901 resultados para (E-EPA)


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In this study we elucidate the role of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, focusing the attention on their role in the modulation of acyl composition of cell lipids and of gene expression. Regarding this latter mechanism, the effectiveness of PUFAs as activators of two transcriptional factors, SREBPs and PPARs, have been considered. Two different model system have been used: primary cultures of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and an human hepatoma cell line (HepG2). Cells have been supplemented with different PUFAs at physiological concentration, and special attention has been devoted to the main n-3 PUFAs, EPA and DHA. PUFAs influence on global gene expression in cardiomyocytes has been evaluated using microarray technique. Furthermore, since it is not fully elucidated which transcription factors are involved in this modulation in the heart, expression and activation of the three different PPAR isoforms have been investigated. Hepatocytes have been used as experimental model system in the evaluation of PUFAs effect on SREBP activity. SREBPs are considered the main regulator of cholesterol and triglyceride synthesis, which occur mainly in the liver. In both experimental models the modification of cell lipid fatty acid composition subsequent to PUFAs supplementation has been evaluated, and related to the effects observed at molecular level. The global vision given by the obtained results may be important for addressing new researches and be useful to educators and policy makers in setting recommendations for reaching optimal health through good nutrition.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi ha affrontato le problematiche legate alla speciazione del cromo in particolare i rischi legati alla forma esavalente che risulta particolarmente tossica per gli organismi acquatici. Sono state svolte diverse prove per la messa appunto di una metodica standar dell’US EPA “Method 3060A” indicata per l’estrazione selettiva del Cr(VI) in campioni di sedimento e suolo. Un set di campioni provenienti da sedimenti della laguna costiera della Pialassa della Baiona sono stati analizzati per quantificare i livelli cromo environmentally available, previa dissoluzione in acqua regia, e livelli di cromo esavalente per valutare l’eventuale rischio per il biota acquatico. Sia i livelli di concentrazione di cromo environmentally available confrontati con le linee guida internazionali che i livelli di cromo e Cr(VI) paragonati ai livelli di effetto ritrovati in letteratura non mostrano un potenziale rischio per gli organismi bentonici. I bassi valori di cromo esavalente sono in accordo con le condizioni riducenti tipiche di ambienti di transizione come quello di studio dove la forma chimica del cromo predominante sembra essere quella trivalente. La metodica seguita per la determinazione del cromo esavalente ha diversi limiti rappresentati dall’azione di interferenti quali AVS, Fe(II) e materia organica naturalmente presenti nei sedimenti, per questo procede ancora la ricerca di analisi di speciazione più selettive.


