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The 475 degrees C embrittlement in stainless steels is a well-known phenomenon associated to alpha prime (alpha`) formed by precipitation or spinodal decomposition. Many doubts still remain on the mechanism of alpha` formation and its consequence on deformation and fracture mechanisms and corrosion resistance. In this investigation, the fracture behavior and corrosion resistance of two high performance ferritic stainless steels were investigated: a superferritic DIN 1.4575 and MA 956 superalloy were evaluated. Samples of both stainless steels (SS) were aged at 475 degrees C for periods varying from 1 to 1,080 h. Their fracture surfaces were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the cleavage planes were determined by electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD). Some samples were tested for corrosion resistance using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization. Brittle and ductile fractures were observed in both ferritic stainless steels after aging at 475 degrees C. For aging periods longer than 500 h, the ductile fracture regions completely disappeared. The cleavage plane in the DIN 1.4575 samples aged at 475 degrees C for 1,080 h was mainly {110}, however the {102}, {314}, and {131} families of planes were also detected. The pitting corrosion resistance decreased with aging at 475 degrees C. The effect of alpha prime on the corrosion resistance was more significant in the DIN 1.4575 SS comparatively to the Incoloy MA 956.
Medium carbon steels are mostly used for simple applications; however, new applications have been developed for which good sheet metal formability is required. These types of steels have an inherent low formability. A medium-carbon hot-rolled SAE 1050 steel was selected for this study. It has been cold rolled with thickness reductions varying between 7 and 80%. The samples obtained were used to evaluate the strain hardening curve. For samples with a 50 and 80% thickness reduction, an annealing heat treatment was performed to achieve recrystallization. The material was characterized in the ""as-received"", cold rolled and annealed conditions using several methods: optical metallography, X-ray diffraction (texture), Vickers hardness, and tensile testing. For large thickness reductions, the SAE 1050 steel presented low elongation, less than 2%, and yield strength (YS) and tensile strength (TS) around 1400 MPa. Texture in the ""as-received"" condition showed strong components on the {001} plane, in the < 100 >, < 210 > and (110) directions. After cold rolling, the texture did not present any significant changes for small thickness reductions, however. It changed completely for large ones, where gamma, < 111 >//ND, alpha, < 110 > HRD, and gamma prime, < 223 >//ND, fibres were strengthened. After annealing, the microstructure of the SAE 1050 steel was characterized by recrystallized ferrite and globular cementite. There was little change in the alpha fibre for the 50% reduction, whereas for the 80% reduction, its intensity increased. Both gamma and gamma prime fibres vanished upon annealing for 50 and 80% reductions alike. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Directional solidification of molten metallurgical-grade Si was carried out in a vertical Bridgman furnace. The effects of changing the mold velocity from 5 to 110 mu m seconds(-1) on the macrosegregation of impurities during solidification were investigated. The macrostructures of the cylindrical Si ingots obtained in the experiments consist mostly of columnar grains parallel to the ingot axis. Because neither cells nor dendrites can be observed on ingot samples, the absence of precipitated particles and the fulfillment of the constitutional supercooling criterion suggest a planar solid-liquid interface for mold velocities a parts per thousand currency sign10 mu m seconds(-1). Concentration profiles of several impurities were measured along the ingots, showing that their bottom and middle are purer than the metallurgical Si from which they solidified. At the ingot top, however, impurities accumulated, indicating the typical normal macrosegregation. When the mold velocity decreases, the macrosegregation and ingot purity increase, changing abruptly for a velocity variation from 20 to 10 mu m seconds(-1). A mathematical model of solute transport during solidification shows that, for mold velocities a parts per thousand yen20 mu m seconds(-1), macrosegregation is caused mainly by diffusion in a stagnant liquid layer assumed at the solid-liquid interface, whereas for lower velocities, macrosegregation increases as a result of more intense convective solute transport.
