937 resultados para weak instruments


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY All observers agree that energy efficiency must be the cornerstone of any serious EU energy strategy. In this general context, the EU building sector is critical. It represents about 40% of EU final energy consumption (residential houses, public/private offices, commercial buildings, etc.) and approximately 36% of EU CO2 emissions. This is massive. The EU has certainly not been inactive in this field. The Energy Performance in Buildings Directive 2002/91/EC (EPBD) was the first and the main instrument to address the problem of the energy performance of buildings. It has established numerous principles: a reliable methodology which enables the calculation and rating of the energy performance of buildings; minimum energy performance standards for new buildings and existing buildings under major renovation; energy performance certificates; regular inspection of heating and air-conditioning systems; and, finally, quality standards for inspections and energy performance certificates. They were strengthened in 2010 by the recast Directive 2010/31/EU. This directive also introduces a decisive concept for the development of the building sector: ‘nearly zeroenergy buildings’. In 2012, the new Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU dealt with other aspects. In the building sector, three of them are particularly important. They concern: (1) the establishment of long-term strategies for mobilizing investment in the renovation of the national building stocks; (2) the introduction of energy saving schemes for ‘designated’ energy companies with a view to reducing consumption among ‘final consumers’ by 1.5% annually; and (3), as an option, the setting up of an Energy Efficiency National Fund to support energy efficiency initiatives. This paper also briefly examines the different instruments put in place to disseminate information and consultation, and the EU funding for energy efficiency in buildings. Results, however, have remained limited until now. The improvement of the energy performance of buildings and the rhythm of renovation remain extremely weak. Member States’ unwillingness to timely and properly transpose and implement the Directives continues despite the high degree of flexibility permitted. The decentralized approach chosen for some specific aspects and the differentiation in the application of EPBD standards between Member States do not appear optimal either. Adequate financial schemes remain rare. The permanent deficit of qualified and trained personnel and the inertia of public authorities to make the public understand the stakes in this domain remain problematic. Hence the need to take new initiatives to reap the benefits that the building sector is meant to bring.


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The European Union has prioritised the pursuit of innovation based growth and targeting of resources to promote research and development, but performance on innovation remains weak.With the lack of results comes fatigue, waning interest and mounting criticism about policy. Should the EU abandon its ambition to become the most innovative region in the world?We examine EU member state research and innovation policies. We assess whether the deployment of innovation policy instruments in EU countries matches their innovation capacity performance relative to other EU countries.We find a relative homogeneity of policy mixes in EU countries, despite the fairly wide and stable differences in their innovation capacities.Our analysis therefore provides a rationale for a more comprehensive review of innovation policy mixes to assess their adequacy in addressing country specific innovation challenges.


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BACKGROUND: There is no evidence-based guidance to facilitate design decisions for confirmatory trials or systematic reviews investigating treatment efficacy for adults with tinnitus. This systematic review therefore seeks to ascertain the current status of trial designs by identifying and evaluating the reporting of outcome domains and instruments in the treatment of adults with tinnitus. METHODS: Records were identified by searching PubMed, EMBASE CINAHL, EBSCO, and CENTRAL clinical trial registries (ClinicalTrials.gov, ISRCTN, ICTRP) and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Eligible records were those published from 1 July 2006 to 12 March 2015. Included studies were those reporting adults aged 18 years or older who reported tinnitus as a primary complaint, and who were enrolled into a randomised controlled trial, a before and after study, a non-randomised controlled trial, a case-controlled study or a cohort study, and written in English. Studies with fewer than 20 participants were excluded. RESULTS: Two hundred and twenty-eight studies were included. Thirty-five different primary outcome domains were identified spanning seven categories (tinnitus percept, impact of tinnitus, co-occurring complaints, quality of life, body structures and function, treatment-related outcomes and unclear or not specified). Over half the studies (55 %) did not clearly define the complaint of interest. Tinnitus loudness was the domain most often reported (14 %), followed by tinnitus distress (7 %). Seventy-eight different primary outcome instruments were identified. Instruments assessing multiple attributes of the impact of tinnitus were most common (34 %). Overall, 24 different patient-reported tools were used, predominantly the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (15 %). Loudness was measured in diverse ways including a numerical rating scale (8 %), loudness matching (4 %), minimum masking level (1 %) and loudness discomfort level (1 %). Ten percent of studies did not clearly report the instrument used. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate poor appreciation of the basic principles of good trial design, particularly the importance of specifying what aspect of therapeutic benefit is the main outcome. No single outcome was reported in all studies and there was a broad diversity of outcome instruments. PROSPERO REGISTRATION: The systematic review protocol is registered on PROSPERO (International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews): CRD42015017525 . Registered on 12 March 2015 revised on 15 March 2016.


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This brochure deals with policies and policy instruments needed to promote sustainable development in mountain areas. The first part presents an overview of key issues in mountain development, and principles and strategies that should be adopted. Each principle contains a checklist for policy-makers. The second part presents national and regional case studies of successful approaches and initiatives relating to mountain policy from all over the world. The brochure concludes with a call for multi-level initiatives and partnerships. This full-colour publication is part of the Mountains of the World series. It was prepared for the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg by an international panel of experts coordinated by CDE. It was commissioned and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).


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Ce mémoire présente les résultats d’une synthèse systématique (SS) des écrits traitant des instruments d’évaluation multidimensionnelle des troubles concomitants qui peuvent être présentés par les adolescent(e)s. La SS a permis d’identifier 11 instruments en mesure d’évaluer les troubles comorbides de l’Axe I du DSM-IV, incluant chaque fois les troubles liés à l’utilisation de substances psychoactives (TUS). Une fois les instruments répertoriés, une seconde recherche fut effectuée afin identifier les études les ayant mis à l’épreuve du point de vue de leur validité et de leur fidélité diagnostique : 57 études furent identifiées. La robustesse méthodologique de ces études fut analysée à l’aide de la grille du QUADAS-2 et 47 études furent retenues pour l’échantillon final. Les résultats sont présentés par diagnostics (troubles liés à l’utilisation des substances (TUS) (obligatoire), trouble d’anxiété généralisée (TAG), épisode dépressif majeur (ÉDM), troubles des conduites (TC), trouble du déficit de l’attention /hyperactivité (TDA/H), état de stress post-traumatique (ÉSPT) et par instrument retenu. Suite à l’analyse des données recueillies, il s’avère difficile de comparer les instruments les uns aux autres, étant donnée la très grande diversité des échelles qu’ils contiennent, ainsi que les devis fort différents des études qui les ont mis à l’épreuve. Par contre, deux instruments se distinguent par la robustesse méthodologique des études à leur sujet, ainsi que leur excellente performance globale. Il s’agit du ChIPS et du K-SADS.


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Absorbed by the William Heyer collection in Cologne about 1906.


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At head of title: Paper read before the fourth congress of the International Musical Society (Internationale Musikgesellschaft), London: May 29 to June 3, 1911.


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"Approval expires: 3-31-93."


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Includes index.


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Cover title: Gurley's manual: American engineers' and surveyors' instruments.