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Nach heutigen Erkenntnissen sind für die Krebsentstehung Mutationen in Genen somatischer Zellen verantwortlich, die vor allem durch chemische Modifikationen der DNA (DNA-Schäden) hervorgerufen werden. Als DNA-schädigende Agentien sind besonders reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) von Bedeutung, die sowohl endogen, z.B. in der Lipidperoxidation und der mitochondrialen Atmungskette, als auch exogen, z.B. durch Xenobiotika und Strahlung, entstehen können. Der stets in jeder Zelle vorhandene Untergrundspiegel an DNA-Modifikationen ergibt sich aus dem Gleichgewicht zwischen Schadensbildung und den zellulären antioxidativen Schutz- und den Reparaturmechanismen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war, die Beeinflussung oxidativer DNA-Schäden durch verschiedene, vom Menschen zumeist oral aufgenommene Stoffe (Ascorbinsäure, Derivat des Carazostatin (MMPDCD), Eicosapentaensäure (EPA) und Ethanol) unter Bedingungen ohne weitere exogene Schädigung und unter zusätzlich induziertem oxidativem Stress zu untersuchen. Zur Induktion von oxidativen Stress wurden AS52-Zellen (CHO-Zellen) mit UVB, sichtbarem Licht oder sichtbarem Licht und Photosensibilisator bestrahlt. Die Bestimmung der oxidativen DNA-Schäden in den Zellen (AS52 oder humane Lymphozyten) erfolgte mit Hilfe der Alkalischen Elution, wobei als Sonde das Fpg-Protein, eine DNA-Reparaturendonuklease, die vor allem 8-Hydroxyguanin erkennt, verwendet wurde. Darüberhinaus wurde der Einfluß der jeweiligen Vorbehandlung auf die Bildung von Mikrokernen und auch deren Zytotoxizität untersucht. Außerdem lag ein besonderes Augenmerk auch auf Untersuchungen von Effekten in humanen Lymphozyten in vivo.Bei den Untersuchungen an kultivierten Säugerzellen zeigte sich bei keiner Substanz in dem untersuchten Konzentrationsbereich ein Einfluß auf oxidative DNA-Schäden. Lediglich bei MMPDCD war ein geringer, protektiver Effekt zu erkennen, der abhängig von der eingesetzten Konzentration war. Dagegen konnte die Induktion von Mikrokernen sowohl durch Präinkubation mit Vitamin C, EPA als auch mit MMPDCD effektiv verhindert werden, obwohl sie z.T. die spontane Mikrokernrate erhöhten. In den in vivo Studien hatte weder eine akute Gabe von Vitamin C noch eine dreimonatige Supplementation mit EPA einen Einfluß auf die Untergrundspiegel oxidativer DNA-Schäden in humanen Lymphozyten. Bei der Studie zum Einfluß von chronischem Alkoholmißbrauch auf oxidative DNA-Schäden in Lymphozyten fand sich in der Patientengruppe ein signifikant erhöhter Spiegel an Schäden. Dieser erniedrigte sich nach erfolgter Entgiftung nicht auf das Niveau der Kontrollgruppe sondern erhöhte sich noch weiter.Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, daß Vitamin C und EPA zwar in vitro einen teilweise protektiven Effekt haben, sich dieser aber nicht in vivo finden läßt. Außerdem hat Ethanol eine schädigende Wirkung auf den DNA-Schaden in vivo, was dem vielfach propagierten protektiven Effekt alkoholischer Getränke widerspricht.


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous and found in the atmosphere, aquatic environment, sediments and soils. For environmental risk assessments and the allocation of the polluter it is important to know the PAH sources. PAH contamination sites are usually the result of anthropogenic processes. Three major sources are known: i) petroleum, including crude oil and its refined products and coals (petrogenic PAHs), ii) burning of organic matter (pyrogenic PAHs) and iii) transformation products of natural organic precursors present in the environment (diagenetic processes). In one case elevated PAH concentrations were found in river bank soils when building a retention area along the Mosel River. The source of the PAHs in this area was unclear and required the investigation of possible sources. To evaluate the PAH distribution along the Mosel River, a section of ~ 160 km along the river and a short section along the Saar River were investigated within this study. Concentrations of the Σ16 EPA PAHs were as high as 81 mg kg-1 dry weight (dw). Additionally, coal particles were identified in some soils, which originated from mining activities in the Saarland region. PAH distribution patterns of the 16 EPA PAHs suggest a mainly pyrogenic origin and in some cases a mixture of pyrogenic and petrogenic origin. For a comprehensive investigation five sampling sites were selected. Two sites were located before the confluence of the Mosel and Saar River, one site at the confluence and two sites after the confluence. The examination included typical forensic methods such as PAH distribution patterns of 45 PAHs (including alkylated PAHs), calculation of PAH ratios, determination of PAH alkyl homologues, n-alkanes, principal component analysis (PCA) and coal petrography. The results revealed a mainly pyrogenic source at sampling sites before the confluence of the two rivers. At and after the confluence, a mixture of pyrogenic and petrogenic inputs were present. With the help of coal petrography, coal derived particles could be identified in these soils. Therefore, coal was suggested to be the petrogenic source. It could be shown that sites with diffuse sources of contaminants, like the bank soils of the Mosel River, are difficult to characterize. As previously mentioned for detailed source identifications, the use of various forensic methods is essential. Determination of PAH alkyl homologue series, biomarkers and isotopes are often recommended. Source identification was evaluated using three different methods (i.e. PAH distribution patterns of an extended PAH spectrum, PAH ratios and analyses of n-alkanes). It was assessed if these methods were sufficient for the initial steps in identifying sources of PAHs in selected samples, and if they could be used for decision-making purposes. Point- and non-point sources were identified by applying the three methods and it could be shown that these relatively simple methods are sufficient in determining the primary source. In a last step of this study two soils (one before the confluence of the Mosel and Saar rivers and one after the confluence), and one sediment of the Mosel River were evaluated by investigating the mutagenic potential of the soils and the sediment with a fluctuation version of the Ames-test. The study showed that coal bearing soils at the Mosel River do not exhibit a greater mutagenic potential than other soils or sediments without coal particles.


