978 resultados para zero-phonon line
Many applications in cosmology and astrophysics at millimeter wavelengths including CMB polarization, studies of galaxy clusters using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE), and studies of star formation at high redshift and in our local universe and our galaxy, require large-format arrays of millimeter-wave detectors. Feedhorn and phased-array antenna architectures for receiving mm-wave light present numerous advantages for control of systematics, for simultaneous coverage of both polarizations and/or multiple spectral bands, and for preserving the coherent nature of the incoming light. This enables the application of many traditional "RF" structures such as hybrids, switches, and lumped-element or microstrip band-defining filters.
Simultaneously, kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) using high-resistivity materials like titanium nitride are an attractive sensor option for large-format arrays because they are highly multiplexable and because they can have sensitivities reaching the condition of background-limited detection. A KID is a LC resonator. Its inductance includes the geometric inductance and kinetic inductance of the inductor in the superconducting phase. A photon absorbed by the superconductor breaks a Cooper pair into normal-state electrons and perturbs its kinetic inductance, rendering it a detector of light. The responsivity of KID is given by the fractional frequency shift of the LC resonator per unit optical power.
However, coupling these types of optical reception elements to KIDs is a challenge because of the impedance mismatch between the microstrip transmission line exiting these architectures and the high resistivity of titanium nitride. Mitigating direct absorption of light through free space coupling to the inductor of KID is another challenge. We present a detailed titanium nitride KID design that addresses these challenges. The KID inductor is capacitively coupled to the microstrip in such a way as to form a lossy termination without creating an impedance mismatch. A parallel plate capacitor design mitigates direct absorption, uses hydrogenated amorphous silicon, and yields acceptable noise. We show that the optimized design can yield expected sensitivities very close to the fundamental limit for a long wavelength imager (LWCam) that covers six spectral bands from 90 to 400 GHz for SZE studies.
Excess phase (frequency) noise has been observed in KID and is very likely caused by two-level systems (TLS) in dielectric materials. The TLS hypothesis is supported by the measured dependence of the noise on resonator internal power and temperature. However, there is still a lack of a unified microscopic theory which can quantitatively model the properties of the TLS noise. In this thesis we derive the noise power spectral density due to the coupling of TLS with phonon bath based on an existing model and compare the theoretical predictions about power and temperature dependences with experimental data. We discuss the limitation of such a model and propose the direction for future study.
Hydrogen is the only atom for which the Schr odinger equation is solvable. Consisting only of a proton and an electron, hydrogen is the lightest element and, nevertheless, is far from being simple. Under ambient conditions, it forms diatomic molecules H2 in gas phase, but di erent temperature and pressures lead to a complex phase diagram, which is not completely known yet. Solid hydrogen was rst documented in 1899 [1] and was found to be isolating. At higher pressures, however, hydrogen can be metallized. In 1935 Wigner and Huntington predicted that the metallization pressure would be 25 GPa [2], where molecules would disociate to form a monoatomic metal, as alkali metals that lie below hydrogen in the periodic table. The prediction of the metallization pressure turned out to be wrong: metallic hydrogen has not been found yet, even under a pressure as high as 320 GPa. Nevertheless, extrapolations based on optical measurements suggest that a metallic phase may be attained at 450 GPa [3]. The interest of material scientist in metallic hydrogen can be attributed, at least to a great extent, to Ashcroft, who in 1968 suggested that such a system could be a hightemperature superconductor [4]. The temperature at which this material would exhibit a transition from a superconducting to a non-superconducting state (Tc) was estimated to be around room temperature. The implications of such a statement are very interesting in the eld of astrophysics: in planets that contain a big quantity of hydrogen and whose temperature is below Tc, superconducting hydrogen may be found, specially at the center, where the gravitational pressure is high. This might be the case of Jupiter, whose proportion of hydrogen is about 90%. There are also speculations suggesting that the high magnetic eld of Jupiter is due to persistent currents related to the superconducting phase [5]. Metallization and superconductivity of hydrogen has puzzled scientists for decades, and the community is trying to answer several questions. For instance, what is the structure of hydrogen at very high pressures? Or a more general one: what is the maximum Tc a phonon-mediated superconductor can have [6]? A