968 resultados para sewage sludge ash
The Mitchell County Soil and Water Conservation District is applying on behalf of the incorporated community of Carpenter to construct a wastewater collection and treatment system to assist in the environmental cleanup and protection of Deer Creek. IDNR water monitoring of the community tile line has shown consistently elevated levels of fecal coliform bacteria indicating the presence of untreated sewage water. These are obvious health threats to the downstream users and wildlife in Deer Creek and the Cedar River. A new sewer system for the community of Carpenter will eliminate illegal discharges into the creed and be the first step in the overall protection of the stream.
Fly ash, a by-product of coal-fired electricity generating plants, has for years been promoted as a material suitable for highway construction. Disposal of the large quantities of fly ash produced is expensive and creates environmental concerns. The pozzolanic properties make it promotable as a partial Portland cement replacement in pc concrete, a stabilizer for soil and aggregate in embankments and road bases, and a filler material in grout. Stabilizing soils and aggregates for road construction has the potential of using large quantities of fly ash. Iowa Highway Research Board Project HR-194, "Mission-Oriented Dust Control and Surface Improvement Processes for Unpaved Roads", included short test sections of cement, fly ash, and salvaged granular road material mixed for a base in western Iowa. The research showed that cement fly ash aggregate (CFA) has promise as a stabilizing agent in Iowa. There are several sources of sand that when mixed with fly ash may attain strengths much greater than fly ash mixed with salvaged granular road material at little additional cost
In 1982 the Iowa DOT allowed a successful bidder the option of submitting materials and proportions using fly ash to produce a portland cement concrete (PCC) paving mixture to meet a specified compressive strength. The contractor, Irving F. Jensen, received approval for the use of a concrete mixture utilizing 500 lbs. of portland cement and 88 lbs. of fly ash as a replacement of 88 lbs. of portland cement. The PCC mixture was utilized on the Muscatine County US 61 relocation bypass paved as project F-61-4(32)--20-70. A Class "C" fly ash obtained from the Chillicothe electric generating plant approximately 100 miles away was used in the project. This use of fly ash in lieu of portland cement resulted in a cost savings of $64,500 and an energy savings of approximately 16 billion BTU. The compressive strength of this PCC mixture option was very comparable to concrete mixtures produced without the use of fly ash. The pavement has been performing very well. The substitution of fly ash for 15% of the cement has been allowed as a contractor's option since 1984. Due to the cost savings, it has been used in almost all Iowa PCC paving since that time.
The objective of this research project was to evaluate the construction and service performance of ammonium phosphate/fly ash (APFA) treated base courses of crushed fines and/or unprocessed sand. Specific test results related to construction of the test sections were included in the 1987 construction report by Iowa State University. The performance of the experimental sections is dealt with in this final report. This 1986 project demonstrated that in all cases the control sections utilizing a Type B base experienced dramatically less cracking in the surface than the APFA treated base sections. The cost per mix and subsequent surface maintenance costs for the APFA base sections, especially those having a substantial amount of limestone, were higher than the Type B base control sections. This type of construction may prove to be economical only when petroleum product costs escalate.
In this study, equations for the calculation of erosion wear caused by ash particles on convective heat exchanger tubes of steam boilers are presented. Anew, three-dimensional test arrangement was used in the testing of the erosion wear of convective heat exchanger tubes of steam boilers. When using the sleeve-method, three different tube materials and three tube constructions could be tested. New results were obtained from the analyses. The main mechanisms of erosionwear phenomena and erosion wear as a function of collision conditions and material properties have been studied. Properties of fossil fuels have also been presented. When burning solid fuels, such as pulverized coal and peat in steam boilers, most of the ash is entrained by the flue gas in the furnace. In bubbling andcirculating fluidized bed boilers, particle concentration in the flue gas is high because of bed material entrained in the flue gas. Hard particles, such as sharp edged quartz crystals, cause erosion wear when colliding on convective heat exchanger tubes and on the rear wall of the steam boiler. The most important ways to reduce erosion wear in steam boilers is to keep the velocity of the flue gas moderate and prevent channelling of the ash flow in a certain part of the cross section of the flue gas channel, especially near the back wall. One can do this by constructing the boiler with the following components. Screen plates can beused to make the velocity and ash flow distributions more even at the cross-section of the channel. Shield plates and plate type constructions in superheaters can also be used. Erosion testing was conducted with three types of tube constructions: a one tube row, an inline tube bank with six tube rows, and a staggered tube bank with six tube rows. Three flow velocities and two particle concentrations were used in the tests, which were carried out at room temperature. Three particle materials were used: quartz, coal ash and peat ash particles. Mass loss, diameter loss and wall thickness loss measurements of the test sleeves were taken. Erosion wear as a function of flow conditions, tube material and tube construction was analyzed by single-variable linear regression analysis. In developing the erosion wear calculation equations, multi-variable linear regression analysis was used. In the staggered tube bank, erosion wear had a maximum value in a tube row 2 and a local maximum in row 5. In rows 3, 4 and 6, the erosion rate was low. On the other hand, in the in-line tube bank the minimum erosion rate occurred in tube row 2 and in further rows the erosion had an increasing value, so that in a six row tube bank, the maximum value occurred in row 6.
