996 resultados para 14Carbon uptake rate, fractionated
Actualment, la legislació ambiental ha esdevingut més restrictiva pel que fa a la descàrrega d'aigües residuals amb nutrients, especialment en les anomenades àrees sensibles o zones vulnerables. Arran d'aquest fet, s'ha estimulat el coneixement, desenvolupament i millora dels processos d'eliminació de nutrients. El Reactor Discontinu Seqüencial (RDS) o Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) en anglès, és un sistema de tractament de fangs actius que opera mitjançant un procediment d'omplerta-buidat. En aquest tipus de reactors, l'aigua residual és addicionada en un sol reactor que treballa per càrregues repetint un cicle (seqüència) al llarg del temps. Una de les característiques dels SBR és que totes les diferents operacions (omplerta, reacció, sedimentació i buidat) es donen en un mateix reactor. La tecnologia SBR no és nova d'ara. El fet, és que va aparèixer abans que els sistema de tractament continu de fangs actius. El precursor dels SBR va ser un sistema d'omplerta-buidat que operava en discontinu. Entre els anys 1914 i 1920, varen sorgir certes dificultats moltes d'elles a nivell d'operació (vàlvules, canvis el cabal d'un reactor a un altre, elevat temps d'atenció per l'operari...) per aquests reactors. Però no va ser fins a finals de la dècada dels '50 principis del '60, amb el desenvolupament de nous equipaments i noves tecnologies, quan va tornar a ressorgir l'interès pels SBRs. Importants millores en el camp del subministrament d'aire (vàlvules motoritzades o d'acció pneumàtica) i en el de control (sondes de nivell, mesuradors de cabal, temporitzadors automàtics, microprocessadors) han permès que avui en dia els SBRs competeixin amb els sistemes convencional de fangs actius. L'objectiu de la present tesi és la identificació de les condicions d'operació adequades per un cicle segons el tipus d'aigua residual a l'entrada, les necessitats del tractament i la qualitat desitjada de la sortida utilitzant la tecnologia SBR. Aquestes tres característiques, l'aigua a tractar, les necessitats del tractament i la qualitat final desitjada determinen en gran mesura el tractament a realitzar. Així doncs, per tal d'adequar el tractament a cada tipus d'aigua residual i les seves necessitats, han estat estudiats diferents estratègies d'alimentació. El seguiment del procés es realitza mitjançant mesures on-line de pH, OD i RedOx, els canvis de les quals donen informació sobre l'estat del procés. Alhora un altre paràmetre que es pot calcular a partir de l'oxigen dissolt és la OUR que és una dada complementària als paràmetres esmentats. S'han avaluat les condicions d'operació per eliminar nitrogen d'una aigua residual sintètica utilitzant una estratègia d'alimentació esglaonada, a través de l'estudi de l'efecte del nombre d'alimentacions, la definició de la llargada i el número de fases per cicle, i la identificació dels punts crítics seguint les sondes de pH, OD i RedOx. S'ha aplicat l'estratègia d'alimentació esglaonada a dues aigües residuals diferents: una procedent d'una indústria tèxtil i l'altra, dels lixiviats d'un abocador. En ambdues aigües residuals es va estudiar l'eficiència del procés a partir de les condicions d'operació i de la velocitat del consum d'oxigen. Mentre que en l'aigua residual tèxtil el principal objectiu era eliminar matèria orgànica, en l'aigua procedent dels lixiviats d'abocador era eliminar matèria orgànica i nitrogen. S'han avaluat les condicions d'operació per eliminar nitrogen i fòsfor d'una aigua residual urbana utilitzant una estratègia d'alimentació esglaonada, a través de la definició del número i la llargada de les fases per cicle, i la identificació dels punts crítics seguint les sondes de pH, OD i RedOx. S'ha analitzat la influència del pH i la font de carboni per tal d'eliminar fòsfor d'una aigua sintètica a partir de l'estudi de l'increment de pH a dos reactors amb diferents fonts de carboni i l'estudi de l'efecte de canviar la font de carboni. Tal i com es pot veure al llarg de la tesi, on s'han tractat diferents aigües residuals per a diferents necessitats, un dels avantatges més importants d'un SBR és la seva flexibilitat.
