986 resultados para visual processes


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Las reacciones bioquímicas que ocurren como consecuencia del tratamiento y almacenamiento de los alimentos, mejoran la seguridad alimentaria, las propiedades sensoriales y la vida útil. Sin embargo, el tratamiento térmico, la exposición a la luz y el oxígeno pueden causar daño oxidativo a los lípidos y proteínas. Los procesos oxidativos de matrices complejas tienen características distintivas que no se manifiestan cuando los componentes son sometidos a oxidación individualmente. La hipótesis de trabajo es que la oxidación de proteínas en matrices alimentarias complejas altera la estructura y las propiedades funcionales de las proteínas y, que las modificaciones que se producen varían según las condiciones de procesamiento y de la composición química del alimento. Nuestros estudios intentan demostrar que el estado oxidativo de las proteínas de un alimento es un parámetro importante para la evaluación de las propiedades funcionales, sensoriales y nutricionales de un producto lácteo. El objetivo general del proyecto es el estudio de los procesos de oxidación de matrices alimentarias complejas (la leche, miel) y su relación con distintos procesos y materiales utilizados en la industria. Es decir, nos proponemos estudiar las consecuencias funcionales y biológicas (calidad nutricional, coagulación) de la oxidación proteica en modelos experimentales “in vitro” y en productos comerciales. 1. Estudiar los fenómenos de peroxidación proteica en leche entera y descremada sometida a los distintos procesos tecnológicos de la producción de leche y queso a escala laboratorio. Se realizarán las mismas experiencias con albúmina sérica y con proteínas aisladas de suero de leche para comparar diferencias entre una matriz compleja y una simple. 2. Determinar la relación entre oxidación y composición proteica de la leche, y los cambios en las fracciones proteicas aisladas (caseínas y beta-lactoglobulina). 3. Analizar el impacto de los procesos tecnológicos a nivel de producción primaria (composición proteica y estado de oxidación) en los indicadores de inflamación (contenido de células somáticas y proteína C Reactiva) y de estado redox (capacidad antioxidante de los productos lácteos y nivel de carbonilos de proteinas). 4. Comparar las características de composición química y el estado de oxidación de leche provenientes de las tres regiones (Buenos Aires, Santa Fe y Córdoba) que conforman la cuenca láctea Argentina. Este objetivo se realizará conjuntamente con los integrantes de nuestro grupo de investigación que trabajan en el Laboratorio de Control de Calidad de la Escuela Superior de Lechería. 5. Determinar los metabolitos secundarios de mieles uniflorales propuestos como responsables de la capacidad antioxidante de estas (polifenoles) y como indicadores de su origen botánico. 6. Valorar la capacidad antioxidante total de mieles uniflorales. 7. Validar los métodos analíticos y semicuantitativos utilizados y a utilizar en el presente proyecto teniendo en cuenta lo efectos de matrices típico de los fluidos biológicos y las mezclas. El estudio de las modificaciones oxidativas de matrices complejas es un tema que es importante tanto desde el punto de vista del conocimiento básico como del aplicado. Nosotros creemos que el presente proyecto aportará conocimiento sobre las características de las vías oxidativas de proteínas en matrices complejas y que podrá ser utilizado para diseñar estrategias productivas tendientes a disminuir el deterioro de la calidad de la leche debido a la exposición a energía radiante. Parte de la experiencia ganada por el grupo ha sido ya volcada a subsanar dificultades y problemas de oxidación y deterioro de la calidad de alimentos. Además, se contribuirá a discernir la paradoja que existe en el área sobre las propiedades oxidantes/antioxidantes de los polifenoles y la relación entre estas y el estado oxidativo de un alimento. The biochemical reactions that occur as a result of food treatment and storage, improve food security, sensory properties and shelf life. Heat treatment, exposure to light and oxygen can cause oxidative damage to lipids and proteins. Oxidative processes in complex matrices display distinctive features that do not appear when the components are individually subjected to oxidation. The hypothesis is that protein oxidation in complex food matrices alters the structure and functional properties of proteins and that the modifications vary according to process conditions and food composition. The main goal is to study oxidation of complex food matrices (milk, honey) with different processes and materials used in the industry. The specific aims are: 1. To study protein oxidation in whole milk and skim subject to various technological processes. The same experiences will be done with serum albumin and isolated whey proteins to compare complex and simple matrices. 2. To determine the relationship between oxidation and milk protein composition, and changes in casein and beta-lactoglobulin. 3. Analyze the impact of technological processes at the level of primary production on markers of inflammation and redox (antioxidant capacity and protein carbonyls). 4. Compare characteristics of chemical composition and oxidation state of milk. 5. Determine secondary metabolites of honey responsible for the antioxidant capacity of these. 6. To evaluate the total antioxidant capacity unifloral honey. This project will provide knowledge about characteristics of oxidative pathways of proteins in complex matrices that can be used to design production strategies aimed at reduce the deterioration of milk quality. Also, it would help to discern the paradox that exists on the oxidants/antioxidants properties of polyphenols and the relationship between these and the oxidative status of a food.


