999 resultados para visual stability
The processing of biological motion is a critical, everyday task performed with remarkable efficiency by human sensory systems. Interest in this ability has focused to a large extent on biological motion processing in the visual modality (see, for example, Cutting, J. E., Moore, C., & Morrison, R. (1988). Masking the motions of human gait. Perception and Psychophysics, 44(4), 339-347). In naturalistic settings, however, it is often the case that biological motion is defined by input to more than one sensory modality. For this reason, here in a series of experiments we investigate behavioural correlates of multisensory, in particular audiovisual, integration in the processing of biological motion cues. More specifically, using a new psychophysical paradigm we investigate the effect of suprathreshold auditory motion on perceptions of visually defined biological motion. Unlike data from previous studies investigating audiovisual integration in linear motion processing [Meyer, G. F. & Wuerger, S. M. (2001). Cross-modal integration of auditory and visual motion signals. Neuroreport, 12(11), 2557-2560; Wuerger, S. M., Hofbauer, M., & Meyer, G. F. (2003). The integration of auditory and motion signals at threshold. Perception and Psychophysics, 65(8), 1188-1196; Alais, D. & Burr, D. (2004). No direction-specific bimodal facilitation for audiovisual motion detection. Cognitive Brain Research, 19, 185-194], we report the existence of direction-selective effects: relative to control (stationary) auditory conditions, auditory motion in the same direction as the visually defined biological motion target increased its detectability, whereas auditory motion in the opposite direction had the inverse effect. Our data suggest these effects do not arise through general shifts in visuo-spatial attention, but instead are a consequence of motion-sensitive, direction-tuned integration mechanisms that are, if not unique to biological visual motion, at least not common to all types of visual motion. Based on these data and evidence from neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies we discuss the neural mechanisms likely to underlie this effect.
In experiments with two-person sequential games we analyzewhether responses to favorable and unfavorable actions dependon the elicitation procedure. In our hot treatment thesecond player responds to the first player s observed actionwhile in our cold treatment we follow the strategy method and have the second player decide on a contingent action foreach and every possible first player move, without firstobserving this move. Our analysis centers on the degree towhich subjects deviate from the maximization of their pecuniaryrewards, as a response to others actions. Our results show nodifference in behavior between the two treatments. We also findevidence of the stability of subjects preferences with respectto their behavior over time and to the consistency of theirchoices as first and second mover.
: Objectives Physicochemical incompatibilities between intravenous drugs are a recurrent problem in intensive care units. The present study was aimed at investigating the physical compatibility of remifentanil and sufentanil with other drugs (insulin, midazolam, propofol, potassium chloride, magnesium sulfate, furosemide, heparin, monobasic potassium phosphate) that are frequently administered together intravenously. In addition, the physicochemical compatibility of three common associations of drugs was evaluated in glass tube tests and during dynamic simulated Y site administrations (remifentanil-insulin-midazolam; remifentanil-insulin-propofol; sufentanil-insulin-midazolam). Methods Physical compatibility was verified by visual inspection of the various mixtures (two, three or four drugs) in glass tubes and by pH determination of the mixtures collected during simulated Y site administrations. Solutions were considered as compatible in the absence of any visual change in the solution and of any significant variation in pH value. In addition, chemical stability was checked during in vitro dynamic simulations. The solutions were prepared in 50 ml syringes, placed on syringe pumps and connected to a Swan-Ganz catheter; the liquid collected at the tip was assayed by high performance liquid chromatography. Results In the visual examinations, only the associations of remifentanil and furosemide were incompatible. The three assayed associations were compatible in the tested proportion range over 24 h. Conclusions Remifentanil was physically compatible with the tested drugs, except for furosemide (Lasix; Sanofi-Aventis, 250 mg/25 ml) and physicochemically compatible with insulin and midazolam and insulin and propofol. Sufentanil was physically compatible with all tested drugs and physicochemically compatible with insulin and midazolam
We estimate a forward-looking monetary policy reaction function for thepostwar United States economy, before and after Volcker's appointmentas Fed Chairman in 1979. Our results point to substantial differencesin the estimated rule across periods. In particular, interest ratepolicy in the Volcker-Greenspan period appears to have been much moresensitive to changes in expected inflation than in the pre-Volckerperiod. We then compare some of the implications of the estimated rulesfor the equilibrium properties of inflation and output, using a simplemacroeconomic model, and show that the Volcker-Greenspan rule is stabilizing.
