848 resultados para social cognition models


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Marriage breakdown through separation and divorce is a pervasive feature of Australian society. But little research investigates the social factors associated with marital breakdown in Australia. This study builds on and extends Australian research by using survival analysis models to examine patterns of association among temporal, life-course, attitudinal and economic factors associated with marital breakdown. Using data from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey, we find marital breakdown in Australia is socially patterned in similar ways to other Western countries. But our findings point to several directions for future research into marriage breakdown in Australia, and we identify certain unique features of Australian marriage breakdown that warrant a more detailed investigation, such as the relationship between ethnic origin and the risk of marital breakdown.


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Network building and exchange of information by people within networks is crucial to the innovation process. Contrary to older models, in social networks the flow of information is noncontinuous and nonlinear. There are critical barriers to information flow that operate in a problematic manner. New models and new analytic tools are needed for these systems. This paper introduces the concept of virtual circuits and draws on recent concepts of network modelling and design to introduce a probabilistic switch theory that can be described using matrices. It can be used to model multistep information flow between people within organisational networks, to provide formal definitions of efficient and balanced networks and to describe distortion of information as it passes along human communication channels. The concept of multi-dimensional information space arises naturally from the use of matrices. The theory and the use of serial diagonal matrices have applications to organisational design and to the modelling of other systems. It is hypothesised that opinion leaders or creative individuals are more likely to emerge at information-rich nodes in networks. A mathematical definition of such nodes is developed and it does not invariably correspond with centrality as defined by early work on networks.


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Caffeine is known to increase arousal, attention, and information processing-all factors implicated in facilitating persuasion. In a standard attitude-change paradigm, participants consumed an orange-juice drink that either contained caffeine (3.5 mg/kg body weight) or did not (placebo) prior to reading a counterattitudinal communication (anti-voluntary euthanasia). Participants then completed a thought-listing task and a number of attitude scales. The first experiment showed that those who consumed caffeine showed greater agreement with the communication (direct attitude: voluntary euthanasia) and on an issue related to, but not contained in, the communication (indirect attitude: abortion). The order in which direct and indirect attitudes were measured did not affect the results. A second experiment manipulated the quality of the arguments in the message (strong vs. weak) to determine whether systematic processing had occurred. There was evidence that systematic processing occurred in both drink conditions, but was greater for those who had consumed caffeine. In both experiments, the amount of message-congruent thinking mediated persuasion. These results show that caffeine can increase the extent to which people systematically process and are influenced by a persuasive communication.


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In comments on G. MacDonald and M. R. Leary (2005), J. Panksepp (2005) argued for more emphasis on social pain mechanisms, whereas P. J. Corr (2005) argued for more emphasis on physical defense mechanisms. In response to the former, the authors clarify their positions on the topics of anger, the usefulness of rat models, the role of analgesic mechanisms, and basic motivational processes. In response to the latter, the authors clarify their positions on the topics of the relation of social exclusion to fear, the value of the pain affect construct, and the nature of the social pain experience. The authors conclude that consideration of the roles of both social pain and defense mechanisms is essential to best understand human response to social exclusion.


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This study examined theory of mind (ToM) and concepts of human biology (eyes, heart, brain, lungs and mind) in a sample of 67 children, including 25 high functioning children with autism (age 6-13), plus age-matched and preschool comparison groups. Contrary to Baron-Cohen [1989, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 19(4), 579-600], most children with autism correctly understood the functions of the brain (84%) and the mind (64%). Their explanations were predominantly mentalistic. They outperformed typically developing preschoolers in understanding inner physiological (heart, lungs) and cognitive (brain, mind) systems, and scored as high as age-matched typical children. Yet, in line with much previous ToM research, most children with autism (60%) failed false belief, and their ToM performance was unrelated to their understanding of. human biology. Results were discussed in relation to neurobiological and social-experiential accounts of the ToM deficit in autism.


