957 resultados para suction of solid particles
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"Condensation of The role of packaging in solid waste management, 1966 to 1976, by Arsen Darnay and William E. Franklin, published in 1969 as Public Health Service Publication no. 1855."
Mode of access: Internet.
"September 1989."
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Doped ceria (CeO2,) compounds are fluorite type oxides, which show oxide ionic conductivity higher than yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ), in oxidizing atmospheres. As a consequence of this, considerable interest has been shown in application of these materials for 'low (500-650 degreesC)' or 'intermediate (650-800 degreesC)' temperature operation, solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). In this study, the authors prepared two kinds of nanosize Sm-doped CeO2 particles with different morphologies: one type was round and the other was elongated. Processing these powders with different morphology produced dense materials with very different ionic conducting properties and different nanoscale microstructures. Since both particles are very fine and well dispersed, sintered bodies with high density (relative density >95% of theoretical) could be prepared using both types of powder particles. The electrical conductivity of sintered bodies prepared from these powders with different starting morphologies was very different. Materials prepared from particles having a round shape were much higher than those produced using powders with an elongated morphology. Measured activation energies of the corresponding sintered samples showed a similar trend; round particles (60 kJ/mol), elongated particles (74 kJ/mol). While X-ray diffraction (XRD) profiles of these sintered materials were identical, diffuse scatter was observed in the back.-round of selected area electron diffraction pattern recorded from both sintered bodies. This indicated an underlying structure that appeared to have been influenced by the processing technology. Detailed observation using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) revealed that the size of microdomain with ordering of cations in the sintered body made from round shape particles was much smaller than that of the sintered body made from elongated particles. Accordingly, it is concluded that the morphology of doped CeO2 powders strongly influenced the microdomain size and electrolytic properties in the doped CeO2 sintered body. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The phenomenon of strain localisation is often observed in shear deformation of particulate materials, e.g., fault gouge. This phenomenon is usually attributed to special types of plastic behaviour of the material (e.g., strain softening or mismatch between dilatancy and pressure sensitivity or both). Observations of strain localisation in situ or in experiments are usually based on displacement measurements and subsequent computation of the displacement gradient. While in conventional continua the symmetric part of the displacement gradient is equal to the strain, it is no longer the case in the more realistic descriptions within the framework of generalised continua. In such models the rotations of the gouge particles are considered as independent degrees of freedom the values of which usually differ from the rotation of an infinitesimal volume element of the continuum, the latter being described for infinitesimal deformations by the non-symmetric part of the displacement gradient. As a model for gouge material we propose a continuum description for an assembly of spherical particles of equal radius in which the particle rotation is treated as an independent degree of freedom. Based on this model we consider simple shear deformations of the fault gouge. We show that there exist values of the model parameters for which the displacement gradient exhibits a pronounced localisation at the mid-layers of the fault, even in the absence of inelasticity. Inelastic effects are neglected in order to highlight the role of the independent rotations and the associated additional parameters. The localisation-like behaviour occurs if (a) the particle rotations on the boundary of the shear layer are constrained (this type of boundary condition does not exist in a standard continuum) and (b) the contact moment-or bending stiffness is much smaller than the product of the effective shear modulus of the granulate and the square of the width of the gouge layer. It should be noted however that the virtual work functional is positive definite over the range of physically meaningful parameters (here: contact stiffnesses, solid volume fraction and coordination number) so that strictly speaking we are not dealing with a material instability.
A phase diagram of the pseudoternary system ethyloleate, polyoxyethylene 20 sorbitan mono-oleate/sorbitan monolaurate and water with butanol as a cosurfactant was prepared. Areas containing optically isotropic, low viscosity one-phase systems were identified and systems therein designated as w/o droplet-, bicontinuous- or solution-type microemulsions using conductivity, viscosity, cryo-field emission scanning electron microscopy and self-diffusion NMR. Nanoparticles were prepared by interfacial polymerization of selected w/o droplet, bicontinuous- or solution-type microemulsions with ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate. Morphology of the particles and entrapment of the water-soluble model protein ovalbumin were investigated. Addition of monomer to the different types of microemulsions (w/o droplet, bicontinuous, solution) led to the formation of nanoparticles, which were similar in size (similar to 250 nm), polydispersity index (similar to 0.13), zeta-potential (similar to-17 mV) and morphology. The entrapment of the protein within these particles was up to 95%, depending on the amount of monomer used for polymerization and the type of microemulsion used as a polymerization template. The formation of particles with similar characteristics from templates having different microstructure is surprising, particularly considering that polymerization is expected to occur at the water-oil interface by base-catalysed polymerization. Dynamics within the template (stirring, viscosity) or indeed interfacial phenomena relating to the solid-liquid interface appear to be more important for the determination of nanoparticle morphology and characteristics than the microstructure of the template system. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we study the effect of solid surface mediation on the intermolecular potential energy of nitrogen, and its impact on the adsorption of nitrogen on a graphitized carbon black surface and in carbon slit-shaped pores. This effect arises from the lower effective interaction potential energy between two particles close to the surface compared to the potential energy of the same two particles when they are far away from the surface. A simple equation is proposed to calculate the reduction factor and this is used in the Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation of nitrogen adsorption on graphitized thermal carbon black. With this modification, the GCMC simulation results agree extremely well with the experimental data over a wide range of pressure; the simulation results with the original potential energy (i.e. no surface mediation) give rise to a shoulder in the neighbourhood of monolayer coverage and a significant over-prediction of the second and higher layer coverages. The influence of this surface mediation on the dependence of the pore-filling pressure on the pore width is also studied. It is shown that such surface mediation has a significant effect on the pore-filling pressure. This implies that the use of the local isotherms obtained from the potential model without surface mediation could give rise to a serious error in the determination of the pore-size distribution.
