966 resultados para water-stress


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Background Whole-body water immersion leads to a significant shift of blood from the periphery into the intra-thoracic circulation, followed by an increase in central venous pressure and heart volume. In patients with severely reduced left ventricular function, this hydrostatically in-duced volume shift might overstrain the cardiovascular adaptive mechanisms and lead to cardiac decompensation. The aim of this study is to assess the hemodynamic response to water immer-sion, gymnastics and swimming in patients with heart failure (CHF). Methods We examined 10 patients with compensated CHF (62.9 +/- 6.3 years, EF 31.5 +/- 4.1%, peak VO2 19.4 +/- 2.8 ml/kg/min.), 10 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) but preserved left ventricular function (57.2 +/- 5.6 years, EF 63.9 +/- 5.5%, peak VO2 28.0 +/- 6.3 ml/kg/min.) and 10 healthy subjects (32.8 +/- 7.2 years, peak VO2 45.6 +/- 6.0 ml/kg/min.). Hemodynamic response to thermo-neutral (32 degrees C) water immersion and exercise was measured using a non-invasive foreign gas rebreathing method during stepwise water immersion, water gymnastics and swimming. Results Water immersion up to the chest increased cardiac index by 19% in healthy subjects, by 21% in CAD patients and 16% in CHF patients. While some CHF patients showed a decrease of stroke volume during immersion, all subjects were able to increase cardiac index (by 87% in healthy subjects, 77% in CAD patients and 53% in CHF patients). Oxygen uptake during swim-ming was 9.7 +/- 3.3 ml/kg/min. in CHF patients, 12.4 +/- 3.5 ml/kg/min. in CAD patients and 13.9 +/- 4.0 ml/kg/min. in healthy subjects. Conclusions Patients with severely reduced left ventricular function but stable clinical conditions and a minimal peak VO2 of at least 15 ml/kg/min. during a symptom-limited exercise stress test tolerate water immersion and swimming in thermo-neutral water well. Although cardiac in-dex and oxygen uptake are lower compared with CAD patients with preserved left ventricular function and healthy controls, these patients are able to increase cardiac index adequately during water immersion and swimming.


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The aim of this study was to compare the maximum urethral closure pressure (MUCP) measures with two different techniques: water perfused catheter and microtip transducer catheters with respect to reproducibility and comparability for urethral pressure measurements. Eighteen women with stress urinary incontinence had repeat static urethral pressure profilometry on a different day using a dual microtip transducer and water perfused catheter (Brown and Wickham). The investigators were blinded to the results of the other. The microtip measurements were taken in the 45 degrees upright sitting position with the patient at rest at a bladder capacity of 250 ml using an 8 Fr Gaeltec(R) double microtip transducer withdrawn at 1 mm/s, and the transducer was orientated in the three o'clock position. Three different measures were taken for each patient. Three water perfusion measurements were performed with the patient at rest in the 45 degrees upright position at a bladder capacity of 250 ml using an 8 Fr BARD dual lumen catheter withdrawn at 1 mm/s. The mean water perfusion MUCP measure was 26.1 cm H(2)0, significantly lower than the mean microtip measure of 35.7 cm H(2)0. The correlation coefficient comparing each water perfusion measurement with the other water perfusion measures in the same patient was excellent, at 0.95 (p = 0.01). Correlation coefficient comparing each microtip measure with the other microtip measure in the same patient was also good, ranging from 0.70 to 0.80. This study confirms that both water perfusion catheters and microtip transducers have excellent or very good reproducibility with an acceptable intraindividual variation for both methods.


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The identification of plausible causes for water body status deterioration will be much easier if it can build on available, reliable, extensive and comprehensive biogeochemical monitoring data (preferably aggregated in a database). A plausible identification of such causes is a prerequisite for well-informed decisions on which mitigation or remediation measures to take. In this chapter, first a rationale for an extended monitoring programme is provided; it is then compared to the one required by the Water Framework Directive (WFD). This proposal includes a list of relevant parameters that are needed for an integrated, a priori status assessment. Secondly, a few sophisticated statistical tools are described that subsequently allow for the estiation of the magnitude of impairment as well as the likely relative importance of different stressors in a multiple stressed environment. The advantages and restrictions of these rather complicated analytical methods are discussed. Finally, the use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) is advocated with regard to the specific WFD implementation requirements.


