758 resultados para 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability
Property ownership can tie up large amounts of capital and management energy that business could employ more productively elsewhere. Competitive pressures, accounting changes and increasingly sophisticated occupier requirements are building demand for new and innovative ways to satisfy corporate occupation needs. The investment climate is also changing. Falling interest rates and falling inflation can be expected to undermine returns from the traditional FRI lease. In future, investment returns will be more dependent on active and innovative management geared to the needs of occupiers on whom income depends. Occupier and investor interests, therefore, look set to coincide, but unlocking the potential for both parties will depend on developing new finance and investment vehicles that align their respective needs. In the UK, examples include PFI in the public sector and off-balance sheet financing in the private sector. In the USA, “synthetic lease” structures have also become popular. Growing investment market experience in assessing risks and returns suggests scope for further innovative arrangements in the corporate sector. But how can such arrangements be structured? What are the risks, drivers and barriers?
This article critically explores the nature and purpose of relationships and inter-dependencies between stakeholders in the context of a parastatal chromite mining company in the Betsiboka Region of Northern Madagascar. An examination of the institutional arrangements at the interface between the mining company and local communities identified power hierarchies and dependencies in the context of a dominant paternalistic environment. The interactions, inter alia, limited social cohesion and intensified the fragility and weakness of community representation, which was further influenced by ethnic hierarchies between the varied community groups; namely, indigenous communities and migrants to the area from different ethnic groups. Moreover, dependencies and nepotism, which may exist at all institutional levels, can create civil society stakeholder representatives who are unrepresentative of the society they are intended to represent. Similarly, a lack of horizontal and vertical trust and reciprocity inherent in Malagasy society engenders a culture of low expectations regarding transparency and accountability, which further catalyses a cycle of nepotism and elite rent-seeking behaviour. On the other hand, leaders retain power with minimal vertical delegation or decentralisation of authority among levels of government and limit opportunities to benefit the elite, perpetuating rent-seeking behaviour within the privileged minority. Within the union movement, pluralism and the associated politicisation of individual unions restricts solidarity, which impacts on the movement’s capacity to act as a cohesive body of opinion and opposition. Nevertheless, the unions’ drive to improve their social capital has increased expectations of transparency and accountability, resulting in demands for greater engagement in decision-making processes.
The paper investigates how energy-intensive industries respond to the recent government-led carbon emission schemes through the content analysis of 306 annual and standalone reports of 25 UK listed companies from 2004 to 2012. This period of reporting captures the trend and development of corporate disclosures on carbon emissions after the launch of EU Emissions Trading Schemes (ETS) and Climate Change Act (CCA) 2008. It is found that in corresponding to strategic legitimacy theory, there is an increase in both the quality and quantity of carbon disclosures as a response to these initiatives. However, the change is gradual, which reflects in the achievement of peak disclosure period two years after the launch. It indicates that the new legislations have a lasting impact on the discourses rather than an immediate legitimacy threat from the perspective of institutional legitimacy theory. The results also show that carbon disclosures are an institutionalised practice as companies in the same industries and/or with same carbon trading account status appear to imitate and adopt the industry’s ‘best practice’ disclosure strategy to maintain legitimacy. The trend analysis suggests that the overall disclosure practice is still in its infant stage, especially in the reporting of quantitative and monetary items. The paper contributes to the social and environmental accounting literature by adopting both strategic and institutional view of legitimacy, which explains why carbon disclosures evolve in a specific way to meet the expectation of various stakeholders.
This study investigates the logics or values that shape the social and environmental reporting (SER) and SER assurance (SERA) process. The influence of logics is observed through a study of the conceptualisation and operationalisation of the materiality concept by accounting and non-accounting assurors and their assurance statements. We gathered qualitative data from interviews with both accounting and non-accounting assurors. We analysed the interplay between old and new logics that are shaping materiality as a reporting concept in SER. SER is a rich field in which to study the dynamics of change because it is a voluntary, unregulated, qualitative reporting arena. It has a broad, stakeholder audience, where accounting and non-accounting organisations are in competition. There are three key findings. First, the introduction of a new, stakeholder logic has significantly changed the meaning and role of materiality. Second, a more versatile, performative, social understanding of materiality was portrayed by assurors, with a forward-looking rather than a historic focus. Third, competing logics have encouraged different beliefs about materiality, and practices, to develop. This influenced the way assurors theorised the concept and interpreted outcomes. A patchwork of localised understandings of materiality is developing. Policy implications both in SERA and also in financial audit are explored.
This paper takes as its motivation debates surrounding the multiplicity of functions of accounting information. We are in particular interested in the existential function of accounting numbers and argue that numerical signs having discursive possibilities may acquire new meanings through reframing. Drawing on Goffman’s (1974) frame analysis and Vollmer’s (2007) work on three-dimensional character of numerical signs, we explore the ways in which numbers can go through instantaneous transformations and tell a new kind of story. In our analysis, we look at the main historical developments and current controversies surrounding accounting practice with a specific focus on scandals involving numerical signs as moments where our understandings and the discursive function of previously inoffensive signs shifts through a collective involvement. We map the purpose and usefulness of Vollmer’s three-dimensional framework in the analysis of selected financial accounting practices and scandals as examples of instances where numbers are reframed to suddenly perform a different existential function in context of their calculative and symptomatic dimensions.
