982 resultados para stromal abscess
Splenic abscess is a rare disease usually associated with immunosuppressed states. Its diagnosis may be difficult due to non-specific symptoms . The authors report a case of a healthy woman, 42 years old, bearer of splenic and renal abscesses , treated with antibiotics and splenectomy. A review of the literature is presented with emphasis on the diagnosis and treatment.
Stromal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract (gists) represent relatively rare lesions that arise from connective tissue elements located along the entire length of the gut. They were initially identified by immunohistochemical investigation, proving their origin from nondifferentiated mesenchymal cells. Only a minority of this lesions, mainly those confined to the esophagus and rectum, have been shown to correspond to mature, well-differentiated types of neoplasms such as leiomyoma or leiomyosarcoma. The majority of gists corresponds to a heterogeneous group of lesions that have as their common denominator an immature proliferation of epithelioid or spindle cells arising from its muscle layers, or between them, showing partial or incomplete myoide, neural, ganglionic, or mixed features of differentiation. This case report intends to show a gist of small bowel in a male, 46 years old, with a two-year of evolution.
The authors present a case of an incomplete form of Carney's Triad .They emphasize the use of immunohistochemistry to classify gastrointestinal stromal tumors and policy of long term follow-up .
Pyogenic hepatic abscess by a foreign body is a rare disease and its diagnosis is habitually made during necropsy. The authors present a case of a woman operated because of a pyogenic hepatic abscess, in the interior of which bristle made of material of vegetable origin were encountered and identified in the laboratory as the principal rib of a leaf, known in Brazil as piaçava. The hepatic abscess was drained and the patient was discharged. The probable mechanism for the formation of the hepatic abscess consisted of the accidental ingestion, perforation of the intestines and penetration in the liver.
The majority gastrointestinal wall tumors previously considered leiomyomas or leiomyosarcomas were reclassified into Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours because of typical imunohistochemic, genetic and biologic behaviors findings. We present a case report of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor primary of the duodenal papilla causing digestive haemorrage that was submitted to surgical treatment.
Surgical drainage is still considered the gold standard treatment of pancreatic abscess. Patients with high surgical risk, however, require alternative therapy. The authors report three cases of pancreatic abscess that were treated endoscopically. In patients who met endoscopic drainage criteria, treatment was effective, though one case did require surgical intervention as a result of gastric puncture point bleeding. After this initial experience, we believe that endoscopic drainage should be considered in selected cases.
Perforation of the gallbladder during laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be associated with intraperitoneal gallstone spillage. Several complications secondary to lost gallstones in the abdominal cavity have been described. We report a rare complication of abdominal abscess secondary to two gallstones left in the abdominal cavity. A 75-year-old female presented with spontaneous drainage of pus through the umbilicus five years after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. An ultrasonographic evaluation of the abdomen revealed a solid mass of 56x26 mm of diameter, with acoustic shadow, localized distal to the umbilicus. At laparotomy, an abscess with two biliary calculi was drained. The patient had good recovery, with no complication.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) has been recently the subject of considerable clinical and experimental interest. This focus is based on insights gained during the past years concerning its identification as a distinct clinical entity and the advances in knowledge about the diagnosis and management. Historically, surgery has been considered the most effective treatment in spite of its limitations. Others therapeutic approaches have been tryng without success, until the introduction of imatinib. This drug provided hopeful results in the treatment of this neoplasia. The idea that imatinib could improve surgical outcome have led to some clinical trials with the hope that this association (imatinib & surgery) could achieve good results.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors account for 0.1 to 3% of all resected gastric tumors and are the most common submucosal mass found in the stomach. Preoperative diagnosis is often difficult; consequently surgery is the best and only option on most cases. There are studies with different surgery techniques based on tumors location. The reported case led us at literature review with the intent of establishing preoperative diagnosis, therapeutic strategies and prognosis.
Despite being unusual, retained foreign bodies after surgical procedures is a matter of great concern for surgeons. The main purpose of this article is to describe five cases of intestinal obstruction due to intraluminal surgical sponges. The average time between the first operation and the intestinal obstruction was eight months. All patients referred abdominal pain and change of intestinal habit prior to the intestinal obstruction. In two cases bowel perforation was also observed, in addition to the intestinal obstruction. Four patients had no postoperative complications. One patient died due to an intra-abdominal abscess and sepsis.
A concomitant epithelial and stromal tumor in stomach is unusual in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to report the case and it's therapeutic management. A 72 year old black male patient , which upper digestive endoscopy showed a gastric neoplasm (Borrmann III) at incisura angularis and the biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma. A subtotal gastrectomy with D2 limphadenectomy and Roux-en-Y reconstruction was performed. The histopathology studies confirmed an adenocarcinoma and a gastric stromal tumor, whose immunohistochemical exam was compatible to GIST. Seventeen months after surgery, a computadorized tomography revealed a retrogastric tumor and laparotomy was indicated to remove the lesion.
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), despite rare, is the most common digestive tract mesenchymal tumor. Modern histogenesis studies have shown its stromal origin and not a muscular origin as it had been believed before. Diagnosis is made through immunohistochemical studies (CD- 117) and treatment is achieved with surgery followed by chemotherapy and has good results. The authors describe a case of gastric GIST discovered after upper gastrointestinal bleeding presentation, and treated successfully.
Recent progress in gastrointestinal stromal tumor's (GIST) treatment were responsible for changing GIST's natural history. Knowlegde acquirement of molecular mechanism-based systemic therapy gave rise to the development of targeted antineoplastic drugs capable of reaching outcomes that had never been reached before. The introduction of imatinib in the clinical practice not only changed GIST's patients survival but also shifted paradigms. However, besides all these new advances and the improved results with imatinib, the surgeon still plays a pivotal role in the management of the primary GIST tumor and even in the metastatic setting.
Grumbach-Auvert disease represents a type of Obstructive Disease of the Intrahepatic Biliary Tree. We presents a case report of a patient with hepatic abscess caused by Ascaris which ascended into hepatic parenquima through hepaticojejunostomy, resolved by endoscopic extraction of it after the jejunostomy of permanent access was opened.
The authors report a case of a male patient in his forties with progressive abdominal pain associated with weight loss, dyspnea, and edema of the inferior limbs, culminating in a surgical acute abdomen. A segmental enterectomy containing a lesion of about 10cm in diameter was performed. It was later confirmed, by means of immuno-hystochemistry, as being a Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor of high biological aggressiveness. Etiology, diagnosis, classification, prognosis and therapeutic with Imatinib Mesylate - STI-571 (Glivec® - Novartis) are hence discussed.