The impacts of afforestation at Plynlimon in the Severn catchment, mid-Wales. and in the Bedford Ouse catchment in south-east England are evaluated using the INCA model to simulate Nitrogen (N) fluxes and concentrations. The INCA model represents the key hydrological and N processes operating in catchments and simulates the daily dynamic behaviour as well as the annual fluxes. INCA has been applied to five years of data front the Hafren and Hore headwater sub-catchments (6.8 km(2) area in total) of the River Severn at Plytilimon and the model was calibrated and validated against field data. Simulation of afforestation is achieved by altering the uptake rate parameters in the model. INCA simulates the daily N behaviour in the catchments with good accuracy as well as reconstructing the annual budgets for N release following clearfelling a four-fold increase in N fluxes was followed by a slow recovery after re-afforestation. For comparison, INCA has been applied to the large (8380 km(2)) Bedford Ouse catchment to investigate the impact of replacing 20% arable land with forestry. The reduction in fertiliser inputs from arable farming and the N uptake by the forest are predicted to reduce the N flux reaching the main river system, leading to a 33% reduction in N-Nitrate concentrations in the river water.
The kinetics of reactive uptake of gaseous N2O5 on sub-micron aerosol particles composed of aqueous ammonium sulfate, ammonium hydrogensulfate and sodium nitrate has been investigated. Uptake was measured in a laminar flow reactor, coupled with a differential mobility analyser (DMA) to obtain the aerosol size distribution, with N2O5 detection using NO chemiluminescence. FTIR spectroscopy was used to obtain information about the composition and water content of the aerosol particles under the conditions used in the kinetic measurements. The aerosols were generated by the nebulisation of aqueous salt solutions. The uptake coefficient on the sulfate salts was in the range [gamma]=0.0015 to 0.033 depending on temperature, humidity and phase of the aerosol. On sodium nitrate aerosols the values were much lower, [gamma]<0.001, confirming the inhibition of N2O5 hydrolysis by nitrate ions. At high humidity (>50% r.h.) the uptake coefficient on liquid sulfate aerosols is independent of water content, but at lower humidity, especially below the efflorescence point, the reactivity of the aerosol declines, correlating with the lower water content. The lower uptake rate on solid aerosols may be due to limitations imposed by the liquid volume in the particles. Uptake on sulfate aerosols showed a negative temperature dependence at T>290 K but no significant temperature dependence at lower temperatures. The results are generally consistent with previous models of N2O5 hydrolysis where the reactive intermediate is NO2+ produced by autoionisation of nitrogen pentoxide in the condensed phase.
A soja é uma das principais culturas agrícolas do Brasil, sendo a sua produtividade muito influenciada pela competição exercida pelas plantas daninhas. Foram realizados dois experimentos em casa de vegetação, em Jaboticabal, SP, objetivando determinar o acúmulo de massa seca, assim como a distribuição e o acúmulo de macronutrientes em plantas de soja, no período de outubro de 2000 a fevereiro de 2001, e de Solanum americanum, no período de janeiro a maio de 1995. As plantas cresceram em vasos com capacidade de 7 litros, preenchidos com areia de rio lavada e peneirada; elas foram irrigadas diariamente com solução nutritiva. Os tratamentos foram representados pelas épocas de amostragem, realizada a intervalos de 14 dias, iniciando-se 21 dias após a emergência (DAE), até 161 DAE para S. americanum e 119 DAE para soja cv. BR-16 (precoce). O ponto de máximo acúmulo teórico de massa seca deu-se aos 104 DAE para a soja (35,0 g por planta) e 143 DAE para S. americanum (179,62 g por planta). da emergência até 49 e 63 DAE, as folhas apresentaram maior participação no acúmulo de massa seca para soja e S. americanum, respectivamente. Após esses períodos, verificou-se, em ambas as espécies, inversão na representatividade das folhas por caules para a espécie daninha e por caules e, posteriormente, por estruturas reprodutivas, para a cultura. A taxa de absorção diária dos macronutrientes atingiu maiores valores entre 69 e 87 DAE para a soja e entre 105 e 119 DAE para a planta daninha. Considerando a média dos valores de pontos de inflexão observados para a cultura da soja, tem-se que aos 75 DAE uma planta de soja acumula teoricamente 23,9 g de massa seca, 564,4 mg de N, 7,1 mg de P, 490,8 mg de K, 487,0 mg de Ca, 156,6 mg de Mg e 36,0 mg de S. Para o mesmo período, uma planta de S. americanum acumula teoricamente 33,75 g de massa seca, 875,96 mg de N, 88,46 mg de P, 983,54 mg de K, 647,60 mg de Ca, 100,93 mg de Mg e 42,15 mg de S.