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The paper investigates a Bayesian hierarchical model for the analysis of categorical longitudinal data from a large social survey of immigrants to Australia. Data for each subject are observed on three separate occasions, or waves, of the survey. One of the features of the data set is that observations for some variables are missing for at least one wave. A model for the employment status of immigrants is developed by introducing, at the first stage of a hierarchical model, a multinomial model for the response and then subsequent terms are introduced to explain wave and subject effects. To estimate the model, we use the Gibbs sampler, which allows missing data for both the response and the explanatory variables to be imputed at each iteration of the algorithm, given some appropriate prior distributions. After accounting for significant covariate effects in the model, results show that the relative probability of remaining unemployed diminished with time following arrival in Australia.


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Festivals are emerging worldwide as a growing and vibrant sector of the tourism and leisure industries and are seen to have significant economic, socio-cultural, and political impacts on the destination area and host groups. While there are a number of scholars working on developing valid models to determine the economic impact of festivals on host communities, there are few studies published which focus on the social, cultural, and/or political impacts of festivals and events. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to determine the degree to which festival attendance facilitates the augmentation of social capital by drawing upon the literature from various disciplines in order to conceptualize the synergy between festivals and social capital. To achieve this, the paper will (1) examine the relevant literature on the key characteristics of ‘festivals’ as distinct from other events and (2) investigate the current uses of the notion of ‘social capital’ within the academic debates in a variety of disciplinary contexts


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The Access to Allied Psychological Services component of Australia's Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care program enables eligible general practitioners to refer consumers to allied health professionals for affordable, evidence-based mental health care, via 108 projects conducted by Divisions of General Practice. The current study profiled the models of service delivery across these projects, and examined whether particular models were associated with differential levels of access to services. We found: 76% of projects were retaining their allied health professionals under contract, 28% via direct employment, and 7% some other way; Allied health professionals were providing services from GPs' rooms in 63% of projects, from their own rooms in 63%, from a third location in 42%; and The referral mechanism of choice was direct referral in 51% of projects, a voucher system in 27%, a brokerage system in 24%, and a register system in 25%. Many of these models were being used in combination. No model was predictive of differential levels of access, suggesting that the approach of adapting models to the local context is proving successful.


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While classic intergroup theories have specified the processes explaining situational shifts in social identification, the processes whereby social identities change more profoundly and become integrated within the self have to be proposed. To this aim, the present studies investigate the processes by which group members integrate a new social identity as they are joining a new group. Combining a social identity approach and stress and coping models, this research tests if social factors (i.e., needs satisfied by fellow group members, social support), have an impact on the adaptation strategies group members use to deal with the novelty of the situation and to fit into their new group (seeking information & adopting group norms vs. disengaging). These strategies, in turn, should predict changes in level of identification with the new social group over time, as well as enhanced psychological adjustment. These associations are tested among university students over the course of their first academic year (Study 1), and among online gamers joining a newly established online community (Study 2). Path analyses provide support for the hypothesised associations. The results are discussed in light of recent theoretical developments pertaining to intraindividual changes in social identities and their integration in the self.