Cold-rolled (0-19% of reduction) 0.5% Si electrical steel sheets were studied in detail, including macro and micro residual stress measurements, crystallographic texture, dc-hysteresis curves and iron losses. Even for the smallest deformation, losses increase significantly, with large increase of the hysteresis losses, whereas the anomalous losses reduce slightly. The residual microstresses are similar to 150-350 MPa, whereas residual macrostresses are compressive, similar to 50 MPa. The large increase of the hysteresis losses is attributed to the residual microstresses. The dislocation density estimated by X-ray diffraction is in reasonable agreement with that predicted from the Sablik et al. model for effect of plastic deformation on hysteresis. The intensity of the texture fibers {1 1 1}< u v w > and < 110 >//RD (RD = rolling direction) increases with the reduction. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this article is to present a quantitative analysis of the human failure contribution in the collision and/or grounding of oil tankers, considering the recommendation of the ""Guidelines for Formal Safety Assessment"" of the International Maritime Organization. Initially, the employed methodology is presented, emphasizing the use of the technique for human error prediction to reach the desired objective. Later, this methodology is applied to a ship operating on the Brazilian coast and, thereafter, the procedure to isolate the human actions with the greatest potential to reduce the risk of an accident is described. Finally, the management and organizational factors presented in the ""International Safety Management Code"" are associated with these selected actions. Therefore, an operator will be able to decide where to work in order to obtain an effective reduction in the probability of accidents. Even though this study does not present a new methodology, it can be considered as a reference in the human reliability analysis for the maritime industry, which, in spite of having some guides for risk analysis, has few studies related to human reliability effectively applied to the sector.
This paper concern the development of a stable model predictive controller (MPC) to be integrated with real time optimization (RTO) in the control structure of a process system with stable and integrating outputs. The real time process optimizer produces Optimal targets for the system inputs and for Outputs that Should be dynamically implemented by the MPC controller. This paper is based oil a previous work (Comput. Chem. Eng. 2005, 29, 1089) where a nominally stable MPC was proposed for systems with the conventional control approach where only the outputs have set points. This work is also based oil the work of Gonzalez et at. (J. Process Control 2009, 19, 110) where the zone control of stable systems is studied. The new control for is obtained by defining ail extended control objective that includes input targets and zone controller the outputs. Additional decision variables are also defined to increase the set of feasible solutions to the control problem. The hard constraints resulting from the cancellation of the integrating modes Lit the end of the control horizon are softened,, and the resulting control problem is made feasible to a large class of unknown disturbances and changes of the optimizing targets. The methods are illustrated with the simulated application of the proposed,approaches to a distillation column of the oil refining industry.
Several MPC applications implement a control strategy in which some of the system outputs are controlled within specified ranges or zones, rather than at fixed set points [J.M. Maciejowski, Predictive Control with Constraints, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2002]. This means that these outputs will be treated as controlled variables only when the predicted future values lie outside the boundary of their corresponding zones. The zone control is usually implemented by selecting an appropriate weighting matrix for the output error in the control cost function. When an output prediction is inside its zone, the corresponding weight is zeroed, so that the controller ignores this output. When the output prediction lies outside the zone, the error weight is made equal to a specified value and the distance between the output prediction and the boundary of the zone is minimized. The main problem of this approach, as long as stability of the closed loop is concerned, is that each time an output is switched from the status of non-controlled to the status of controlled, or vice versa, a different linear controller is activated. Thus, throughout the continuous operation of the process, the control system keeps switching from one controller to another. Even if a stabilizing control law is developed for each of the control configurations, switching among stable controllers not necessarily produces a stable closed loop system. Here, a stable M PC is developed for the zone control of open-loop stable systems. Focusing on the practical application of the proposed controller, it is assumed that in the control structure of the process system there is an upper optimization layer that defines optimal targets to the system inputs. The performance of the proposed strategy is illustrated by simulation of a subsystem of an industrial FCC system. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new approach to electrochromics, based on the reversible coating-dissolution of an oxide from an inorganic electrochromic electrolyte consisting of a silver-amine complex in a polymer electrolyte (PEO), has proven successful. The reversible electrodeposition of silver onto indium-tin oxide coated glass (ITO) was investigated and the influence of HClO(4) and KI was evaluated. Several characteristics of the electrolyte Ag-PEO make it suitable for use in electrochromic reversible silver electrodeposition devices, such as visible absorption spectrum with an absorbance variation of 60%, an electrochromic efficiency of 5.2 cm(2) C(-1) and an ionic conductivity 4.4 x 10(-4) S cm(-1). The addition of perchloric acid improved the transparency of Ag-PEO, and potassium iodide (KI) was fundamental in setting up the process of reversible silver electrodeposition in the PEO polymeric matrix. A description of the electrochemical processes implied is presented. A number of approaches focusing on the improvement of system performance are tested. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives - A highly adaptive aspect of human memory is the enhancement of explicit, consciously accessible memory by emotional stimuli. We studied the performance of Alzheimer`s disease (AD) patients and elderly controls using a memory battery with emotional content, and we correlated these results with the amygdala and hippocampus volume. Methods - Twenty controls and 20 early AD patients were subjected to the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) and to magnetic resonance imaging-based volumetric measurements of the medial temporal lobe structures. Results - The results show that excluding control group subjects with 5 or more years of schooling, both groups showed improvement with pleasant or unpleasant figures for the IAPS in an immediate free recall test. Likewise, in a delayed free recall test, both the controls and the AD group showed improvement for pleasant pictures, when education factor was not controlled. The AD group showed improvement in the immediate and delayed free recall test proportional to the medial temporal lobe structures, with no significant clinical correlation between affective valence and amygdala volume. Conclusion - AD patients can correctly identify emotions, at least at this early stage, but this does not improve their memory performance.
