665 resultados para synchrotron


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Nell'elaborato viene affrontato il processo di diffusione di fotoni denominato Compton Inverso. Per prima cosa c'è una breve introduzione dove vengono elencati i vari processi di diffusione di radiazione e alcune applicazioni astrofisiche del Compton inverso che saranno poi affrontate nella seconda parte. Nel capitolo 1 viene fatta una trattazione fisica del processo e vengono analizzati potenza emessa e spettro risultante. Infine nel capitolo finale vengono approfondite le applicazioni astrofisiche più importanti del Compton inverso: Comptonizzazione, effetto Sunyaev-Zeldovich e Synchrotron Self Compton.


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L'attenzione è stata posta su tre fenomeni fondamentali di scattering: Thomson, Compton e Compton inverso. Sono state sottolineate alcune ed eventuali applicazioni astrofisiche di questi e valutate le implicazioni o generalizzazioni che da tali fenomeni possono derivare: Synchrotron Self-Compton, Comptonizzazione ed effetto Sunyaev-Zeldovich termico. Infine è stato preso un caso astrofisico come applicazione di questi fenomeni: Sagittarius A*, una fonte radio proveniente dal centro della nostra galassia, molto studiata negli anni, citando un articolo pubblicato su una rivista scientifica nel 2012.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Interview in five sessions, October-November 2003, with Charles W. Peck, professor of physics (now emeritus) in the Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy. He recalls his early life in South Texas and his interest in radio; first year of college at Texas Arts & Industries; three more years at New Mexico College of Agriculture & Mechanical Arts. Recalls graduate studies at Caltech with Murray Gell-Mann, H. P. Robertson, Robert Walker, Richard A. Dean, W. R. Smythe. Works on increasing intensity and stability of the Caltech synchrotron, with Walker, Matt Sands, and Alvin Tollestrup; 1964 thesis on K-lambda photoproduction. Joins the faculty as an assistant professor in 1965. Discusses his various teaching assignments, including an embarrassing moment when Richard Feynman attended one of his freshman physics lectures. Discusses his research at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and Lawrence Radiation Laboratory’s Bevatron. Collaboration with UC Berkeley and SLAC on “crystal ball” detector for SLAC’s SPEAR storage ring. Taking the crystal ball to DESY, in Hamburg. Works with Barry Barish at Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy, on MACRO; search for magnetic monopoles. He also discusses his administration work at Caltech, as executive officer for physics (1983-1986) and as PMA division chair from 1993 to 1998, when he immediately had to deal with the troubles plaguing LIGO [Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory]. Detailed discussion of the LIGO contretemps and how it was settled, and of turning Big Bear Solar Observatory over to the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Advent of David Baltimore as Caltech president; attempt to recruit Ed Witten.


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Magnetic fields are ubiquitous in galaxy cluster atmospheres and have a variety of astrophysical and cosmological consequences. Magnetic fields can contribute to the pressure support of clusters, affect thermal conduction, and modify the evolution of bubbles driven by active galactic nuclei. However, we currently do not fully understand the origin and evolution of these fields throughout cosmic time. Furthermore, we do not have a general understanding of the relationship between magnetic field strength and topology and other cluster properties, such as mass and X-ray luminosity. We can now begin to answer some of these questions using large-scale cosmological magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the formation of galaxy clusters including the seeding and growth of magnetic fields. Using large-scale cosmological simulations with the FLASH code combined with a simplified model of the acceleration of cosmic rays responsible for the generation of radio halos, we find that the galaxy cluster frequency distribution and expected number counts of radio halos from upcoming low-frequency sur- veys are strongly dependent on the strength of magnetic fields. Thus, a more complete understanding of the origin and evolution of magnetic fields is necessary to understand and constrain models of diffuse synchrotron emission from clusters. One favored model for generating magnetic fields is through the amplification of weak seed fields in active galactic nuclei (AGN) accretion disks and their subsequent injection into cluster atmospheres via AGN-driven jets and bubbles. However, current large-scale cosmological simulations cannot directly include the physical processes associated with the accretion and feedback processes of AGN or the seeding and merging of the associated SMBHs. Thus, we must include these effects as subgrid models. In order to carefully study the growth of magnetic fields in clusters via AGN-driven outflows, we present a systematic study of SMBH and AGN subgrid models. Using dark-matter only cosmological simulations, we find that many important quantities, such as the relationship between SMBH mass and galactic bulge velocity dispersion and the merger rate of black holes, are highly sensitive to the subgrid model assumptions of SMBHs. In addition, using MHD calculations of an isolated cluster, we find that magnetic field strengths, extent, topology, and relationship to other gas quantities such as temperature and density are also highly dependent on the chosen model of accretion and feedback. We use these systematic studies of SMBHs and AGN inform and constrain our choice of subgrid models, and we use those results to outline a fully cosmological MHD simulation to study the injection and growth of magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies. This simulation will be the first to study the birth and evolution of magnetic fields using a fully closed accretion-feedback cycle, with as few assumptions as possible and a clearer understanding of the effects of the various parameter choices.