great experimental e ort has been carried out pursuing metallic hydrogen and trying to answer the questions above; however, the characterization of solid phases of hydrogen is a hard task. Achieving the high pressures needed to get the sought phases requires advanced technologies. Diamond anvil cells (DAC) are commonly used devices. These devices consist of two diamonds with a tip of small area; for this reason, when a force is applied, the pressure exerted is very big. This pressure is uniaxial, but it can be turned into hydrostatic pressure using transmitting media. Nowadays, this method makes it possible to reach pressures higher than 300 GPa, but even at this pressure hydrogen does not show metallic properties. A recently developed technique that is an improvement of DAC can reach pressures as high as 600 GPa [7], so it is a promising step forward in high pressure physics. Another drawback is that the electronic density of the structures is so low that X-ray di raction patterns have low resolution. For these reasons, ab initio studies are an important source of knowledge in this eld, within their limitations. When treating hydrogen, there are many subtleties in the calculations: as the atoms are so light, the ions forming the crystalline lattice have signi cant displacements even when temperatures are very low, and even at T=0 K, due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Thus, the energy corresponding to this zero-point (ZP) motion is signi cant and has to be included in an accurate determination of the most stable phase. This has been done including ZP vibrational energies within the harmonic approximation for a range of pressures and at T=0 K, giving rise to a series of structures that are stable in their respective pressure ranges [8]. Very recently, a treatment of the phases of hydrogen that includes anharmonicity in ZP energies has suggested that relative stability of the phases may change with respect to the calculations within the harmonic approximation [9]. Many of the proposed structures for solid hydrogen have been investigated. Particularly, the Cmca-4 structure, which was found to be the stable one from 385-490 GPa [8], is metallic. Calculations for this structure, within the harmonic approximation for the ionic motion, predict a Tc up to 242 K at 450 GPa [10]. Nonetheless, due to the big ionic displacements, the harmonic approximation may not su ce to describe correctly the system. The aim of this work is to apply a recently developed method to treat anharmonicity, the stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation (SSCHA) [11], to Cmca-4 metallic hydrogen. This way, we will be able to study the e ects of anharmonicity in the phonon spectrum and to try to understand the changes it may provoque in the value of Tc. The work is structured as follows. First we present the theoretical basis of the calculations: Density Functional Theory (DFT) for the electronic calculations, phonons in the harmonic approximation and the SSCHA. Then we apply these methods to Cmca-4 hydrogen and we discuss the results obtained. In the last chapter we draw some conclusions and propose possible future work.
We propose a novel highly sensitive wave front detection method for a quick check of a flat wave front by taking advantage of a non-zero-order pi phase plate that yields a non-zero-order diffraction pattern. When a light beam with a flat wave front illuminates a phase plate, the zero-order intensity is zero. When there is a slight distortion of the wave front, the zero-order intensity increases. The ratio of first-order intensity to that of zero-order intensity is used as the criterion with which to judge whether the wave front under test is flat, eliminating the influence of background light. Experimental results demonstrate that this method is efficient, robust, and cost-effective and should be highly interesting for a quick check of a flat wave front of a large-aperture laser beam and adaptive optical systems. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.
Magnetic resonance techniques have given us a powerful means for investigating dynamical processes in gases, liquids and solids. Dynamical effects manifest themselves in both resonance line shifts and linewidths, and, accordingly, require detailed analyses to extract desired information. The success of a magnetic resonance experiment depends critically on relaxation mechanisms to maintain thermal equilibrium between spin states. Consequently, there must be an interaction between the excited spin states and their immediate molecular environment which promote changes in spin orientation while excess magnetic energy is coupled into other degrees of freedom by non-radiative processes. This is well known as spin-lattice relaxation. Certain dynamical processes cause fluctuations in the spin state energy levels leading to spin-spin relaxation and, here again, the environment at the molecular level plays a significant role in the magnitude of interaction. Relatively few electron spin relaxation studies of solutions have been conducted and the present work is addressed toward the extension of our knowledge in this area and the retrieval of dynamical information from line shape analyses on a time scale comparable to diffusion controlled phenomena.
