684 resultados para windmill turbine


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This is the second part of the assessment of primary energy conversions of oscillating water columns (OWCs) wave energy converters. In the first part of the research work, the hydrodynamic performance of OWC wave energy converter has been extensively examined, targeting on a reliable numerical assessment method. In this part of the research work, the application of the air turbine power take-off (PTO) to the OWC device leads to a coupled model of the hydrodynamics and thermodynamics of the OWC wave energy converters, in a manner that under the wave excitation, the varying air volume due to the internal water surface motion creates a reciprocating chamber pressure (alternative positive and negative chamber pressure), whilst the chamber pressure, in turn, modifies the motions of the device and the internal water surface. To do this, the thermodynamics of the air chamber is first examined and applied by including the air compressibility in the oscillating water columns for different types of the air turbine PTOs. The developed thermodynamics is then coupled with the hydrodynamics of the OWC wave energy converters. This proposed assessment method is then applied to two generic OWC wave energy converters (one bottom fixed and another floating), and the numerical results are compared to the experimental results. From the comparison to the model test data, it can be seen that this numerical method is capable of assessing the primary energy conversion for the oscillating water column wave energy converters.


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Oscillating Water Column (OWC) is one type of promising wave energy devices due to its obvious advantage over many other wave energy converters: no moving component in sea water. Two types of OWCs (bottom-fixed and floating) have been widely investigated, and the bottom-fixed OWCs have been very successful in several practical applications. Recently, the proposal of massive wave energy production and the availability of wave energy have pushed OWC applications from near-shore to deeper water regions where floating OWCs are a better choice. For an OWC under sea waves, the air flow driving air turbine to generate electricity is a random process. In such a working condition, single design/operation point is nonexistent. To improve energy extraction, and to optimise the performance of the device, a system capable of controlling the air turbine rotation speed is desirable. To achieve that, this paper presents a short-term prediction of the random, process by an artificial neural network (ANN), which can provide near-future information for the control system. In this research, ANN is explored and tuned for a better prediction of the airflow (as well as the device motions for a wide application). It is found that, by carefully constructing ANN platform and optimizing the relevant parameters, ANN is capable of predicting the random process a few steps ahead of the real, time with a good accuracy. More importantly, the tuned ANN works for a large range of different types of random, process.


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Tuned liquid column dampers have been proved to be successful in mitigating the dynamic responses of civil infrastructure. There have been some recent applications of this concept on wind turbines and this passive control system can help to mitigate responses of offshore floating platforms and wave devices. The control of dynamic responses of these devices is important for reducing loads on structural elements and facilitating operations and maintenance (O&M) activities. This paper outlines the use of a tuned single liquid column damper for the control of a tension leg platform supported wind turbine. Theoretical studies were carried out and a scaled model was tested in a wave basin to assess the performance of the damper. The tests on the model presented in this paper correspond to a platform with a very low natural frequency for surge, sway and yaw motions. For practical purposes, it was not possible to tune the liquid damper exactly to this frequency. The consequent approach taken and the efficiency of such approach are presented in this paper. Responses to waves of a single frequency are investigated along with responses obtained from wave spectra characterising typical sea states. The extent of control is quantified using peak and root mean squared dynamic responses respectively. The tests present some guidelines and challenges for testing scaled devices in relation to including response control mechanisms. Additionally, the results provide a basis for dictating future research on tuned liquid column damper based control on floating platforms.


