916 resultados para shark feeds


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Large pelagic sharks are caught incidentally in the swordfish and tuna fisheries of the Mediterranean Sea. In our study, twelve shark species were documented as bycatch over three years from 1998 to 2000. Blue shark (Prionace glauca) was the predominant species in all gears and areas examined. Shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), common thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus), and tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus) were the next most abundant shark species—found in more than half of the areas sampled. Catch composition varied both in the areas and gears investigated. Sharks represented 34.3% in weight of total catches sampled in the Alboran Sea and 0.9% in the Straits of Sicily. Higher shark catches were observed in the swordfish longline fishery, where a nominal CPUE value reached 3.8 sharks/1000 hooks in the Alboran Sea. Size distribution by fishing gear varied significantly. Albacore longline catches consisted mainly of juveniles, whereas subadult and adult specimens were more frequent in the swordfish longline and driftnet fishery. The percentage of sharks brought onboard alive was exceptionally high; only 5.1% of the specimens died. Few discards (seven blue shark) were recorded in the Greek longline fleet during onboard sampling in the Aegean Se


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To find out if pawpaw (Carica papaya) seeds can induce sterility in male Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and to determine if sterility so induced is reversible or otherwise, mature male tilapia of mean weight 40 g were treated for 30 days with a low dose (4.9 g/kg/day) and a high dose (9.8 g/kg/day) of ground pawpaw seeds incorporated into their feed. Fish of similar sizes in the control experiment were fed with feed that did not contain pawpaw seed. The pawpaw seeds induced permanent sterility in the fish that received the high dose, while sterility in the low dose treatment was reversible. Fish in the control experiment spawned two weeks into the experiment and again in the fifth week. Fish in the low dose treatment spawned three weeks after the treatment had been discontinued. Histological sections of the testes showed that pawpaw seeds produced swollen nuclei in the low dose treatment and disintegrated cells in the high dose treatment. The study showed that pawpaw seeds, which are easy to obtain, can be incorporated into fish feeds and used by farmers to control prolific breeding of Nile tilapia.


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Women in India are involved in various facets of shrimp (Penaeus monodon; Penaeus indicus) farming, including pond construction, seed collection, collection of feed materials and preparation of feeds, pond maintenance and post-harvest handling. This study indicates that 40% of laborers involved in shrimp farm construction are women. The various roles of women in shrimp farming are also described.


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Zooplankton are an important food source for many species of fish. They can provide an inexpensive alternative to other commercial feeds. Zooplankton have several advantages, among them a faster growth and greater feed efficiency for some species. The flavor and texture of fish are also improved with zooplankton as feed. Further research is needed on the chemical composition of zooplankton, the development of zooplankton-based dry diets and the effects of the replacement of fish meal with zooplankton meal for commercial aquaculture species.


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Phosphorus is an essential element for living organisms and exists in waterbodies as dissolved and particulate forms. Phosphorus is required for optimum growth, feed efficiency, bone development and maintenance of acid-base regulation in fish. The presence of high concentration of phosphates in water may indicate presence of pollution as it may accelerate plant growth and disrupt the aquatic ecosystem thereby benefiting certain species and altering species diversity in affected areas. Eutrophication of waterbodies is often correlated with the phosphorus loading into the environment and aquaculture has been identified as one of the sources of phosphorus pollution. Details of the impacts of eutrophication is given in Bernhardt (1981). Phosphorus must be provided in fish feed because of its low concentration in water. Studies made in Europe and Northern America have revealed a phosphorus surplus in most commercial feeds which is above actual requirements; or is supplied in a form which is unavailable to the fish. Surplus phosphorus is excreted, while unavailable phosphorus is passed out in the feces. Discharge of phosphorus from fish farms and hatchery effluents have caused phosphorus pollution in Nordic countries, North America and Europe. This article examines the path of phosphorus pollution, quantification/prediction of phosphorus load from aquaculture and remedial measures.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar de maneira comparada o impacto da política internacional de drogas no Brasil e na Colômbia, analisando a maneira como estes países têm adotado as diretrizes internacionais estabelecidas, adaptando-as de maneira distorcida a sua própria realidade. De igual maneira se analisa como dita política internacional, contrariando seus objetivos, tem estimulado o desenvolvimento de um mercado ilegal de drogas ilícitas na região, com o qual tem aumentado a violência e os problemas causados pela dependência a estas substâncias. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, antes, faze-se, de maneira específica, uma breve análise da evolução da política internacional sobre drogas e, em termos gerais, da política criminal, para o qual se distingue os discursos que a compõem e o contexto social em que estes se reproduzem; em outras palavras, distinguindo a ideologia da realidade que aquela modifica. Portanto, resulta imprescindível começar qualquer estudo de política criminal sem passar por sua fonte que é o Estado. Nesse sentido, a tese central deste estudo é que de maneira similar como acontece com o Estado, a política criminal de drogas se constitui numa ideologia que cria a realidade que a sustenta, ocultando as relações de poder que há por detrás da política internacional de drogas; em outras palavras, a política internacional de drogas adotada pelo Brasil e pela Colômbia produz os males que ela pretende combater. Por último, este trabalho pretende mostrar que o debate sobre as drogas ilícitas vá além duma simples questão da ciência criminal ou o direito penal. Um debate, que parta da realidade da política criminal de drogas e de sua ideologia, leva a romper com o pensamento tradicional sustentado no saber-poder que a sustenta, e que há permitido sua acolhida no contexto tanto brasileiro como colombiano, apesar de tratar-se de realidades diferentes em quanto ao tráfico e o consumo das drogas ilícitas.