Fruit-set in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) depends on gibberellins and auxins (GAs). Here, we show, using the cv MicroTom, that application of N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA; an inhibitor of auxin transport) to unpollinated ovaries induced parthenocarpic fruit-set, associated with an increase of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content, and that this effect was negated by paclobutrazol (an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis). NPA-induced ovaries contained higher content of GA(1) (an active GA) and transcripts of GA biosynthetic genes (SlCPS, SlGA20ox1, and -2). Interestingly, application of NPA to pollinated ovaries prevented their growth, potentially due to supraoptimal IAA accumulation. Plant decapitation and inhibition of auxin transport by NPA from the apical shoot also induced parthenocarpic fruit growth of unpollinated ovaries. Application of IAA to the severed stump negated the plant decapitation effect, indicating that the apical shoot prevents unpollinated ovary growth through IAA transport. Parthenocarpic fruit growth induced by plant decapitation was associated with high levels of GA(1) and was counteracted by paclobutrazol treatment. Plant decapitation also produced changes in transcript levels of genes encoding enzymes of GA biosynthesis (SlCPS and SlGA20ox1) in the ovary, quite similar to those found in NPA-induced fruits. All these results suggest that auxin can have opposing effects on fruit-set, either inducing (when accumulated in the ovary) or repressing (when transported from the apical shoot) that process, and that GAs act as mediators in both cases. The effect of NPA application and decapitation on fruit-set induction was also observed in MicroTom lines bearing introgressed DWARF and SELF-PRUNING wild-type alleles.
The koinobiont Cotesia flavipes responds to and is influenced by biochemical changes in the host hemolymph composition, Diatraea saccharalis. Changes in the composition of macronutrients may occur due to the hosts own development or by changes induced after parasitization. These changes occur to facilitate parasitoid invasion and to make the host internal environment suitable to parasitoid immature development. Therefore, changes in the availability of stored and circulating nutrients may correlate with the nutritional requirements of specific parasitoid immature stages. In here, we describe changes in the biochemical composition of parasitized and control larvae at different stages of parasitoid development to gain information on C flavipes host regulation and on its quantitative immature nutritional requirements. Total proteins, lipids and carbohydrates free in the hemolymph or stored in host fat bodies, and the SDS-PAGE protein profile of the hemolymph were evaluated in control and parasitized 6th instar during the whole parasitoid development. Changes in the total protein available in the host hemolymph were detected soon after parasitization, but carbohydrate and lipids were observed to differ only towards parasitoid larvae egression. Although C. flavipes affected the availability of all macronutrients observed in the host hemolymph, lipids and proteins stored in the host fat bodies were unaffected. However, carbohydrate concentration at the end of parasitoid larval development was much lower in parasitized than in control larvae at the same stage of development. SDS-PAGE analysis indicated C flavipes up-regulated two host proteins (125 and 48 kDa) and released two parasitism-specific proteins towards the end of parasitoid larval development. We provide a discussion on the role these changes may have on the process of host regulation and their possible requirement to sustain parasitoid development. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In a series of tritrophic-level interaction experiments, the effect of selected host plants of the spider mites, Tetranychus evansi and Tetranychus urticae, on Neozygites floridana was studied by evaluating the attachment of capilliconidia, presence of hyphal bodies in the infected mites, mortality from fungal infection, mummification and sporulation from fungus-killed mite cadavers. Host plants tested for T. evansi were tomato, cherry tomato, eggplant, nightshade, and pepper while host plants tested for T. urticae were strawberry, jack bean, cotton and Gerbera. Oviposition rate of the mites on each plant was determined to infer host plant suitability while host-switching determined antibiosis effect on fungal activity. T. evansi had a high oviposition on eggplant, tomato and nightshade but not on cherry tomato and pepper. T. urticae on jack bean resulted in a higher oviposition than on strawberry, cotton and Gerbera. Attachment of capilliconidia to the T. evansi body, presence of hyphal bodies in infected T. evansi