737 resultados para 1203
International input-output tables are among the most useful tools for economic analysis. Since these tables provide detailed information about international production networks, they have recently attracted considerable attention in research on spatial economics, global value chains, and issues relating to trade in value-added. The Institute of Developing Economies at the Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO) has more than 40 years of experience in the construction and analysis of international input-output tables. This paper explains the development of IDE-JETRO’s multi-regional input-output projects including the construction of the Asian International Input-Output table and the Transnational Interregional Input-Output table between China and Japan. To help users understand the features of the tables, this paper also gives examples of their application.
Se ha evaluado el comportamiento mecánico y estructural de dos aceros inoxidables corrugados, el austenítico EN 1.4301 (AISI 304) y el dúplex EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304), y se han comparado con el tradicional acero al carbono B500SD. El estudio se ha realizado en tres niveles: a nivel de barra, de sección y de pieza. Las diferentes características mecánicas de los aceros inoxidables condicionan el comportamiento a nivel de sección y de pieza estructural. El estudio del comportamiento frente a la corrosión de los dos aceros inoxidables se ha realizado mediante mediciones electroquímicas monitorizando el potencial de corrosión y la resistencia de polarización de armaduras embebidas en probetas de mortero contaminado con diferentes concentraciones de cloruros durante un tiempo de exposición de un año. Ambos aceros inoxidables permanecen en estado pasivo en las probetas para todos los contenidos de cloruros.
BACKGROUND: Managing fibromyalgia is a challenge for both health care systems and the professionals caring for these patients, due, in part, to the fact that the etiology of this disease is unknown, its symptoms are not specific and there is no standardized treatment. OBJECTIVE: The present study examines three aspects of fibromyalgia management, namely diagnostic approach, therapeutic management and the health professional-patient relationship, to explore specific areas of the health care process that professionals and patients may consider unsatisfactory. METHODS: A qualitative study involving semistructured interviews with 12 fibromyalgia patients and nine health professionals was performed. RESULTS: The most commonly recurring theme was the dissatisfaction of both patients and professionals with the management process as a whole. Both groups expressed dissatisfaction with the delay in reaching a diagnosis and obtaining effective treatment. Patients reported the need for greater moral support from professionals, whereas the latter often felt frustrated and of little help to patients. Patients and professionals agreed on one point: the uncertainty surrounding the management of fibromyalgia and, especially, its etiology. CONCLUSION: The present study contributes to a better understanding regarding why current management of fibromyalgia is neither effective nor satisfactory. It also provides insight into how health professionals can support fibromyalgia patients to achieve beneficial results. Health care services should offer greater support for these patients in the form of specific resources such as fibromyalgia clinics and health professionals with increased awareness of the disease.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a three-and-a-half page handwritten letter from Winthrop to Bentley providing detailed descriptions and rationale for his conception of the geography of the Dead Sea prior to the Biblical destruction of Sodom. The letter is accompanied by two hand-drawn maps of the Dead Sea (HUG 1203.5 Box 2, Folder 1).
A pen-and-ink map of the Dead Sea from Jericho to the Gulf of Eloth on a grid. The map accompanied a letter by Winthrop (HUG 1203.5 Box 1, Folder 13).
A pen-and-ink and watercolor map of the Dead Sea noting the "Course of Jordan before the destruction of Sodom." The map accompanied a letter by Winthrop (HUG 1203.5 Box 1, Folder 13).
One leaf containing a page of handwritten biographical notes on Revolutionary War hero General John Stark in Bentley's hand. The note is written on the verso of a short letter from J. Pitcairn regarding a deliver for the "Rev. D. Bently" dated March 2, 1810. The notes were likely copied from the biographical sketch published in the Essex Register May 1, 1810.
One leaf containing a one-page handwritten announcement for a Boston visit by book distributor Elisha Sylvester of Turner, Maine.
According to the colophon (f. 60r), copy completed on 16 Rajab 1059 AH [July, 25, 1649 AD].
On wonders of creation.
Sendo os núcleos do CEPAM, e consequentemente os coordenadores de núcleo, um caso único no panorama educativo regional e sem paralelo ao nível nacional, este estudo reveste-se de primordial importância no sentido de evidenciar a pertinência dum cargo intermédio (de coordenador de núcleo) numa estrutura divizionalizada como o CEPAM. Neste estudo de caso, pretendeu-se dar a entender as verdadeiras funções do cargo de coordenador de núcleo do CEPAM, bem como compreender os seus limites, o seu raio de ação e os constrangimentos contíguos a esta incumbência. Por outro lado, pretendeu-se verificar ainda, quais as motivações manifestadas pelos coordenadores de núcleo para o exercício do encargo supracitado, aliadas ao reconhecimento dado pelos diversos atores da comunidade educativa, não esquecendo as relações interpessoais entretanto fomentadas. O cargo de coordenador de núcleo, segundo a diretora do CEPAM, é tido como um cargo de Liderança intermédia, pese embora a larga maioria dos coordenadores em funções considerarem que tal cargo, na realidade, ostenta os pergaminhos de gestão intermédia. No entanto, esta perceção, algo desalinhada, acaba por refletir uma panóplia de entendimentos diferenciados, dos diferentes sujeitos, relativamente ao modo de estar e de agir enquanto coordenadores de núcleo.