885 resultados para strategic performance management


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In the context of a healthcare organization, such as a hospital that provides medical care to its community, performance cannot be measured without special attention to quality. Indeed, quality is as important as finance not only in measuring performance for the organization, but also in securing the organization's viability and competitiveness in the long run.^ Yet quality today is not adequately understood and managed. An inductive framework for integrating finance and quality for purposes of organizational performance measurement as well as strategic planning is proposed in this dissertation. Future areas of research are discussed.^


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This cross-sectional study is based on the qualitative and quantitative research design to review health policy decisions, their practice and implications during 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in the United States and globally. The “Future Pandemic Influenza Control (FPIC) related Strategic Management Plan” was developed based on the incorporation of the “National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza (2005)” for the United States from the U.S. Homeland Security Council and “The Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan for the Health Sector (2006)” from the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Committee for use by the public health agencies in the United States as well as globally. The “global influenza experts’ survey” was primarily designed and administered via email through the “Survey Monkey” system to the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic experts as the study respondents. The effectiveness of this plan was confirmed and the approach of the study questionnaire was validated to be convenient and the excellent quality of the questions provided an efficient opportunity to the study respondents to evaluate the effectiveness of predefined strategies/interventions for future pandemic influenza control.^ The quantitative analysis of the responses to the Likert-scale based questions in the survey about predefined strategies/interventions, addressing five strategic issues to control future pandemic influenza. The effectiveness of strategies defined as pertinent interventions in this plan was evaluated by targeting five strategic issues regarding pandemic influenza control. For the first strategic issue pertaining influenza prevention and pre pandemic planning; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for strategy (1a) 87.5%, strategy (1b) 91.7% and strategy (1c) 83.3%. The assessment of the priority level for strategies to address the strategic issue no. (1); (1b (High Priority) > 1a (Medium Priority) > 1c (Low Priority) based on the available resources of the developing and developed countries. For the second Strategic Issue encompassing the preparedness and communication regarding pandemic influenza control; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for the strategy (2a) 95.6%, strategy (2b) 82.6%, strategy (2c) 91.3% and Strategy (2d) 87.0%. The assessment of the priority level for these strategies to address the strategic issue no. (2); (2a (highest priority) > 2c (high priority) >2d (medium priority) > 2b (low priority). For the third strategic issue encompassing the surveillance and detection of pandemic influenza; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for the strategy (3a) 90.9% and strategy (3b) 77.3%. The assessment of the priority level for theses strategies to address the strategic Issue No. (3) (3a (high priority) > 3b (medium/low priority). For the fourth strategic issue pertaining the response and containment of pandemic influenza; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for the strategy (4a) 63.6%, strategy (4b) 81.8%, strategy (4c) 86.3%, and strategy (4d) 86.4%. The assessment of the priority level for these strategies to address the strategic issue no. (4); (4d (highest priority) > 4c (high priority) > 4b (medium priority) > 4a (low priority). The fifth strategic issue about recovery from influenza and post pandemic planning; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for the strategy (5a) 68.2%, strategy (5b) 36.3% and strategy (5c) 40.9%. The assessment of the priority level for strategies to address the strategic issue no. (5); (5a (high priority) > 5c (medium priority) > 5b (low priority).^ The qualitative analysis of responses to the open-ended questions in the study questionnaire was performed by means of thematic content analysis. The following recurrent or common “themes” were determined for the future implementation of various predefined strategies to address five strategic issues from the “FPIC related Strategic Management Plan” to control future influenza pandemics. (1) Pre Pandemic Influenza Prevention, (2) Seasonal Influenza Control, (3) Cost Effectiveness of Non Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPI), (4) Raising Global Public Awareness, (5) Global Influenza Vaccination Campaigns, (6)Priority for High Risk Population, (7) Prompt Accessibility and Distribution of Influenza Vaccines and Antiviral Drugs, (8) The Vital Role of Private Sector, (9) School Based Influenza Containment, (10) Efficient Global Risk Communication, (11) Global Research Collaboration, (12) The Critical Role of Global Public Health Organizations, (13) Global Syndromic Surveillance and Surge Capacity and (14) Post Pandemic Recovery and Lessons Learned. The future implementation of these strategies with confirmed effectiveness to primarily “reduce the overall response time’ in the process of ‘early detection’, ‘strategies (interventions) formulation’ and their ‘implementation’ to eventually ensure the following health outcomes: (a) reduced influenza transmission, (b) prompt and effective influenza treatment and control, (c) reduced influenza related morbidity and mortality.^