This study compares process data with microscopic observations from an anaerobic digestion of organic particles. As the first part of the study, this article presents detailed observations of microbial biofilm architecture and structure in a 1.25-L batch digester where all particles are of an equal age. Microcrystalline cellulose was used as the sole carbon and energy source. The digestions were inoculated with either leachate from a 220-Lanaerobic municipal solid waste digester or strained rumen contents from a fistulated cow. The hydrolysis rate, when normalized by the amount of cellulose remaining in the reactor, was found to reach a constant value 1 day after inoculation with rumen fluid, and 3 days after inoculating with digester leachate. A constant value of a mass specific hydrolysis rate is argued to represent full colonization of the cellulose surface and first-order kinetics only apply after this point. Additionally, the first-order hydrolysis rate constant, once surfaces were saturated with biofilm, was found to be two times higher with a rumen inoculum, compared to a digester leachate inoculum. Images generated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probing and confocal laser scanning microscopy show that the microbial communities involved in the anaerobic biodegradation process exist entirely within the biofilm. For the reactor conditions used in these experiments, the predominant methanogens exist in ball-shaped colonies within the biofilm. (C) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
It has been observed in several Jameson cell installation where the source for flotation feed is deslime screens, that the recovery of coal particles greater than 0.5 mm is not as great as that of finer material. Consequently, a research project was undertaken at a CHPP in the Bowen Basin Queensland to assess the possibility of increasing the recovery of coarser particles (+0.5 mm) within the downcomer of the Jameson cell. The effect of decreasing turbulence and agitation in a commercial-scale downcomer was investigated to assess the effect oil the recovery of both coarse and fine coal particles. This paper details the findings of the test work, summarising the results relating to differences in the operating parameters within the downcomer. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Insect host-parasitoid interactions provide fascinating examples of evolutionary adaptations in which the parasitoid employs a variety of measures and countermeasures to overcome the immune responses of its host. Maternal factors introduced by the female wasps during egg deposition play an important role in interfering with cellular and humoral components of the host's immune defence. Some of these components actively suppress host immune components and some are believed to confer protection for the developing endoparasitoid by rather passive means. The Venturio conescens/Ephestia kuehniella parrositoid-host system is unique among other systems in that the cellular defence capacity of the host remains virtually intact after parasitization. This system raises some important questions that are discussed in this mini-review: If immune protection of the egg and the emerging larva is achieved by surface properties comprising glycoproteins and virus-like particles (VLPs) produced by the female wasp, why is the prophenoloxidose activating cascade blocked in parasitized caterpillars? Another question is the evolutionary origin of these particles, given that the functional role and structural features of V. canescens VLP proteins are more related to cellular proteins than to viruses.
A strategy for the production and subsequent characterization of biofunctionalized silica particles is presented. The particles were engineered to produce a bifunctional material capable of both (a) the attachment of fluorescent dyes for particle encoding and (b) the sequential modification of the surface of the particles to couple oligonucleotide probes. A combination of microscopic and analytical methods is implemented to demonstrate that modification of the particles with 3-aminopropyl trimethoxysilane results in an even distribution of amine groups across the particle surface. Evidence is provided to indicate that there are negligible interactions between the bound fluorescent dyes and the attached biomolecules. A unique approach was adopted to provide direct quantification of the oligonucleotide probe loading on the particle surface through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, a technique which may have a major impact for current researchers and users of bead-based technologies. A simple hybridization assay showing high sequence specificity is included to demonstrate the applicability of these particles to DNA screening.
Doped ceria (CeO2) compounds are fluorite related oxides which show oxide ionic conductivity higher than yttria-stabilized zirconia in oxidizing atmosphere. As a consequence of this, a considerable interest has been shown in application of these materials for low (400-650 degrees C) temperature operation of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). In this paper, our experimental data about the influence of microstructure at the atomic level on electrochemical properties were reviewed in order to develop high quality doped CeO2 electrolytes in fuel cell applications. Using this data in the present paper, our original idea for a design of nanodomain structure in doped CeO2 electrolytes was suggested. The nanosized powders and dense sintered bodies of M doped CeO2 (M:Sm,Gd,La,Y,Yb, and Dy) compounds were fabricated. Also nanostiructural features in these specimens were introduced for conclusion of relationship between electrolytic properties and domain structure in doped CeO2. It is essential that the electrolytic properties in doped CeO2 solid electrolytes reflect in changes of microstructure even down to the atomic scale. Accordingly, a combined approach of nanostructure fabrication, electrical measurement and structure characterization was required to develop superior quality doped CeO2 electrolytes in the fuel cells.