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Decadal-to-century scale trends for a range of marine environmental variables in the upper mesopelagic layer (UML, 100–600 m) are investigated using results from seven Earth System Models forced by a high greenhouse gas emission scenario. The models as a class represent the observation-based distribution of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), albeit major mismatches between observation-based and simulated values remain for individual models. By year 2100 all models project an increase in SST between 2 °C and 3 °C, and a decrease in the pH and in the saturation state of water with respect to calcium carbonate minerals in the UML. A decrease in the total ocean inventory of dissolved oxygen by 2% to 4% is projected by the range of models. Projected O2 changes in the UML show a complex pattern with both increasing and decreasing trends reflecting the subtle balance of different competing factors such as circulation, production, remineralization, and temperature changes. Projected changes in the total volume of hypoxic and suboxic waters remain relatively small in all models. A widespread increase of CO2 in the UML is projected. The median of the CO2 distribution between 100 and 600m shifts from 0.1–0.2 mol m−3 in year 1990 to 0.2–0.4 mol m−3 in year 2100, primarily as a result of the invasion of anthropogenic carbon from the atmosphere. The co-occurrence of changes in a range of environmental variables indicates the need to further investigate their synergistic impacts on marine ecosystems and Earth System feedbacks.


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Introduction: The re sponse of crop plants ex posed on drought or heat shock is related to de crease in the synthesis of normal proteins, accompanied by increased translation of heat shock proteins (HSPs). Though drought and heat stress have been studied individually, little is known about their combined effect on plants. Methods: The wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties (Katya-tolerant, Sadovo or Mladka-susceptible) were potted in soil. Eight-day-old plants were ex posed to with drawing water for seven days. Heat shock was realized in growth chamber at 40 °C for 6h. A combination of drought and heat shock was per formed by subjecting drought-stressed plants to heat shock treatment. Expression of HSPs in the first leaf of wheat varieties was analyzed by SDS electrophoresis and immunoblotting. Polyclonal antibodies against HSP20, HSP60, HSP110 and mononclonal antibodies against HSP70 were used to distinguish the mentioned HSPs. Results: The leaf relative water content (RWC), which indicated the level of plant dehydration decreased significantly (34 %) under drought stressed conditions The electrolyte leakage of ions (EL), representing the level of the cell membrane stability in creased mark edly (68 %), especially under combination of drought and heat. Maximum EL was ob served in drought susceptible varieties Sadovo and Mladka. Drought and heat shock combination in the wheat plants resulted in the induction of specific HSPs. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that the response of the wheat plants to a combination of drought and heat stress is different from the response of plants to each of these stresses applied separately. Induction of synergetic effect on HSP expression in case of combination between drought and heat was discussed in the case of two contrasting wheat varieties.


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Introduction: Drought is one of the most significant factors that limit plant productivity. Oxidative stress is a secondary event in many unfavorable environmental conditions. Intracellular proteases have a role in the metabolism reorganisation and nutrient remobilization under stress. In order to under stand the relative significance of oxidative stress and proteolysis in the yield reduction under drought, four varieties of Triticum aestivum L. with different field drought resistance were examined. Methods: A two-year field experiment was conducted. Analyses were performed on the upper most leaf of control plants and plants under water deficitat the stages most critical for yield reduction under drought (from jointing till milk ripeness). Leaf water deficit and electrolyte leakage, malondyaldehyde level, activities and isoenzymes of superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase, leaf protein content and proteolytic activity were studied. Yield components were analyzed. Results: A general trend of increasing the membrane in stability and accumulation of lipid hydroperoxides was observed with some differences among varieties, especially under drought. The anti-oxidative enzyme activities were progressively enhanced, as well as the azocaseinolytic activities. The leaf protein content decreased under drought at the last phase. Differences among varieties were observed in the parameters under study. They were compared to yield components` reduction under water deprivation.


