956 resultados para unilateral nephrectomy


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Persistência hiperplásica do vítreo primitivo (PHVP) é um desenvolvimento anormal, afetando crianças, resultante da falha de regressão do vítreo primitivo e dos vasos hialóides, com proliferação de tecido conectivo. A PHVP pode ter três variações: uma anterior, outra posterior e uma terceira com a combinação das duas. Clinicamente manifesta-se como leucocoria (reflexo branco pupilar) em um olho de dimensões reduzidas. Esta anomalia é usualmente unilateral e não associada com outros achados sistêmicos. Leucocoria, descolamento de retina, pregas retinianas e catarata podem confundir PHVP com outras afecções oculares que têm achados semelhantes. Retinoblastoma, catarata congênita, retinopatia da prematuridade e pseudogliomas são doenças com achados semelhantes aos da PHVP. A visualização direta dos remanescentes do sistema vascular hialóide fetal é a melhor evidência da lesão presente, se não fosse, muitas vezes impossivel, à fundoscopia, devido à opacidade do tecido. Nestes casos, a visualização indireta, por meio de ultra-sonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética, fornece o diagnóstico. As imagens obtidas por estes métodos proporcionam, ainda, informações e diagnóstico diferencial com outras doenças, particularmente com o retinoblastoma. Os autores fazem uma revisão na literatura e apresentam um estudo iconográfico das imagens e achados da PHVP.