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Shelf seas comprise approximately 7% of the world’s oceans and host enormous economic activity. Development of energy installations (e.g. Offshore Wind Farms (OWFs), tidal turbines) in response to increased demand for renewable energy requires a careful analysis of potential impacts. Recent remote sensing observations have identified kilometrescale impacts from OWFs. Existing modelling evaluating monopile impacts has fallen into two camps: small-scale models with individually resolved turbines looking at local effects; and large-scale analyses but with sub-grid scale turbine parameterisations. This work straddles both scales through a 3D unstructured grid model (FVCOM): wind turbine monopiles in the eastern Irish Sea are explicitly described in the grid whilst the overall grid domain covers the south-western UK shelf. Localised regions of decreased velocity extend up to 250 times the monopile diameter away from the monopile. Shelf-wide, the amplitude of the M2 tidal constituent increases by up to 7%. The turbines enhance localised vertical mixing which decreases seasonal stratification. The spatial extent of this extends well beyond the turbines into the surrounding seas. With significant expansion of OWFs on continental shelves, this work highlights the importance of how OWFs may impact coastal (e.g. increased flooding risk) and offshore (e.g. stratification and nutrient cycling) areas.


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Shelf seas comprise approximately 7% of the world’s oceans and host enormous economic activity. Development of energy installations (e.g. Offshore Wind Farms (OWFs), tidal turbines) in response to increased demand for renewable energy requires a careful analysis of potential impacts. Recent remote sensing observations have identified kilometrescale impacts from OWFs. Existing modelling evaluating monopile impacts has fallen into two camps: small-scale models with individually resolved turbines looking at local effects; and large-scale analyses but with sub-grid scale turbine parameterisations. This work straddles both scales through a 3D unstructured grid model (FVCOM): wind turbine monopiles in the eastern Irish Sea are explicitly described in the grid whilst the overall grid domain covers the south-western UK shelf. Localised regions of decreased velocity extend up to 250 times the monopile diameter away from the monopile. Shelf-wide, the amplitude of the M2 tidal constituent increases by up to 7%. The turbines enhance localised vertical mixing which decreases seasonal stratification. The spatial extent of this extends well beyond the turbines into the surrounding seas. With significant expansion of OWFs on continental shelves, this work highlights the importance of how OWFs may impact coastal (e.g. increased flooding risk) and offshore (e.g. stratification and nutrient cycling) areas.


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The goal of this work is to present an efficient CAD-based adjoint process chain for calculating parametric sensitivities (derivatives of the objective function with respect to the CAD parameters) in timescales acceptable for industrial design processes. The idea is based on linking parametric design velocities (geometric sensitivities computed from the CAD model) with adjoint surface sensitivities. A CAD-based design velocity computation method has been implemented based on distances between discrete representations of perturbed geometries. This approach differs from other methods due to the fact that it works with existing commercial CAD packages (unlike most analytical approaches) and it can cope with the changes in CAD model topology and face labeling. Use of the proposed method allows computation of parametric sensitivities using adjoint data at a computational cost which scales with the number of objective functions being considered, while it is essentially independent of the number of design variables. The gradient computation is demonstrated on test cases for a Nozzle Guide Vane (NGV) model and a Turbine Rotor Blade model. The results are validated against finite difference values and good agreement is shown. This gradient information can be passed to an optimization algorithm, which will use it to update the CAD model parameters.


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In many countries wind energy has become an indispensable part of the electricity generation mix. The opportunity for ground based wind turbine systems are becoming more and more constrained due to limitations on turbine hub heights, blade lengths and location restrictions linked to environmental and permitting issues including special areas of conservation and social acceptance due to the visual and noise impacts. In the last decade there have been numerous proposals to harness high altitude winds, such as tethered kites, airfoils and dirigible based rotors. These technologies are designed to operate above the neutral atmospheric boundary layer of 1,300 m, which are subject to more powerful and persistent winds thus generating much higher electricity capacities. This paper presents an in-depth review of the state-of-the-art of high altitude wind power, evaluates the technical and economic viability of deploying high altitude wind power as a resource in Northern Ireland and identifies the optimal locations through considering wind data and geographical constraints. The key findings show that the total viable area over Northern Ireland for high altitude wind harnessing devices is 5109.6 km2, with an average wind power density of 1,998 W/m2 over a 20-year span, at a fixed altitude of 3,000 m. An initial budget for a 2MW pumping kite device indicated a total cost £1,751,402 thus proving to be economically viable with other conventional wind-harnessing devices.