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Inflammatory bowel diseases are associated with increased risk of developing colitis-associated colorectal cancer (CAC). Epidemiological data show that the consumption of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω-3 PUFAs) decreases the risk of sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC). Importantly, recent data have shown that eicosapentaenoic acid-free fatty acid (EPA-FFA) reduces polyps formation and growth in models of familial adenomatous polyposis. However, the effects of dietary EPA-FFA are unknown in CAC. We tested the effectiveness of substituting EPA-FFA, for other dietary fats, in preventing inflammation and cancer in the AOM-DSS model of CAC. The AOM-DSS protocols were designed to evaluate the effect of EPA-FFA on both initiation and promotion of carcinogenesis. We found that EPA-FFA diet strongly decreased tumor multiplicity, incidence and maximum tumor size in the promotion and initiation arms. Moreover EPA-FFA, in particular in the initiation arm, led to reduced cell proliferation and nuclear β-catenin expression, whilst it increased apoptosis. In both arms, EPA-FFA treatment led to increased membrane switch from ω-6 to ω-3 PUFAs and a concomitant reduction in PGE2 production. We observed no significant changes in intestinal inflammation between EPA-FFA treated arms and AOM-DSS controls. Importantly, we found that EPA-FFA treatment restored the loss of Notch signaling found in the AOM-DSS control, resulted in the enrichment of Lactobacillus species in the gut microbiota and led to tumor suppressor miR34-a induction. In conclusion, our data suggest that EPA-FFA is an effective chemopreventive agent in CAC.


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This case-control study involved a total of 29 autistic children (Au) aged 6 to 12 years, and 28 gender and age-matched typically developing children (TD). We evaluated a high number of peripheral oxidative stress parameters, erythrocyte and lymphocyte membrane functional features and membrane lipid composition of erythrocyte. Erythrocyte TBARS, Peroxiredoxin II, Protein Carbonyl Groups and urinary HEL and isoprostane levels were elevated in AU (confirming an imbalance of the redox status of Au); other oxidative stress markers or associated parameters (urinary 8-oxo-dG, plasma Total antioxidant capacity and plasma carbonyl groups, erythrocyte SOD and catalase activities) were unchanged, whilst peroxiredoxin I showed a trend of elevated levels in red blood cells of Au children. A very significant reduction of both erythrocyte and lymphocyte Na+, K+-ATPase activity (NKA), a reduction of erythrocyte membrane fluidity, a reduction of phospatydyl serine exposition on erythrocyte membranes, an alteration in erythrocyte fatty acid membrane profile (increase in MUFA and in ω6/ω3 ratio due to decrease in EPA and DHA) and a reduction of cholesterol content of erythrocyte membrane were found in Au compared to TD, without change in erythrocyte membrane sialic acid content and in lymphocyte membrane fluidity. Some Au clinical features appear to be correlated with these findings; in particular, hyperactivity score appears to be related with some parameters of the lipidomic profile and membrane fluidity, and ADOS and CARS score are inversely related to peroxiredoxin II levels. Oxidative stress and erythrocyte structural and functional alterations may play a role in the pathogenesis of Autism Spectrum Disorders and could be potentially utilized as peripheral biomarkers.


