891 resultados para sheep.
The incidence of surgically confirmed cystic echinococcosis in eastern Libya was estimated to be at least 4.2 cases/100,000, with significantly more female cases than male. The prevalences of infection with Echinococcus granulosus among 1087 sheep, 881 goats, 428 camels and 614 cattle from the same region, determined postmortem in abattoirs, were 20%, 3.4%, 13.6% and 11%, respectively. Infection in the livestock was age-dependent and, generally, the female animals were more often infected than the male. The measurements of rostellar hooks on protoscoleces collected from sheep and cattle were similar but significantly different from the corresponding measurements of parasites of human or camel origin. However, when a portion of the cytochrome c-oxidase subunit I (coxl) gene from each of 30 protoscolex samples from Libya (12 from cattle, three from humans, five from camels and 10 from sheep) was sequenced, the sequences were all found to be identical to that published for the common sheep strain of E. granulosus.
Distinct Echinococcus granulosus life cycle patterns have been described in North America: domestic and sylvatic. Gene sequences of the sylvatic E. granulosus indicate that it represents a separate variant. Case-based data have suggested that the course of sylvatic disease is less severe than that of domestic disease. which led to the recommendation to treat cystic echinococcosis patients in the Arctic by careful medical management rather than by aggressive surgery. We recently reported the first two documented E. granalosus human cases in Alaska with accompanying severe sequelae. Here we describe the results of molecular genetic analysis of the cyst material of one of the subjects that supported identification of the parasite as the sylvatic (cervid) strain and not the domestic (common sheep strain), which was initially thought to be implicated in these unusually severe Alaskan cases.
RT-PCR followed by 5'- and 3'- rapid amplification of cDNA ends was used to clone and sequence ovine prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP). The cDNA was characterised by short 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions and a GC-rich (71%) coding region. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences for the coding region showed 95.6 and 94.9% identity with bovine PrRP but the amino acid sequence of PrRP31 was conserved between these species. Northern blot analysis and RT-PCR showed that, as in the rat, the peptide was more abundantly expressed in the brainstem than the hypothalamus. However, in the ovine hypothalamus, PrRP mRNA expression was more widespread than in the rat, with expression detected in both rostral and caudal parts of the mediobasal hypothalamus. The effects of synthetic ovine PrRP on prolactin secretion both in vitro and in vivo were also examined. In primary cultures of sheep pituitary cells, PrRP significantly (P
Concerns of reduced productivity and land degradation in the Mitchell grasslands of central western Queensland were addressed through a range monitoring program to interpret condition and trend. Botanical and eclaphic parameters were recorded along piosphere and grazing gradients, and across fenceline impact areas, to maximise changes resulting from grazing. The Degradation Gradient Method was used in conjunction with State and Transition Models to develop models of rangeland dynamics and condition. States were found to be ordered along a degradation gradient, indicator species developed according to rainfall trends and transitions determined from field data and available literature. Astrebla spp. abundance declined with declining range condition and increasing grazing pressure, while annual grasses and forbs increased in dominance under poor range condition. Soil erosion increased and litter decreased with decreasing range condition. An approach to quantitatively define states within a variable rainfall environment based upon a time-series ordination analysis is described. The derived model could provide the interpretive framework necessary to integrate on-ground monitoring, remote sensing and geographic information systems to trace states and transitions at the paddock scale. However, further work is needed to determine the full catalogue of states and transitions and to refine the model for application at the paddock scale.
Dizygotic twinning in humans is influenced by genetic factors suggesting inherited variation affects follicle development and predisposes to double ovulations. In a previous study, we conducted a detailed examination of follicle development and variation in hormone concentrations during the menstrual cycle in mothers of DZ twins (MODZT) compared with an age-matched control group of mothers of singletons. We did not detect differences in FSH concentrations between mothers of twins and mothers of singletons. Serum inhibin concentrations were measured by a radioimmunoassay that did not distinguish between dimeric inhibin A and B forms and free inhibin alpha subunit. We therefore analyzed the samples from this study with specific assays to determine whether concentrations of inhibin A and B were different between MODZT and controls and therefore contribute to the twinning phenotype. There were no significant differences between MONT with single ovulations and control women in inhibin A and B concentrations during the cycle, including the critical period for the selection of the dominant follicle. These data suggest that the genetic cause of twinning is not associated with changes in FSH concentrations or recognised feedback mechanisms regulating FSH release.