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A aceitação e o uso de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) pelo indivíduo têm sido estudadas por diferentes modelos conceituais que, em geral, derivaram de teorias da Psicologia como a TRA Theory of Reasoned Action e a TPB Theory of Planned Behavior, derivada da primeira. Um importante modelo de análise dai derivado, resultado da minuciosa análise de outros 8 modelos anteriores, o UTAUT - Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology de VENKATESH et. al. (2003) tem sido largamente analisado e validado em vários cenários de tecnologia e ambientes. Este trabalho visa compreender de uma maneira mais ampla dos fatores antecedentes da intenção de uso e comportamento de uso a partir do modelo UTAUT, bem como os fatores que melhores explicam a intenção e o comportamento de uso, assim como a análise de seus moderadores. Em seu desenvolvimento, Venkatesh et al. empreenderam comparações em três etapas de implantação e em dois cenários: na adoção mandatória, aquela em que se deu em ambiente empresarial onde o sistema é requerido para execução de processos e tomada de decisões, e na adoção voluntária, cenário em que a adoção se dá pelo indivíduo. No segundo caso, os autores concluíram que o fator influência social tem baixa magnitude e significância, não se revelando um fator importante na adoção da tecnologia. Este trabalho visa analisar também se o mesmo fenômeno ocorre para adoção que se dá de forma voluntária, mas passível de ser altamente influenciada pelos laços sociais, como o que ocorre entre usuários das redes sociais como Orkut, Facebook, Twitter e Linkedin, especialmente em tecnologias que habilitam ganhos associados ao exercício desses laços, como no caso do uso de sites de compras coletivas tais como Peixe Urbano, Groupon e Clickon. Com base no modelo UTAUT, foi aplicada uma pesquisa e posteriormente foram analisados os resultados de 292 respondentes validados que foram acessados por e-mails e redes sociais. A técnica de análise empregada consistiu do uso de modelagem por equações estruturais, com base no algoritmo PLS Partial Least Square, com bootstrap de 1000 reamostragens. Os resultados demonstraram alta magnitude e significância preditiva sobre a Intenção de uso da tecnologia pelos fatores de Expectativa de Desempenho (0,288@0,1%), Influência Social (0,176@0,1%). Os primeiro, compatível com estudos anteriores. Já a magnitude e significância do último fator resultou amplamente superior ao estudo original de Venkatesh et al. (2003) variando entre 0,02 a 0,04, não significante, dependendo dos dados estarem agrupados ou não (p.465). A principal conclusão deste estudo é que, ao considerarmos o fenômeno das compras coletivas, em um ambiente de adoção voluntária, portanto, o fator social é altamente influente na intenção de uso da tecnologia, o que contrasta fortemente com o estudo original do UTAUT (já que no estudo de Venkatesh et al. (2003) este fator não foi significante) e apresenta várias possibilidades de pesquisas futuras e possíveis implicações gerenciais.


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A intenção de rotatividade refere-se à probabilidade de os indivíduos deixarem o seu trabalho atual. Este tema se tornou relevante para as organizações por ser um potencial problema que pode afetar a competitividade das organizações, entre outros motivos. Acredita-se que alguns dos indivíduos com intenção de rotatividade possivelmente buscam meios de comunicação, novas tecnologias, como a rede social profissional LinkedIn objetivando disseminar suas informações profissionais, localizar oportunidades profissionais, obter mais contatos e informações sobre o mercado de trabalho, entre outras possibilidades. Desse modo, a intenção de rotatividade pode ser avaliada como um fator antecedente à adoção individual da rede social profissional LinkedIn. Este estudo analisou os fatores antecedentes que podem influenciar a intenção de uso e o comportamento de uso da rede social profissional LinkedIn, apoiando-se na perspectiva teórica da Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso da Tecnologia (UTAUT), de Venkatesh et al (2003), e na escala de intenção de rotatividade, de Siqueira et al (2014) e Van Dam (2008). A pesquisa fundamenta-se em uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa na qual os dados foram coletados por meio de um instrumento de pesquisa com a obtenção de 292 questionários respondidos, o que possibilitou a validação dos relacionamentos entre os construtos componentes do modelo de pesquisa desenvolvido para o estudo da adoção individual da rede social profissional LinkedIn. Para realizar o teste das hipóteses do estudo, procedeu-se a análise de equações estruturais, com base no PLS-PM (Partial Least Squares Path Modeling) a partir do qual foram apresentadas medidas satisfatórias para os construtos investigados e o modelo proposto, sendo significativas todas as relações entre os construtos. Os resultados obtidos por esta pesquisa confirmam a influência dos fatores antecedentes Expectativa de Desempenho, Expectativa de Esforço, Influência Social e Intenção de Rotatividade na intenção de uso da rede social profissional LinkedIn. O estudo concluiu que Expectativa de Desempenho revelou-se o fator que mais influencia na intenção de uso do LinkedIn, pois há a percepção de que ao utilizar o LinkedIn pode-se obter benefícios profissionais, entre outros aspectos. O segundo fator que apresentou maior influência na intenção de uso do LinkedIn foi a intenção de rotatividade, uma vez que alguns dos indivíduos, ao adotarem o LinkedIn, provavelmente tendem a mostrar para as outras pessoas/organizações interessadas quais são os seus talentos, suas experiências, competências, além de obter mais contatos, entre outros motivos. Já a Expectativa de Esforço demonstrou que alguns indivíduos percebem que é fácil a interação desta tecnologia. A Influência Social constatou que existe a percepção dos indivíduos quanto à influência da sua rede de contatos na intenção de uso do LinkedIn.