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Nell’ambito del tirocinio svolto è stato affrontato lo studio del Progetto di messa in sicurezza e bonifica della Raffineria ISAB IMP. SUD, attiva nel SIN di Priolo Gargallo. In particolare lo studio ha visto il Monitoraggio Annuale delle acquee sotterranee. Il lavoro è stato articolato nelle seguenti fasi: Lo studio del Progetto di messa in sicurezza e bonifica dell’area Il campionamento delle acque attraverso sopralluoghi in campo Le analisi in laboratorio La validazione dei dati ottenuti La stesura della relazione tecnica relativamente ai dati validati, trasmessa all’azienda e agli enti competenti Il campionamento, che avviene attraverso un piezometro, prevede: Inizialmente la misura del livello statico della falda tramite freatimetro Segue la fase di spurgo, fin quando non si ha la stabilizzazione dei parametri quali pE, pH, temperatura, conducibilità elettrica, ecc… misurati in continuo tramite una sonda multiparametrica accoppiata alla cella di flusso Infine si campiona. In laboratorio sono state applicate le seguenti tecniche per l’analisi degli inquinanti definiti dal D.L.152/06: VOC e IPA; Analisi svolte secondo le metodiche ufficiali EPA 8260B e EPA 8272 Metalli; EPA 6020 a Idrocarburi; UNI EN ISO 9377-2/2002 (fraz. C10-C40). La validazione dei dati ha visto in particolare l’elaborazione dei risultati attraverso il confronto, per ogni parametro, tra i dati forniti dall’Azienda e i risultati delle analisi compiute dall’ARPA. Inerentemente al seguente studio è stata condotta, sulla base dei risultati delle diverse fasi di indagine ambientale svolte dall’azienda, l’analisi di rischio sito-specifica utilizzando il software RiskNet.


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La diatomea presa in esame in questo studio è Phaeodactylum tricornutum, diatomea marina con simmetria pennata. L’interesse commerciale verso Phaeodactylum tricornutum nasce dal suo alto contenuto di acidi grassi polinsaturi (PUFA), tra cui troviamo alcuni omega 3, come l’acido eicosapentaenoico (EPA) e l’acido docosaesaenoico (DHA) e dalla quantità del polisaccaride di riserva prodotto, il β-1,3 glucano crisolaminarina. E’stata studiata la capacità dei β-1,3 glucani, in particolare della laminarina, di inibire l’attacco cellulare da parte di alcuni batteri dannosi per la salute umana. Anche i pigmenti accessori di questa diatomea in particolare il β-carotene (appartenente ai caroteni) e la fucoxantina (appartenente alle xantofille) possono essere impiegati nella nutraceutica. Negli studi svolti precedentemente sull’effetto di fattori ambientali sulla composizione di questa specie, è stata presa in considerazione solo la produzione di lipidi e non è mai stato seguito contemporaneamente l’andamento di lipidi e polisaccaridi: questo progetto di tesi prevede la valutazione della possibilità di ottenere colture di P. tricornutum ad alto contenuto sia polisaccaridico sia lipidico per applicazioni industriali. Tutto il lavoro di tesi si è svolto presso l’azienda Micoperi Blue Growth (MBG), nello stabilimento di Ortona (CH) in due fasi: nella prima fase l’esperimento è stato condotto in batch su piccola scala e la crescita e la composizione di P. tricornutum sono state seguite in due diversi terreni di coltura: uno ricco in azoto, denominato N, per mezzo del quale si è voluta incrementare la crescita e la biomassa ed uno a ridotto contenuto di azoto, denominato N/3, per indurre la produzione di lipidi e polisaccaridi. Ne è stata seguita la crescita per mezzo di misure di assorbanza, peso secco, pH, conta cellulare, determinazione dei macronutrienti ed è stata analizzata la composizione biochimica con determinazione dei composti polisaccaridici totali, determinazione qualitativa dei polisaccaridi, determinazione della clorofilla a, valutazione quantitativa e qualitativa dei lipidi. E' stato notato che la condizione con un contenuto polisaccaridico e lipidico maggiore è quella con un ridotto contenuto di azoto. Con la seconda fase si è voluto verificare la riproducibilità su larga scala di quanto notato nel primo esperimento in sistemi chiusi industriali. E’stata avviata una monocoltura di Phaeodactylum tricornutum in fotobioreattore (PBR) da 70L in semicontinuo e ne è stata monitorata la crescita misurando assorbanza, peso secco, pH, quantità di macronutrienti nel terreno; la composizione biochimica è stata valutata determinando i polisaccaridi totali e la loro composizione qualitativa, le proteine totali, i lipidi totali e la composizione qualitativa. In conclusione con questo lavoro si è visto il terreno migliore per la produzione di polisaccaridi e lipidi e le tempistiche di produzione in Phaeodactylum tricornutum, e in aggiunta, abbiamo dimostrato che sia contenuti che tempistiche sono riproducubili in un sistema industriale chiuso per produrre biomassa ad alto valore commerciale.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi ha avuto lo scopo di valutare l’effetto dell’insorgenza delle anomalie “white-striping” e “wooden breast” (sia separatamente che contestualmente nell’ambito dello stesso filetto) su composizione chimica, profilo in acidi grassi e suscettibilità all’ossidazione lipidica e proteica. Le modificazioni riscontrate nella composizione chimica (maggiori livelli di collagene e lipidi a discapito del tenore in proteine) determinano una ridotta qualità nutrizionale con possibili effetti negativi sulla percezione del consumatore, oltre che sulla capacità di ritenzione idrica come riscontrato in precedenti studi. Per quanto riguarda il profilo in acidi grassi, l’effetto delle anomalie è stato più limitato rispetto a quanto ipotizzato. Infatti, nonostante l’aumento dei lipidi totali, le carni di petto anomale non presentano modificazioni nel contenuto di acidi grassi monoinsaturi e polinsaturi totali. Le uniche differenze hanno riguardato il totale degli acidi grassi saturi e il contenuto di acidi grassi essenziali (EPA, DPA, DHA) che sono risultati significativamente inferiori. Le ridotte quantità di EPA e DPA nei petti anomali possono essere correlate alla minore attività degli enzimi Δ5 e Δ6 desaturasi, probabilmente in ragione della complessiva riduzione nell’espressione dei geni che codificano tali enzimi. Da sottolineare infine che le carni anomale hanno presentato livelli inferiori di emepigmenti. Per quanto attiene alle caratteristiche tecnologiche, è stata osservato un maggiore livello di ossidazione delle proteine in relazione alla presenza dell’anomalia wooden breast. Al contrario, l’ossidazione dei lipidi non ha mostrato differenze sostanziali fra i campioni anomali e quelli normali. Nel complesso, pertanto questo lavoro di tesi ha ulteriormente evidenziato i rischi connessi all’utilizzo delle carni anomale, e soprattutto di quelle affette da wooden breast, nella preparazione di prodotti trasformati in relazione al peggioramento delle rese di lavorazione dovuto alla minore concentrazione e qualità delle proteine. La componente lipidica sembra invece essere meno compromessa dalla presenza di tali anomalie.