Accounting faculty from LaGuardia will share the structure and results of an initiative centered on using ePortfolio and social pedagogy to facilitate writing-to-learn for accounting students. Through a series of ePortfolio-based assignments that connected two classes, along with an in-class writing workshop conducted by non-discipline faculty, students worked together to understand the importance of writing in the accounting discipline and strengthened their writing abilities.
In this paper preparers’ and non-preparers’ positions regarding accounting for goodwill are examined through studying submitted comment letters on ED3 ‘Business Combinations’. Preparers have, because of economic consequences, incentives to lobby for the non-amortisation approach and non-preparers for the amortisation approach. As hypothesised, non-preparers are found to support amortisation of goodwill to a greater extent than do preparers. Moreover, the two groups’ supportive arguments, i.e. how they argue for or against the non-amortisation or amortisation approach, are studied. Again, as hypothesised, the results show that the two groups use the same type of ‘sophisticated’ framework based arguments instead of economic consequences arguments. Taken together the examination of the comment letters thus indicates that both preparers and non-preparers point at conceptual strengths and weaknesses, instead of pointing at the real cause of the lobbying activities, i.e. perceived economic consequences, when they try to affect the final outcome of the standard. These findings confirm earlier research which has suggested that self-interested lobbyists use accounting theories and concepts as useful justifications.
Convênios estão sendo cada vez mais usados na implementação de programas e na prestação de serviços públicos, como uma ferramenta de administração para compartilhar poder e autoridade com os parceiros do governo na tomada de decisões. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se a estrutura (framework) de governança dos convênios firmados entre o Estado do Rio de Janeiro e diversos municípios para a implantação de obras públicas tem sido adequada. Em particular, verificar se essas ações públicas descentralizadas atendem aos princípios da liderança, do interesse público, da transparência e da accountability, oferecendo, aos stakeholders e aos cidadãos, meios apropriados para que também exerçam o controle social sobre a execução das ações governamentais. Nesta pesquisa, foram examinadas as principais questões referentes à efetiva participação em convênios, identificados os atributos desejáveis desses acordos de cooperação, assim como algumas boas práticas de implementação. Na avaliação, constata-se que a accountability ao legislativo é fraca e que a boa governança nem sempre está assegurada, dada a reduzida capacidade de celebrar, acompanhar e fiscalizar a execução, assim como de avaliar os resultados e as prestações de contas.
o objetivo desta pesquisa foi explorar a relação existente entre a literatura sobre as técnicas de auditoria analítica e as técnicas efetivamente utilizadas pelas empresas de auditoria independente com sede ou escritório no Brasil. Buscou-se analisar quais os principais problemas encontrados na utilização dessas técnicas, além de verificar se havia diferença quanto ao uso de técnicas de auditoria analítica mais sofisticadas, pelo fato de serem essas empresas de origem nacional e/ ou estrangeira (capítulo 1). Na revisão de literatura, procurou-se resumir e sumariar a evolução das técnicas de auditoria analítica em face do crescimento, em tamanho e complexidade, da empresa moderna, e sofisticação dos sistemas contábeis e dos controles internos respectivos, de modo a evidenciar as vantagens de sua utilização por parte das empresas de auditoria independente (capítulo 2). A seguir, evidenciou-se a metodologia utilizada na_ pesquisa e a respectiva , razão de seu emprego, desenvolvendo-se um plano de referência sobre as técnicas de auditoria analítica para ser testada neste trabalho (capítulo 3). A descrição dos casos, realizada através da aplicação do questionário em oito empresas, está reunida neste capítulo, onde cada caso é descrito individualmente (capítulo 4). Os resultados obtidos foram analisados de acordo com cada item do questionário e possibilitaram uma análise abrangente das técnicas de auditoria analítica utilizadas pelas firmas de auditoria independente no Brasil (capítulo 5). Finalmente, são apresentados o resumo e as conclusões da pesquisa à luz dos fundamentos teóricos, apresentando-se recomendações e sugestões para novas pesquisas (capítulo 6).
o objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a relação existente entre a li teratura sobre procedimentos de auditoria de PED e os procedimentos efetivamente utilizados pelas seis empresas de auditoria contábil no Brasil. Bus cou-se identificar a diferença entre os procedimentos de auditoria de PED utilizados pelas empresas nacionais e os utilizados pelas empresas de ori gem estrangei ra (Capitulo I). Na revisão de literatura, apresentam-se os atuais conhecimentos so bre a auditoria externa em empresas que utilizam sistemas complexos de com putador e as perspectivas previsiveis para o futuro (Capltulo 11). A seguir, apresenta-se a metodologia utilizada, justificando-se as razões de seu emprego neste tipo de estudo exploratório (Capltulo lU). Entrevistas utilizando um questionário contendo,em sua maioria, que~ tões abertas, possibilitaram uma descrição dos procedimentos de auditoria externa empregados pelas empresas de auditoria em clientes que utilizam computador (Capitulo IV). Os resultados obtidos possibilitaram uma análise dos procedimentos de auditoria de PED utilizados pelas seis empresas de auditoria pesquis~ das (Capitulo V). Finalmente, relacionando-se os resultados ã literatura existente, sao apresentadas conclusões, formuladas recomendações e sugeridos novos es tudos (Capitulo VI).