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Abstract Global change is characterized by increased {CO2} concentration in the atmosphere, increasing average temperature and more frequent extreme events including drought periods, heat waves and flooding. Especially the impacts of drought and of elevated temperature on carbon assimilation are considered in this review. Effects of extreme events on the subcellular level as well as on the whole plant level may be reversible, partially reversible or irreversible. The photosynthetically active biomass depends on the number and the size of mature leaves and the photosynthetic activity in this biomass during stress and subsequent recovery phases. The total area of active leaves is determined by leaf expansion and senescence, while net photosynthesis per leaf area is primarily influenced by stomatal opening (stomatal conductance), mesophyll conductance, activity of the photosynthetic apparatus (light absorption and electron transport, activity of the Calvin cycle) and {CO2} release by decarboxylation reactions (photorespiration, dark respiration). Water status, stomatal opening and leaf temperature represent a "magic triangle" of three strongly interacting parameters. The response of stomata to altered environmental conditions is important for stomatal limitations. Rubisco protein is quite thermotolerant, but the enzyme becomes at elevated temperature more rapidly inactivated (decarbamylation, reversible effect) and must be reactivated by Rubisco activase (carbamylation of a lysine residue). Rubisco activase is present under two forms (encoded by separate genes or products of alternative splicing of the pre-mRNA from one gene) and is very thermosensitive. Rubisco activase was identified as a key protein for photosynthesis at elevated temperature (non-stomatal limitation). During a moderate heat stress Rubisco activase is reversibly inactivated, but during a more severe stress (higher temperature and/or longer exposure) the protein is irreversibly inactivated, insolubilized and finally degraded. On the level of the leaf, this loss of photosynthetic activity may still be reversible when new Rubisco activase is produced by protein synthesis. Rubisco activase as well as enzymes involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species or in osmoregulation are considered as important targets for breeding crop plants which are still productive under drought and/or at elevated leaf temperature in a changing climate.


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Land-use change and intensification play a key role in the current biodiversity crisis. The resulting species loss can have severe effects on ecosystem functions and services, thereby increasing ecosystem vulnerability to climate change. We explored whether land-use intensification (i.e. fertilization intensity), plant diversity and other potentially confounding environmental factors may be significantly related to water use (i.e. drought stress) of grassland plants. Drought stress was assessed using δ13C abundances in aboveground plant biomass of 150 grassland plots across a gradient of land-use intensity. Under water shortage, plants are forced to increasingly take up the heavier 13C due to closing stomata leading to an enrichment of 13C in biomass. Plants were sampled at the community level and for single species, which belong to three different functional groups (one grass, one herb, two legumes). Results show that plant diversity was significantly related to the δ13C signal in community, grass and legume biomass indicating that drought stress was lower under higher diversity, although this relation was not significant for the herb species under study. Fertilization, in turn, mostly increased drought stress as indicated by more positive δ13C values. This effect was mostly indirect by decreasing plant diversity. In line with these results, we found similar patterns in the δ13C signal of the organic matter in the topsoil, indicating a long history of these processes. Our study provided strong indication for a positive biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship with reduced drought stress at higher plant diversity. However, it also underlined a negative reinforcing situation: as land-use intensification decreases plant diversity in grasslands, this might subsequently increases drought sensitivity. Vice-versa, enhancing plant diversity in species-poor agricultural grasslands may moderate negative effects of future climate change.


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The marine laboratories in Plymouth have sampled at two principle sites in the Western English Channel for over a century in open-shelf (station E1; 50° 02'N, 4° 22'W) and coastal (station L4; 50° 15'N, 4° 13'W) waters. These stations are seasonally stratified from late-April until September, and the variable biological response is regulated by subtle variations in temperature, light, nutrients and meteorology. Station L4 is characterized by summer nutrient depletion, although intense summer precipitation, increasing riverine input to the system, results in pulses of increased nitrate concentration and surface freshening. The winter nutrient concentrations at E1 are consistent with an open-shelf site. Both stations have a spring and autumn phytoplankton bloom; at station E1, the autumn bloom tends to dominate in terms of chlorophyll concentration. The last two decades have seen a warming of around 0.6°C per decade, and this is superimposed on several periods of warming and cooling over the past century. In general, over the Western English Channel domain, the end of the 20th century was around 0.5°C warmer than the first half of the century. The warming magnitude and trend is consistent with other stations across the north-west European Shelf and occurred during a period of reduced wind stress and increased levels of insolation (+20%); these are both correlated with the larger scale climatic forcing of the North Atlantic Oscillation.