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Visceral fat differs from subcutaneous fat by higher local inflammation and increased release of IL-6 and free fatty acids (FFA) which contribute to hepatic steatosis. IL-6 has been shown to upregulate the monocyte/macrophage specific receptor CD163 whose soluble form, sCD163, is increased in inflammatory diseases. Here, it was analyzed whether CD163 and sCD163 are differentially expressed in the human fat depots and fatty liver. CD163 mRNA and protein were similarly expressed in paired samples of human visceral and subcutaneous fat, and comparable levels in portal venous and systemic venous blood of liver-healthy controls indicate that release of sCD163 from visceral adipose tissue was not increased. CD163 was also similarly expressed in steatotic liver when compared to non-steatotic tissues and sCD163 was almost equal in the respective sera. Concentrations of sCD163 were not affected when passing the liver excluding substantial hepatic removal/release of this protein. A high concentration of IL-6 upregulated CD163 protein while physiological doses had no effect. However, sCD163 was not increased by any of the IL-6 doses tested. FFA even modestly decreased CD163 and sCD163. The anti-inflammatory mediators fenofibrate, pioglitazone, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) did not influence sCD163 levels while CD163 was reduced by EPA. These data suggest that in humans neither visceral fat nor fatty liver are major sources of sCD163.


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This presentation reports on the results of a meeting of prosthodontists from selected European countries. The aim of the meeting was to analyse and promote specialisation and specialist education in Prosthetic Dentistry in Europe. Representatives for Europe were selected from the European Prosthodontic Association (EPA) board, the Education and Research Committee of International College of Prosthodontists (ICP), countries with a legally recognised speciality, countries without a recognised speciality but organised training programmes and countries with neither of these situations. Data about specialisation and specialist training in Prosthodontics in Europe was scrutinised and discussed. The programmes for countries with specialist training had relatively similar content, mostly of three years duration. There was strong agreement that a recognised speciality raises the level of care within the discipline for both specialists and non-specialists. In several of the countries where a speciality had been introduced it had been initiated by pressure from public health planning authorities. The conclusions are that from a professional viewpoint an advancement of the speciality over Europe would develop the discipline, improve oral health planning and quality of patient care. A working group for harmonisation was recommended.