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El objetivo general de esta Tesis Doctoral fue estudiar la influencia de diversos factores nutricionales y de manejo sobre la productividad y la calidad del huevo en gallinas ponedoras comerciales rubias. Los factores estudiados fueron: 1) Cereal principal y tipo de grasa en la dieta; 2) Nivel de proteína bruta y grasa en la dieta; 3) Nivel energético de la dieta; 4) Peso vivo al inicio del período de puesta. En el experimento 1, la influencia del cereal principal en la dieta y el tipo de grasa suplementada en la dieta sobre los parámetros productivos y la calidad del huevo fue estudiado en 756 gallinas rubias de la estirpe Lohmann desde la sem 22 hasta las 54 de vida. El experimento se realizó mediante un diseño completamente al azar con 9 tratamientos ordenados factorialmente, con 3 cereales bases (maíz, trigo blando y cebada) y 3 tipos de grasa que variaban en su contenido en ácido linoléico (aceite de soja, oleína vegetal mezcla y manteca). Todas las dietas satisfacian las recomendaciones nutricionales para gallinas ponedoras rubias según el NRC (1994) y FEDNA (2008). La unidad experimental fue la jaula para todas las variables. Cada tratamiento fue replicado 4 veces, y la unidad experimental estuvo formada por 21 gallinas alojadas en grupos de 7. Las dietas fueron formuladas con un contenido nutritivo similar, excepto para el ácido linoléico, que varió en función del tipo de cereal y grasa utilizado. Así, dependiendo de la combinación de estos elementos el contenido de este ácido graso varió desde un 0.8% (dieta trigo-manteca) a un 3.4% (dieta maíz-aceite de soja). Este rango de ácido linoléico permitió estimar el nivel mínimo de este nutriente en el pienso que permite maximizar el peso del huevo. Los parámetros productivos y la calidad del huevo se controlaron cada 28 días y el peso de las aves se midió individualmente al inicio y al final del experimento con el objetivo de estudiar la variación en el peso vivo de los animales. No se observaron interacciones entre el tipo de cereal y grasa en la dieta para ninguna de las variables productivas estudiadas. Los tratamientos experimentales no afectaron a las principales variables productivas (porcentaje de puesta, peso del huevo y masa de huevo). Sin embargo, la ganancia de peso fue mayor en gallinas alimentadas con maíz o trigo que las gallinas alimentadas con cebada (243 vs. 238 vs. 202 g, respectivamente; P< 0.05). En el mismo sentido, las gallinas alimentadas con manteca obtuvieron una mayor ganancia de peso que las gallinas alimentadas con aceite de soja u oleína vegetal (251 vs. 221 vs. 210 g, respectivamente; P< 0.05). En cuanto a las variables estudiadas en relación con la calidad del huevo, ninguna de las variables estudiadas se vio afectada por el tratamiento experimental, salvo la pigmentación de la yema. Así, las gallinas alimentadas con maíz como cereal principal obtuvieron una mayor puntuación en relación con la escala de color que las gallinas alimentadas con trigo y con cebada (9.0 vs. 8.3 vs. 8.3, respectivamente; P< 0.001). La pigmentación de la yema también se vio afectada por el tipo de grasa en la dieta, así, las gallinas alimentadas con manteca obtuvieron una mayor puntuación de color en relación con la escala de color que las gallinas alimentadas con aceite de soja u oleína vegetal (8.9 vs. 8.5 vs. 8.2, respectivamente; P< 0.001). La influencia del contenido en ácido linoléico respecto al peso de huevo y masa de huevo fue mayor a medida que el contenido de dicho ácido graso se redujo en la dieta. Así, la influencia de la dieta en los radios peso de huevo/g linoléico ingerido y masa de huevo/g linoléico ingerido fue significativamente mayor a medida que el contenido en dicho ácido graso disminuyo en la dieta (P< 0.001). Los resultados del ensayo indican que las gallinas ponedoras rubias no necesitan más de un 1.0% de ácido linoléico en la dieta para maximizar la producción y el tamaño del huevo. Además, se pudo concluir que los 3 cereales y las 3 grasas utilizadas pueden sustituirse en la dieta sin ningún perjuicio productivo o referente a la calidad del huevo siempre que los requerimientos de los animales sean cubiertos. En el experimento 2, la influencia del nivel de proteína bruta y el contenido de grasa de la dieta sobre los parámetros productivos y la calidad del huevo fue estudiado en 672 gallinas ponedoras rubias de la estirpe Lohmann entre las sem 22 y 50 de vida. El experimento fue conducido mediante un diseño completamente al azar con 8 tratamientos ordenados factorialmente con 4 dietas y 2 pesos vivos distintos al inicio de puesta (1592 vs. 1860g). Tres de esas dietas diferían en el contenido de proteína bruta (16.5%, 17.5% y 18.5%) y tenían un contenido en grasa añadida de 1.8%. La cuarta dieta tenía el nivel proteico más elevado (18.5%) pero fue suplementada con 3.6% de grasa añadida en vez de 1.8%. Cada tratamiento fue replicado 4 veces y la unidad experimental consistió en 21 gallinas alojadas dentro de grupos de 7 animales en 3 jaulas contiguas. Todas las dietas fueron isocalóricas (2750 kcal EMAn/kg) y cubrieron las recomendaciones en aminoácidos para gallinas ponedoras rubias (Arg, Ile, Lys, Met, Thr, Trp, TSAA y Val) según el NRC (1994) y FEDNA (2008). Los efectos de los tratamientos sobre las variables productivas y la calidad de huevo fueron estudiados cada 28 días. La dieta no afecto a ninguna de las variables productivas estudiadas a lo largo del período productivo. Sin embargo, el peso inicial origino que las gallinas pesadas consumieran más (120.6 vs. 113.9 g; P< 0.001), obtuvieran un porcentaje de puesta mayor (92.5 vs. 89.8%; P< 0.01) y un peso del huevo mayor (64.9 vs. 62.4 g; P< 0.001) que las gallinas ligeras. El peso inicial de las gallinas no afecto al IC por kg de huevo ni a la mortalidad, sin embargo, la ganancia de peso fue mayor (289 vs. 233 g; P< 0.01) y el IC por docena de huevos fue mejor (1.52 vs. 1.57; P< 0.01) en las gallinas ligeras que en las gallinas pesadas. En cuanto a la calidad del huevo, la dieta no influyó sobre ninguna de las variables estudiadas. Los resultados del ensayo muestran que las gallinas ponedoras rubias, independientemente de su peso vivo al inicio de la puesta, no necesitan una cantidad de proteína bruta superior a 16.5% para maximizar la producción, asegurando que las dietas cubren los requerimientos en AA indispensables. Asimismo, se puedo concluir que las gallinas con un peso más elevado al inicio de puesta producen más masa de huevo que las gallinas con un peso más bajo debido a que las primeras producen más cantidad de huevos y más pesados. Sin embargo, ambos grupos de peso obtuvieron el mismo IC por kg de huevo y las gallinas más livianas en peso obtuvieron un mejor IC por docena de huevo que las pesadas. En el experimento 3 la influencia de la concentración energética sobre los parámetros productivos y la calidad del huevo fue estudiada en 520 gallinas ponedoras rubias de la estirpe Hy-Line en el período 24-59 sem de vida. Se utilizaron 8 tratamientos ordenados factorialmente con 4 dietas que variaron en el contenido energético (2650, 2750, 2850 y 2950 kcal EMAn/kg) y 2 pesos vivos distintos al inicio del período de puesta (1733 vs. 1606g). Cada tratamiento fue replicado 5 veces y la unidad experimental consistió en una jaula con 13 aves. Todas las dietas se diseñaron para que tuvieran una concentración nutritiva similar por unidad energética. Las variables productivas y de calidad de huevo se estudiaron mediante controles cada 28 días desde el inicio del experimento. No se observaron interacciones entre el nivel energético y el peso inicial del ave para ninguna de las variables estudiadas. Un incremento en la concentración energética de la dieta incrementó la producción de huevos (88.8 % vs. 91.2 % vs. 92.7 % vs. 90.5 %), masa de huevo (56.1 g/d vs. 58.1 g/d vs. 58.8 g/d vs. 58.1 g/d), y eficiencia energética (5.42 vs. 5.39 vs. 5.38 vs. 5.58 kcal EMA/g huevo) de forma lineal y cuadrática (P< 0.05) y afectó significativamente a la ganancia de peso (255 g vs. 300 g vs. 325 g vs. 359 g; P<0.05) . Sin embargo, un incremento en la concentración energética provocó un descenso lineal en el consumo de los animales (115 g vs. 114 g vs. 111 g vs. 110 g; P< 0.001) y un descenso lineal y cuadrático en el IC por kg de huevo (2.05 vs. 1.96 vs. 1.89 vs. 1.89; P< 0.01). En cuanto a la calidad del huevo, un incremento en el contenido energético de la dieta provocó una reducción en la calidad