970 resultados para weld improvement method


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This paper presents a biased random-key genetic algorithm for the resource constrained project scheduling problem. The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. Active schedules are constructed using a priority-rule heuristic in which the priorities of the activities are defined by the genetic algorithm. A forward-backward improvement procedure is applied to all solutions. The chromosomes supplied by the genetic algorithm are adjusted to reflect the solutions obtained by the improvement procedure. The heuristic is tested on a set of standard problems taken from the literature and compared with other approaches. The computational results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


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This paper presents a methodology for applying scheduling algorithms using Monte Carlo simulation. The methodology is based on a decision support system (DSS). The proposed methodology combines a genetic algorithm with a new local search using Monte Carlo Method. The methodology is applied to the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP). The JSSP is a difficult problem in combinatorial optimization for which extensive investigation has been devoted to the development of efficient algorithms. The methodology is tested on a set of standard instances taken from the literature and compared with others. The computation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. The DSS developed can be utilized in a common industrial or construction environment.


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Aim: Optimise a set of exposure factors, with the lowest effective dose, to delineate spinal curvature with the modified Cobb method in a full spine using computed radiography (CR) for a 5-year-old paediatric anthropomorphic phantom. Methods: Images were acquired by varying a set of parameters: positions (antero-posterior (AP), posteroanterior (PA) and lateral), kilo-voltage peak (kVp) (66-90), source-to-image distance (SID) (150 to 200cm), broad focus and the use of a grid (grid in/out) to analyse the impact on E and image quality (IQ). IQ was analysed applying two approaches: objective [contrast-to-noise-ratio/(CNR] and perceptual, using 5 observers. Monte-Carlo modelling was used for dose estimation. Cohen’s Kappa coefficient was used to calculate inter-observer-variability. The angle was measured using Cobb’s method on lateral projections under different imaging conditions. Results: PA promoted the lowest effective dose (0.013 mSv) compared to AP (0.048 mSv) and lateral (0.025 mSv). The exposure parameters that allowed lower dose were 200cm SID, 90 kVp, broad focus and grid out for paediatrics using an Agfa CR system. Thirty-seven images were assessed for IQ and thirty-two were classified adequate. Cobb angle measurements varied between 16°±2.9 and 19.9°±0.9. Conclusion: Cobb angle measurements can be performed using the lowest dose with a low contrast-tonoise ratio. The variation on measurements for this was ±2.9° and this is within the range of acceptable clinical error without impact on clinical diagnosis. Further work is recommended on improvement to the sample size and a more robust perceptual IQ assessment protocol for observers.


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Os métodos clínicos que são realizados com recurso a tecnologias de imagiologia têm registado um aumento de popularidade nas últimas duas décadas. Os procedimentos tradicionais usados em cirurgia têm sido substituídos por métodos minimamente invasivos de forma a conseguir diminuir os custos associados e aperfeiçoar factores relacionados com a produtividade. Procedimentos clínicos modernos como a broncoscopia e a cardiologia são caracterizados por se focarem na minimização de acções invasivas, com os arcos em ‘C’ a adoptarem um papel relevante nesta área. Apesar de o arco em ‘C’ ser uma tecnologia amplamente utilizada no auxílio da navegação em intervenções minimamente invasivas, este falha na qualidade da informação fornecida ao cirurgião. A informação obtida em duas dimensões não é suficiente para proporcionar uma compreensão total da localização tridimensional da região de interesse, revelando-se como uma tarefa essencial o estabelecimento de um método que permita a aquisição de informação tridimensional. O primeiro passo para alcançar este objectivo foi dado ao definir um método que permite a estimativa da posição e orientação de um objecto em relação ao arco em ‘C’. De forma a realizar os testes com o arco em ‘C’, a geometria deste teve que ser inicialmente definida e a calibração do sistema feita. O trabalho desenvolvido e apresentado nesta tese foca-se num método que provou ser suficientemente sustentável e eficiente para se estabelecer como um ponto de partida no caminho para alcançar o objectivo principal: o desenvolvimento de uma técnica que permita o aperfeiçoamento da qualidade da informação adquirida com o arco em ‘C’ durante uma intervenção clínica.