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Photoemission techniques, utilizing a synchrotron light source, were used to analyze the clean (100) surfaces of the zinc-blende semiconductor materials CdTe and InSb. Several interfacial systems involving the surfaces of these materials were also studied, including the CdTe(lOO)-Ag interface, the CdTe(lOO)-Sb system, and the InSb(lOO)-Sn interface. High-energy electron diffraction was also employed to acquire information about of surface structure. A one-domain (2xl) structure was observed for the CdTe(lOO) surface. Analysis of photoemission spectra of the Cd 4d core level for this surface structure revealed two components resulting from Cd surface atoms. The total intensity of these components accounts for a full monolayer of Cd atoms on the surface. A structural model is discussed commensurate with these results. Photoemission spectra of the Cd and Te 4d core levels indicate that Ag or Sb deposited on the CdTe(l00)-(2xl) surface at room temperature do not bound strongly to the surface Cd atoms. The room temperature growth characteristics for these two elements on the CdTe(lOO)-(2xl) are discussed. The growth at elevated substrate temperatures was also studied for Sb deposition. The InSb(lOO) surface differed from the CdTe(lOO) surface. Using molecular beam epitaxy, several structures could be generated for the InSb(lOO) surface, including a c(8x2), a c(4x4), an asymmetric (lx3), a symmetric (lx3), and a (lxl). Analysis of photoemission intensities and line shapes indicates that the c(4x4) surface is terminated with 1-3/4 monolayers of Sb atoms. The c(8x2) surface is found to be terminated with 3/4 monolayer of In atoms. Structural models for both of these surfaces are proposed based upon the photoemission results and upon models of the similar GaAs(lOO) structures. The room temperature growth characteristics of grey Sn on the lnSb(lOO)-c(4x4) and InSb(l00)-c(8x2) surfaces were studied with photoemission. The discontinuity in the valence band maximum for this semiconductor heterojunction system is measured to be 0.40 eV, independent of the starting surface structure and stoichiometry. This result is reconciled with theoretical predictions for heterostructure behavior.


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The BL Lac object 1ES 1011+496 was discovered at Very High Energy (VHE, E>100GeV) γ-rays by MAGIC in spring 2007. Before that the source was little studied in different wavelengths. Therefore a multi-wavelength (MWL) campaign was organized in spring 2008. Along MAGIC, the MWL campaign included the Mets¨ahovi radio observatory, Bell and KVA optical telescopes and the Swift and AGILE satellites. MAGIC observations span from March to May, 2008 for a total of 27.9 hours, of which 19.4 hours remained after quality cuts. The light curve showed no significant variability yielding an integral flux above 200 GeV of (1.3 ± 0.3) × 10^(−11) photons cm^(−2) s^( −1) . The differential VHE spectrum could be described with a power-law function with a spectral index of 3.3 ± 0.4. Both results were similar to those obtained during the discovery. Swift XRT observations revealed an X-ray flare, characterized by a harder-when-brighter trend, as is typical for high synchrotron peak BL Lac objects (HBL). Strong optical variability was found during the campaign, but no conclusion on the connection between the optical and VHE γ-ray bands could be drawn. The contemporaneous SED shows a synchrotron dominated source, unlike concluded in previous work based on non-simultaneous data, and is well described by a standard one–zone synchrotron self–Compton model. We also performed a study on the source classification. While the optical and X-ray data taken during our campaign show typical characteristics of an HBL, we suggest, based on archival data, that 1ES 1011+496 is actually a borderline case between intermediate and high synchrotron peak frequency BL Lac objects.


