907 resultados para tendon rupture
Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome refers to a dermatologic syndrome, consisting of small papular skins lesion distributed on the scalp, forehead, face and neck, which is autosomal dominantly inherited. Subsequently patients may develop concomitant renal and thoracic pathology. We report the case of a patient with Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome diagnosed after spontaneous pneumothorax.
The large volume of traffic on the interstate system makes it difficult to make pavement repairs. The maintenance crew needs 4-5 hours to break out the concrete to be replaced and prepare the hole for placing new concrete. Because of this it is usually noon before the patch can be placed. Since it is desirable to remove the barricades before dark there are only 7-8 hours for the concrete to reach the required strength. There exists a need for a concrete that can reach the necessary strength (modulus of rupture = 500 psi) in 7-8 hours. The purpose of this study is to determine if type III cement and/or an accelerator can be used in an M-4 mix to yield a fast setting patch with very little shrinkage. It is recognized that calcium chloride is a corrosive material and may therefore have detrimental effects upon the reinforcing steel. The study of these effects, however, is beyond the scope of this investigation.
Background: The relevance of immune-endocrine interactions to the regulation of ovarian function in teleosts is virtually unexplored. As part of the innate immune response during infection, a number of cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) and other immune factors, are produced and act on the reproductive system. However, TNF alpha is also an important physiological player in the ovulatory process in mammals. In the present study, we have examined for the first time the effects of TNF alpha in vitro in preovulatory ovarian follicles of a teleost fish, the brown trout (Salmo trutta). Methods: To determine the in vivo regulation of TNF alpha expression in the ovary, preovulatory brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) were injected intraperitoneally with either saline or bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In control and recombinant trout TNF alpha (rtTNF alpha)-treated brown trout granulosa cells, we examined the percentage of apoptosis by flow cytometry analysis and cell viability by propidium iodide (PI) staining. Furthermore, we determined the in vitro effects of rtTNF alpha on follicle contraction and testosterone production in preovulatory brown trout ovarian follicles. In addition, we analyzed the gene expression profiles of control and rtTNF alpha-treated ovarian tissue by microarray and real-time PCR (qPCR) analyses. Results: LPS administration in vivo causes a significant induction of the ovarian expression of TNF alpha. Treatment with rtTNF alpha induces granulosa cell apoptosis, decreases granulosa cell viability and stimulates the expression of genes known to be involved in the normal ovulatory process in trout. In addition, rtTNF alpha causes a significant increase in follicle contraction and testosterone production. Also, using a salmonid-specific microarray platform (SFA2.0 immunochip) we observed that rtTNF alpha induces the expression of genes known to be involved in inflammation, proteolysis and tissue remodeling. Furthermore, the expression of kallikrein, TOP-2, serine protease 23 and ADAM 22, genes that have been postulated to be involved in proteolytic and tissue remodeling processes during ovulation in trout, increases in follicles incubated in the presence of rtTNF alpha. Conclusions In view of these results, we propose that TNF alpha could have an important role in the biomechanics of follicle weakening, ovarian rupture and oocyte expulsion during ovulation in trout, primarily through its stimulation of follicular cell apoptosis and the expression of genes involved in follicle wall proteolysis and contraction.
Traditionally, thoracic aortic rupture, suspected after blunt thoracic trauma, is characterized by a chest radiograph showing a widened mediastinum. The diagnostic machinery consecutively activated still depends heavily on the pressure as additional traumatic lesions. A patient with additional cranio-cerebral trauma would typically undergo contrast-enhanced computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of head, chest, and other regions. In a number of patients these analyses would confirm the presence of blood in the mediastinum without formal proof of an aortic disruption. This is because mediastinal hematomas may be caused not only by an aortic rupture, but also by numerous other blood sources including fractures of the spine and other macro- and microvascular lesions providing similar images. Therefore, aortic angiography became our preferred diagnostic tool to identify or rule out acute traumatic lesions of not only the aorta but with great vessels. However recently, a number of traumatic aortic transsections have been identified by transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE). TEE has the additional advantage of being a bed-side procedure providing additional information about cardiac function. The latter analysis allows for identification and quantification of cardiac contusions, post-traumatic myocardial infarctions, and valvar lesions which are of prime importance to develop an adequate surgical strategy and to assess the risk of the numerous emergency procedures required in patients with polytrauma. The standard approach for repair of isthmic aortic rupture is through a lateral thoracotomy. Distal and proximal control of the aorta can be achieved in a substantial number of cases before complete aortic rupture occurs and a higher proportion of direct suture repair can be achieved under such circumstances. Most proximal descending aortic procedures are performed without cardiopulmonary bypass (clamp and go) but paraplegia may occur before, during, or after the procedure. Ascending aortic lesions and disruption of the aortic arch, the supra-aortic vessels, the main pulmonary arteries, the great veins as well as cardiac lesions are best approached through a sternotomy, which may have to be extended. Cardiopulmonary bypass allowing for deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest is often required and carries its own complications. It is not clear whether the increasing proportion of ascending aortic and cardiac lesions which are observed nowadays are due to a change in trauma mechanics (i.e., speed limits, seat belts, air-bags), an improvement of the diagnostic tools or both.