Specifically, the electron spin relaxation of three Mn+23d5 complexes, Mn(CH3CN)6+2, MnCl4-2 in acetonitrile has been studied in considerable detail. The effective spin Hamiltonian constants were carefully evaluated under a wide range of experimental conditions. Resonance widths of these Mn+2 complexes were studied in the presence of various excess ligand ions and as a function of concentration, viscosity, temperature and frequency (X-band, ~9.5 Ԍ Hz and K-band, ~35 Ԍ Hz).
A number of interesting conclusions were drawn from these studies. For the Et4NCl-4-2 system several relaxation mechanisms leading to resonance broadening were observed. One source appears to arise through spin-orbit interactions caused by modulation of the ligand field resulting from transient distortions of the complex imparted by solvent fluctuations in the immediate surroundings of the paramagnetic ion. An additional spin relaxation was assigned to the formation of ion pairs [Et4N+…MnCl4-2] and it was possible to estimate the dissociation constant for this specie in acetonitrile.
The Bu4NBr-MnBr4-2 study was considerably more interesting. As in the former case, solvent fluctuations and ion-pairing of the paramagnetic complex [Bu4N+…MnBr4-2] provide significant relaxation for the electronic spin system. Most interesting, without doubt, is the onset of a new relaxation mechanism leading to resonance broadening which is best interpreted as chemical exchange. Thus, assuming that resonance widths were simply governed by electron spin state lifetimes, we were able to extract dynamical information from an interaction in which the initial and final states are the same
MnBr4-2 + Br- = MnBr4-2 + Br-.
The bimolecular rate constants were obtained at six different temperatures and their magnitudes suggested that the exchange is probably diffusion controlled with essentially a zero energy of activation. The most important source of spin relaxation in this system stems directly from dipolar interactions between the manganese 3d5 electrons. Moreover, the dipolar broadening is strongly frequency dependent indicating a deviation between the transverse and longitudinal relaxation times. We are led to the conclusion that the 3d5 spin states of ion-paired MnBr4-2 are significantly correlated so that dynamical processes are also entering the picture. It was possible to estimate the correlation time, Td, characterizing this dynamical process.
In Part II we study nuclear magnetic relaxation of bromine ions in the MnBr4-2-Bu4NBr-acetonitrile system. Essentially we monitor the 79Br and 81Br linewidths in response to the [MnBr4-2]/[Br-] ratio with the express purpose of supporting our contention that exchange is occurring between "free" bromine ions in the solvent and bromine in the first coordination sphere of the paramagnetic anion. The complexity of the system elicited a two-part study: (1) the linewidth behavior of Bu4NBr in anhydrous CH3CN in the absence of MnBr4-2 and (2) in the presence of MnBr4-2. It was concluded in study (1) that dynamical association, Bu4NBr k1= Bu4N+ + Br-, was modulating field-gradient interactions at frequencies high enough to provide an estimation of the unimolecular rate constant, k1. A comparison of the two isotopic bromine linewidth-mole fraction results led to the conclusion that quadrupole interactions provided the dominant relaxation mechanism. In study (2) the "residual" bromine linewidths for both 79Br and 81Br are clearly controlled by quadrupole interactions which appear to be modulated by very rapid dynamical processes other than molecular reorientation. We conclude that the "residual" linewidth has its origin in chemical exchange and that bromine nuclei exchange rapidly between a "free" solvated ion and the paramagnetic complex, MnBr4-2.
The problem in this investigation was to determine the stress and deflection patterns of a thick cantilever plate at various angles of sweepback.
The plate was tested at angles of sweepback of zero, twenty, forty, and sixty degrees under uniform shear load at the tip, uniformly distributed load and torsional loading.
For all angles of sweep and for all types of loading the area of critical stress is near the intersection of the root and trailing edge. Stresses near the leading edge at the root decreased rapidly with increase in angle of sweep for all types of loading. In the outer portion of the plate near the trailing edge the stresses due to the uniform shear and the uniformly distributed load did not vary for angles of sweep up to forty degrees. For the uniform shear and the uniformly distributed loads for all angles of sweep the area in which end effect is pronounced extends from the root to approximately three quarters of a chord length outboard of a line perpendicular to the axis of the plate through the trailing edge root. In case of uniform shear and uniformly distributed loads the deflections near the edge at seventy-five per cent semi-span decreased with increase in angle of sweep. Deflections near the trailing edge under the same loading conditions increased with increase in angle of sweep for small angles and then decreased at the higher angles of sweep. The maximum deflection due to torsional loading increased with increase in angle of sweep.