Evidence of multisensory interactions within low-level cortices and at early post-stimulus latencies has prompted a paradigm shift in conceptualizations of sensory organization. However, the mechanisms of these interactions and their link to behavior remain largely unknown. One behaviorally salient stimulus is a rapidly approaching (looming) object, which can indicate potential threats. Based on findings from humans and nonhuman primates suggesting there to be selective multisensory (auditory-visual) integration of looming signals, we tested whether looming sounds would selectively modulate the excitability of visual cortex. We combined transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the occipital pole and psychophysics for "neurometric" and psychometric assays of changes in low-level visual cortex excitability (i.e., phosphene induction) and perception, respectively. Across three experiments we show that structured looming sounds considerably enhance visual cortex excitability relative to other sound categories and white-noise controls. The time course of this effect showed that modulation of visual cortex excitability started to differ between looming and stationary sounds for sound portions of very short duration (80 ms) that were significantly below (by 35 ms) perceptual discrimination threshold. Visual perceptions are thus rapidly and efficiently boosted by sounds through early, preperceptual and stimulus-selective modulation of neuronal excitability within low-level visual cortex.
Choosing a financially strong insurance company is important when buying health insurance. You want the company to still be in business when you have claims, which can be 20 to 30 years from now. Insurance companies selling insurance in Iowa have met the minimum legal standards to be licensed by the State of Iowa Insurance Division. This licensure doesn’t mean the company has a high financial stability rating. Several independent rating agencies evaluate the financial stability of insurance companies. The rating for an individual insurance company is an opinion as to its financial strength and ability to pay claims in the future. When evaluating a company, a rating agency may consider a company's balance sheet strength, operating performance and business management and strategies.
Avidity of Ag recognition by tumor-specific T cells is one of the main parameters that determines the potency of a tumor rejection Ag. In this study we show that the relative efficiency of staining of tumor Ag-specific T lymphocytes with the corresponding fluorescent MHC class I/peptide multimeric complexes can considerably vary with staining conditions and does not necessarily correlate with avidity of Ag recognition. Instead, we found a clear correlation between avidity of Ag recognition and the stability of MHC class I/peptide multimeric complexes interaction with TCR as measured in dissociation kinetic experiments. These findings are relevant for both identification and isolation of tumor-reactive CTL.
It is widely accepted in the literature about the classicalCournot oligopoly model that the loss of quasi competitiveness is linked,in the long run as new firms enter the market, to instability of the equilibrium. In this paper, though, we present a model in which a stableunique symmetric equilibrium is reached for any number of oligopolistsas industry price increases with each new entry. Consequently, the suspicion that non quasi competitiveness implies, in the long run, instabilityis proved false.
We develop a coordination game to model interactions betweenfundamentals and liquidity during unstable periods in financial markets.We then propose a flexible econometric framework for estimationof the model and analysis of its quantitative implications. The specificempirical application is carry trades in the yen dollar market, includingthe turmoil of 1998. We find a generally very deep market, withlow information disparities amongst agents. We observe occasionallyepisodes of market fragility, or turmoil with up by the escalator, downby the elevator patterns in prices. The key role of strategic behaviorin the econometric model is also confirmed.
In this paper, we discuss pros and cons ofdifferent models for financial market regulationand supervision and we present a proposal forthe re-organisation of regulatory and supervisoryagencies in the Euro Area. Our arguments areconsistent with both new theories and effectivebehaviour of financial intermediaries inindustrialized countries. Our proposed architecturefor financial market regulation is based on theassignment of different objectives or "finalities"to different authorities, both at the domesticand the European level. According to thisperspective, the three objectives of supervision- microeconomic stability, investor protectionand proper behaviour, efficiency and competition- should be assigned to three distinct Europeanauthorities, each one at the centre of a Europeansystem of financial regulators and supervisorsspecialized in overseeing the entire financialmarket with respect to a single regulatoryobjective and regardless of the subjective natureof the intermediaries. Each system should bestructured and organized similarly to the EuropeanSystem of Central Banks and work in connectionwith the central bank which would remain theinstitution responsible for price and macroeconomicstability. We suggest a plausible path to buildour 4-peak regulatory architecture in the Euro area.