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In rodents, sensory experience alters the whisker representation in layer IV of the barrel cortex (Woolsey and Van der Loos, 1970). Excitatory and inhibitory interneurons, together with the astrocytic network, modify the functional representation in an integrated manner. Our group showed that continuous whisker stimulation induces structural and functional changes in the corresponding barrel. These modifications include the depression of neuronal responses and an insertion of new inhibitory synapses on dendritic spines (Knott et al., 2002; Genoud et al., 2006; Quairiaux et al., 2007). This form of cortical plasticity is controlled by several gene regulatory mechanisms including the activation of genetic programs controlling the expression of microRNAs (miRNAs). The transitory and localized expression of miRNAs in dendrites and their capacity to respond in an activity-dependent manner make them ideal candidates for the fine tuning of gene expression associated with neural plasticity. In a previous study of our group (Johnston- Wenger, 2010) using microarray analysis on laser-dissected barrels in order to compare the gene expression levels in stimulated and non-stimulated barrels after whisker stimulation, 261 genes were found significantly regulated, among these genes there were two miRNAs (miR- 132 and miR-137). In this study I tested the initial observation on the up-regulation of miR-132 and miR-137 after whisker stimulation and the possible involvement of two other miRNAs (miR-138 and miR-125b) that are known play a role in other form of synaptic plasticity. I used in situ hybridization (ISH) after unilateral stimulation of three whiskers (Cl-3) in the adult mouse. We found that sensory stimulation increases the expression, of miR-132 after 3hours of stimulation (p<0.01) and miR-137 (pO.Ol; 24 hrs of stim.), whereas it reduces the level of miR-125b (pO.Ol; 9 hrs of stim.). No significant difference was detected for miR-138. We further determined a correlation between the level of expression of the four selected miRNAs in the cortical barrels (measured by ISH) and in blood plasma (measured by qPCR). In addition to this quantitative comparison, we combined miRNAs ISH and immunolabeling for various neuronal markers that were chosen for the localization in both excitatory and inhibitory circuits as well as in astrocytes. Analysis of three-dimensional confocal acquisitions showed that stimulation alters significantly the degree of co-localization in the stimulated barrel of miR-132 with GAD65/67 and VGLUT2; miR-125b with GAD65/67 and parvalbumin; miR-138 with parvalbumin, VGLUT1 and PSD95; and miR-137 with VGLUT1 and astrocytic markers (GS; GFAP and SlOOß). To conclude, using increased neuronal activity in the whisker-to-barrel pathway; our results suggest that miRNAs can be regulated in an activity-dependent manner and they may regulate local mRNA translation to shape neuronal responses. These findings motivate further investigation of the different modes in which miRNAs may regulate cortical plasticity. -- Chez les rongeurs, l'expérience sensorielle modifie la représentation des vibrisses au niveau du cortex somatosensoriel primaire (Woolsey and Van der Loos, 1970). Les interneurones excitateurs et inhibiteurs, en collaboration avec le réseau astrocytaire, modifient la représentation fonctionnelle d'une manière intégrée. Notre groupe a montré que la stimulation continue des vibrisses induit des changements structuraux et fonctionnels dans le tonneau correspondant. Ces modifications incluent la dépression des réponses neuronales et une insertion de nouvelles synapses inhibitrices sur les épines dendritiques (Knott et al., 2002 ; Genoud et al., 2006 ; Quairiaux et al., 2007). Cette forme de plasticité corticale est contrôlée par plusieurs mécanismes de régulation génique dont l'activation des programmes géniques contrôlant l'expression des microARNs (miARNs). Par leur expression transitoire et localisée dans les dendrites et leur capacité à réagir d'une manière dépendante de l'activité, les miARNs sont des candidats idéaux pour le réglage fin de l'expression des gènes associée à la plasticité neuronale. Afin de comparer le niveau d'expression des gènes dans les tonneaux stimulés et non-stimulés après stimulation des vibrisses, une étude antérieure dans notre groupe (Johnston-Wenger, 2010), utilisant l'analyse par microarray sur des tonneaux disséqués par laser, a montré l'altération significative de 261 gènes. Parmi ces gènes, il y avait deux miARNs (miR-132 et miR-137). Dans la présente étude, j'ai testé l'observation initiale sur la régulation de miR-132 et miR-137 après stimulation des vibrisses et la possible implication de deux autres miARNs (miR-138 et miR-125b) connus avoir jouer un rôle important dans d'autres formes de plasticité synaptique. J'ai utilisé l'hybridation in situ (ISH) après stimulation unilatérale de trois vibrisses (Cl-3) chez la souris adulte. J'ai trouvé que la stimulation sensorielle augmente l'expression, de miR-132 après 3 heures de stimulation (p < 0.01) et miR-137 (p < 0.01 ; 24 hrs de stim.), alors qu'elle réduit le niveau de miR-125b (p < 0.01; 9 hrs de stim.). Aucune différence significative n'a été détectée pour miR-138. J'ai aussi déterminé une corrélation entre le niveau d'expression des quatre miARNs sélectionnés dans les tonneaux (mesurés par ISH) et dans le plasma sanguin (mesuré par qPCR). En plus de cette comparaison quantitative, j'ai combiné le miR-ISH et l'immunomarquage pour divers marqueurs neuronaux qui ont été choisis pour étudier la localisation dans les circuits excitateurs et inhibiteurs, ainsi que dans les astrocytes. Les acquisitions tridimensionnelles montrent que la stimulation modifie considérablement le degré de co-localisation dans le tonneau stimulé de miR-132 avec GAD65/67 et VGLUT2; miR-125b avec GAD65/67 et parvalbumine; miR-138 avec parvalbumine, VGLUT1 et PSD95; et miR-137 avec VGLUT1 et les marqueurs astrocytaires (GS ; GFAP et SlOOß). En conclusion, à l'aide de l'activité neuronale accrue dans la voie de vibrisses-au-baril; les résultats suggèrent que les miARNs peuvent être régulé d'une manière dépendante de l'activité et peuvent résulter la stabilité des ARNm et la traduction pour façonner les réponses neuronales ultérieures. Ces résultats incitent d'investiguer davantage les voies importantes par lesquels les miARNs peuvent réguler la plasticité corticale.


