942 resultados para start up and investment aid for small enterprises


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The effectiveness of the Incredible Years Basic parent programme (IYBP) in reducing child conduct problems and improving parent competencies and mental health was examined in a 12-month follow-up. Pre- to post-intervention service use and related costs were also analysed. A total of 103 families and their children (aged 32–88 months), who previously participated in a randomised controlled trial of the IYBP, took part in a 12-month follow-up assessment. Child and parent behaviour and well-being were measured using psychometric and observational measures. An intention-to-treat analysis was carried out using a one-way repeated measures ANOVA. Pairwise comparisons were subsequently conducted to determine whether treatment outcomes were sustained 1 year post-baseline assessment. Results indicate that post-intervention improvements in child conduct problems, parenting behaviour and parental mental health were maintained. Service use and associated costs continued to decline. The results indicate that parent-focused interventions, implemented in the early years, can result in improvements in child and parent behaviour and well-being 12 months later. A reduced reliance on formal services is also indicated.


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Innovation is a strategic necessity for the survival of today’s organizations. The wide recognition of innovation as a competitive necessity, particularly in dynamic market environments, makes it an evergreen domain for research. This dissertation deals with innovation in small Information Technology (IT) firms in India. The IT industry in India has been a phenomenal success story of the last three decades, and is today facing a crucial phase in its history characterized by the need for fundamental changes in strategies, driven by innovation. This study, while motivated by the dynamics of changing times, importantly addresses the research gap on small firm innovation in Indian IT.This study addresses three main objectives: (a) drivers of innovation in small IT firms in India (b) impact of innovation on firm performance (c) variation in the extent of innovation adoption in small firms. Product and process innovation were identified as the two most contextually relevant types of innovation for small IT firms. The antecedents of innovation were identified as Intellectual Capital, Creative Capability, Top Management Support, Organization Learning Capability, Customer Involvement, External Networking and Employee Involvement.Survey method was adopted for data collection and the study unit was the firm. Surveys were conducted in 2014 across five South Indian cities. Small firm was defined as one with 10-499 employees. Responses from 205 firms were chosen for analysis. Rigorous statistical analysis was done to generate meaningful insights. The set of drivers of product innovation (Intellectual Capital, Creative Capability, Top Management Support, Customer Involvement, External Networking, and Employee Involvement)were different from that of process innovation (Creative Capability, Organization Learning Capability, External Networking, and Employee Involvement). Both product and process innovation had strong impact on firm performance. It was found that firms that adopted a combination of product innovation and process innovation had the highest levels of firm performance. Product innovation and process innovation fully mediated the relationship between all the seven antecedents and firm performance The results of this study have several important theoretical and practical implications. To the best of the researcher’s knowledge, this is the first time that an empirical study of firm level innovation of this kind has been undertaken in India. A measurement model for product and process innovation was developed, and the drivers of innovation were established statistically. Customer Involvement, External Networking and Employee Involvement are elements of Open Innovation, and all three had strong association with product innovation, and the latter twohad strong association with process innovation. The results showed that proclivity for Open Innovation is healthy in the Indian context. Practical implications have been outlined along how firms can organize themselves for innovation, the human talent for innovation, the right culture for innovation and for open innovation. While some specific examples of possible future studies have been recommended, the researcher believes that the study provides numerous opportunities to further this line of enquiry.