and mortality from fungal infection were significantly higher on pepper, nightshade and tomato. The highest level of T. evansi mummification was observed on tomato. T. evansi cadavers from tomato and eggplant produced more primary conidia than those from cherry tomato, nightshade and pepper. Switching N. floridana infected T. evansi from one of five Solanaceous host plants to tomato had no prominent effect on N. floridana performance. For T. urticae, strawberry and jack bean provided the best N. floridana performance when considering all measured parameters. Strawberry also had the highest primary conidia production. This study shows that performance of N. floridana can vary with host plants and may be an important factor for the development of N. floridana epizootics. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Using a dynamic systems model specifically developed for Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundia River Water Basins (BH-PCJ) as a tool to help to analyze water resources management alternatives for policy makers and decision takers, five simulations for 50 years timeframe were performed. The model estimates water supply and demand, as well as wastewater generation from the consumers at BH-PCJ. A run was performed using mean precipitation value constant, and keeping the actual water supply and demand rates, the business as usual scenario. Under these considerations, it is expected an increment of about similar to 76% on water demand, that similar to 39% of available water volume will come from wastewater reuse, and that waste load increases to similar to 91%. Falkenmark Index will change from 1,403 m(3) person(-1) year(-1) in 2004, to 734 m(3) P(-1) year(-1) by 2054, and the Sustainability Index from 0.44 to 0.20. Another four simulations were performed by affecting the annual precipitation by 90 and 110%; considering an ecological flow equal to 30% of the mean daily flow; and keeping the same rates for all other factors except for ecological flow and household water consumption. All of them showed a tendency to a water crisis in the near future at BH-PCJ.
Simulation of irrigated Thanzania grass growth based on photothermal units, nitrogen fertilization and water availability. The mathematical model to predict the forage yield using photothennal units was utilized with success in Elephant grass, Thanzania and Brachiaria niziziensis in the absence of water stress and nitrogen stress. The aim of this study was to propose models to estimate the forage yield of Thanzania grass under different irrigation (25, 50,75, 100 e 125% of ETc) and nitrogen level in various regions of Brazil. As such, models were developed to estimate the dry matter production of Panicum maximum Jacq. frass cv Thanzania in different irrigation and nitrogen levels, using photothermal units. The models were adjusted to doses of 0, 30, 60, 110 and 270 kg of N ha(-1), doses were divided in applications after each evaluation, with a rest cycle of 35 days. The adjusted model presented good performance in predicting dry matter production of Thanzania grass, with r(2) = 0.9999. The results made it possible to verify that the proposed model can be used to predict forage production in different regions of Brazil. It can be estimated, with good precision. The production of Thanzania grass dry matter can be accurately estimated in specific places (in function of latitude and time of year), with the maximum and minimum temperature values.
This study examined the effects of temperature and wetness duration in vitro and in vivo as well as the effects of fruit age on germination and appressoria formation by conidia of Guignardia psidii, the causal agent of black spot disease in guava fruit. The temperatures tested for in vitro and in vivo experiments were 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 degrees C. The wetness periods studied were 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h in vitro and 6, 12 and 24 h in vivo. Fruit 10, 35, 60, 85 and 110-days old were inoculated and maintained at 25 degrees C, with a wetness period of 24 h. Temperature and wetness duration affected the variables evaluated in vitro and in vivo. All variables reached their maximum values at between 25 and 30 degrees C with a wetness duration of 24 h in vivo and 48 h in vitro. These conditions resulted in 31.3% conidia germination, 33.6% appressoria formation and 32.5% appressoria melanization in vitro, and 50.4% conidia germination and 9.5% appressoria formation in vivo. Fruit age also influenced these factors. As fruit age increased, conidia germination and appressoria formation gradually increased. Conidia germination and appressoria formation were 10.8% and 2.3%, respectively, in 10-day-old fruits. In 110-day-old fruits, conidia germination and appressoria formation were 42.5% and 23.2% respectively.