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Introduction: Moebius syndrome is a rare congenital disorder characterized by unilateral or bilateral involvement of the sixth and seventh cranial nerves, resulting in a lack of facial expression and eye movements. These patients suffer a series of oral manifestations that may complicate their dental treatment, such as facial and tongue muscle weakness, uncontrolled salivation secondary to defi cient lip sealing, micrognathia, microstomia, bifi d uvula, gothic and fi ssured palate, fi ssured tongue, and glossoptosis. The underlying etiology remains unclear, though vascular problems during embryogenesis appear to be involved. Clinical case: We report the case of a woman with Moebius syndrome and total edentulism. Eight years ago she underwent complete oral rehabilitation with the placement of two implants in each dental arch. Discussion: Moebius syndrome has still an unknown etiology, although it is related to disorders during pregnancy. This kind of patient can be rehabilitated using oral implants.


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A síndrome de Poland é uma anomalia congênita caracterizada principalmente por hipoplasia ou aplasia da musculatura torácica unilateral e alterações no membro superior ipsilateral. Este caso refere-se a uma paciente do sexo feminino, sem alterações ao exame físico, mostrando a correlação de achados de imagem (mamografia e ressonância magnética) desta condição rara.


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OBJETIVO: Quantificar a formação óssea nos enxertos com e sem plasma rico em plaquetas, obtido pelos métodos de centrifugação e aférese, comparando os três tipos de enxertos realizados por meio de análise tomográfica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Este estudo prospectivo, duplo cego, utilizou uma amostra composta de 34 pacientes adultos, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 48 anos e 8 meses, portadores de pneumatização unilateral ou bilateral dos seios maxilares, que necessitavam de enxertos ósseos, com a finalidade de melhorar as condições locais para a colocação dos implantes dentários. Todos os pacientes realizaram tomografia computadorizada antes da cirurgia. Foram operados 53 seios maxilares, divididos em três grupos: enxerto de plasma rico em plaquetas obtido pelos métodos de aférese, centrifugação e enxerto apenas de osso autógeno. Após seis meses do procedimento cirúrgico foram realizados novos exames de imagem. RESULTADOS: Pela avaliação tomográfica, houve crescimento em altura e em largura nos três grupos quando foram comparados os momentos inicial e final, entretanto, não houve diferença estatística para a altura e para a largura. CONCLUSÃO: Evidências clínicas demonstram a eficácia dos enxertos autógenos, principalmente os associados a fatores indutores de crescimento ósseo, como o plasma rico em plaquetas, recuperando o arcabouço maxilofacial, necessário para a reconstrução protética e funcional por meio de implantes dentários.


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Spinal cord infarction is much rarer than cerebral stroke, but its early recognition is important as it may signify serious aortic conditions. The most frequent type is anterior spinal artery syndrome, presenting with bilateral weakness (usually paraparesis), impairment of spinothalamic sensation and preservation of deep sensation. Depending on its level, it may present with respiratory dysfunction. More rarely, posterior infarcts sparing spinothalamic sensation but involving lemniscal sensation may be encountered. Unilateral, central or transverse infarction may also be seen probably on account of different mechanisms. Other rarer forms of spinal ischemia also include spinal TIAs, venous infarction, fibrocartilaginous embolism and decompression sickness.


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Objective: To determine the clinical characteristics of the orofacial pain of cardiac origin in patients visited when doing a treadmill exercise test, at the cardiology service of the Can Ruti Hospital in Badalona (Barcelona, Spain). Study design: The sample of that study included thirty patients visiteding when doing a treadmill exercise test, at the cardiology service. The questionnaire has been asked to a sample of 30 patients. Results: Eleven of the 30 patients included in this study presented craniofacial pain before or during the cardiac seizure. The location of the pain was bilateral, non-irradiated at the mandible in all cases. The intensity of the pain was from slight to severe. The frequency of the appearance of the pain was paroxysmal in 8 cases and constant in three cases, and the duration was from a few hours to a maximum of 14 days. Discussion: The cardiac pain in craniofacial structures is usually bilateral, compared to odontogenic pain which is always unilateral. The pain of cardiac origin is considered atypical because of its location, but about the 10 % of the cases, the cardiac ischemia has its primary manifestation in orofacial structures. Conclusions: Eleven patients referred a bilateral non-irradiated mandibular pain, with intensity from slight to severe, and with a paroxystic frequency in eight cases and a constant frequency in three cases. Just one patient referred pain during the treadmill exercise test. In all cases the pain disappeared after the cardiac surgery or the administration of vasodilators.