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Following the intrinsically linked balance sheets in his Capital Formation Life Cycle, Lukas M. Stahl explains with his Triple A Model of Accounting, Allocation and Accountability the stages of the Capital Formation process from FIAT to EXIT. Based on the theoretical foundations of legal risk laid by the International Bar Association with the help of Roger McCormick and legal scholars such as Joanna Benjamin, Matthew Whalley and Tobias Mahler, and founded on the basis of Wesley Hohfeld’s category theory of jural relations, Stahl develops his mutually exclusive Four Determinants of Legal Risk of Law, Lack of Right, Liability and Limitation. Those Four Determinants of Legal Risk allow us to apply, assess, and precisely describe the respective legal risk at all stages of the Capital Formation Life Cycle as demonstrated in case studies of nine industry verticals of the proposed and currently negotiated Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the United States of America and the European Union, TTIP, as well as in the case of the often cited financing relation between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. Having established the Four Determinants of Legal Risk and its application to the Capital Formation Life Cycle, Stahl then explores the theoretical foundations of capital formation, their historical basis in classical and neo-classical economics and its forefathers such as The Austrians around Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich von Hayek and most notably and controversial, Karl Marx, and their impact on today’s exponential expansion of capital formation. Starting off with the first pillar of his Triple A Model, Accounting, Stahl then moves on to explain the Three Factors of Capital Formation, Man, Machines and Money and shows how “value-added” is created with respect to the non-monetary capital factors of human resources and industrial production. Followed by a detailed analysis discussing the roles of the Three Actors of Monetary Capital Formation, Central Banks, Commercial Banks and Citizens Stahl readily dismisses a number of myths regarding the creation of money providing in-depth insight into the workings of monetary policy makers, their institutions and ultimate beneficiaries, the corporate and consumer citizens. In his second pillar, Allocation, Stahl continues his analysis of the balance sheets of the Capital Formation Life Cycle by discussing the role of The Five Key Accounts of Monetary Capital Formation, the Sovereign, Financial, Corporate, Private and International account of Monetary Capital Formation and the associated legal risks in the allocation of capital pursuant to his Four Determinants of Legal Risk. In his third pillar, Accountability, Stahl discusses the ever recurring Crisis-Reaction-Acceleration-Sequence-History, in short: CRASH, since the beginning of the millennium starting with the dot-com crash at the turn of the millennium, followed seven years later by the financial crisis of 2008 and the dislocations in the global economy we are facing another seven years later today in 2015 with several sordid debt restructurings under way and hundred thousands of refugees on the way caused by war and increasing inequality. Together with the regulatory reactions they have caused in the form of so-called landmark legislation such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, the JOBS Act of 2012 or the introduction of the Basel Accords, Basel II in 2004 and III in 2010, the European Financial Stability Facility of 2010, the European Stability Mechanism of 2012 and the European Banking Union of 2013, Stahl analyses the acceleration in size and scope of crises that appears to find often seemingly helpless bureaucratic responses, the inherent legal risks and the complete lack of accountability on part of those responsible. Stahl argues that the order of the day requires to address the root cause of the problems in the form of two fundamental design defects of our Global Economic Order, namely our monetary and judicial order. Inspired by a 1933 plan of nine University of Chicago economists abolishing the fractional reserve system, he proposes the introduction of Sovereign Money as a prerequisite to void misallocations by way of judicial order in the course of domestic and transnational insolvency proceedings including the restructuring of sovereign debt throughout the entire monetary system back to its origin without causing domino effects of banking collapses and failed financial institutions. In recognizing Austrian-American economist Schumpeter’s Concept of Creative Destruction, as a process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one, Stahl responds to Schumpeter’s economic chemotherapy with his Concept of Equitable Default mimicking an immunotherapy that strengthens the corpus economicus own immune system by providing for the judicial authority to terminate precisely those misallocations that have proven malignant causing default perusing the century old common law concept of equity that allows for the equitable reformation, rescission or restitution of contract by way of judicial order. Following a review of the proposed mechanisms of transnational dispute resolution and current court systems with transnational jurisdiction, Stahl advocates as a first step in order to complete the Capital Formation Life Cycle from FIAT, the creation of money by way of credit, to EXIT, the termination of money by way of judicial order, the institution of a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Court constituted by a panel of judges from the U.S. Court of International Trade and the European Court of Justice by following the model of the EFTA Court of the European Free Trade Association. Since the first time his proposal has been made public in June of 2014 after being discussed in academic circles since 2011, his or similar proposals have found numerous public supporters. Most notably, the former Vice President of the European Parliament, David Martin, has tabled an amendment in June 2015 in the course of the negotiations on TTIP calling for an independent judicial body and the Member of the European Commission, Cecilia Malmström, has presented her proposal of an International Investment Court on September 16, 2015. Stahl concludes, that for the first time in the history of our generation it appears that there is a real opportunity for reform of our Global Economic Order by curing the two fundamental design defects of our monetary order and judicial order with the abolition of the fractional reserve system and the introduction of Sovereign Money and the institution of a democratically elected Transatlantic Trade and Investment Court that commensurate with its jurisdiction extending to cases concerning the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership may complete the Capital Formation Life Cycle resolving cases of default with the transnational judicial authority for terminal resolution of misallocations in a New Global Economic Order without the ensuing dangers of systemic collapse from FIAT to EXIT.