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Quantifying the health effects associated with simultaneous exposure to many air pollutants is now a research priority of the US EPA. Bayesian hierarchical models (BHM) have been extensively used in multisite time series studies of air pollution and health to estimate health effects of a single pollutant adjusted for potential confounding of other pollutants and other time-varying factors. However, when the scientific goal is to estimate the impacts of many pollutants jointly, a straightforward application of BHM is challenged by the need to specify a random-effect distribution on a high-dimensional vector of nuisance parameters, which often do not have an easy interpretation. In this paper we introduce a new BHM formulation, which we call "reduced BHM", aimed at analyzing clustered data sets in the presence of a large number of random effects that are not of primary scientific interest. At the first stage of the reduced BHM, we calculate the integrated likelihood of the parameter of interest (e.g. excess number of deaths attributed to simultaneous exposure to high levels of many pollutants). At the second stage, we specify a flexible random-effect distribution directly on the parameter of interest. The reduced BHM overcomes many of the challenges in the specification and implementation of full BHM in the context of a large number of nuisance parameters. In simulation studies we show that the reduced BHM performs comparably to the full BHM in many scenarios, and even performs better in some cases. Methods are applied to estimate location-specific and overall relative risks of cardiovascular hospital admissions associated with simultaneous exposure to elevated levels of particulate matter and ozone in 51 US counties during the period 1999-2005.


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Particulate matter (PM) emissions standards set by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have become increasingly stringent over the years. The EPA regulation for PM in heavy duty diesel engines has been reduced to 0.01 g/bhp-hr for the year 2010. Heavy duty diesel engines make use of an aftertreatment filtration device, the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). DPFs are highly efficient in filtering PM (known as soot) and are an integral part of 2010 heavy duty diesel aftertreatment system. PM is accumulated in the DPF as the exhaust gas flows through it. This PM needs to be removed by oxidation periodically for the efficient functioning of the filter. This oxidation process is also known as regeneration. There are 2 types of regeneration processes, namely active regeneration (oxidation of PM by external means) and passive oxidation (oxidation of PM by internal means). Active regeneration occurs typically in high temperature regions, about 500 - 600 °C, which is much higher than normal diesel exhaust temperatures. Thus, the exhaust temperature has to be raised with the help of external devices like a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) or a fuel burner. The O2 oxidizes PM producing CO2 as oxidation product. In passive oxidation, one way of regeneration is by the use of NO2. NO2 oxidizes the PM producing NO and CO2 as oxidation products. The passive oxidation process occurs at lower temperatures (200 - 400 °C) in comparison to the active regeneration temperatures. Generally, DPF substrate walls are washcoated with catalyst material to speed up the rate of PM oxidation. The catalyst washcoat is observed to increase the rate of PM oxidation. The goal of this research is to develop a simple mathematical model to simulate the PM depletion during the active regeneration process in a DPF (catalyzed and non-catalyzed). A simple, zero-dimensional kinetic model was developed in MATLAB. Experimental data required for calibration was obtained by active regeneration experiments performed on PM loaded mini DPFs in an automated flow reactor. The DPFs were loaded with PM from the exhaust of a commercial heavy duty diesel engine. The model was calibrated to the data obtained from active regeneration experiments. Numerical gradient based optimization techniques were used to estimate the kinetic parameters of the model.


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The purpose of this study is to detail and analyze the distribution, concentration, and loads of 5 organic compounds along Silver Bow Creek in Butte, Montana from the Municipal Wastewater treatment plant to the Warm Springs Ponds. The chemicals analyzed include Carbamazepine (pharmaceutical), Miconazole (fungicide) and three antibiotics – Sulfamethoxazole, Thiabendazole, and Ciprofloxacin. This project begins a 2 year study to analyze 6 additional compounds (11 compounds total), to develop an effective method to detail and analyze OWCs using Mass Spectrometer/Liquid chromatography system, and to aid in assessment of aquatic health and ongoing restoration work. The EPA method 1694 was used for analysis