del albumen de forma lineal en forma de reducción de Unidades Haugh (88.4 vs. 87.8 vs. 86.3 vs. 84.7; P< 0.001), asimismo el incremento de energía redujo de forma lineal la proporción relativa de cáscara en el huevo (9.7 vs. 9.6 vs. 9.6 vs. 9.5; P< 0.001). Sin embargo, el incremento energético propició un incremento lineal en la pigmentación de la yema del huevo (7.4 vs. 7.4 vs. 7.6 vs. 7.9; P< 0.001). El peso vivo al inicio de la prueba afecto a las variables productivas y a la calidad del huevo. Así, los huevos procedentes de gallinas pesadas al inicio de puesta tuvieron una mayor proporción de yema (25.7 % vs. 25.3 %; P< 0.001) y menor de albumen (64.7 vs. 65.0; P< 0.01) y cáscara (9.5 vs. 9.6; P< 0.05) respecto de los huevos procedentes de gallinas ligeras. Consecuentemente, el ratio yema:albumen fue mayor (0.40 vs. 0.39; P< 0.001) para las gallinas pesadas. Según los resultados del experimento se pudo concluir que las actuales gallinas ponedoras rubias responden con incrementos en la producción y en la masa del huevo a incrementos en la concentración energética hasta un límite que se sitúa en 2850 kcal EMAn/kg. Asimismo, los resultados obtenidos entre los 2 grupos de peso al inicio de puesta demostraron que las gallinas pesadas al inicio de puesta tienen un mayor consumo y producen huevos más pesados, con el consecuente aumento de la masa del huevo respecto de gallinas más ligeras. Sin embargo, el IC por kg de huevo fue el mismo en ambos grupos de gallinas y el IC por docena de huevo fue mejor en las gallinas ligeras. Asimismo, la eficiencia energética fue mejor en las gallinas ligeras. Abstract The general aim of this PhD Thesis was to study the influence of different nutritional factors and management on the productivity and egg quality of comercial Brown laying hens. The factor studied were: 1) The effect of the main cereal and type of fat of the diet; 2) The effect of crude protein and fat content of the diet; 3) The effect of energy concentration of the diet; 4) The effect of initial body weight of the hens at the onset of lay period. In experiment 1, the influence of the main cereal and type of supplemental fat in the diet on productive performance and egg quality of the eggs was studied in 756 Lohmann brown-egg laying hens from 22 to 54 wk of age. The experiment was conducted as a completely randomized design with 9 treatments arranged factorially with 3 cereals (dented corn, soft wheat, and barley) and 3 types of fat (soy oil, acidulated vegetable soapstocks, and lard). Each treatment was replicated 4 times (21 hens per replicate). All diets were formulated according to NRC (1994) and FEDNA (2008) to have similar nutrient content except for linoleic acid that ranged from 0.8 (wheat-lard diet) to 3.4% (corn-soy bean oil) depending on the combination of cereal and fat source used. This approach will allow to estimate the minimum level of linoleic acid in the diets that maximizes egg weight. Productive performance and egg quality traits were recorded every 28 d and BW of the hens was measured individually at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. No significant interactions between main factors were detected for any of the variables studied. Egg production, egg weight, and egg mass were not affected by dietary treatment. Body weight gain was higher (243 vs. 238 vs. 202 g; P<0.05) for hens fed corn or wheat than for hens fed barley and also for hens fed lard than for hens fed soy oil or acidulated vegetable soapstocks (251 vs. 221 vs. 210 g; P< 0.05). Egg quality was not influenced by dietary treatment except for yolk color that was greater (9.0 vs. 8.3 vs. 8.3; P< 0.001) for hens fed corn than for hens fed wheat or barley and for hens fed lard than for hens fed soy oil or acidulated vegetable soapstocks (8.9 vs. 8.5 vs. 8.2, respectivamente; P< 0.001). The influence of linoleic acid on egg weight and egg mass was higher when the fatty acid was reduced in the diet. Thus, the influence of the diet in egg weight/g linoleic acid intake and egg mass/g linolec acid intake was higher when the amount of this fatty acid decreased in the diet (P< 0.001). It is concluded that brown egg laying hens do not need more than 1.0% of linoleic acid in the diet (1.16 g/hen/d) to maximize egg production and egg size. The 3 cereals and the 3 fat sources tested can replace each other in the diet provided that the linoleic acid requirements to maximize egg size are met. In experiment 2, the influence of CP and fat content of the diet on performance and egg quality traits was studied in 672 Lohmann brown egg-laying hens from 22 to 50 wk of age. The experiment was conducted as a completely randomized design with 8 treatments arranged factorially with 4 diets and 2 initial BW of the hens (1,592 vs. 1,860 g). Three of these diets differed in the CP content (16.5, 17.5, and 18.5%) and included 1.8% added fat. The fourth diet had also 18.5% CP but was supplemented with 3.6% fat instead of 1.8% fat. Each treatment was replicated 4 times and the experimental unit consisted of 21 hens allocated in groups of 7 in 3 adjacent cages. All diets were isocaloric (2,750 kcal AME/kg) and met the recommendations of brown egg-laying hens for digestible Arg, Ile, Lys, Met, Thr, Trp, TSAA, and Val. Productive performance and egg quality were recorded by replicate every 28-d. For the entire experimental period, diet did not affect any of the productive performance traits studied but the heavier hens had higher ADFI (120.6 vs. 113.9g; P< 0.001), egg production (92.5 vs. 89.8%; P< 0.01), and egg weight (64.9 vs. 62.4g; P< 0.001) than the lighter hens. Initial BW did not affect feed conversion per kilogram of eggs or hen mortality but BW gain was higher (289 vs. 233g; P< 0.01) and FCR per dozen of eggs was better (1.52 vs. 1.57; P< 0.01) for the lighter than for the heavier hens. None of the egg quality variables studied was affected by dietary treatment or initial BW of the hens. It is concluded that brown egg-laying hens, irrespective of their initial BW, do not need more than 16.5% CP to maximize egg production provided that the diet meet the requirements for key indispensable amino acids. Heavier hens produce more eggs that are larger than lighter hens but feed efficiency per kilogram of eggs is not affected. In experiment 3, the influence of AMEn concentration of the diet on productive performance and egg quality traits was studied in 520 Hy-Line brown egg-laying hens differing in initial BW from 24 to 59 wks of age. There were 8 treatments arranged factorially with 4 diets varying in energy content (2,650, 2,750, 2,850, and 2,950 kcal AMEn/kg) and 2 initial BW of the hens (1,733 vs. 1,606 g). Each treatment was replicated 5 times (13 hens per replicate) and all diets had similar nutrient content per unit of energy. No interactions between energy content of the diet and initial BW of the hens were detected for any trait. An increase in energy concentration of the diet increased (linear, P< 0.05; quadratic P< 0.05) egg production (88.8 % vs. 91.2 % vs. 92.7 % vs. 90.5 %), egg mass (56.1 g/d vs. 58.1 g/d vs. 58.8 g/d vs. 58.1 g/d), energy efficiency (5.42 vs. 5.39 vs. 5.38 vs. 5.58 kcal AMEn/g of egg), and BW gain (255 g vs. 300 g vs. 325 g vs. 359 g; P<0.05) but decreased ADFI (115 g vs. 114 g vs. 111 g vs. 110 g; P< linear, P< 0.001) and FCR per kg of eggs (2.05 vs. 1.96 vs. 1.89 vs. 1.89; linear, P< 0.01; quadratic P< 0.01). An increase in energy content of the diet reduced Haugh units (88.4 vs. 87.8 vs. 86.3 vs. 84.7; P< 0.01) and the proportion of shell in the egg (9.7 vs. 9.6 vs. 9.6 vs. 9.5; P< 0.001). Feed intake (114.6 vs. 111.1 g/hen per day), AMEn intake (321 vs. 311 kcal/hen per day), egg weight (64.2 vs. 63.0 g), and egg mass (58.5 vs. 57.0 g) were higher for the heavier than for the lighter hens (P<0.01) but FCR per kg of eggs and energy efficiency were not affected. Eggs from the heavier hens had higher proportion of yolk (25.7 % vs. 25.3 %; P< 0.001) and lower of albumen (64.7 vs. 65.0; P< 0.01) and shell (9.5 vs. 9.6; P< 0.05) than eggs from the lighter hens. Consequently, the yolk to albumen ratio was higher (0.40 vs. 0.39; P< 0.001) for the heavier hens. It is concluded that brown egg-laying hens respond with increases in egg production and egg mass, to increases in AMEn concentration of the diet up to 2,850 kcal/kg. Heavy hens had higher feed intake and produced heavier eggs and more egg mass than light hens. However, energy efficiency was better for the lighter hens.