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In dieser Arbeit wird ein Prozess für den frühen aerothermodynamischen Entwurf von Axialturbinen konzipiert und durch Kopplung einzelner Computerprogramme im DLR Göttingen realisiert. Speziell für die Erstauslegung von Geometrien und die Vorhersage von globalen Leistungsdaten beliebiger Axialturbinen wurde ein neues Programm erzeugt. Dessen effiziente Anwendung wird mit einer zu diesem Zweck konzipierten grafischen Entwurfsumgebung ausgeführt. Kennzeichnend für den Vorentwurfsprozess in dieser Arbeit ist die Anwendung von ein- und zweidimensionaler Strömungssimulation sowie der hohe Grad an Verknüpfung der verwendeten Programme sowohl auf prozesstechnischer wie auch auf datentechnischer Ebene. Dabei soll dem sehr frühen Entwurf eine deutlich stärkere Rolle zukommen als bisher üblich und im Gegenzug die Entwurfszeit mit höher auflösenden Vorentwurfsprogrammen reduziert werden. Die Anwendung der einzelnen Programme im Rahmen von Subprozessen wird anhand von exemplarischen Turbinenkonfigurationen in der Arbeit ebenso dargestellt, wie die Validierung des gesamten Entwurfsprozesses anhand der Auslegung einer folgend realisierten und erfolgreich operierenden Axialturbine eines Triebwerkssimulators für Flugzeug-Windkanalmodelle (TPS). Neben der Erleichterung von manueller Entwurfstätigkeit durch grafische Benutzerinteraktion kommt in einzelnen Subprozessen eine automatisierte Mehrziel-Optimierung zum Einsatz.


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L'energia idroelettrica è una fonte di energia alternativa e rinnovabile che sfrutta il moto dell'acqua, generato grazie all'energia potenziale presente tra due bacini posti a quote diverse per convertire l'energia meccanica in elettrica attraverso un alternatore collegato a turbina. Gli impianti si classificano in: impianti ad acqua fluente, a deflusso regolato, ad accumulo tramite pompaggio. Le turbine idrauliche sono quei dispositivi meccanici in grado di convertire l'energia cinetica in energia meccanica. Fra tutte studieremo la Pelton, la Francis e la Kaplan e i loro criteri di scelta. I grandi impianti hanno un notevole impatto ambientale, ecco perché la nuova tecnologia si basa sul mini idroelettrico; quest'ultimo dal punto di vista economico è competitivo rispetto alle altre fonti rinnovabili ed ai combustibili fossili.


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Este trabajo se enfoca en el diseño de una turbina de vapor de carácter experimental para simular, en un laboratorio de transferencia térmica, la dinámica propia de una turbina de mayor tamaño en el circuito secundario de un ciclo de potencia. La máquina diseñada produciría 185 kW de potencia en el eje a 9.000 RPM con un rendimiento interno del 88 %, tomando en la entrada 0,4 kg/s de vapor saturado a 40 bar y descargando a una presión de 1,5 bar. Se desarrolló la teoría de turbomáquinas necesaria para realizar los cálculos fuidodinámicos y se propuso un método de diseño apropiado para el alcance del trabajo. Se decidió que la turbina sería de tres etapas, dos Curtis y una de impulso, y se realizaron los cálculos correspondientes. Una vez que el diseño fluidodinámico estaba definido, se procedió a dimensionar los distintos elementos mecánicos, con el alcance correspondiente a ingeniería conceptual y básica. Se realizaron detalladamente los cálculos propios del dimensionado del rotor (eje y discos), rodamientos, carcasa, válvula de seguridad de presión y asociados. Además se presentó el diseño conceptual de los elementos restantes, sistema de control y otros auxiliares. Finalmente, se realizaron los modelos en software 3D de todas las piezas y se produjeron los planos correspondientes.