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The results of a study on length-weight relationships of Penaeus monodon, reared in fertilized ponds in Kerala, India, and fed three different supplementary feeds are presented.


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The gut contents of Sardina pilchardus specimens captured in Izmir Bay were examined in order to determine their feeding regimes. Of the 365 stomachs examined, 321 (87.95%) contained food and 44 (12.05%) were empty. Analysis of gut contents verified that S. pilchardus feeds on zooplankton. The most important group in the diet of S. pilchardus was copepods (79.79%). Decapod crustacean larvae (8.17%) and bivalves (3.18%) were second and third, respectively, in order of importance. The application of analysis of variance to monthly data of numerical percentage, weight percentage, frequency of occurrence and index of relative importance indicated that there was no significant difference between months. Oncaea media was the most dominant species for six months of the year. Euterpina acutifrons, Centropages typicus, Calanoida, Oncaea sp. and Corycaeus sp. were the most dominant for March, April, May, September, October and December.


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Reproductive data collected from porbeagle, shortfin mako, and blue sharks caught around New Zealand were used to estimate the median length at maturity. Data on clasper development, presence or absence of spermatophores or spermatozeugmata, uterus width, and pregnancy were collected by observers aboard tuna longline vessels. Direct maturity estimates were made for smaller numbers of sharks sampled at recreational fishing competitions. Some data sets were sparse, particularly over the vital maturation length range, but the availability of multiple indicators of maturity made it possible to develop estimates for both sexes of all three species. Porbeagle shark males matured at 140–150 cm fork length and females at about 170–180 cm. New Zealand porbeagles therefore mature at shorter lengths than they do in the North Atlantic Ocean. Shortfin mako males matured at 180–185 cm and females at 275 –285 cm. Blue shark males matured at about 190 –195 cm and females at 170–190 cm; however these estimates were hampered by small sample sizes, difficulty obtaining representative samples from a population segregated by sex and maturity stage, and maturation that occurred over a wide length range. It is not yet clear whether regional differences in median maturity exist for shortfin mako and


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Molecular-based approaches for shark species identification have been driven largely by issues specific to the fishery. In an effort to establish a more comprehensive identification data set, we investigated DNA sequence variation of a 1.4-kb region from the mitochondrial genome covering partial sequences from the 12S rDNA, 16S rDNA, and the complete valine tRNA from 35 shark species from the Atlantic fishery. Generally, within-species variability was low in relation to interspecific divergence because species haloptypes formed monophyletic groups. Phylogenetic analyses resolved ordinal relationships among Carcharhiniformes and Lamniformes, and revealed support for the families Sphyrnidae and Triakidae (within Carcharhiniformes) and Lamnidae and Alopidae (within Lamniformes). The combination of limited intraspecific variability and sufficient between-species divergence indicates that this locus is suitable for species identification.