PURPOSE: Colonoscopy is reported to be a safe procedure that is routinely performed for the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal diseases. Splenic rupture is considered to be a rare complication with high mortality and morbidity that requires immediate diagnosis and management. Nonoperative management (NOM), surgical treatment (ST), and, more recently, proximal splenic artery embolization (PSAE) have been proposed as treatment options. The goal of this study was to assess whether PSAE is safe even in high-grade ruptures. METHODS: We report two rare cases of post colonoscopy splenic rupture. A systematic review of the literature from 2002 to 2010 (first reported case of PSAE) was performed and the three types of treatment compared. RESULTS: All patients reviewed (77 of 77) presented with intraperitoneal hemorrhage due to isolated splenic trauma. Splenic rupture was high-grade in most patients when grading was possible. Six of 77 patients (7.8Â %) were treated with PSAE, including the 2 cases reported herein. Fifty-seven patients (74Â %) underwent ST. NOM was attempted first in 25 patients with a high failure rate (11 of 25 [44Â %]) and requiring a salvage procedure, such as PSAE or ST. Previous surgery (31 of 59 patients), adhesions (10 of 13), diagnostic colonoscopies (49 of 71), previous biopsies or polypectomies (31 of 57) and female sex (56 of 77) were identified as risk factors. In contrast, splenomegaly (0 of 77 patients), medications that increase the risk of bleeding (13 of 30) and difficult colonoscopies (16 of 51) were not identified as risk factors. PSAE was safe and effective even in elderly patients with comorbidities and those taking medications that increase the risk of bleeding, and the length of the hospital stay was similar to that after ST. CONCLUSION: We propose a treatment algorithm based on clinical and radiological criteria. Because of the high failure rate after NOM, PSAE should be the treatment of choice to manage grade I through IV splenic ruptures after colonoscopy in hemodynamically stabilized patients.
L'idée d'écrire cet article naît suite à l'arrivée aux urgences du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois de deux cas cliniques de rupture de rate après colonoscopie. Ces deux patients se sont présentés à quelques semaines d'intervalle et illustrent une complication peu rapportée des colonoscopies mais décrite dans la littérature scientifique. Nos deux patients ont été traités avec succès par embolisation artérielle proximale. Nous présentons donc 2 cas de rupture de rate après colonoscopie. Nous comparons nos données avec celles obtenues par analyse après revue pertinente de la littérature. Nous avons mis en évidence les facteurs de risque inhérents aux patients et à la procédure. Les différentes prises en charges ont été analysées et les points principaux mis en évidence dans un tableau. Pour finir, nous proposons un diagramme de prise en charge des ruptures de rate de bas grade après colonoscopie par embolisation artérielle proximale.
Pour les sociologues, l'explication de l'action ne peut reposer sur la nature première de l'esprit (les mécanismes universels de détection et de traitement de l'information dont les sciences cognitives prétendent rendre compte) mais sur sa nature seconde (les raisons d'agir plus ou moins collectives qui le meublent). Même les paradigmes sociologiques les plus opposés s'accordent pour traiter le social et le culturel comme le résultat d'un patient travail de dénaturalisation qui creuse un fossé incompressible entre l'ordre réducteur des causes naturelles et l'ordre respectable, de facture mentale ou sociale, des raisons, entre les instincts de base de l'organisme et la logique de haut-niveau des significations partagées et des normes culturelles. Or, l'objectif du naturalisme est précisément le dépassement de la rupture interne entre l'humain et l'animal, entre l'histoire culturelle et l'histoire biologique. Il vise à harmoniser, dans le sens de "rendre compatible", les hypothèses et les résultats des sciences sociales avec ceux des sciences naturelles, entreprise qui incite la sociologie à expliciter et à réviser les modèles cognitifs et anthropologiques auxquels elle fait implicitement appel. Un des apports potentiels des sciences cognitives et, plus généralement, du naturalisme est donc d'améliorer, de remplacer ou de falsifier, au sens poppérien du terme, les modèles cognitifs et les conceptions anthropologiques sur lesquels se basent les sciences de la société.