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A melhoria progressiva na prestação de cuidados de saúde que se verifica nos dias de hoje, deve-se maioritariamente ao desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias médicas, que se traduzem na criação de inovadores dispositivos médicos, cujo fim é auxiliar no diagnóstico, prevenção e tratamento de doenças, melhorando assim as condições de trabalho e os cuidados oferecidos aos pacientes. No entanto estas melhorias apenas são vantajosas quando as novas tecnologias são utilizadas de forma segura, o que leva a uma preocupação crescente com a segurança dos profissionais de saúde e dos pacientes em ambiente hospitalar. Como forma de reduzir e controlar os riscos existentes, as unidades de saúde introduziram mecanismos de gestão que permitem o conhecimento das fontes de risco e respetivos mecanismos de ação. A presente dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma proposta de modelo de Manual de Procedimentos para Gestão de Risco de Dispositivos Médicos, aplicável a todos os dispositivos médicos existentes nas Unidades de Saúde. Para a criação deste manual, foram utilizados por meio de adaptação, as etapas da gestão de risco definidas na Norma ISO 14971:2007 em conjunto com o método de gestão de risco utilizado pela Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos O desenvolvimento deste manual de procedimentos permitirá a esta unidade de saúde, a aquisição e fornecimento de informações úteis na tomada de decisão sobre os procedimentos de controlo de risco de dispositivos médicos, com o objetivo de manter o risco destes dispositivos dentro dos níveis previamente estabelecidos e auxiliar a tomada de decisão de programas de manutenção preventiva e de aquisição de dispositivos médicos.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente,perfil Sanitária


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This paper addresses the problem of optimal positioning of surface bonded piezoelectric patches in sandwich plates with viscoelastic core and laminated face layers. The objective is to maximize a set of modal loss factors for a given frequency range using multiobjective topology optimization. Active damping is introduced through co-located negative velocity feedback control. The multiobjective topology optimization problem is solved using the Direct MultiSearch Method. An application to a simply supported sandwich plate is presented with results for the maximization of the first six modal loss factors. The influence of the finite element mesh is analyzed and the results are, to some extent, compared with those obtained using alternative single objective optimization.


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The behavior of robotic manipulators with backlash is analyzed. Based on the pseudo-phase plane two indices are proposed to evaluate the backlash effect upon the robotic system: the root mean square error and the fractal dimension. For the dynamical analysis the noisy signals captured from the system are filtered through wavelets. Several tests are developed that demonstrate the coherence of the results.


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Educação Médica 1991; 2 (2): 29-40


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One of the main difficulties related to the detection of the Hepatitis Delta Virus (HDV) antigen and antibody has been the source of the needed HD antigen since HDV containing human and animal livers are very difficult to obtain and since yield is low. This fact prompted us to try to use the serum of patients in the acute phase of HDV infection as a source of HDAg and turn to enzyme immunoassays (EIA) instead of RIA for the sake of easiness and economy in the amount of HDAg needed. The antigen for EIA was obtained from patients during the acute phase of HDV infection and the antibody from patients who have been carriers for many years. For the detection of the antigen, a sandwich type method was employed, whereas for the antibody a competition assay was developed. In order to assess the relative specificity and sensibility of the test, the antibody assay was compared to a commercial RIA (C. RIA, Abbott) and to a non-commercial RIA (NC RIA). Forty-two sera were tested by the two methods and only in two cases discrepant results were obtained. Its is concluded that: 1) sera from patients in the acute and chronic phases of HDV infection can be used as source of both antigen and antibody, for immunoassays; 2) EIA and RIA have comparable relative specificity and sensibility and 3) EIA is easier to perform, cheaper, non-hazardous, has a longer shelf-life and saves scarce HDAg.