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Context. 1ES 1011+496 (z = 0.212) was discovered in very high-energy (VHE, E >100 GeV) γ rays with MAGIC in 2007. The absence of simultaneous data at lower energies led to an incomplete characterization of the broadband spectral energy distribution (SED). Aims. We study the source properties and the emission mechanisms, probing whether a simple one-zone synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) scenario is able to explain the observed broadband spectrum. Methods. We analyzed data in the range from VHE to radio data from 2011 and 2012 collected by MAGIC, Fermi-LAT, Swift, KVA, OVRO, and Metsähovi in addition to optical polarimetry data and radio maps from the Liverpool Telescope and MOJAVE. Results. The VHE spectrum was fit with a simple power law with a photon index of 3.69 ± 0.22 and a flux above 150 GeV of (1.46±0.16)×10^(−11) ph cm^(−2) s^(−1) . The source 1ES 1011+496 was found to be in a generally quiescent state at all observed wavelengths, showing only moderate variability from radio to X-rays. A low degree of polarization of less than 10% was measured in optical, while some bright features polarized up to 60% were observed in the radio jet. A similar trend in the rotation of the electric vector position angle was found in optical and radio. The radio maps indicated a superluminal motion of 1.8 ± 0.4 c, which is the highest speed statistically significant measured so far in a high-frequency-peaked BL Lac. Conclusions. For the first time, the high-energy bump in the broadband SED of 1ES 1011+496 could be fully characterized from 0.1 GeV to 1 TeV, which permitted a more reliable interpretation within the one-zone SSC scenario. The polarimetry data suggest that at least part of the optical emission has its origin in some of the bright radio features, while the low polarization in optical might be due to the contribution of parts of the radio jet with different orientations of the magnetic field with respect to the optical emission.


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In the present work, the anodic oxide films of Al, Al-Cu 4.5% and Al-Si 6.5% alloys are formed using direct and pulse current. In the case of Al-Cu and Al-Si alloys, the electrolyte used contains sulfuric acid and oxalic acid, meanwhile for Al the electrolyte contains sulfuric acid only. Al-Cu alloy was submitted to a heat treatment in order to decrease the effect of inter metallic phase theta upon the anodic film structure. Fractured samples were observed using a field emission gun scanning electron microscope JSM-6330F at (LME)/Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Campinas, SP, Brazil. The oxide film images enable evaluation of the pore size and form with a resolution similar to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) resolution. It is also observed that the anodizing process using pulse current produces an irregular structure of pore walls, and by direct cur-rent it is produced a rectilinear pore wall. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov) telescopes observed the BL Lac object H1722+119 (redshift unknown) for six consecutive nights between 2013 May 17 and 22, for a total of 12.5 h. The observations were triggered by high activity in the optical band measured by the KVA (Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien) telescope. The source was for the first time detected in the very high energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) γ-ray band with a statistical significance of 5.9 σ. The integral flux above 150 GeV is estimated to be (2.0 ± 0.5) per cent of the Crab Nebula flux. We used contemporaneous high energy (HE, 100MeV < E < 100 GeV) γ-ray observations from Fermi-LAT (Large Area Telescope) to estimate the redshift of the source. Within the framework of the current extragalactic background light models, we estimate the redshift to be z = 0.34±0.15. Additionally, we used contemporaneous X-ray to radio data collected by the instruments on board the Swift satellite, the KVA, and the OVRO (Owens Valley Radio Observatory) telescope to study multifrequency characteristics of the source. We found no significant temporal variability of the flux in the HE and VHE bands. The flux in the optical and radio wavebands, on the other hand, did vary with different patterns. The spectral energy distribution (SED) of H1722+119 shows surprising behaviour in the ∼ 3×1014 −1018 Hz frequency range. It can be modelled using an inhomogeneous helical jet synchrotron self-Compton model.