Traditionally, studies dealing with muscle shortening have concentrated on assessing its impact on conduction velocity, and to this end, electrodes have been located between the end-plate and tendon regions. Possible morphologic changes in surface motor unit potentials (MUPs) as a result of muscle shortening have not, as yet, been evaluated or characterized. Using a convolutional MUP model, we investigated the effects of muscle shortening on the shape, amplitude, and duration characteristics of MUPs for different electrode positions relative to the fibre-tendon junction and for different depths of the MU in the muscle (MU-to-electrode distance). It was found that the effects of muscle shortening on MUP morphology depended not only on whether the electrodes were between the end-plate and the tendon junction or beyond the tendon junction, but also on the specific distance to this junction. When the electrodes lie between the end-plate and tendon junction, it was found that (1) the muscle shortening effect is not important for superficial MUs, (2) the sensitivity of MUP amplitude to muscle shortening increases with MU-to-electrode distance, and (3) the amplitude of the MUP negative phase is not affected by muscle shortening. This study provides a basis for the interpretation of the changes in MUP characteristics in experiments where both physiological and geometrical aspects of the muscle are varied.
The atomic force microscope is not only a very convenient tool for studying the topography of different samples, but it can also be used to measure specific binding forces between molecules. For this purpose, one type of molecule is attached to the tip and the other one to the substrate. Approaching the tip to the substrate allows the molecules to bind together. Retracting the tip breaks the newly formed bond. The rupture of a specific bond appears in the force-distance curves as a spike from which the binding force can be deduced. In this article we present an algorithm to automatically process force-distance curves in order to obtain bond strength histograms. The algorithm is based on a fuzzy logic approach that permits an evaluation of "quality" for every event and makes the detection procedure much faster compared to a manual selection. In this article, the software has been applied to measure the binding strength between tubuline and microtubuline associated proteins.
Aquest Treball Final de Grau aporta els resultats d’un estudi sobre els efectes i condicionats que suposa pel rendiment acadèmic dels alumnes de cicle superior de primària el divorci o la separació dels seus progenitors. Ens trobem davant l’augment del nombre de trencaments familiars, que ha esdevingut un fenomen clarament observable en la societat, es tracta d’un fenomen complex, en el qual entren en joc nombroses variables. I el trencament també suposa conseqüències socials, en primer lloc, pels fills/es. En una primera part ens endinsem en les aportacions i teories que han defensat diversos experts al llarg del temps sobre aquest fet. En una segona part es presenten les conclusions i els acords extrets de diverses entrevistes amb mestres d’una escola local en relació a la possible vinculació entre trencament familiar i rendiment acadèmic. I, per últim, s’acaben comparat les visions dels autors teòrics amb les aportacions i visions dels educadors professionals; per arribar a les principals conclusions que, no es pot generalitzar els efectes negatius de la ruptura, cal veure també les possibilitats positives del moment i, per últim, destacar que la manera amb la qual la família s'afronta a la ruptura té una importància crucial a l'hora de determinar l'impacte d'aquesta la ruptura en els fills.