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Purpose – The strategic management literature lacks a comprehensive explanation as to why seemingly similar business models in the same industry perform differently. This paper strives to explain this phenomenon. Design/methodology/approach – The model is conceptualized and accompanied by a case study on the airline industry to explain knowledge brokerage that creates value from the effective utilization of knowledge resources acquired from intra- and inter-firm environments. Findings – The model explains a cyclical view of business model flexibility in which the knowledge-based resource accumulation of the business model is spread across the intra- and inter-firm environments. Knowledge brokerage strategies from the inter- and intra-firm environments result in improved performance of the business model. The flexibility that the business model acquires is determined by how efficiently resource accumulation is aligned with its external environment. Originality/value – The paper effectively integrates the concepts of knowledge brokerage and business models from a resource accumulation-based view and simultaneously arrives at the performance heterogeneity of seemingly similar business models within the same industry. It has performance implications for firms that start out without any distinct resources of their own, or that use an imitated business model, to attain better performance through business model evolution aligned with successful knowledge brokerage strategies. It adds to the resource accumulation literature by explaining how resources can be effectively acquired to create value.


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In this work, the power management techniques implemented in a high-performance node for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) based on a RAM-based FPGA are presented. This new node custom architecture is intended for high-end WSN applications that include complex sensor management like video cameras, high compute demanding tasks such as image encoding or robust encryption, and/or higher data bandwidth needs. In the case of these complex processing tasks, yet maintaining low power design requirements, it can be shown that the combination of different techniques such as extensive HW algorithm mapping, smart management of power islands to selectively switch on and off components, smart and low-energy partial reconfiguration, an adequate set of save energy modes and wake up options, all combined, may yield energy results that may compete and improve energy usage of typical low power microcontrollers used in many WSN node architectures. Actually, results show that higher complexity tasks are in favor of HW based platforms, while the flexibility achieved by dynamic and partial reconfiguration techniques could be comparable to SW based solutions.