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Il seguente percorso di tesi si articola in due parti. Nella prima si andranno ad illustrare le varie possibili fonti di finanziamento alle quali uno o più imprenditori potranno rivolgersi nella creazione di una nuova impresa, con una attenzione particolare a quello che è il crowdfunding, o finanziamento collettivo, considerato una alternativa valida e innovativa alle forme tradizionali per raccogliere i capitali necessari. Nella seconda parte sarà presentata la startup italiana Look Ahead, di cui il sottoscritto ne rappresenta una delle menti, come esempio di una startup che ha scelto di usufruire di questo particolare tipo di finanziamento. In particolare, ne sarà ricostruito l’intero Business Plan redatto in sede accademica, in modo da mettere in evidenza le caratteristiche del prodotto offerto, il segmento di mercato servito, il modello di business e l’analisi finanziaria.


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We find evidence that conflicts of interest are pervasive in the asset management business owned by investment banks. Using data from 1990 to 2008, we compare the alphas of mutual funds, hedge funds, and institutional funds operated by investment banks and non-bank conglomerates. We find that, while no difference exists in performance by fund type, being owned by an investment bank reduces alphas by 46 basis points per year in our baseline model. Making lead loans increases alphas, but the dispersion of fees across portfolios decreases alphas. The economic loss is $4.9 billion per year.


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Il mio elaborato ha come scopo quello di creare un quadro della situazione regionale dal punto di vista delle start-up eco-innovative. Per fare questo ho utilizzato un sito/piattaforma internet contenente il registro delle start-up innovative in Italia. A partire da tale supporto ho analizzato 700 start-up situate nella regione Emilia-Romagna. Tra queste, ho individuato 78 start-up eco-innovative. Lo studio vuole comprendere le tendenze e la diffusione di tali start-up, studiandone, nell' ordine, la distribuzione geografica, l’inizio delle attività, il codice Ateco, la tecnologia OECD di riferimento. Con questo studio si arriverà poi in definitiva a capire quanto l’ambito della Green Economy sia diffuso in Emilia-Romagna.


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Questa tesi si pone l’obiettivo di fornire un quadro generale relativo allo stato della Green Economy in Italia, riservando particolare attenzione alle start-up innovative e all’eco-innovazione, per poi passare ad una analisi particolareggiata delle start-up innovative di Marche, Umbria ed Abruzzo attive nel campo dell’ economia verde. Nel realizzare questo approfondimento ho raccolto, catalogato e rielaborato informazioni presenti nella sezione speciale del Registro delle Imprese dedicata alle start-up innovative. Si è trattato di selezionare le imprese green dall’universo delle start-up innovative di Umbria, Marche ed Abruzzo raccogliendone le informazioni più significative (Nome, Provincia, inizio attività, codice Ateco, requisiti d’innovazione, eventuale alto valore tecnologico in ambito energetico, dimensione economica, caratteristiche della risorse umane e mission dell’impresa) creando un dataset tramite un foglio excel. Terminata la fase di raccolta e catalogazione di dati è cominciato il lavoro di analisi che ha condotto allo studio riportato nella tesi. Nel riportare e commentare le informazioni raccolte mi sono avvalso dell’ausilio di grafici.


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The concepts of social entrepreneurship and social enterprises have been extensively discussed in the previous two decades, yet the topic is still not matured yet. Most of the available literature is focused on defining these terms. Similarly, limited number of authors has discussed the marketing function of these enterprises or how marketing is interpreted in social entrepreneurship models. However, there is a plethora of literature on marketing entailing many different theories, amongst which the newest one is the “market orientation concept”. Market orientation is a mix of customer orientation, competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination suggesting marketing to be a part of the business philosophy. This study focuses on the marketing and market orientation of social enterprises while giving an overview of the literature of marketing and market orientation in social enterprises. This study aims to provide two basic questions, 1) what is the literature on marketing and market orientation of social enterprises while explaining the literature of social enterprises in Pakistan and 2) how these concepts are interpreted in social enterprises in Pakistani market. Key features of research methodology include case study approach while conducting thematic analysis using thematic networks. The results indicate that only a limited number of authors have discussed market orientation concept in social enterprises. The results from the interview data indicate the usage of marketing by a firm unconsciously without a specific marketing department. In addition to that, it has been found that in social enterprise world competition is tackled through a win-win approach with a view that many enterprises working for society improve the society which is the basic mission of any social enterprise. The data also showed that in Pakistani market, social enterprise concept is not legally used yet, which allows for more room for innovation. This study intends to give a new perspective to the theorists to use market orientation concept in social enterprises and also to managers to use marketing as their business philosophy in order to satisfy the stakeholders for better delivery of their businesses and as well for social good.