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The consumption of energy on the planet is currently based on fossil fuels. They are responsible for adverse effects on the environment. Renewables propose solutions for this scenario, but must face issues related to the capacity of the power supply. Wind energy offshore emerging as a promising alternative. The speed and stability are greater winds over oceans, but the variability of these may cause inconvenience to the generation of electric power fluctuations. To reduce this, a combination of wind farms geographically distributed was proposed. The greater the distance between them, the lower the correlation between the wind velocity, increasing the likelihood that together achieve more stable power system with less fluctuations in power generation. The efficient use of production capacity of the wind park however, depends on their distribution in marine environments. The objective of this research was to analyze the optimal allocation of wind farms offshore on the east coast of the U.S. by Modern Portfolio Theory. The Modern Portfolio Theory was used so that the process of building portfolios of wind energy offshore contemplate the particularity of intermittency of wind, through calculations of return and risk of the production of wind farms. The research was conducted with 25.934 observations of energy produced by wind farms 11 hypothetical offshore, from the installation of 01 simulated ocean turbine with a capacity of 5 MW. The data show hourly time resolution and covers the period between January 1, 1998 until December 31, 2002. Through the Matlab R software, six were calculated minimum variance portfolios, each for a period of time distinct. Given the inequality of the variability of wind over time, set up four strategies rebalancing to evaluate the performance of the related portfolios, which enabled us to identify the most beneficial to the stability of the wind energy production offshore. The results showed that the production of wind energy for 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 should be considered by the portfolio weights calculated for the same periods, respectively. Energy data for 2002 should use the weights derived from the portfolio calculated in the previous time period. Finally, the production of wind energy in the period 1998-2002 should also be weighted by 1/11. It follows therefore that the portfolios found failed to show reduced levels of variability when compared to the individual production of wind farms hypothetical offshore


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Nos dias de hoje a sociedade exige níveis qualitativos de vida cada vez mais elevados, o que torna prioritária a conceção de sistemas eficientes, não poluidores, económicos e diversificados que permitam uma gestão integrada e racionalizada de recursos tão escasso como é o da água e da energia. Em sistemas de abastecimento de água, o uso de válvulas redutoras de pressão (VRP) visa a uniformização e controlo de pressões, promovendo uma perda de carga localizada que dissipa a energia hidráulica presente através da redução dos valores de pressão a jusante. Estas são fundamentais no controlo e redução de pressão. A utilização de microturbinas é uma alternativa sustentável para o controle de pressão e, simultaneamente, para a produção de energia elétrica. Trata-se de um método de mitigação para controlar as perdas referidas convergindo no âmbito da eficiência energética. Na perspetiva de promover um aproveitamento de energia nas redes de abastecimento de água, o presente trabalho sugere a substituição de válvulas redutoras de pressão (VRP) por microturbinas. Desse modo, apresenta-se um método automático de seleção de (i) local para implementação e (ii) projeto de microturbinas para sistemas de abastecimento de água. Para a modelação do funcionamento dos sistemas hidráulicos recorre-se ao simulador hidráulico EPANET. Esta ferramenta possibilita avaliação de caudais e pressões em todos os pontos da rede durante um determinado intervalo de tempo. A metodologia desenvolvida permite selecionar o local ideal no sistema hidráulico através de uma análise de cada secção conduta-nó escolhendo-se a melhor opção baseada na produção de energia. Depois da localização procede-se à seleção do tipo de turbina (Kaplan, Francis, Pelton e Cross-flow) que vai depender das características do sistema hidráulico. Na etapa seguinte apresenta-se os resultados obtidos pela turbina nomeadamente a produção de energia elétrica anual, o investimento necessário, o tempo de retorno e a rentabilização ao final de um período de 25 anos. Na última etapa da metodologia, de forma avaliar o comportamento do sistema final, realiza-se uma nova simulação da rede mas tendo em conta a introdução da microturbina no local. Apresentam-se alguns casos de estudo que validam a ferramenta desenvolvida. A metodologia desenvolvida é comparada com um caso de estudo real. Em ambos os exemplos simulados a metodologia aplicada permite obter soluções com ganhos energéticos significativos associados ao sistema. Apenas num dos exemplos se observaram que a implementação da microturbina no sistema hidráulico não seria economicamente rentável.