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Due to the sensitive international situation caused by still-recent terrorist attacks, there is a common need to protect the safety of large spaces such as government buildings, airports and power stations. To address this problem, developments in several research fields, such as video and cognitive audio, decision support systems, human interface, computer architecture, communications networks and communications security, should be integrated with the goal of achieving advanced security systems capable of checking all of the specified requirements and spanning the gap that presently exists in the current market. This paper describes the implementation of a decision system for crisis management in infrastructural building security. Specifically, it describes the implementation of a decision system in the management of building intrusions. The positions of the unidentified persons are reported with the help of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The goal is to achieve an intelligent system capable of making the best decision in real time in order to quickly neutralise one or more intruders who threaten strategic installations. It is assumed that the intruders’ behaviour is inferred through sequences of sensors’ activations and their fusion. This article presents a general approach to selecting the optimum operation from the available neutralisation strategies based on a Minimax algorithm. The distances among different scenario elements will be used to measure the risk of the scene, so a path planning technique will be integrated in order to attain a good performance. Different actions to be executed over the elements of the scene such as moving a guard, blocking a door or turning on an alarm will be used to neutralise the crisis. This set of actions executed to stop the crisis is known as the neutralisation strategy. Finally, the system has been tested in simulations of real situations, and the results have been evaluated according to the final state of the intruders. In 86.5% of the cases, the system achieved the capture of the intruders, and in 59.25% of the cases, they were intercepted before they reached their objective.