The auditing role in the contemporaneous business environment, and increasing interest in and demand for governance and transparency, has become an element even more important to the society, as a whole, in order to build solid basis to the development of businesses and generation of wealth through technical knowledge, independence, transparency, credibility, and ethics. Nevertheless, the external financial audit industry in the world and also particularly in Brazil has faced several challenges which threaten its success and evolution. In this sense, since the external audit industry in Brazil has been immersed in a deep crisis with features that are explored through this study, allow me to create an analogy over this study saying that the external financial audit industry is like a sick person with a chronic disease, but the disease has not yet been diagnosed and the person has been dealing with the isolated symptoms. This person, the external audit industry, has struggled with this disease for many years and it is getting worse. It is fundamental to highlight that the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil, ultimately, have not harmed the industry only, but they also materialize themselves as chronic issues for the corporate governance and the capital markets since they harm every interested party. In my point of view, the hardest affected are the investors or shareholders whose interest the independent auditor’s work seeks to preserve. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to have a picture of the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil and understand those challenges as a requirement to analyze the potential alternatives to solve them or, analogically, to diagnose this disease. The research purpose is to map and identify the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil based on the understanding of professionals seasoned in the area. Those challenges are mapped and understood through a methodological approach, a questionnaire answered by auditors with experience in the Brazilian auditing market. The challenges were preliminarily listed based on over 16 years of experience of the author in the area of auditing and financial and accounting services, discussions and interviews about the topic with seasoned professionals, and analyses of pieces of news, publications and academic studies. The questionnaire was used in order to validate the challenges, observations, perspectives, and perceptions gathered through those resources. Despite of the fact that the study is highly relevant, it was not found, through my research, other analyses on this topic with a similar approach which is intended by this study. It looks like the external audit industry in Brazil has walked through these new age dealing with problems on a daily basis and the real challenges of the industry may be concealed by the economic conditions in Brazil and other explanations. As in any problematic scenario, in which a critical analysis is needed, having an accurate picture and understanding of the challenges is a crucial step to start exploring alternatives to address them.
É importante a busca por melhores rentabilidades para a cultura do trigo por meio de tecnologias que reduzam custos de produção e proporcionem sustentabilidade à agricultura brasileira. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a rentabilidade da cultura do trigo em sistema plantio direto, visando reduzir doses de nitrogênio em cobertura, pelo cultivo de adubos verdes anterior ao do trigo. O experimento foi realizado em Selvíria (MS), Brasil, no ano 2009/10. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com 36 tratamentos, em parcelas subdividas, com quatro repetições. As parcelas foram formadas por seis tipos de adubos verdes (guandu BRS Mandarim, Crotalaria juncea, milheto BRS 1501, pousio e os consórcios milheto + guandu e milheto + crotalária), que forneceram palha para o plantio direto do trigo no inverno, após a cultura de arroz na safra de verão. As subparcelas foram formadas por seis doses de nitrogênio (0, 25, 50,75, 100 e 125 kg ha-1 de N) em uma aplicação em cobertura, ten-do como fonte a ureia. O trigo cultivado, após a semeadura dos adubos verdes na safra de inverno anterior, sem a aplicação de nitrogênio em cobertura e na dose 25 kg ha-1 de N, apresentou com maior frequência custos de produção superior à receita bruta. O custo de produção de trigo cultivado após os consórcios de milheto + guandu e milheto + crotalária na safra de inverno anterior, associado a doses de nitrogênio de 50 e 75 kg ha-1 de N, proporcionou maior lucratividade em relação aos demais adubos verdes avaliados.
Autopsy examination is considered to be an essential element for medical auditing and teaching. Despite the significant progress in diagnostic procedures, autopsy has not always confirmed the clinical diagnosis. In the present study, we compared the diagnosis recorded on medical charts with reports of 96 autopsies performed at the University Teaching Hospital of the Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Botucatu, SP, Brazil, between 1975 and 1982, and of 156 autopsies performed at the same institution between 1992 and 1996. The clinical diagnosis of the basic cause of death was confirmed at autopsy in 77% of cases. The percent confirmation fell to 60% when the immediate terminal cause of death was considered, and in 25% of cases, the terminal cause was only diagnosed at autopsy. The discrepancies between clinical and autopsy diagnosis were even larger for secondary diagnoses: 50% of them were not suspected upon clinical diagnosis. Among them, we emphasize the diagnosis of venous thromboses (83%), pulmonary embolisms (80%), bronchopneumonias (46%) and neoplasias (38%). Iatrogenic injuries were very frequent, and approximately 90% of them were not described in clinical reports. Our results suggest that highly sensitive and specific diagnostic tests are necessary but cannot substitute the clinical practice for the elaboration of correct diagnoses.
Includes bibliography