To evaluate the growth and pattern of nutrient absorption (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S amongst others) in three berry cultivars (treatments), four plants by treatment in different phonological stages were harvested. The experiment was arranged in randomized design of factorial 3x5 with three replicates. There cultivars were used FM Shima-Miura, IZ 56/4 and Miura and above ground biomass was harvested in five occasions 45, 60, 75, 90 and 115 days after plantation. It was observed that the accumulation of nutrients presented different pattern and cv. IZ 56/4 was superior compared with PM Shima-Miura for N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S and N, P, K and S for Miura. For example, the accumulation of N expressed on mg plant"(1) per berry plant cultivar PM Shima-miura, IZ 56/4 and Miura was respectively 4,21; 8,14 and 5,56, for K 2,71; 5,22 and 2,64 and for Ca 2,47; 4,52 and 3,59.
O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores de carambola do mundo, entretanto há poucas informações científicas, especialmente estudos de nutrição mineral com mudas dessa frutífera. Objetivando contribuir com o conhecimento desse importante aspecto, desenvolveu-se estudo que permitisse avaliar o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes em mudas de caramboleiras, cultivadas em solução nutritiva. O experimento foi realizado em parcelas subdivididas, sendo utilizadas como parcela as duas cultivares de caramboleira ('B-10' e 'Golden Star') e, como subparcelas, as cinco épocas de coleta de plantas, realizadas aos 208; 233; 258; 283 e 308 dias após o transplantio para a solução nutritiva. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. As mudas foram cultivadas em vasos (8L) com solução nutritiva (pH=5,5 ± 0,5), com aeração. O experimento iniciou-se em 24-08-2005. Nos diferentes órgãos das mudas (folhas, caule e raízes), avaliaram-se o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes, e os índices nutricionais. Não houve diferenças no crescimento e, em geral, no acúmulo da massa da matéria seca entre as duas cultivares. Houve acúmulo linear da massa da matéria seca das mudas de caramboleira com o tempo de cultivo, sendo maior nas folhas > caule > raízes. O período de maior acúmulo da massa de matéria seca e da taxa de crescimento relativo na planta inteira esteve compreendido entre 208 - 233 e 233 - 258 dias após o transplantio para a 'B-10' e a 'Golden Star', respectivamente.
Petroleum Refinery wastewaters (PRW) have hart-to-degrade compounds, such as: phenols, ammonia, cyanides, sulfides, oils and greases and the mono and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons: benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX), acenaphthene, nitrobenzene and naphtalene. It is known that the microrganisms activity can be reduced in the presence of certain substances, adversely affecting the biological process of wastewater treatment. This research was instigated due the small number of studies regarding to this specific topic in the avaiable literature. This body of work ims to evaluate the effect of toxic substances on the biodegradability of the organic material found in PRW. Glucose was chosen as the model substrate due to its biodegradable nature. This study was divided into three parts: i) a survey of recalcitants compounds and the removal of phenol by using both biological and photochemical-biological processes; ii) biomass aclimation and iii) evaluation of the inhibitory effect certain compounds have on glucose biodegradation. The phenol degradation experiments were carried out in an activity sludge system and in a photochemical reactor. The results showed the photochemical-biological process to be more effective on phenol degradation, suggesting the superioruty of a combined photochemical-biological treatment when compared with a simple biological process for phenol removal from industry wastewaters. For the acclimation step, was used an activated sludge from industrial wastewaters. A rapid biomass aclimation to a synthetic solution composed of the main inhibitory compouns fpund in a PRW was obtained using the following operation condition: (pH = 7,0; DO ≥ 2,0 mg/L; RS = 20 days e qH = 31,2 and 20,4 hours), The last part was consisted of using respirometry evaluation toxicity effects of selected compounds over oxygen uptake rate to adaptated and non adaptated biomass in the presence of inhibitory compounds. The adaptated sludge showed greater degration capacity, with lower sensibility to toxic effects. The respirometry has proved to be very practical, as the techiniques used were simple and rapid, such as: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS). Using the latter it is possible to perform sludge selection to beggingthe process; thus allowing its use for aerobic treatment system`s behacior prediction
The aim of this research was the development of a procedure to measure biological kinetics of organic matter oxidation and nitrification in constructed wetland, by using respirometric techniques. Columns simulating cores of vertical subsurface flow systems were investigated. The oxygen uptake rate (OUR) of the columns was calculated on the basis of the difference of DO concentrations measured continuously at the top and at the bottom of the column. From the respirogram, the following kinetic parameters have been evaluated: maximum rate of oxidation of readily biodegradable COD, maximum rate of nitrification, endogenous respiration of the biomass grown inside the bed. In order to improve the interpretation of the respirograms, additional respirometric tests were carried out on the wetland columns by using pure substrates, such as acetate (carbon source) and ammonium (substrate for nitrification). The kinetic parameters obtained from respirograms can be useful for control and design of constructed wetlands or for improving nutrient and carbon mass balances.