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Journal of Business, Vol. 78 Issue 3, p1049-1072


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The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) defines Eco-Efficiency as follows: ‘Eco- Efficiency is achieved by the delivery of competitively priced-goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life, while progressively reducing ecological impacts and resource intensity throughout the life-cycle to a level at least in line with the earth’s estimated carrying capacity’. Eco-Efficiency is under this point of view a key concept for sustainable development, bringing together economic and ecological progress. Measuring the Eco-Efficiency of a company, factory or business, is a complex process that involves the measurement and control of several and relevant parameters or indicators, globally applied to all companies in general, or specific according to the nature and specificities of the business itself. In this study, an attempt was made in order to measure and evaluate the eco-efficiency of a pultruded composite processing company. For this purpose the recommendations of WBCSD [1] and the directives of ISO 14301 standard [2] were followed and applied. The analysis was restricted to the main business branch of the company: the production and sale of standard GFRP pultrusion profiles. The main general indicators of eco-efficiency, as well as the specific indicators, were defined and determined according to ISO 14031 recommendations. With basis on indicators’ figures, the value profile, the environmental profile, and the pertinent eco-efficiency’s ratios were established and analyzed. In order to evaluate potential improvements on company eco-performance, new indicators values and ecoefficiency ratios were estimated taking into account the implementation of new proceedings and procedures, both in upstream and downstream of the production process, namely: a) Adoption of new heating system for pultrusion die in the manufacturing process, more effective and with minor heat losses; b) Implementation of new software for stock management (raw materials and final products) that minimize production failures and delivery delays to final consumer; c) Recycling approach, with partial waste reuse of scrap material derived from manufacturing, cutting and assembly processes of GFRP profiles. In particular, the last approach seems to significantly improve the eco-efficient performance of the company. Currently, by-products and wastes generated in the manufacturing process of GFRP profiles are landfilled, with supplementary added costs to this company traduced by transport of scrap, landfill taxes and required test analysis to waste materials. However, mechanical recycling of GFRP waste materials, with reduction to powdered and fibrous particulates, constitutes a recycling process that can be easily attained on heavy-duty cutting mills. The posterior reuse of obtained recyclates, either into a close-looping process, as filler replacement of resin matrix of GFRP profiles, or as reinforcement of other composite materials produced by the company, will drive to both costs reduction in raw materials and landfill process, and minimization of waste landfill. These features lead to significant improvements on the sequent assessed eco-efficiency ratios of the present case study, yielding to a more sustainable product and manufacturing process of pultruded GFRP profiles.


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Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde


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Void formation during the injection phase of the liquid composite molding process can be explained as a consequence of the non-uniformity of the flow front progression. This is due to the dual porosity within the fiber perform (spacing between the fiber tows is much larger than between the fibers within in a tow) and therefore the best explanation can be provided by a mesolevel analysis, where the characteristic dimension is given by the fiber tow diameter of the order of millimeters. In mesolevel analysis, liquid impregnation along two different scales; inside fiber tows and within the open spaces between the fiber tows must be considered and the coupling between the flow regimes must be addressed. In such cases, it is extremely important to account correctly for the surface tension effects, which can be modeled as capillary pressure applied at the flow front. Numerical implementation of such boundary conditions leads to illposing of the problem, in terms of the weak classical as well as stabilized formulation. As a consequence, there is an error in mass conservation accumulated especially along the free flow front. A numerical procedure was formulated and is implemented in an existing Free Boundary Program to reduce this error significantly.


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Introdução – Na correção de miopias elevadas, a cirurgia por implante de lente intraocular fáquica tem tido progressivamente uma maior adesão em relação à cirurgia por laser. Compara-se a acuidade visual (AV) antes e após a cirurgia implanto-refrativa, verificando-se a efetividade deste método no incremento da visão em miopias elevadas. Metodologia – Foram analisados, retrospetivamente, 70 olhos de 41 pacientes, com miopia elevada, entre os 20 e 50 anos, submetidos a cirurgia implanto-refrativa entre 2009 e 2012. Resultados – Um dia após cirurgia, 42,86% da amostra melhorou a AV, 34,29% manteve e 22,85% diminuiu. Após 30 dias observou-se um aumento generalizado da quantidade de visão, sendo que: 64,29% atingiu os 10/10 de AV, 24,29% alcançou entre 9/10-7/10 e 11,42% entre 6/10-4/10. Conclusão – Comprovou-se a efetividade desta técnica cirúrgica, verificando-se o aumento da AV em 52,86% da amostra.