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We studied the situation in Spanish public universities regarding the use of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), as an instrument of control and strategic management. Also, we studied its application to the School of Mines and Energy at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The main advantage of the BSC is that improves the organizational structure of the workplace and the achievement of the objectives that ensure long-term success. First we review the strategy for success used in the Spanish educational system and specifically in the Spanish public universities. Then using the BSC and applying the main strategic lines for the successful management of the School of Mines and Energy at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The strategic lines affect all the college groups and the success of the BSC tool is to increase communication between the faculties, personal auxiliary, students and society in general that make up the university. First we performed a SWOT analysis (DAFO in Spanish) there are proposed different perspectives that focus the long-term strategic objectives. The BSC is designed based on the strategic objectives that set the direction through using indicators and initiatives, the goals are achieved up to the programmed schedule. In the perspective of teaching, objectives are set to update facilities and increase partnerships with other universities and businesses, encouraging ongoing training of staff and improved coordination and internal communication. The internal process perspective aims at improving the marketing, the promotion of the international dimension of the school through strategic alliances, better mobility for students and professors and improved teaching and research quality results. It continues with improving the image of the school between customer?s perspective, the quality perceived by students and the loyalty of the teaching staff by retaining talent. Finally, the financial perspective which should contain costs without harming the quality, improving the employability of students and achieve relevant jobs at teaching and research through international measurement standards.


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El WCTR es un congreso de reconocido prestigio internacional en el ámbito de la investigación del transporte, y aunque las actas publicadas están en formato digital y sin ISSN ni ISBN, lo consideramos lo suficientemente importante como para que se considere en los indicadores. This paper develops a model based on agency theory to analyze road management systems (under the different contract forms available today) that employ a mechanism of performance indicators to establish the payment of the agent. The base assumption is that of asymmetric information between the principal (Public Authorities) and the agent (contractor) and the risk aversion of this latter. It is assumed that the principal may only measure the agent?s performance indirectly and by means of certain performance indicators that may be verified by the authorities. In this model there is presumed to be a relation between the efforts made by the agent and the performance level measured by the corresponding indicators, though it is also considered that there may be dispersion between both variables that gives rise to a certain degree of randomness in the contract. An analysis of the optimal contract has been made on the basis of this model and in accordance with a series of parameters that characterize the economic environment and the particular conditions of road infrastructure. As a result of the analysis made, it is considered that an optimal contract should generally combine a fixed component and a payment in accordance with the performance level obtained. The higher the risk aversion of the agent and the greater the marginal cost of public funds, the lower the impact of this performance-based payment. By way of conclusion, the system of performance indicators should be as broad as possible but should not overweight those indicators that encompass greater randomness in their results.


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Over the past few years, the common practice within air traffic management has been that commercial aircraft fly by following a set of predefined routes to reach their destination. Currently, aircraft operators are requesting more flexibility to fly according to their prefer- ences, in order to achieve their business objectives. Due to this reason, much research effort is being invested in developing different techniques which evaluate aircraft optimal trajectory and traffic synchronisation. Also, the inefficient use of the airspace using barometric altitude overall in the landing and takeoff phases or in Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) trajectories where currently it is necessary introduce the necessary reference setting (QNH or QFE). To solve this problem and to permit a better airspace management born the interest of this research. Where the main goals will be to evaluate the impact, weakness and strength of the use of geometrical altitude instead of the use of barometric altitude. Moreover, this dissertation propose the design a simplified trajectory simulator which is able to predict aircraft trajectories. The model is based on a three degrees of freedom aircraft point mass model that can adapt aircraft performance data from Base of Aircraft Data, and meteorological information. A feature of this trajectory simulator is to support the improvement of the strategic and pre-tactical trajectory planning in the future Air Traffic Management. To this end, the error of the tool (aircraft Trajectory Simulator) is measured by comparing its performance variables with actual flown trajectories obtained from Flight Data Recorder information. The trajectory simulator is validated by analysing the performance of different type of aircraft and considering different routes. A fuel consumption estimation error was identified and a correction is proposed for each type of aircraft model. In the future Air Traffic Management (ATM) system, the trajectory becomes the fundamental element of a new set of operating procedures collectively referred to as Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO). Thus, governmental institutions, academia, and industry have shown a renewed interest for the application of trajectory optimisation techniques in com- mercial aviation. The trajectory optimisation problem can be solved using optimal control methods. In this research we present and discuss the existing methods for solving optimal control problems focusing on direct collocation, which has received recent attention by the scientific community. In particular, two families of collocation methods are analysed, i.e., Hermite-Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto collocation and the pseudospectral collocation. They are first compared based on a benchmark case study: the minimum fuel trajectory problem with fixed arrival time. For the sake of scalability to more realistic problems, the different meth- ods are also tested based on a real Airbus 319 El Cairo-Madrid flight. Results show that pseudospectral collocation, which has shown to be numerically more accurate and computa- tionally much faster, is suitable for the type of problems arising in trajectory optimisation with application to ATM. Fast and accurate optimal trajectory can contribute properly to achieve the new challenges of the future ATM. As atmosphere uncertainties are one of the most important issues in the trajectory plan- ning, the final objective of this dissertation is to have a magnitude order of how different is the fuel consumption under different atmosphere condition. Is important to note that in the strategic phase planning the optimal trajectories are determined by meteorological predictions which differ from the moment of the flight. The optimal trajectories have shown savings of at least 500 [kg] in the majority of the atmosphere condition (different pressure, and temperature at Mean Sea Level, and different lapse rate temperature) with respect to the conventional procedure simulated at the same atmosphere condition.This results show that the implementation of optimal profiles are beneficial under the current Air traffic Management (ATM).