Työssä selvitetään kompostointilaitoksen lopputuotteen erilaisia käyttömahdollisuuksia. Yleisten käyttökohteiden pohjalta on luotu malli Vapo Oy Biotech:n toimittaman Himangan kompostointilaitoksen kompostin hyödyntämiselle. Laitos sijaitsee Himangan kunnassa Keski- Pohjanmaalla. Laitoksella kompostoidaan pääasiassa Himangan ja ympäröivien kuntien jätevesilietteitä turkiseläinlantaa. Jätehuolto Suomessa ja koko EU:n alueella elää voimakasta muutoskautta. Orgaanisten jätteiden vienti kaatopaikoille pyritään tulevaisuudessa lopettamaan kokonaan, mikä on lisännyt niiden käsittelyä mm. kompostoimalla. Kompostoinnin lopputuotteena saadaan ravinteikasta, humuspitoista ainesta. Kompostoinnin yhtenä tavoitteena on tuottaa hyötykäyttöön soveltuvaa tuotetta, joten käyttökohteen löytäminen kompostille on laitoksen toiminnan kannalta erittäin tärkeää. Kompostin käyttömahdollisuuksiin vaikuttavat lainsäädäntö, kompostin ominaisuudet sekä paikalliset olosuhteet. Käyttökohteet on työssä jaettu ei-energiakäyttöön ja energiakäyttöön. Ei-energiakäyttöön kuuluvat maanparannuskäyttö, lannoitekäyttö, käyttö kasvualustassa, maisemointi ja julkinen rakentaminen sekä joitakin erityissovelluksia. Energiakäytön puolella on tarkasteltu kompostin soveltuvuutta erilaisille polttotekniikoille sekä vertailtu kompostia muihin kiinteisiin polttoaineisiin. Kompostien soveltuvuutta eri kohteisiin on arvioitu kompostin analyysi- ja kasvatuskoetulosten pohjalta. Kompostin ei-energiakaytössa on saatu eri tutkimuksissa lupaavia tuloksia. Kompostin on todettu soveltuvan erittäin hyvin mm. perunanviljelyyn, viljan ja nurmikasvien viljelyyn ja erilaisiin maisemointikohteisiin sekä kotipuutarhakäyttöön. Kompostin käyttöä polttoaineena ei ole vielä kokeiltu missään. Kompostin polton suurimmat ongelmat ovat korkea tuhka-, rikki- ja typpipitoisuus sekä epätasainen laatu.
Tämä tutkimus kuuluu ympäristöklusterin tutkimusprojektiin "Materiaalivirrat ja energiankäyttö metsäteollisuusintegraateissa ja niihin liittyvät toimintastrategiat ympäristövaikutuslähtöisesti". Työn päätavoitteena oli kehittää laskentapohja, jossa alkuarvoja muuttamalla voidaan helposti määritellä metsäteollisuuden jäte- eli sivuainevirtojen käsittelystä ja hyötykäytöstä aiheutuvia hiilidioksidivaikutuksia. Tutkimuksen sisältö pohjautuu pääosin projektin muihin tutkimuksiin, joissa on tarkasteltu sivuainevirtojen hyötykäytön teknisiä ja taloudellisia reunaehtoja. Metsäteollisuuden tärkeimmiksi sivuainevirroiksi voidaan määritellä tuhka, soodasakka, jätevedenkäsittelyn liete sekä pastaliete. Tässä tutkimuksessa on laskettu näiden sivuainevirtojen nykyisten käsittelymenetelmien hiilidioksidivaikutukset projektissa mukana olevilla tehtailla ja vertailtu niitä potentiaalisempien uusien käsittely- ja hyötykäyttömenetelmien vaikutuksiin. Työstä saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan arvioida, että tuhkan osalta hiilidioksidivaikutukset ovat suhteellisen merkityksettömiä. Pastalietteen osalta prosessiin palautus vaikuttaisi parhaalta menetelmältä, koska tuorepastan tuotannosta aiheutuu varsin runsaasti hiilidioksidipäästöjä. Suurin merkitys kokonaispäästöjen kannalta näyttäisi kuitenkin olevan jätevedenkäsittelyn lietteen ja soodasakan käsittelymenetelmillä. Soodasakan orgaaninen aines aiheuttaa kaatopaikoilla suurehkot metaanipäästöt, joita hyötykäytöllä voitaisiin vähentää merkittävästi. Jätevedenkäsittelyn lietteen osalta uudet kuivauksen tehostamismenetelmät parantavat lietteen poltettavuutta, jolloin myös hiilidioksidipäästöt pienenevät. Toisaalta suuremman kuiva-ainepitoisuuden vuoksi myös varastointi voisi olla mahdollista, jolloin lietettä ei tarvitsisi läjittää enää kaatopaikoille, ja myös kaatopaikkapäästöiltä vältyttäisiin.