Rupture of vulnerable plaques is the main cause of acute cardiovascular events. However, mechanisms responsible for transforming a stable into a vulnerable plaque remain elusive. Angiotensin II, a key regulator of blood pressure homeostasis, has a potential role in atherosclerosis. To study the contribution of angiotensin II in plaque vulnerability, we generated hypertensive hypercholesterolemic ApoE-/- mice with either normal or endogenously increased angiotensin II production (renovascular hypertension models). Hypertensive high angiotensin II ApoE-/- mice developed unstable plaques, whereas in hypertensive normal angiotensin II ApoE-/- mice plaques showed a stable phenotype. Vulnerable plaques from high angiotensin II ApoE-/- mice had thinner fibrous cap (P<0.01), larger lipid core (P<0.01), and increased macrophage content (P<0.01) than even more hypertensive but normal angiotensin II ApoE-/- mice. Moreover, in mice with high angiotensin II, a skewed T helper type 1-like phenotype was observed. Splenocytes from high angiotensin II ApoE-/- mice produced significantly higher amounts of interferon (IFN)-gamma than those from ApoE-/- mice with normal angiotensin II; secretion of IL4 and IL10 was not different. In addition, we provide evidence for a direct stimulating effect of angiotensin II on lymphocyte IFN-gamma production. These findings suggest a new mechanism in plaque vulnerability demonstrating that angiotensin II, within the context of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, independently from its hemodynamic effect behaves as a local modulator promoting the induction of vulnerable plaques probably via a T helper switch.
: Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome (BHD) is a rare condition, transmitted as an autosomal-dominant trait. The etiology is due to a mutation in the BHD gene, which encodes folliculin (FLCN), located on chromosome 17p. The skin changes observed are benign skin tumors consisting of hamartomas of the hair follicle with dermal changes. Patients with BHD have an increased risk of spontaneous pneumothorax due to rupture of lung cysts and an increased risk of kidney tumors. We report 3 new cases of BHD and discuss their clinical features, histopathological findings, and molecular diagnostics. We highlight the importance of genetic analysis to confirm the diagnosis because of the clinical pitfalls involved in establishing a diagnosis. Finally, we discuss the histopathological features in BHD and tuberous sclerosis complex and focus on their overlapping criterias. A correct diagnosis is essential as it can be life saving for patients.
A clear and rigorous definition of muscle moment-arms in the context of musculoskeletal systems modelling is presented, using classical mechanics and screw theory. The definition provides an alternative to the tendon excursion method, which can lead to incorrect moment-arms if used inappropriately due to its dependency on the choice of joint coordinates. The definition of moment-arms, and the presented construction method, apply to musculoskeletal models in which the bones are modelled as rigid bodies, the joints are modelled as ideal mechanical joints and the muscles are modelled as massless, frictionless cables wrapping over the bony protrusions, approximated using geometric surfaces. In this context, the definition is independent of any coordinate choice. It is then used to solve a muscle-force estimation problem for a simple 2D conceptual model and compared with an incorrect application of the tendon excursion method. The relative errors between the two solutions vary between 0% and 100%.
During the harvest season in Iowa, it is common to have single axle loads on secondary roads and bridges that are excessive (typical examples are grain carts) and well beyond normal load limits. Even though these excessive loads occur only during a short time of the year, they may do significant damage to pavements and bridges. In addition, the safety of some bridges may be compromised because of the excessive loads, and sometimes there may be little indication to the users that damage may be imminent. At this time there are no Iowa laws regulating axle loads allowed for agricultural equipment. This study looks at the potential problems this may cause on secondary roads and timber stringer bridges. Both highway pavement and timber bridges are evaluated in this report. A section (panel) of Iowa PCC paved county road was chosen to study the effects of heavy agricultural loads on pavements. Instrumentation was applied to the panel and a heavily loaded grain cart was rolled across. The collected data were analyzed for any indication of excessive stresses of the concrete. The second study, concerning excessive loads on timber stringer bridges, was conducted in the laboratory. Four bridge sections were constructed and tested. Two of the sections contained five stringers and two sections had three stringers. Timber for the bridges came from a dismantled bridge, and deck panels were cut from new stock. All timber was treated with creosote. A hydraulic load was applied at the deck mid-span using a foot print representing a tire from a typical grain cart. Force was applied until failure of the system resulted. The collected data were evaluated to provide indications of load distribution and for comparison with expected wheel loads for a typical heavily loaded single axle grain cart. Results of the pavement tests showed that the potential of over-stressing the pavement is a possibility. Even though most of the tension stress levels recorded were below the rupture strength of the concrete, there were a few instances where the indicated tension stress level exceeded the concrete rupture strength. Results of the bridge tests showed that when the static ultimate load capacity of the timber stringer bridge sections was reached, there was sudden loss of capacity. Prior to reaching this ultimate capacity, the load sharing between the stringers was very uniform. The failure was characterized by loss of flexural capacity of the stringers. In all tests, the ultimate test load exceeded the wheel load that would be applied by an 875 bushel single axle grain cart.