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The effects of the combined use of long lactation periods (46 days) with alternative cages on the reproductive and growth performance of 104 rabbit does and their litters during five consecutive reproductive cycles were studied. Half of does were housed in conventional polyvalent cages (39 cm×100 cm×30 cm) and the other half in alternative polyvalent cages (39 cm×100 cm×60 cm), with a raised platform. Half of the rabbit does in each type of cage were weaned at 32 and the other half at 46 days after parturition. Longer lactation negatively affected the body weight (P<0.001), fat and energy content (P<0.05) of rabbit does at the end of the lactation period, but this effect decreased with the number of parturitions. Fertility, prolificacy and doe mortality were not affected by lactation length. Late weaning led to higher litter size (by 8.9%) and litter weight (by 11.3%) at the end of growing period (P<0.001) and lower feed conversion ratio per cage during the experimental period (13.5%) than weaning at 32 day (P<0.001). These results were paralleled by lower mortality (12.6 vs. 17.6%; P<0.01) of young rabbits weaned later during the overall experimental period. Differences in performance as a result of different weaning ages were only observed during cycles with worst health status (third and fifth cycles) in which late weaning decreased mortality. Type of cage did not affect doe body weight and body condition, mortality, fertility, prolificacy and litter size during the five reproductive cycles. Nevertheless, at day 21 litter weight and feed conversion ratio between 3 and 21 day were 4.2% higher (P<0.01) and 5.0% lower (P<0.05), respectively, in animals housed in alternative rather than in conventional cages. Alternative cages also led to heavier litters at 59 days (P<0.01). It was concluded that the combined use of longer lactations and cages with higher available surface with a raised platform could be alternatives to improve animal welfare in farmed rabbit.


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The effects of the combined use of long lactation periods (46 days) with alternative cages on the reproductive and growth performance of 104 rabbit does and their litters during five consecutive reproductive cycles were studied. Half of does were housed in conven- tional polyvalent cages (39 cm x 100 cm x 30 cm) and the other half in alternative polyvalent cages (39 cm x 100 cm x 60 cm), with a raised platform. Half of the rabbit does in each type of cage were weaned at 32 and the other half at 46 days after parturition. Longer lactation negatively affected the body weight ( P o 0.001), fat and energy content ( P o 0.05) of rabbit does at the end of the lactation period, but this effect decreased with the number of parturitions. Fertility, prolificacy and doe mortality were not affected by lactation length. Late weaning led to higher litter size (by 8.9%) and litter weight (by 11.3%) at the end of growing period ( P o 0.001) and lower feed conversion ratio per cage during the experimental period (13.5%) than weaning at 32 day ( P o 0.001). These results were paralleled by lower mortality (12.6 vs. 17.6%; P o 0.01) of young rabbits weaned later during the overall experimental period. Differences in performance as a result of different weaning ages were only observed during cycles with worst health status (third and fifth cycles) in which late weaning decreased mortality. Type of cage did not affect doe body weight and body condition, mortality, fertility, prolificacy and litter size during the five reproductive cycles. Nevertheless, at day 21 litter weight and feed conversion ratio between 3 and 21 day were 4.2% higher ( P o 0.01) and 5.0% lower ( P o 0.05), respectively, in animals housed in alternative rather than in conventional cages. Alternative cages also led to heavier litters at 59 days ( P o 0.01). It was concluded that the combined use of longer lactations and cages with higher available surface with a raised platform could be alternatives to improve animal welfare in farmed rabbit.