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Recent rapid climate warming at the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) results in elevated glacial melting, enhanced sedimentary run-off, increased turbidity and impact of ice-scouring in shallow coastal areas. Discharge of mineral suspension from volcanic bedrock ablation and chronic physical disturbance is expected to influence sessile filter feeders such as the Antarctic soft shell clam Laternula elliptica ( King and Broderip, 1832). We investigated effects of sedimentary run-off on the accumulation of trace metals, and together with physical disturbance, the cumulative effect on oxidative stress parameters in younger and older L. elliptica from two stations in Potter Cove (King George Island, Antarctica) which are distinctly impacted by turbidity and ice-scouring. Fe, Mn, Sr, V and Zn concentrations were slightly higher in sediments of the station receiving more sediment run-off, but not enriched in bivalves of this station. The only element that increased in bivalves experimentally exposed to sediment suspension for 28 days was Mn. Concentration of the waste accumulation biomarker lipofuscin in nervous tissue was higher in L. elliptica from the "exposed" compared to the "less exposed" site, whereas protein carbonyl levels in bivalve mantle tissue were higher at the less sediment impacted site. Tissue metal content and lipofuscin in nervous tissue were generally higher in older compared to younger individuals from both field stations. We conclude that elevated sediment ablation does not per se result in higher metal accumulation in L. elliptica. Instead of direct absorbance from sediment particles, metal accumulation in gills seems to indicate uptake of compounds dissolved in the water column, whereas metals in digestive gland appear to originate from enriched planktonic or detritic food. Accumulation of cellular waste products and potentially reactive metals over lifetime presumably alters L. elliptica physiological performance with age and may contribute to higher stress susceptibility in older animals.


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We carried out an experiment to estimate in-situ stresses at ODP Hole 794C (water depth: 2809 m) from the basaltic core samples by deformation rate analysis (DRA). Site 794 is located at the northern end of the Yamato Basin and 70 km west of the eastern Japan Sea intraplate or interplate convergent zone. Stress previously applied to a rock specimen is identified in the inelastic strain behavior of the specimen under uniaxial compression by the method used. Natural remanent magnetization of the sample was also measured to get a reference for the orientation of the horizontal stresses. The vertical, maximum, and minimum horizontal in-situ stresses estimated at a depth of 582 mbsf are 36.4, 43.1, and 31.2 MPa, respectively. The average of the largest and the least horizontal stresses is nearly equal in value to the vertical stress. This suggests that the site is in the stress field of the strike slip regime at the depth, while the stress field of the reverse fault regime has been estimated from the focal mechanism solutions of the earthquakes whose hypocenters are located near or on the convergent boundary. The directions of the largest and the least horizontal stress are estimated to be northeast-southwest and in northwest-southeast, respectively, in taking account of rotation tectonics of the Japan Sea since its formation. The directions of the largest and the least horizontal stresses are opposite to those determined from the earthquakes. These discrepancies of our results with those from earthquakes may be due mainly to the fact that the site is not in the convergent zone.


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The influence of microhabitat type on the diversity and community structure of the harpacticoid copepod fauna associated with a cold-water coral degradation zone was investigated in the Porcupine Seabight (North-East Atlantic). Three substrate types were distinguished: dead fragments of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa, skeletons of the glass sponge Aphrocallistes bocagei and the underlying sediment. At the family level, it appears that coral fragments and underlying sediment do not harbour distinctly diVerent assemblages, with Ectinosomatidae, Ameiridae, Pseudotachidiidae, Argestidae and Miraciidae as most abundant. Conclusions on assemblage structure and diversity of the sponge skeletons are limited as only two samples were available. Similarity analysis at species level showed a strong variation in the sediment samples, which did not harbour a distinctly different assemblage in opposition to the coral and sponge samples. Several factors (sediment infill on the hard substrates, mobility of the copepods, limited sample sizes) are proposed to explain this apparent lack of a distinct difference between the microhabitats. Coral fragments and sediment were both characterised by high species diversity and low species dominance, which might indicate that copepod diversity is not substantially influenced by hydrodynamic stress. The additive partitioning of species diversity showed that by adding locations species richness was greatly enhanced. The harpacticoid community in the cold-water coral degradation zone is highly diverse and includes 157 species, 62 genera and 19 families. Information from neighbouring soft-bottom regions is necessary to assess whether total species diversity is increased by the presence of these complex habitatproviding substrates.