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OBJETIVO: Apresentar as várias formas de displasia fibrosa craniofacial em um estudo revisional com 14 exames de tomografia computadorizada. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 14 casos de displasia fibrosa craniofacial atendidos no Serviço de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço e Otorrinolaringologia e no Serviço de Diagnóstico por Imagem do Hospital Heliópolis, São Paulo, SP, entre 1991 e 2002. Foram avaliados, pelos autores, três dos achados tomográficos mais relevantes: o número de ossos acometidos, a apresentação radiológica predominante e a uni/bilateralidade da doença no crânio. RESULTADOS: Observou-se predomínio do padrão misto em relação à forma de apresentação da doença. Foram vistos, ainda, acometimento contíguo de dois ou mais ossos e equivalência entre casos de acometimento craniofacial unilateral e bilateral, possivelmente por conta dos pacientes serem, em sua maioria, portadores de displasia fibrosa do tipo monostótica. CONCLUSÃO: O conhecimento das características tomográficas da displasia fibrosa craniofacial é de grande importância para que seja feito planejamento cirúrgico adequado e seguimento pós-tratamento.


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OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar os achados da uretrocistografia miccional com o ultra-som Doppler duplex colorido, em pacientes com suspeita de refluxo vesicoureteral. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A pesquisa foi realizada através do estudo dos ângulos dos jatos urinários intravesicais, nos planos axial e longitudinal. Foi analisada, também, a distância (em centímetros) entre os meatos ureterais. RESULTADOS: Do total de 32 pacientes estudados (com média de idade de 5 anos e 2 meses), 18 pacientes apresentaram refluxo vesicoureteral (10 com refluxo unilateral, sendo 4 no lado direito e 6 no lado esquerdo, e 8 com refluxo bilateral) e 14 pacientes não apresentaram refluxo. Os valores angulares dos jatos urinários intravesicais e as distâncias entre os meatos ureterais foram obtidos para todos os pacientes e foram calculados a média, o desvio-padrão e o coeficiente de variação. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados evidenciaram tendência de que a lateralização do meato ureteral seja sinal de predisposição ao refluxo vesicoureteral. A análise estatística não-paramétrica de Mann-Whitney não evidenciou diferenças significativas (p > 0,05) entre os grupos (ângulos de inclinação dos jatos urinários intravesicais e distância entre os meatos ureterais).


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OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados gerais do linfoma em pacientes abaixo de 20 anos de idade e por subtipo histológico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo do arquivo digital de tomografia computadorizada do Centro de Controle do Câncer do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de março de 2003 a julho de 2005. Dos 22 casos - 16 do sexo masculino e 6 do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 11,5 anos -, 12 eram do subtipo Hodgkin e 10 eram não-Hodgkin. RESULTADOS: Dos achados gerais, verificamos as linfonodomegalias mediastinais como o mais freqüente (59%), com predomínio no grupo Hodgkin (75%), seguido por hepatoesplenomegalia (50%) e linfonodomegalias cervicais e retroperitoneais (27,3%). No subtipo Hodgkin houve predomínio do acometimento linfonodal, em sucessivas cadeias, seguido pela hepatoesplenomegalia (50%). Verificamos um caso de massa tonsilar unilateral, opacidade pulmonar em "vidro-fosco" e nódulos renais. No subtipo não-Hodgkin houve predomínio extranodal caracterizado por hepatoesplenomegalia (50%), espessamento de alça intestinal (40%), derrame pleural (30%), nódulo pulmonar (20%), ascite (10%), derrame pericárdico (10%) e lesões ósseas mistas (10%). CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia computadorizada é de grande valia no diagnóstico, estadiamento e seguimento do linfoma, com achados de alerta como massa linfonodal, notadamente mediastinal, hepatoesplenomegalia, massa unilateral na tonsila e espessamento parietal de alça intestinal.