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Os nudibrânquios gastrópodes são carnívoros e muitas espécies têm dietas especializadas, consumindo uma única ou poucas espécies de esponjas marinhas. No Brasil não existe, até o momento, nenhum estudo específico sobre a ecologia das espécies de nudibrânquios abordando qualquer interação com outros grupos de animais marinhos. Também não existem estudos sobre ensaios biológicos que avaliem o comportamento alimentar e a mediação química existente entre os nudibrânquios e suas presas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) registrar in situ a predação de nudibrânquios doridáceos sobre esponjas marinhas no litoral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, identificar as espécies envolvidas, e comparar com os padrões de alimentação observados em outras regiões do mundo e b) avaliar o comportamento de quimiotaxia positiva de nudibrânquios em relação às suas presas. Observações sobre a dieta dos nudibrânquios foram realizadas através de mergulhos livres ou autônomos e o comportamento destes em relação às esponjas foi registrado. Um total de 139 observações foram realizadas em 15 espécies de nudibrânquios doridáceos: Felimida binza; Felimida paulomarcioi; Felimare lajensis; Tyrinna evelinae; Cadlina rumia; Diaulula greeleyi; Discodoris evelinae; Geitodoris pusae; Jorunna spazzola; Jorunna spongiosa; Rostanga byga; Taringa telopia; Doris kyolis; Dendrodoris krebsii e Tayuva hummelincki. A predação foi confirmada em 89 (64%) das 139 observações e em 12 (80%) das 15 espécies de nudibrânquios. A principal interação ecológica existente entre os nudibrânquios e as esponjas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro é a de consumo (predação). Em laboratório, o comportamento alimentar das espécies Cadlina rumia e Tyrinna evelinae foi avaliado em ensaios de preferência com dupla escolha oferecendo esponjas frescas. Experimentos de oferta de esponjas vivas, pó de esponjas liofilizadas e extratos brutos orgânicos das esponjas foram utilizados para investigar se a percepção dos moluscos às suas presas é modulada por sinais químicos. O nudibrânquio Cadlina rumia não consumiu nenhuma das esponjas oferecidas, mas detectou o sinal químico das esponjas vivas, e não detectou o sinal químico da esponja Dysidea etheria, liofilizada em pó, incorporada em alimentos artificiais. Tyrinna evelinae detectou o sinal químico da esponja D. etheria oferecida de duas maneiras diferentes: viva e liofilizada em pó. Foi confirmada em laboratório, a predação in situ da esponja D. etheria pelo nudibrânquio T. evelinae, constituindo o primeiro registro de predação observado in situ e in vitro para o gênero Tyrinna. De uma maneira geral, os resultados das observações de campo corroboram os padrões de alimentação observados em outras regiões do mundo e as esponjas da Classe Demospongiae são recursos fundamentais para a dieta dos nudibrânquios doridáceos no Rio de Janeiro. A sinalização química e a taxia positiva foi evidente para o nudibrânquio que possui dieta mais especializada, Tyrinna evelinae, e não para aquele que se alimenta de várias esponjas, Cadlina rumia.


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Long-term trends in the elasmobranch assemblage of Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California, were analyzed by documenting species composition and catch per unit effort (CPUE) from 55 sport fishing derbies that occurred during May, June, and July, from 1951 until 1995. The most abundant species (bat ray, Myliobatis californica; shovelnose guitarfish, Rhinobatos productus; and leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata) were also analyzed for size-weight relationships, trends in size class distribution, stage of maturity, and sex ratios. Changes in species composition over the course of the derbies included the near complete disappearance of shovelnose guitarfish by the 1970’s and a slight increase in the abundance of minor species (mainly smoothhounds, Mustelus spp., and thornback, Platyrhinoidis triseriata) starting in the mid 1960’s. The relative abundance of bat rays in the catch steadily increased over the years while the relative abundance of leopard sharks declined during the last two decades. However the average number of bat rays and leopard sharks caught per derby declined during the last two decades. Fishing effort appeared to increase over the course of the derbies. There were no dramatic shifts in the size class distribution data for bat rays, leopard sharks, or shovelnose guitarfish. The catch of bat rays and leopard sharks was consistently dominated by immature individuals, while the catch of shovelnose guitarfish was heavily dominated by adults. There was evidence of sexual segregation in either immature or mature fish in all the species. Female bat rays and shovelnose guitarfish were larger than their male counterparts and outnumbered males nearly 2:1. Female and male leopard sharks were more nearly equal in size and sex ratio. Changes in species composition are likely due to fishing pressure, shifts in the prevailing oceanographic conditions, and habitat alteration in Elkhorn Slough. The sex ratios, stage of maturity, and size class distributions provide further evidence for the theory that Elkhorn Slough functions as a nursery habitat for bat rays and leopard sha


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Twenty-nine verified records of white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, from British Columbia and Alaska waters (1961–2004) are presented. Record locations ranged from lat. 48°48ʹN to lat. 60°17ʹN, including the northernmost occurrence of a white shark and the first report of this species from the central Bering Sea. White sharks recorded from the study area were generally large, with 95% falling between 3.8 and 5.4 m in length. Mature white sharks of both sexes occur in British Columbia and Alaska waters, although they do not necessarily reproduce there. White sharks actively feed in the study area; their diet is similar to that reported for this species from Washington and northern California waters. Sea surface temperature (SST) concurrent with white shark records from the study area ranged from 16°C to between 6.4°C and 5.0°C, extending the lower extreme of the range of SST from which this species has been previously reported. White shark strandings are rarely reported, yet 16 (55%) of the records in this study are of beached animals; strandings generally occurred later in the year and at lower latitudes than nonstrandings. No significant correlation was found between white shark records in the study area and El Niño events and no records occurred during La Niña events. The data presented here indicate that white sharks are more abundant in the cold waters of British Columbia and Alaska than previous records suggest.


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Fifty-one deepwater and other shark species of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, which currently are not included in any Federal fishery management plan, are described, with a focus on primary distribution. Many of these shark species are not well known, while others which are more common may be of particular interest. Owing to concerns regarding possible increases in fishing effort for some of these species, as well as possible increases in bycatch rates as other fisheries move farther offshore, it is important that these sharks be considered in marine ecosystem management efforts. This will necessitate a better understanding of their biology and distribution. Primary distribution maps are included, based on geographic information system (GIS) analyses of both published and unpublished data, and a review of the literature. The most recent systematic classification and nomenclature for these species is used.