Male kids (110) from six goat genotypes, i.e. Boer x Angora (BA), Boer x Feral (1317), Boer x Saanen (BS), Feral x Feral (FF), Saanen x Angora (SA) and Saanen x Feral (SF) and two slaughter weight groups, i.e. Capretto and Chevon (liveweight at slaughter 14-22 and 30-35 kg, respectively) were compared for growth, carcass and meat quality characteristics. Due to their better growth rate, kids from BS and SF genotypes reached the required liveweight for slaughter earlier than kids from other Genotypes used in the study. Chevon kids had a significantly (P < 0.05) lower average daily gain (119 g per day) compared to Capretto kids (171 g per day). SA, SF and FF kids deposited more internal fat in comparison to kids from other genotypes. The dressing percentage of kids ranged from 51 to 54%, with significant differences between genotypes. BS and SF kids had longer carcasses. while BF kids had larger eye muscle area compared to other genotypes. Goat carcasses had a thin subcutaneous fat cover (1.6-2.2 mm). Genotype had a significant (P < 0.05) influence on cooking loss, pigment concentration and muscle colour parameters (CIE L*, a* and b* values). As denoted by the higher V and fibre optic probe values and lower subjective muscle score, the longissimus muscle colour was lighter for BS kids than other genotypes. Cooked meat from the BF kids had lower shear force values and better sensory scores compared to other genotypes. A significant (P < 0.05) decrease in muscle tenderness was observed from Capretto to Chevon carcasses, whereas cooked meat from these two slaughter weight groups was equally accepted (P > 0.05) by the panellists. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
X-ray reflectivity of bovine and sheep surfactant-associated protein B (SP-B) monolayers is used in conjunction with pressure-area isotherms and protein models to suggest that the protein undergoes changes in its tertiary structure at the air/water interface under the influence of surface pressure, indicating the likely importance of such changes to the phenomena of protein squeeze out as well as lipid exchange between the air-water interface and subphase structures. We describe an algorithm based on the well-established box- or layer-models that greatly assists the fitting of such unknown scattering-length density profiles, and which takes the available instrumental resolution into account. Scattering-length density profiles from neutron reflectivity of bovine SP-B monolayers on aqueous subphases are shown to be consistent with the exchange of a large number of labile protons as well as the inclusion of a significant amount of water, which is partly squeezed out of the protein monolayer at elevated surface pressures.
In the context of previous publications, we propose a new lightweight UM process, intended to work as a tourism recommender system in a commercial environment. The new process tackles issues like cold start, gray sheep and over specialization through a rich user model and the application of a gradual forgetting function to the collected user action history. Also, significant performance improvements were achieved regarding the previously proposed UM process.
C3H/He and C57B1/6 mice were inoculated with 500 Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes (Strain Y). During the acute phase infected mice presented parasitemia and enlargement of lymph nodes and spleens and intracellular parasites were observed in the heart. Examinations of cells derived from spleen and lymph nodes showed increased numbers of IgM and IgG-bearing cells. During the peak of splenomegaly, about day 17 post-infections, splenic lymphocytes showed a marked decrease in responsiveness to T and B-cell mitogens, parasite antigens and plaque forming cells (PFC) to sheep red blood cells (SRBC). Unfractionated or plastic adherent splenic cells from mice, obtained during the acute phase were able to suppress the response to mitogens by lymphocytes from uninfected mice. During the chronic phase. Disappearance of parasitemia and intracellular parasites in the hearts as well as a decrease in spleen size, was observed. These changes preceded the complete recovery of responsiveness to mitogens and T. cruzi antigens by C57B1/6 splenic lymphocytes. However, this recovery was only partial in the C3H/He mice, known to be more sensitive to T. cruzi infection. Partial recovery of humoral immune response also occurred in both strains of mice during the chronic phase.
A comparison of two different standardized reagent procedures for the passive haemagglutination test (PHA) in the detection of specific antibody to Cysticercus cellulosae in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was carried out. The formaldehyde-treated group O Rh-human red blood cells (HuRBC) and glutaraldehyde-treated sheep red blood cells (SRBC) were the supplies for the reagents preparation and, in the tests, they were designated as PHA-1 and PHA-2, respectively. For both reagents the cells were coated with the cysticerci total saline extract (TS) antigen. PHA-1 and PHA-2 were assessed in a total of 204 CSF from patients with neurocysticercosis, from non-related infections and from healthy individuals. The positivity and specificity indices obtained were respectively 81.7% and 94.4% for PHA-1 and for PHA-2, 88.7% and 96.6%. Since no significant differences were observed between the results provided by two reagents, at level of significance of 0.05, either processes of cell sensitization can alternatively be used according to the own laboratory convenience.
