859 resultados para soft power, national identity, creative models, cultural resources, creative entrepreneur


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This paper investigates the predictions of an inflationary phase starting from a homogeneous and anisotropic universe of the Bianchi I type. After discussing the evolution of the background spacetime, focusing on the number of e-folds and the isotropization, we solve the perturbation equations and predict the power spectra of the curvature perturbations and gravity waves at the end of inflation. The main features of the early anisotropic phase is (1) a dependence of the spectra on the direction of the modes, (2) a coupling between curvature perturbations and gravity waves and (3) the fact that the two gravity wave polarizations do not share the same spectrum on large scales. All these effects are significant only on large scales and die out on small scales where isotropy is recovered. They depend on a characteristic scale that can, but a priori must not, be tuned to some observable scale. To fix the initial conditions, we propose a procedure that generalizes the one standardly used in inflation but that takes into account the fact that the WKB regime is violated at early times when the shear dominates. We stress that there exist modes that do not satisfy the WKB condition during the shear-dominated regime and for which the amplitude at the end of inflation depends on unknown initial conditions. On such scales, inflation loses its predictability. This study paves the way for the determination of the cosmological signature of a primordial shear, whatever the Bianchi I spacetime. It thus stresses the importance of the WKB regime to draw inflationary predictions and demonstrates that, when the number of e-folds is large enough, the predictions converge toward those of inflation in a Friedmann-Lemaitre spacetime but that they are less robust in the case of an inflationary era with a small number of e-folds.


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The necessary nationalism This article deals with the role of fictional narratives, especially the modern novel, in the formation of national identities. Naguib Mafouz’s Cairo trilogy is referred to as an example of how literature may both serve as the mirror image of national identities and as an agency in their formation. The sense of community attachment to a modern state is ”thinner” than to a family or traditional village and/or tribe, though no less vital. Drawing on Norbert Elias’s concept of ”survival unit,” Benedict Anderson’s ”imagined communities” and recent studies in the field of comparative literature by Gregory Jusdanis and Azade Seyhan, this article argues for the necessity of the nation – in spite of its unfavourable chauvinistic reputation. This contention is discussed in relation to recent literary developments in Turkey and recent debates on nationhood in a Swedish context.


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O presente trabalho tenta mostrar a importância da aplicação de novas tecnologias no mundo globalizado, especialmente a rede Internet, como ferramenta indispensável na melhoria da qualidade da divulgação dos estudos produzidos pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE, pela Coordenação de Comunicação Social do órgão. A pesquisa valeu-se de documentos administrativos, tais como Decretos, Resoluções, Portarias, Boletins de Serviço, entre outros materiais disponíveis que pudessem auxiliar nessa memória institucional. Utilizou como embasamento teórico a literatura especializada e para a pesquisa qualitativa aplicou a metodologia pertinente à pesquisa com coleta de dados da História Oral. Com o propósito de resgatar e percorrer o caminho histórico da criação do site do IBGE na Internet e a ampliação de seu uso por localidades do Brasil, esta pesquisa priorizou a importância que a Internet teve para a divulgação e disseminação dos trabalhos produzidos pelo IBGE. Para poder analisar esse processo foi preciso recorrer a alguns conceitos capazes de ajudar na reflexão sobre as transformações em curso, tais como: inovação tecnológica, cultura comunicacional, globalização, identidade global, identidade nacional, entre outros.


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The purpose of this thesis is to support the argument that workmanship production centers don¿t represent just survival strategy of social groups marginal to economical structure. Workmanship organizations are productive schemes that survived, in a parallel way, to the industrialization process, although they don¿t have been considered by the organization theory. The knowledge reserve in administration, from the traditional approach to critical studies, increased concerns on industrial organizations and business arrangements. Nevertheless, it is possible to find in Teoria da Delimitação dos Sistemas Sociais, from Guerreiro Ramos, elements to comprehend workmanship organizations as: technology, scale and sustainability, cognition, space and relationship and time. The research methodology used was bibliographic, field and documental, regarding action-research. It comes to the conclusion that, at present time, to keep it as distinct productive schemes, workmanship organizations must be associated to tourism and culture. The production must be thematic, with territorial identity, creative and sustainable, by the management of local raw material.