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Muscular function of the neck region may be of importance for the etiology of headache, especially of tension-type headache. However, very few data exist on the association of neck muscle function with different types of headache in adolescents. The main aim of the study was to examine the association of neck muscle function with adolescent headache. The associations between leisure time activities, endurance strength of the upper extremities (UE endurance) and mobility of the neck-shoulder region and adolescent headache were studied. In addition, the associations of force production, EMG/force ratio, co-activation and fatigue characteristics, and cross-sectional area (CSA) of neck muscles with adolescent headache were studied. The study is part of a population-based cohort study of 12-year-old children with and without headache. The study had five phases (years 1998-2003). At the age of 13 years, a sample of 183 adolescents (183/311) participated in endurance strength and mobility measurements of the neck-shoulder region. In addition, the type and level of physical and other leisure activity were elicited with open and structured questions. At the age of 17 years, a random sample of 89 adolescents (89/202) participated in force and EMG measurements of the neck-shoulder muscles. In addition, at the age of 17 years, a sample of 65 adolescents (65/89) participated in CSA measurements of the neck muscles. At the age of 13 years, intensive participation in overall sports activity was associated with migraine. Frequent computer use was associated both with migraine and tension-type headache. The type of sports or other leisure activity classified them on the basis of body loading was not associated with headache type. In girls, low UE endurance of both sides, and low cervical rotation of the dominant side, were associated with tension-type headache, and low UE endurance of non-dominant side with migraine. In boys, no associations occurred between UE endurance and mobility variables and headache types. At the age of 17 years, in girls, high EMG/force ratios between the EMG of the left agonist sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) and maximal neck flexion and neck rotation force to the right side as well as high co-activation of right antagonist cervical erector spinae (CES) muscles during maximal neck flexion force were associated with migraine-type headache. In girls, neck force production was not associated with headache types but low left shoulder flexion force was associated with tension-type headache. In boys, no associations were found between EMG and force variables and headache. Increased SCM muscles fatigue of both sides was associated with tension-type headache. In boys, the small CSA of the right SCM muscle and, in girls, of combined right SCM and scalenus muscles was associated with tension-type headache. Similarly, in boys, the large CSA of the right SCM muscle, of the combined right SCM and scalenus muscles, of the left semispinalis capitis muscle, of the combined left semispinalis and splenius muscles was associated with migraine. No other differences in the CSA of neck flexion or extension muscles were found. Differences in the neuromucular function of the neck-shoulder muscles were associated with adolescent headache, especially in girls. Differences in the cross-sectional area of unilateral neck muscles were associated with headache, especially in boys. Differences in the neuromuscular function and in the cross-sectional area of the neck muscles also occurred between different types of headache. It remains to be established whether the findings are primary or secondary to adolescent migraine and tension headache. Keywords: adolescent, cross-sectional area, electromyography, endurance strength, fatigue, force, headache, leisure time activity, migraine, mobility, neck muscles, tension-type headache