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The Picornaviridae family consists of positive-strand RNA viruses that are the causative agents of a variety of diseases in humans and animals. Few drugs targeting picornaviruses are available, making the discovery of new antivirals a high priority. Here, we identified and characterized three compounds from a library of kinase inhibitors that block replication of poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and encephalomyocarditis virus. The antiviral effect of these compounds is not likely related to their known cellular targets because other inhibitors targeting the same pathways did not inhibit viral replication. Using an in vitro translation-replication system, we showed that these drugs inhibit different stages of the poliovirus life cycle. A4(1) inhibited the formation of a functional replication complex, while E5(1) and E7(2) affected replication after the replication complex had formed. A4(1) demonstrated partial protection from paralysis in a murine model of poliomyelitis. Poliovirus resistant to E7(2) had a single mutation in the 3A protein. This mutation was previously found to confer resistance to enviroxime-like compounds, which target either PI4KIIIβ (major enviroxime-like compounds) or OSBP (minor enviroxime-like compounds), cellular factors involved in lipid metabolism and shown to be important for replication of diverse positive-strand RNA viruses. We classified E7(2) as a minor enviroxime-like compound, because the localization of OSBP changed in the presence of this inhibitor. Interestingly, both E7(2) and major enviroxime-like compound GW5074 interfered with the viral polyprotein processing. Multiple attempts to isolate resistant mutants in the presence of A4(1) or E5(1) were unsuccessful, showing that effective broad-spectrum antivirals could be developed on the basis of these compounds. Studies with these compounds shed light on pathways shared by diverse picornaviruses that could be potential targets for the development of broad-spectrum antiviral drugs.


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Screening Tool of Older Persons’ Prescriptions (STOPP)/Screening Tool to Alert to Right Treatment (START) criteria was first published in 2008, primarily as an alternative set of explicit criteria for potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) to Beers criteria.


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Understanding how imperfect information affects firms' investment decision helps answer important questions in economics, such as how we may better measure economic uncertainty; how firms' forecasts would affect their decision-making when their beliefs are not backed by economic fundamentals; and how important are the business cycle impacts of changes in firms' productivity uncertainty in an environment of incomplete information. This dissertation provides a synthetic answer to all these questions, both empirically and theoretically. The first chapter, provides empirical evidence to demonstrate that survey-based forecast dispersion identifies a distinctive type of second moment shocks different from the canonical volatility shocks to productivity, i.e. uncertainty shocks. Such forecast disagreement disturbances can affect the distribution of firm-level beliefs regardless of whether or not belief changes are backed by changes in economic fundamentals. At the aggregate level, innovations that increase the dispersion of firms' forecasts lead to persistent declines in aggregate investment and output, which are followed by a slow recovery. On the contrary, the larger dispersion of future firm-specific productivity innovations, the standard way to measure economic uncertainty, delivers the ``wait and see" effect, such that aggregate investment experiences a sharp decline, followed by a quick rebound, and then overshoots. At the firm level, data uncovers that more productive firms increase investments given rises in productivity dispersion for the future, whereas investments drop when firms disagree more about the well-being of their future business conditions. These findings challenge the view that the dispersion of the firms' heterogeneous beliefs captures the concept of economic uncertainty, defined by a model of uncertainty shocks. The second chapter presents a general equilibrium model of heterogeneous firms subject to the real productivity uncertainty shocks and informational disagreement shocks. As firms cannot perfectly disentangle aggregate from idiosyncratic productivity because of imperfect information, information quality thus drives the wedge of difference between the unobserved productivity fundamentals, and the firms' beliefs about how productive they are. Distribution of the firms' beliefs is no longer perfectly aligned with the distribution of firm-level productivity across firms. This model not only explains why, at the macro and micro level, disagreement shocks are different from uncertainty shocks, as documented in Chapter 1, but helps reconcile a key challenge faced by the standard framework to study economic uncertainty: a trade-off between sizable business cycle effects due to changes in uncertainty, and the right amount of pro-cyclicality of firm-level investment rate dispersion, as measured by its correlation with the output cycles.