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Este trabajo se enfoca en el diseño de una turbina de vapor de carácter experimental para simular, en un laboratorio de transferencia térmica, la dinámica propia de una turbina de mayor tamaño en el circuito secundario de un ciclo de potencia. La máquina diseñada produciría 185 kW de potencia en el eje a 9.000 RPM con un rendimiento interno del 88 %, tomando en la entrada 0,4 kg/s de vapor saturado a 40 bar y descargando a una presión de 1,5 bar. Se desarrolló la teoría de turbomáquinas necesaria para realizar los cálculos fuidodinámicos y se propuso un método de diseño apropiado para el alcance del trabajo. Se decidió que la turbina sería de tres etapas, dos Curtis y una de impulso, y se realizaron los cálculos correspondientes. Una vez que el diseño fluidodinámico estaba definido, se procedió a dimensionar los distintos elementos mecánicos, con el alcance correspondiente a ingeniería conceptual y básica. Se realizaron detalladamente los cálculos propios del dimensionado del rotor (eje y discos), rodamientos, carcasa, válvula de seguridad de presión y asociados. Además se presentó el diseño conceptual de los elementos restantes, sistema de control y otros auxiliares. Finalmente, se realizaron los modelos en software 3D de todas las piezas y se produjeron los planos correspondientes.


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The main drivers for the development and evolution of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are the reduction of development costs and time along with the enhancement of the designed products. The aim of this survey paper is to provide an overview of different types of system and the associated transition process from mechatronics to CPS and cloud-based (IoT) systems. It will further consider the requirement that methodologies for CPS-design should be part of a multi-disciplinary development process within which designers should focus not only on the separate physical and computational components, but also on their integration and interaction. Challenges related to CPS-design are therefore considered in the paper from the perspectives of the physical processes, computation and integration respectively. Illustrative case studies are selected from different system levels starting with the description of the overlaying concept of Cyber Physical Production Systems (CPPSs). The analysis and evaluation of the specific properties of a sub-system using a condition monitoring system, important for the maintenance purposes, is then given for a wind turbine.


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Over recent years, it became widely accepted that alternative, renewable energy may come at some risk for wildlife, for example, when wind turbines cause large numbers of bat fatalities. To better assess likely populations effects of wind turbine related wildlife fatalities, we studied the geographical origin of the most common bat species found dead below German wind turbines, the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula). We measured stable isotope ratios of non-exchangeable hydrogen in fur keratin to separate migrants from local individuals, used a linear mixed-effects model to identify temporal, spatial and biological factors explaining the variance in measured stable isotope ratios and determined the geographical breeding provenance of killed migrants using isoscape origin models. We found that 72% of noctule bat casualties (n = 136) were of local origin, while 28% were long-distance migrants. These findings highlight that bat fatalities at German wind turbines may affect both local and distant populations. Our results indicated a sex and age-specific vulnerability of bats towards lethal accidents at turbines, i.e. a relatively high proportion of killed females were recorded among migratory individuals, whereas more juveniles than adults were recorded among killed bats of local origin. Migratory noctule bats were found to originate from distant populations in the Northeastern parts of Europe. The large catchment areas of German wind turbines and high vulnerability of female and juvenile noctule bats call for immediate action to reduce the negative cross-boundary effects of bat fatalities at wind turbines on local and distant populations. Further, our study highlights the importance of implementing effective mitigation measures and developing species and scale-specific conservation approaches on both national and international levels to protect source populations of bats. The efficacy of local compensatory measures appears doubtful, at least for migrant noctule bats, considering the large geographical catchment areas of German wind turbines for this species.