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Emergency management is one of the key aspects within the day-to-day operation procedures in a highway. Efficiency in the overall response in case of an incident is paramount in reducing the consequences of any incident. However, the approach of highway operators to the issue of incident management is still usually far from a systematic, standardized way. This paper attempts to address the issue and provide several hints on why this happens, and a proposal on how the situation could be overcome. An introduction to a performance based approach to a general system specification will be described, and then applied to a particular road emergency management task. A real testbed has been implemented to show the validity of the proposed approach. Ad-hoc sensors (one camera and one laser scanner) were efficiently deployed to acquire data, and advanced fusion techniques applied at the processing stage to reach the specific user requirements in terms of functionality, flexibility and accuracy.


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Shopfloor Management (SM) empowerment methodologies have traditionally focused on two aspects: goal achievement following rigid structures, such as SQDCME, or evolutional aspects of empowerment factors away from strategic goal achievement. Furthermore, SM Methodologies have been organized almost solely around the hierarchical structure of the organization, failing systematically to cope with the challenges that Industry 4.0 is facing. The latter include the growing complexity of value-stream networks, sustainable empowerment of the workforce (Learning Factory), an autonomous and intelligent process management (Smart Factory), the need to cope with the increasing complexity of value-stream networks (VSN) and the leadership paradigm shift to strategic alignment. This paper presents a novel Lean SM Method (LSM) called ?HOSHIN KANRI Tree? (HKT), which is based on standardization of the communication patterns among process owners (POs) by PDCA. The standardization of communication patterns by HKT technology should bring enormous benefits in value stream (VS) performance, speed of standardization and learning rates to the Industry 4.0 generation of organizations. These potential advantages of HKT are being tested at present in worldwide research.


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Nas últimas décadas, a maturidade de alguns mercados, a globalização e o crescente poder de barganha dos clientes aumentam ainda mais a necessidade das empresas em manterem e desenvolverem de forma eficaz seus clientes mais importantes. Neste contexto, ganham relevância os programas de Key Account Management (KAM), iniciativas corporativas que tratam de forma especial os clientes mais importantes do fornecedor. Para obter o desempenho financeiro superior, o programa de KAM precisa criar valor para o cliente para posterior apropriação de valor pelo fornecedor. Contudo, a maioria dos estudos enfatiza a apropriação de valor pelo fornecedor, porém poucas pesquisas investigam a criação de valor para o cliente em programas de KAM. Além disso, a maioria das pesquisas em marketing de relacionamento ainda foca muito nos impactos positivos do relacionamento. Dessa forma, é importante analisar empiricamente como é a implementação da criação de valor para o cliente em programas de KAM, identificando as principais dimensões e os fatores críticos. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o processo de criação de valor para o cliente em programas de Key Account Management (KAM) e propor um modelo de criação de valor para o cliente segundo a perspectiva da empresa fornecedora. As análises e o modelo são elaborados a partir de um processo de investigação abdutiva, ou seja, a combinação entre a fundamentação teórica sobre o conceito de valor e programas de KAM e a análise de conteúdo de 22 entrevistas em profundidade com especialistas em programas de KAM, profissionais de marketing/vendas que trabalham por pelo menos cinco anos com programas de KAM em grandes empresas no Brasil. O modelo proposto explica de forma integrada e sistemática como é a criação de valor para o cliente em programas de KAM segundo cinco dimensões (Desenvolvimento de relacionamentos; Entendimento dos direcionadores de valor; Desenvolvimento da proposta de valor; Comunicação da proposta de valor; e mensuração de valor), quatro moderadores (Orientação relacional do cliente; Formalização do programa de KAM para o cliente; Abordagem do fornecedor: \"orientada ao cliente\" vs. \"orientar o cliente\"; e Fit estratégico entre o fornecedor e o cliente) e três riscos (Não entrega do valor básico para o cliente; Rotatividade do Key Account Manager; e Sentimento de injustiça do cliente). Contribui-se com a teoria sobre o tema, ao incluir uma dimensão específica no modelo para desenvolvimento de relacionamentos do nível da díade (organização-organização) e indivíduo (funcionário-funcionário), e ao abordar não somente aspectos positivos do relacionamento, mas também os aspectos negativos (ou riscos da criação de valor para o cliente). Contribui-se também para a prática, ao prover uma visão mais ampla, sistemática e integradora dos diversos elementos da criação de valor para o cliente aos executivos das empresas que possuem programas de KAM, e ao recomendar práticas organizacionais que servem como guias para a tomada de decisão dos gestores de programas de KAM. Ademais, como a parte empírica do estudo é baseada no contexto brasileiro, amplia-se o conhecimento sobre KAM no Brasil. Por fim, apresentam-se as limitações do estudo com a agenda de pesquisas futuras


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Washington and Lee University has developed and implemented a strategic plan and performance development initiative for 2007-2017. In concert with the strategic plan and performance development initiative, supportive manager core competencies have been identified. The deliverable for this capstone project is a documented methodology that supports the strategy for the design and implementation of a manager training and development program that ensures needed competencies are available. The author uses survey data to determine training needs and priorities and, through a review of literature, investigates effective strategies to arrive at a successful implementation methodology. The author presents findings and conclusions regarding design implementation methodology for manager training and development.