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo estudar, no âmbito da estrutura organizacional de quatro das agências reguladoras nacionais - Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - ANEEL, Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações-ANATEL, Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária - ANVISA e Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar - as instâncias que correspondem à alta administração destas (Diretorias Colegiadas), os locci de representação da sociedade (Conselhos Consultivos) nesta mesma estrutura, além dos canais de interrelação dos usuários e consumidores dos serviços e produtos regulados com as agências reguladoras (Ouvidorias). A instituição de Diretorias Colegiadas constitui-se em uma das características diferenciadoras das agências reguladoras no conjunto da administração pública. Porém, ao mesmo tempo em que permite-lhes alto grau de autonomia administrativa e, portanto, decisória, abre também, a possibilidade para a exacerbação do fenômeno do insulamento burocrático e o conseqüente excessivo poder discricionário de seus dirigentes . As instâncias de participação da sociedade na definição de políticas das agências (Conselhos Consultivos ou Conselho de Consumidores) funcionariam, não apenas como locus privilegiado de externalização das posições dos atores sociais com interesses nas políticas e ações das agências reguladoras, mas, também, como possível contraponto ao insulamento de sua alta direção. Os canais institucionalizados de interrelação dos usuários e consumidores dos serviços regulados com os órgãos reguladores (Ouvidoria), por meio dos quais aqueles fazem chegar até estes suas demandas, críticas, dúvidas e sugestões, constituem-se instrumentos de democratização no acesso da sociedade ao Estado, contribuindo para o aperfeiçaomento da cidadania. As consultas e audiência publicas, por sua vez, representam mecanismos de busca de subsídios e contribuições do ambiente externo às agências ao aprimoramento da tomada de decisões de seu corpo dirigente.


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As primeiras imagens (gráficas ou narrativas) que circularam no exterior sobre o Rio de Janeiro. O complexo processo de produção em série da imagem, envolvendo vários profissionais que muitas vezes trabalhavam a distância. As possibilidades econômicas de uma cidade a ser construída, e o interesse de imigrantes aventureiros e empreendedores. A cidade que os primeiros guias para viajantes pretendiam mostrar. A modernização da urbe, voltada para o olhar internacional. A construção da identidade nacional pela música, dança e a indústria do entretenimento. A identificação do carioca com os estereótipos que lhe foram concedidos.A perpetuação dos ícones da cidade. Este trabalho perpassa várias categorias temáticas, buscando revelar o processo de construção da cidade do Rio de Janeiro enquanto um destino turístico. Um paraíso tropical a ser conhecido.


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Embora o direito à saúde esteja contemplado na Constituição de 1988, especialmente no artigo 196, carências de natureza gerencial, administrativa e orçamentária entre outras, restringem a capacidade operativa dos órgãos e entidades responsáveis pela sua efetivação desencadeando um fenômeno denominado judicialização do direito à saúde. Este fenômeno é observado quando os indivíduos adotam a iniciativa de recorrer ao Poder Judiciário para garantirem o direito de acesso aos meios e recursos necessários a melhoria de suas condições clínicas. Como o atendimento a saúde deve ser integral, contemplando todas as necessidades do indivíduo, o fenômeno também é observado quando o paciente recorre à justiça para garantir o direito de acesso a medicamentos que deveriam ser fornecidos gratuitamente pelo poder público. A presente dissertação procura abordar a questão do acesso aos medicamentos no Brasil intermediado pela atuação da justiça, sob a perspectiva da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro (SMS/RJ). Assim serão esquadrinhadas as principais dificuldades enfrentadas pela respectiva secretaria ante a atribuição de cumprir determinações emanadas do Poder Judiciário em atendimento ao que foi demandado pela sociedade.


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O Poder Judiciário brasileiro tem passado por uma crise de credibilidade frente à sociedade devido a sua morosidade. Assim, com a Emenda Constitucional nº 45 do ano de 2004 foi criado o Conselho Nacional de Justiça, órgão competente pelo controle da atuação administrativa e financeira desse Poder. Desde então, observam-se esforços na gestão da justiça para profissionalizar e modernizar os Tribunais pátrios sob as diretivas deste Conselho. Este órgão instituiu no ano de 2009 o planejamento estratégico nacional com a estipulação de metas de caráter obrigatório para todos os Tribunais de Justiça do país. Desta forma, o presente estudo buscou entender quais as percepções dos magistrados e servidores sobre o cumprimento das metas impostas pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça ao Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e como tal processo influencia para reforçar o planejamento estratégico neste Tribunal. O trabalho caracteriza-se como qualitativo e descritivo e os dados foram coletados por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo. Foram realizadas entrevistas com juízes, desembargadores, secretários de juízes, diretores administrativos e serventuários, todos atuantes no TJERJ. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que embora não haja amplo conhecimento do planejamento estratégico em vigor ou ainda que as metas não sejam plenamente compreendidas, o fato de estarem sendo cumpridas mostra-se positivo para o planejamento do Tribunal. Todavia, tanto a prática de planejamento estratégico do CNJ consubstanciada na imposição de metas quanto o ambiente de planejamento no âmbito do TJERJ não estão em sintonia com as ideias e conceitos asseverados na literatura moderna.


