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e avaliar um método para discriminação das classes de solos a partir de suas respostas espectrais, utilizando-se um sensor em laboratório. Os dados espectrais foram utilizados no desenvolvimento de modelos estatísticos para discriminar as classes de solos de uma área no sudoeste do Estado de São Paulo. Equações discriminantes foram desenvolvidas para as 18 classes. A resposta espectral foi obtida em amostras da porção superficial e da porção subsuperficial dos solos da área de estudo, num total de 370 amostras. As amostras foram coletadas em 185 ha, com uma tradagem por ha. Os resultados demonstraram que as classes de solos podem ser individualizadas e distinguidas pela análise discriminante. A análise registrou índices de acerto acima de 80% de determinação da classe de solo avaliada. O acerto global foi de 90,71% quando se utilizaram todas as classes para a geração dos modelos, e 93,44% quando se utilizaram as dez classes com maior número de indivíduos. O teste estatístico simulado mostrou-se eficiente na análise discriminante, com taxa média de acerto acima de 91%, com erro global de 8,8%. A análise demonstrou redução na qualidade do modelo quando aplicado para um subconjunto de 20% das amostras, com erro global de 33,9%. O método auxilia na discriminação de classes de solos pela sua reflectância, devido às interações físicas com a energia eletromagnética.