To evaluate the tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Tc-99m-sestamibi breast scintigraphy was proposed as a quantitative method Fifty-five patients with ductal carcinoma were studied They underwent breast scintigraphy before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, along with clinical assessment and surgical specimen analysis The regions of interest on the lesion and contralateral breast were identified, and the pixel counts were used to evaluate lesion uptake in relation to background radiation The ratio of these counts before to after neoadjuvant chemotherapy was assessed The decrease in uptake rate due to chemotherapy characterized the scintigraphy tumor response The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the mean scintigraphic tumor response and histological type Dunn's multiple comparison test was used to detect differences between histological types The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare means between quantitative and qualitative variables scintigraphic tumor response vs clinical response and uptake before chemotherapy vs scintigraphic tumor response The Spearman's test was used to correlate the quantitative variables of clinical reduction in tumor size and scintigraphic tumor response All of the variables compared presented significant differences The change in Tc-99m-sestamibi uptake noted on breast scintigraphy, before to after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, may be used as an effective method for evaluating the response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, since this quantification reflects the biological behavior of the tumor towards the chemotherapy regimen Furthermore, additional analysis on the uptake rate before chemotherapy may accurately predict treatment response
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Nutrient use efficiency has become an important issue in agriculture, and crop rotations with deep vigorous rooted cover crops under no till may be an important tool in increasing nutrient conservation in agricultural systems. Ruzigrass (Brachiaria ruziziensis) has a vigorous, deep root system and may be effective in cycling P and K. The balance of P and K in cropping systems with crop rotations using ruzigrass, pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and ruzigrass + castor bean (Ricinus communis), chiseled or not, was calculated down to 0.60 m in the soil profile for 2 years. The cash crops were corn in the first year and soybean in the second year. Crop rotations under no-till increased available P amounts in the soil-plant system from 80 to 100 %, and reduced K losses between 4 and 23 %. The benefits in nutrient balance promoted by crop rotations were higher in the second year and under without chiseling. Plant residues deposited on the soil surface in no-till systems contain considerable nutrient reserve and increase fertilizer use efficiency. However, P release from ruzigrass grown as a sole crop is not synchronized with soybean uptake rate, which may result in decreased yields. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A Malária Cerebral (MC) apresenta-se como uma severa complicação resultante da infecção por Plasmodium falciparum. Esta condição encontra-se comumente associada a disfunções cognitivas, comportamentais e motoras, sendo a retinopatia uma das mais graves conseqüências da doença. Diversos modelos experimentais já foram descritos no intuito de elucidar os mecanismos fisiopatológicos relacionados a esta síndrome, no entanto, estes ainda permanecem pouco compreendidos. Dentro deste contexto, o presente trabalho procurou investigar as alterações neuroquímicas envolvidas na patologia da MC. Os camundongos C57Bl/6 (fêmeas e machos) inoculados com ≈106 eritrócitos parasitados (PbA) apresentaram baixa parasitemia (15-20%) com sinais clínicos evidentes como: deficiência respiratória, ataxia, hemiplegia e coma seguido de morte, condizentes com o quadro de MC. A análise no tecido retiniano demonstrou uma diminuição nos níveis de GSH com 2 dias após a inoculação. Entretanto, essa diminuição não foi tão evidente com o decorrer da infecção (4º e 6º dias após infecção). Concomitante a este aumento durante o processo infeccioso, observamos um progressivo aumento na captação de 3H-glutamato (4º e 6º dia após infecção) por um sistema independente de Na+, sugerindo que o quadro de MC é responsável por um aumento na atividade de uma proteína transportadora. Dados obtidos com a imunofluorescência demonstram que além de aumentar a atividade do sistema de transporte, o quadro de MC também estimula o aumento na expressão do sistema xCG - no tecido retiniano. O presente trabalho demonstra ainda que estes eventos neuroquímicos no tecido retiniano são independentes de ativação inflamatória, visto que os níveis de TNF-α e expressão de NOS-2, apresentam-se alterados somente no tecido retiniano.