A laboratory study was conducted to test the toxicity of synthetic insecticides added to defibrinated sheep blood kept at room temperature and offered as food to the following triatomine species: Triatoma infestans, Panstrongylus megistus, Triatoma vitticeps, Triatoma pseudomaculata, Triatoma brasiliensis and Rhodnius prolixus. The insecticides used, at a concentration of 1g/l, were: HCH, DDT, Malathion and Trichlorfon, and the lethalithy observed at the end of a 7-day period varied according to the active principle of each. HCH was the most effective by the oral route, killing 100% of the insects, except P. megistus (95.7%) and T. pseudomaculata (94.1%). Trichlorfon killed the insects at rates ranging from 71.8% (T. vitticeps) to 98% (R. prolixus). Malathion was slightly less efficient, killing the insects at rates from 56.8% (T. vitticeps) to 97% (T.brasiliensis). DDT was the least effective, with a killing rate of 10% (T. vitticeps) to 75% (T.brasiliensis). Since the tests were performed at room temperature, we suggest that baits of this type should be tried for the control of triatomines in the field.
Haemolytic activity of sixty nine Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans strains on different animal and human blood types was examined by using a trypticase soy agar supplemented with yeast extract (0.5%). Blood types used were: rabbit, sheep and human (A, Rh+; A, Rh-; B, Rh+; B, Rh-; O, Rh+; O, Rh-; AB, Rh+; AB, Rh- groups). Plates were inoculated and, incubated in microaerophilic conditions, at 37ºC, for 48 h. The haemolytic activity of the tested strains was characterized as alpha-haemolysis. Only two isolates were not haemolytic on all blood types (2.9%), two strains were haemolytic only on human blood (one strain on AB, Rh+ group and another one on A, Rh+ and AB, Rh+ groups). No specificity between haemolysin produced by the tested strains and blood type was observed.
Animal and human rabies samples isolated between 1989 and 2000 were typified by means of a monoclonal antibody panel against the viral nucleoprotein. The panel had been previously established to study the molecular epidemiology of rabies virus in the Americas. Samples were isolated in the Diagnostic Laboratory of the Pasteur Institute and in other rabies diagnostic centers in Brazil. In addition to the fixed virus samples CVS-31/96-IP, preserved in mouse brain, and PV-BHK/97, preserved in cell culture, a total of 330 rabies virus samples were isolated from dogs, cats, cattle, horses, bats, sheep, goat, swine, foxes, marmosets, coati and humans. Six antigenic variants that were compatible with the pre-established monoclonal antibodies panel were defined: numbers 2 (dog), 3 (Desmodus rotundus), 4 (Tadarida brasiliensis), 5 (vampire bat from Venezuela), 6 (Lasiurus cinereus) and Lab (reacted to all used antibodies). Six unknown profiles, not compatible with the panel, were also found. Samples isolated from insectivore bats showed the greatest variability and the most commonly isolated variant was variant-3 (Desmodus rotundus). These findings may be related to the existence of multiple independent transmission cycles, involving different bat species.
40 Echinococcus isolates from sheep and cattle in Southern Brazil were genetically analysed in order to obtain further data on the presence of different taxa of the Echinococcus granulosus complex. Differentiation was done using a PCR technique and sequencing of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (CO1). Most samples (38) could be allocated to the sheep strain (G1) of E. granulosus, while two samples belonged to E. ortleppi, previously known as cattle strain (G5) of E. granulosus. Due to the shorter prepatent period in dogs of the latter taxon, this records have important implications for the design of control measures in this endemic region.
Antibody in human sera that induces lysis of sheep erythrocytes in hemolytic assay was investigated. The present study showed that the presence in serum of the thermostable cytolytic anti-sheep red blood cells antibodies is dependent on the Schistosoma mansoni infection, and this is more frequent in adults than in children. The thermostable characteristic of hemolysins in normal sera was not dependent on the presence of Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura or hookworm geo-helminths. Further, thermostable complement-activating heterophile antibodies were noticed in children in association with massive number of S. mansoni eggs. The results were obtained by using the z- and the chi-square tests. The z-test allows us to formulate a one-sided alternative, i.e., a tendency of one of the attributes. On the other hand, the chi-square test analyzes the independence between attributes by using a contingency table. Besides the obtained results being interesting in the field of schistosomiasis mansoni, they can provide a new insight into the use of statistics in medical science.