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This paper aims to investigate the factors that influence the satisfaction and fidelity of tennis´s users with the region southern city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte as the area of analyzing , using the national satisfaction index models as a tool to study. In this study was used the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data based on the new Norwegian customer satisfaction barometer model proposed by Johnson et. al. (2001). The data collection took place during the months of May and June 2008, when 450 tennis´s users were interviewed. The main results obtained by multiple regression analysis and logistic regression showed that the users' satisfaction with the tennis´s brand is influenced by the quality, comfort, material used in the manufacture and price, while fidelity is potentized by the image of the brand and the satisfaction degree with the user's tennis and with the brand of tennis. In relation to user satisfaction with the tennis, that satisfaction is influenced by the quality, comfort, weight and the material used, while fidelity is potentized by the satisfaction with the tennis´s brand, with the possibility of paying the same amount again and the emotional commitment. As the processing of claims there was no direct influence on satisfaction and consumers fidelity due to the low number complaints


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Having as reference the fundamentals of regional innovation systems (RIS) and the policy guidelines defined in the regionalization program implemented by the federal government, this study focus on the analysis of the so-called "Landmark Region", northern coast of Polo Costa das Dunas-RN, in order to indicate how the historical and cultural resources can support innovation in the tourism of the region, represented here by the cities of Pedra Grande and São Miguel do Gostoso. This is a descriptive research, using qualitative methods of data collection and analysis, configuring, still, as a case study. Data were gathered from literature, documents, semi-structured interviews and mainly by participant observation methods. The results show a great diversity of cultural resources in the region, both material and immaterial, which however are disarticulated, and need to be worked in order to be included in the tourism productive chain. The main opportunity for innovation regards the return of the Landmark to the region, an invaluable monument, with the construction of a memorial. Taking in account the relevance of the monument and the growth of the region, we conclude that the return of the Landmark to its place of origin, in conjunction with other cultural resources, could attract a flow of cultural tourists. This fact could be, as the theory suggests, characterized as market or niche innovation, as the region is dominated by the sun and sea and wind sports tourism


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DBMODELING is a relational database of annotated comparative protein structure models and their metabolic, pathway characterization. It is focused on enzymes identified in the genomes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Xylella fastidiosa. The main goal of the present database is to provide structural models to be used in docking simulations and drug design. However, since the accuracy of structural models is highly dependent on sequence identity between template and target, it is necessary to make clear to the user that only models which show high structural quality should be used in such efforts. Molecular modeling of these genomes generated a database, in which all structural models were built using alignments presenting more than 30% of sequence identity, generating models with medium and high accuracy. All models in the database are publicly accessible at http://www.biocristalografia.df.ibilce.unesp.br/tools. DBMODELING user interface provides users friendly menus, so that all information can be printed in one stop from any web browser. Furthermore, DBMODELING also provides a docking interface, which allows the user to carry out geometric docking simulation, against the molecular models available in the database. There are three other important homology model databases: MODBASE, SWISSMODEL, and GTOP. The main applications of these databases are described in the present article. © 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Multipulse rectifier topologies based on autoconnections, or differential connections, are more and more applied as interface stages between the mains and power converters. These topologies mitigate many low-order current harmonics in the utility, reducing the THD (total harmonic distortion) and increasing the power factor. This paper presents a mathematical model based on phasor diagrams, that results in a single expression able to unify all differential topologies connections (Delta and Wye), for both step-up or step-down autotransformers, for 12 and 18-pulse AC-DC converters. The proposed family of converters can be designed for any relationship between the input voltage and the load voltage. An immediate application would be the retrofit, i.e. to replace a conventional rectifier with poor quality of the processed energy by the 12 or 18 pulses rectifier with Wye or Delta-differential connection. The design procedure, simple and fast, is developed and tested for a prototype rating 6 kW and 250 V on the DC load © 2010 IEEE.


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Transmission expansion planning (TEP) is a non-convex optimization problem that can be solved via different heuristic algorithms. A variety of classical as well as heuristic algorithms in literature are addressed to solve TEP problem. In this paper a modified constructive heuristic algorithm (CHA) is proposed for solving such a crucial problem. Most of research papers handle TEP problem by linearization of the non-linear mathematical model while in this research TEP problem is solved via CHA using non-linear model. The proposed methodology is based upon Garver's algorithm capable of applying to a DC model. Simulation studies and tests results on the well known transmission network such as: Garver and IEEE 24-bus systems are carried out to show the significant performance as well as the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. © 2011 IEEE.


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This article aims to understand how the participation and performance of the state of Bahia at the I Campeonato Brasileiro de Seleções (I Brazilian Soccer Championship), also known as the Torneio do Centenário (Centenary Championship) in 1922 represented an opportunity for the state to claim a centrality in the formation of a national identity associated with soccer. The tournament was conceived as a draft for the formation of a national soccer team that would participate in the VI Campeonato Sul Americano (VI South American Championship) in Brazil. In addition, the event also came to be regarded as a celebration of the fi rst centenary of the Independence, a date that has encouraged the country to refl ect upon its national identity, as well as to reconsider its insertion in modernity. Bahia did well in the tournament, ensuring the second position. As a result, the local press went on to claim the participation of their athletes in the national team and to criticize the disregard of the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo towards the Northern region of the country. The local press would also challenge the policies of the Confederação Brasileira de Desportos (Brazilian Sports Confederation), the CBD, claiming that they favored the Southern states. Moreover, for the local elites the success of Bahia in the tournament represented the strength and greatness of the state, which gave them the right to claim a greater space and role in the destiny of the country. Finally, the performance of Bahia and its consequences have allowed us to question the limits and peculiarities of the formation of a national identity through the sport, at a moment when the country sought to rethink their identity historically marked by disputes and regional tensions.