Grating pairs are widely used for pulse compression and stretching. Normally, the two gratings are identical. We propose a very simple structure with double-line-density reflective gratings for pulse compression and generation of double pulses, which has the advantages of no material dispersion, compact in volume, simple in structure, etc. The use of reflective Dammann gratings fully demonstrated the principle of this structure. The output pulses are well verified by a standard frequency-resolved optical gating apparatus. This structure will be highly interesting in ultrashort pulse compression and other more practical applications of femtosecond laser pulses. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Dependence of performances of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) solar-blind ultraviolet (UV) communication systems on atmosphere visibility is investigated numerically by correlating the propagation of UV radiation with the visibility. A simplified solar-blind UV atmospheric propagation model is introduced, and the NLOS UV communication system model is constituted based on the single scattering assumption. Using the model, numerical simulation is conducted for two typical geometry configurations and different modulation formats. The results indicate that the performance of the NLOS UV communication system is insensitive to variation of visibility in quite a large range, and deteriorates significantly only in very low-visibility weather, and is also dependent on the geometry configuration of the system. The results also show that the pulse position modulation (PPM) is preferable due to its high-power efficiency to improve the system performance. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Doubled femtosecond laser pulses in-line are needed in the collinear pump-probe technique, collinear second harmonic generation frequency-resolved optical gating (SHG FROG) and the spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction (SPIDER), etc. Normally, it is generated by using a Michelson's structure. In this paper, we proposed a novel structure with two-layered reflective Dammann gratings and the reflective mirrors to generate doubled femtosecond laser pulses in line without transmission optical elements. Angular dispersion and spectral spatial walk-off are both compensated. In addition, this structure can also compress the positive chirped pulse, which cannot be realized with a Michelson's structure. By adopting triangular grating and blazed gratings, the efficiency of the system would in principle be increased as the Michelson's scheme. Experiments demonstrated that this method should be an alternative approach for generation of the double compressed pulses of femtosecond laser for practical applications. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
A simple method to suppress the zero-order diffraction in the reconstructed image of digital holography is presented. In this method, the Laplacian of a detected hologram is used instead of the hologram itself for numerical reconstruction by computing the discrete Fresnel integral. This method can significantly improve the image quality and give better resolution and higher accuracy of the reconstructed image. The main advantages of this method are its simplicity in experimental requirements and convenience in data processing. (C) 2002 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers.
Spurious oscillations are one of the principal issues faced by microwave and RF circuit designers. The rigorous detection of instabilities or the characterization of measured spurious oscillations is still an ongoing challenge. This project aims to create a new stability analysis CAD program that tackles this chal- lenge. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) pole-zero identification analysis is introduced on the program as a way to create new methods to automate the stability analysis process and to help designers comprehend the obtained results and prevent incorrect interpretations. The MIMO nature of the analysis contributes to eliminate possible controllability and observability losses and helps differentiate mathematical and physical quasi-cancellations, products of overmodeling. The created program reads Single Input Single Output (SISO) or MIMO frequency response data, and determines the corresponding continuous transfer functions with Vector Fitting. Once the transfer function is calculated, the corresponding pole/zero diagram is mapped enabling the designers to analyze the stability of an amplifier. Three data processing methods are introduced, two of which consist of pole/zero elimina- tions and the latter one on determining the critical nodes of an amplifier. The first pole/zero elimination method is based on eliminating non resonant poles, whilst the second method eliminates the poles with small residue by assuming that their effect on the dynamics of a system is small or non-existent. The critical node detection is also based on the residues; the node at which the effect of a pole on the dynamics is highest is defined as the critical node. In order to evaluate and check the efficiency of the created program, it is compared via examples with another existing commercial stability analysis tool (STAN tool). In this report, the newly created tool is proved to be as rigorous as STAN for detecting instabilities. Additionally, it is determined that the MIMO analysis is a very profitable addition to stability analysis, since it helps to eliminate possible problems of loss of controllability, observability and overmodeling.