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre a participação de Design Gráfico no projeto de identidade visual das marcas turísticas de cidades. O foco recai sobre a coerência da visualidade gráfica da marca com relação ao posicionamento socioeconômico e cultural das cidades, como instâncias de empreendimentos turísticos. O estudo do posicionamento das marcas de cidades foi baseado no livro Competitive Identity (ANHOLT, 2007), também, em Anholt city branding index (2006) e nas atualizações parciais desse índice (ANHOLT, 2009 e 2011). Além disso, as marcas gráficas de 30 cidades e os respectivos dados sobre seu posicionamento, como empreendimentos turísticos, foram coletadas em websites oficiais das cidades na internet. Tendo como base essas 30 cidades com um a marca gráfica turística da cidade, foi proposta uma classificação visual dessas baseando-se em três principais categorias: Categorização conceitual; a Categorização cinéticosensorial; Categorização visual. Com base nessas informações e na classificação da visualidade das marcas gráficas pesquisadas, foi realizado um estudo comparado, visando estabelecer coerências entre a comunicação visual da marca gráfica e o posicionamento socioeconômico e cultural das cidades turísticas. Diante disso, apresentam-se em destaque as marcas das cidades São Paulo e Melbourne, como um exemplo nacional e outro internacional da criatividade gráfica aplicada e da coerência entre o posicionamento do empreendimento turístico e a identidade visual da marca
Deletion or substitution of the serine-rich N-terminal stretch of grass phytochrome A (phyA) has repeatedly been shown to yield a hyperactive photoreceptor when expressed under the control of a constitutive promoter in transgenic tobacco or Arabidopsis seedlings retaining their native phyA. These observations have lead to the proposal that the serine-rich region is involved in negative regulation of phyA signaling. To re-evaluate this conclusion in a more physiological context we produced transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings of the phyA-null background expressing Arabidopsis PHYA deleted in the sequence corresponding to amino acids 6-12, under the control of the native PHYA promoter. Compared to the transgenic seedlings expressing wild-type phyA, the seedlings bearing the mutated phyA showed normal responses to pulses of far-red (FR) light and impaired responses to continuous FR light. In yeast two-hybrid experiments, deleted phyA interacted normally with FHY1 and FHL, which are required for phyA accumulation in the nucleus. Immunoblot analysis showed reduced stability of deleted phyA under continuous red or FR light. The reduced physiological activity can therefore be accounted for by the enhanced destruction of the mutated phyA. These findings do not support the involvement of the serine-rich region in negative regulation but they are consistent with a recent report suggesting that phyA turnover is regulated by phosphorylation.
In this study, we report the effect of fatty acids on the Thy-1 antigen mRNA decay. Low serum and synthetic medium culture conditions were used to demonstrate that fatty acids, which are important metabolites involved as second messengers in signal transduction, also influence the steady-state mRNA level. Detailed analysis demonstrated that polyunsaturated lipids attached to bovine serum albumin, such as linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids, modulate gene expression specifically in the S1A T lymphoma cell line by inducing a 3-5-fold increase in the steady-state Thy-1 mRNA level, concomitant with a twofold increase in cell surface expression. A similar modulation was observed in the immature CD4-CD8- T cell precursors but not in mature thymocytes. Nuclear run-on and transfection experiments indicated that the observed Thy-1 mRNA level is post-transcriptionally regulated and that the presence of the coding region is sufficient for this adaptive response. A mechanism without a requirement for protein kinase C activation, but involving Ca2+ entry, could account for this difference in Thy-1 mRNA stability.
Fibrin has been long used clinically for hemostasis and sealing, yet extension of use in other applications has been limited due to its relatively rapid resorption in vivo, even with addition of aprotinin or other protease inhibitors. We report an engineered aprotinin variant that can be immobilized within fibrin and thus provide extended longevity. When recombinantly fused to a transglutaminase substrate domain from α(2)-plasmin inhibitor (α(2)PI(1-8)), the resulting variant, aprotinin-α(2)PI(1-8), was covalently crosslinked into fibrin matrices during normal thrombin/factor XIIIa-mediated polymerization. Challenge with physiological plasmin concentrations revealed that aprotinin-α(2)PI(1-8)-containing matrices retained 78% of their mass after 3 wk, whereas matrices containing wild type (WT) aprotinin degraded completely within 1 wk. Plasmin challenge of commercial sealants Omrixil and Tisseel, supplemented with aprotinin-α(2)PI(1-8) or WT aprotinin, showed extended longevity as well. When seeded with human dermal fibroblasts, aprotinin-α(2)PI(1-8)-supplemented matrices supported cell growth for at least 33% longer than those containing WT aprotinin. Subcutaneously implanted matrices containing aprotinin-α(2)PI(1-8) were detectable in mice for more than twice as long as those containing WT aprotinin. We conclude that our engineered recombinant aprotinin variant can confer extended longevity to fibrin matrices more effectively than WT aprotinin in vitro and in vivo.