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Nutrient supply in the area off Northwest Africa is mainly regulated by two processes, coastal upwelling and deposition of Saharan dust. In the present study, both processes were analyzed and evaluated by different methods, including cross-correlation, multiple correlation, and event statistics, using remotely sensed proxies of the period from 2000 to 2008 to investigate their influence on the marine environment. The remotely sensed chlorophyll-a concentration was used as a proxy for the phytoplankton biomass stimulated by nutrient supply into the euphotic zone from deeper water layers and from the atmosphere. Satellite-derived alongshore wind stress and sea-surface temperature were applied as proxies for the strength and reflection of coastal upwelling processes. The westward wind and the dust component of the aerosol optical depth describe the transport direction of atmospheric dust and the atmospheric dust column load. Alongshore wind stress and induced upwelling processes were most significantly responsible for the surface chlorophyll-a variability, accounting for about 24% of the total variance, mainly in the winter and spring due to the strong north-easterly trade winds. The remotely sensed proxies allowed determination of time lags between biological response and its forcing processes. A delay of up to 16 days in the surface chlorophyll-a concentration due to the alongshore wind stress was determined in the northern winter and spring. Although input of atmospheric iron by dust storms can stimulate new phytoplankton production in the study area, only 5% of the surface chlorophyll-a variability could be ascribed to the dust component in the aerosol optical depth. All strong desert storms were identified by an event statistics in the time period from 2000 to 2008. The 57 strong storms were studied in relation to their biological response. Six events were clearly detected in which an increase of chlorophyll-a was caused by Saharan dust input and not by coastal upwelling processes. Time lags of <8 days, 8 days, and 16 days were determined. An increase in surface chlorophyll-a concentration of up to 2.4 mg m**3 after dust storms in which the dust component of the aerosol optical depth was up to 0.9 was observed.


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In the current context of environmental change, ocean acidification is predicted to affect the cellular processes, physiology and behaviour of all marine organisms, impacting survival, growth and reproduction. In relation to thermal tolerance limits, the effects of elevated pCO2 could be expected to be more pronounced at the upper limits of the thermal tolerance window. Our study focused on Crepidula fornicata, an invasive gastropod which colonized shallow waters around European coasts during the 20th century. We investigated the effects of 10 weeks' exposure to current (380 µatm) and elevated (550, 750, 1,000 µatm) pCO2 on this engineer species using an acute temperature increase (1 °C/12 h) as the test. Respiration rates were measured on both males (small individuals) and females (large individuals). Mortality increased suddenly from 34 °C, particularly in females. Respiration rate in C. fornicata increased linearly with temperature between 18 and 34 °C, but no differences were detected between the different pCO2 conditions either in the regressions between respiration rate and temperature or in Q10 values. In the same way, condition indices were similar in all the pCO2 treatments at the end of the experiment, but decreased from the beginning of the experiment. This species was highly resistant to acute exposure to high temperature regardless of pCO2 levels, even though food was limited during the experiment. Crepidula fornicata appears to have either developed resistance mechanisms or a strong phenotypic plasticity to deal with fluctuations of physicochemical parameters in its habitat. This suggests that invasive species may be more resistant to future environmental changes than its native competitors.


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Increased CO2 and associated acidification in seawater, known as ocean acidification, decreases calcification of most marine calcifying organisms. However, there is little information available on how marine macroalgae would respond to the chemical changes caused by seawater acidification. We hypothesized that down-regulation of bicarbonate acquisition by algae under increased acidity and CO2 levels would lower the threshold above which photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) becomes excessive. Juveniles of Ulva prolifera derived from zoospores were grown at ambient (390 µatm) and elevated (1000 µatm) CO2 concentrations for 80 days before the hypothesis was tested. Here, the CO2-induced seawater acidification increased the quantum yield under low levels of light, but induced higher nonphotochemical quenching under high light. At the same time, the PAR level at which photosynthesis became saturated was decreased and the photosynthetic affinity for CO2 or inorganic carbon decreased in the high-CO2 grown plants. These findings indicated that ocean acidification, as an environmental stressor, can reduce the threshold above which PAR becomes excessive.