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Imaging plays a key role in the detection of a diaphragmatic pathology in utero. US is the screening method, but MRI is increasingly performed. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is by far the most often diagnosed diaphragmatic pathology, but unilateral or bilateral eventration or paralysis can also be identified. Extralobar pulmonary sequestration can be located in the diaphragm and, exceptionally, diaphragmatic tumors or secondary infiltration of the diaphragm from tumors originating from an adjacent organ have been observed in utero. Congenital abnormalities of the diaphragm impair normal lung development. Prenatal imaging provides a detailed anatomical evaluation of the fetus and allows volumetric lung measurements. The comparison of these data with those from normal fetuses at the same gestational age provides information about the severity of pulmonary hypoplasia and improves predictions about the fetus's outcome. This information can help doctors and families to make decisions about management during pregnancy and after birth. We describe a wide spectrum of congenital pathologies of the diaphragm and analyze their embryological basis. Moreover, we describe their prenatal imaging findings with emphasis on MR studies, discuss their differential diagnosis and evaluate the limits of imaging methods in predicting postnatal outcome.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify the clinical determinants of occurrence of postictal generalized EEG suppression (PGES) after generalized convulsive seizures (GCS). METHODS: We reviewed the video-EEG recordings of 417 patients included in the REPO2MSE study, a multicenter prospective cohort study of patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy. According to ictal semiology, we classified GCS into 3 types: tonic-clonic GCS with bilateral and symmetric tonic arm extension (type 1), clonic GCS without tonic arm extension or flexion (type 2), and GCS with unilateral or asymmetric tonic arm extension or flexion (type 3). Association between PGES and person-specific or seizure-specific variables was analyzed after correction for individual effects and the varying number of seizures. RESULTS: A total of 99 GCS in 69 patients were included. Occurrence of PGES was independently associated with GCS type (p < 0.001) and lack of early administration of oxygen (p < 0.001). Odds ratio (OR) for GCS type 1 in comparison with GCS type 2 was 66.0 (95% confidence interval [CI 5.4-801.6]). In GCS type 1, risk of PGES was significantly increased when the seizure occurred during sleep (OR 5.0, 95% CI 1.2-20.9) and when oxygen was not administered early (OR 13.4, 95% CI 3.2-55.9). CONCLUSION: The risk of PGES dramatically varied as a function of GCS semiologic characteristics. Whatever the type of GCS, occurrence of PGES was prevented by early administration of oxygen.


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OBJECTIVE: To review the natural course of tumor size and hearing during conservative management of 151 patients with unilateral vestibular schwannoma (VS), and to evaluate the same parameters for the part of the group (n = 84) who were treated by LINAC stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). METHODS: In prospectively collected data, patients underwent MRI and complete audiovestibular tests at inclusion, during the conservative management period and after SRS. Hearing was graded according to the Gardner-Robertson (GR) scale and tumor size according to Koos. Statistics were performed using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and multivariate analyses including linear and logistic regression. Specific insight was given to patients with serviceable hearing. RESULTS: During the conservative management period (mean follow-up time: 24 months, range: 6-96), the annual risk of GR class degradation was 6% for GRI and 15% for GR II patients. Hearing loss as an initial symptom was highly predictive of further hearing loss (p = 0.003). Tumor growth reached 25%. For SRS patients, functional hearing preservation was 51% at 1 year and 36% at 3 years. Tumor control was 94 and 91%, respectively. CONCLUSION: In VS patients, hearing loss at the time of diagnosis is a predictor of poorer hearing outcome. LINAC SRS is efficient for tumor control. Patients who preserved their pretreatment hearing presented less hearing loss per year after SRS than before treatment, suggesting a protective effect of SRS when cochlear function can be preserved.


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There remains uncertainty in scientific discussions regarding the governance of universities in new public management regimes in terms of who actually 'rules' in the university. Apparently, a strengthened management leadership is confronted with continuing elements of academic self-regulation and professional autonomy in knowledge production and diffusion. Organisational and academic rationales coexist in today's management of universities. This article endeavours to clarify some of the ambiguities pertaining to the coexistence of two authorities by demonstrating the working of 'interdependency management' that is taking place within universities. For this purpose, the authors have scrutinised research, teaching and recruitment policies in one Swiss university that is subject to such ambiguities. The study confirms existing research in that a command-and-control system is not applied. Policymaking in universities is instead based on a mix of negotiations in faculties that are taking place in the 'shadow of hierarchy', negotiated bargaining between faculties and leaders and occasional unilateral decisions of leaders. This mitigates latent conflicts between management and the academic community: strategic orientations of the university are generally accepted by the academic community while the academic community has influence on policy formulation and maintains defining powers over policy substance.