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The focus of this research is in ascertaining how and why the Irish state patronises the visual arts. The framework that the state puts in place for the support of the arts influences the creation of art. The initial standpoint from which to evaluate the system is founded on the belief that art is of social good. The second source of belief is in the necessity for an autonomous setting in which it can be created. These two beliefs underpin state patronage of the arts in contemporary society. Therefore they have to be examined carefully in order to see if they hold up. This requires an investigation into the formation of value. This is undertaken by looking into the social development of western society and its influence on the placement of arts value. Establishing how arts value to society is defined provides a means by which to investigate the manner in which the state patronises the visual arts. Two case studies provide the evidence in how the state supports the arts and why it chooses to do so. The Irish Museum of Modem Art is used as an example of the state’s role in the maintenance of the canon of art. The second case study looks at the work being done by Breaking Ground. Breaking Ground is an extensive art project as an element of the regeneration process happening in Ballymun funded by the state. It provides and insight into how the state utilises art in the unification of a social group.


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The crustacean fishery is important to the socio economics of rural and island communities around Ireland; with brown crab (Cancer pagurus) and European lobster (.Homarus gammarus) being the most valuable shellfish species. Brown crab and lobster are marketed live with the majority being exported from Ireland to southern Europe. Post capture processes used in Ireland are very subjective but promote fresh, live products. Common practices used in the crustacean fishery include nicking of brown crab and long term storage of lobster. This study showed that nicking resulted in elevated mean lactate levels of 17.90% (StDev ± 1.74) and elevated mean glucose levels of 120.55 % (StDev ± 0.26) with mean circulating bacteria levels 9 times greater in nicked crab. Nicking resulted in 96.3% increase in tissue necrosis and a subsequent reduction in product quality. These factors possibly compromise the host’s defense system, which may ultimately reduce the animal’s ability to cope with additional stressors caused by post-harvest processes. Long term storage allows lobster to be stored until the market is less saturated and prices are higher. This investigation found that some lobsters contracted bacterial biofilms as a result of long term storage. Bacteria isolated from biofilms were identified as Arcobacter and Campylobacterales with identity and alignment scores of 80% andd 88% respectively.


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Stroke is a preventable and treatable disease. It can present with the sudden onset of any neurological disturbance, including limb weakness or numbness, speech disturbance, visual loss or disturbance of balance. Over the last two decades, a growing body of evidence has overturned the traditional perception that stroke is simply a consequence of aging which inevitably results in death or severe disability. Evidence is accumulating for more effective primary and secondary prevention strategies, better recognition of people at highest risk and thus most in need of active intervention, interventions that are effective so on after the onset of symptoms, and an understanding of the processes of care that contribute to a better outcome. In addition, there is now good evidence to support interventions and care processes in stroke rehabilitation. In the UK, the National Sentinel Stroke Audits 2,3 have documented changes in secondary care provision over the last 10 years, with increasing numbers of patients being treated in stroke units, more evidence-based practice, and reductions in mortality and length of stay. In order for evidence from research studies to improve outcomes for patients, it needs to be put into practice. National guidelines provide clinicians, managers and service users with summaries of evidence and recommendations for clinical practice. Implementation of guidelines in practice, supported by regular audit, improves the processes of care and clinical outcome. This guideline covers interventions in the acute stage of a stroke (‘acute stroke’) or transient ischaemic attack (TIA). Most of the evidence considered relates to interventions in the first 48 hours after onset of symptoms, although some interventions of up to 2 weeks are covered as well. This guideline is a stand-alone document, but is designed to be read alongside the Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party guideline ‘National clinical guideline for stroke’* which considers evidence for interventions from the acute stage into rehabilitation and life after stroke. The Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party guideline is an update of the 2004 2nd edition and includes all the recommendations contained within this guideline. This acute stroke and TIA guideline is also designed to be read alongside the Department of Health’s (DH) ‘National stroke strategy’ (NSS). Where there are differences between the recommendations made within this acute stroke and TIA guideline and the NSS, the Guideline Development Group (GDG) members feel that their recommendations are derived from systematic methodology to identify all of the relevant literature.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2011


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Gamma-band activity, EEG, top-down, bottom-up


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Membrane reactor, reactive membrane separation, arrheotrope, azeotrope, dusty gas model, esterification, residue curve map, distillation, kinetics, singular point, bifurcation


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Visual data mining, multi-dimensional scaling, POLARMAP, Sammon's mapping, clustering, outlier detection


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Visual attention, focus of attention, mexican hat profile, surround inhibition


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Reaction separation processes, reactive distillation, chromatographic reactor, equilibrium theory, nonlinear waves, process control, observer design, asymptoticaly exact input/output-linearization


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fMRI, color, colour, velocity, speed, contrast, cone contrast, V1, V4, hV4, MT, MT+, V3A, BOLD, Retinotopic Mapping, Contrast Response Function


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Conceptualization, speech production, ERPs, fMRI


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This work focuses on the modeling and numerical approximations of population balance equations (PBEs) for the simulation of different phenomena occurring in process engineering. The population balance equation (PBE) is considered to be a statement of continuity. It tracks the change in particle size distribution as particles are born, die, grow or leave a given control volume. In the population balance models the one independent variable represents the time, the other(s) are property coordinate(s), e.g., the particle volume (size) in the present case. They typically describe the temporal evolution of the number density functions and have been used to model various processes such as granulation, crystallization, polymerization, emulsion and cell dynamics. The semi-discrete high resolution schemes are proposed for solving PBEs modeling one and two-dimensional batch crystallization models. The schemes are discrete in property coordinates but continuous in time. The resulting ordinary differential equations can be solved by any standard ODE solver. To improve the numerical accuracy of the schemes a moving mesh technique is introduced in both one and two-dimensional cases ...


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Quenching process, TRIP, J2-plasticity theory, phase transition, distortion