Työn tavoite oli kehittää karakterisointimenetelmät kalkkikiven ja polttoaineen tuhkan jauhautumisen ennustamiselle kiertoleijukattilan tulipesässä. Kiintoainekäyttäytymisen karakterisoinnilla ja mallintamisella voidaan tarkentaa tulipesän lämmönsiirron ja tuhkajaon ennustamista. Osittain kokeelliset karakterisointimenetelmät perustuvat kalkkikiven jauhautumiseen laboratoriokokoluokan leijutetussa kvartsiputkireaktorissa ja tuhkan jauhatumiseen rotaatiomyllyssä. Karakterisointimenetelmät ottavat huomioon eri-laiset toimintaolosuhteet kaupallisen kokoluokan kiertoleijukattiloissa. Menetelmät kelpoistettiin kaupallisen kokoluokan kiertoleijukattiloista mitattujen ja fraktioittaisella kiintoainemallilla mallinnettujen taseiden avulla. Kelpoistamistaseiden vähäisyydestä huolimatta karakterisointimenetelmät arvioitiin virhetarkastelujen perusteella järkeviksi. Karakterisointimenetelmien kehittämistä ja tarkentamista tullaan jatkamaan.
The main goal of this paper is to obtain a granular material formulated with Municipal Solid Waste Incinerarion (MSWI) bottom ash (BA) and air pollution control (APC) ash to be used as secondary building material. Previously, an optimum concrete mixture using both MSWI residues as aggregates was formulated. A compromise between the environmental behaviour and the economy of the process was considered. Unconfined compressive strength and abrasion resistance values were measured in order to evaluate the mechanical properties. From these results, the granular mixture was not suited for certain applications owing to the high BA/APC content and low cement percentages used to reduce the costs of the final product. Nevertheless, the leaching test performed showed that the concentrations of all heavy metals were below the limits established by the current Catalan legislation for their reutilization. Therefore, the material studied might be mainly used in embankments, where high mechanical properties are not needed and environmental safety is assured.
The activated sludge process - the main biological technology usually applied towastewater treatment plants (WWTP) - directly depends on live beings (microorganisms), and therefore on unforeseen changes produced by them. It could be possible to get a good plant operation if the supervisory control system is able to react to the changes and deviations in the system and can take thenecessary actions to restore the system’s performance. These decisions are oftenbased both on physical, chemical, microbiological principles (suitable to bemodelled by conventional control algorithms) and on some knowledge (suitable to be modelled by knowledge-based systems). But one of the key problems in knowledge-based control systems design is the development of an architecture able to manage efficiently the different elements of the process (integrated architecture), to learn from previous cases (spec@c experimental knowledge) and to acquire the domain knowledge (general expert knowledge). These problems increase when the process belongs to an ill-structured domain and is composed of several complex operational units. Therefore, an integrated and distributed AIarchitecture seems to be a good choice. This paper proposes an integrated and distributed supervisory multi-level architecture for the supervision of WWTP, that overcomes some of the main troubles of classical control techniques and those of knowledge-based systems applied to real world systems
Viruses are among the most important pathogens present in water contaminated with feces or urine and represent a serious risk to human health. Four procedures for concentrating viruses from sewage have been compared in this work, three of which were developed in the present study. Viruses were quantified using PCR techniques. According to statistical analysis and the sensitivity to detect human adenoviruses (HAdV), JC polyomaviruses (JCPyV) and noroviruses genogroup II (NoV GGII): (i) a new procedure (elution and skimmed-milk flocculation procedure (ESMP)) based on the elution of the viruses with glycine-alkaline buffer followed by organic flocculation with skimmed-milk was found to be the most efficient method when compared to (ii) ultrafiltration and glycine-alkaline elution, (iii) a lyophilization-based method and (iv) ultracentrifugation and glycine-alkaline elution. Through the analysis of replicate sewage samples, ESMP showed reproducible results with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 16% for HAdV, 12% for JCPyV and 17% for NoV GGII. Using spiked samples, the viral recoveries were estimated at 30-95% for HAdV, 55-90% for JCPyV and 45-50% for NoV GGII. ESMP was validated in a field study using twelve 24-h composite sewage samples collected in an urban sewage treatment plant in the North of Spain that reported 100% positive samples with mean values of HAdV, JCPyV and NoV GGII similar to those observed in other studies. Although all of the methods compared in this work yield consistently high values of virus detection and recovery in urban sewage, some require expensive laboratory equipment. ESMP is an effective low-cost procedure which allows a large number of samples to be processed simultaneously and is easily standardizable for its performance in a routine laboratory working in water monitoring. Moreover, in the present study, a CV was applied and proposed as a parameter to evaluate and compare the methods for detecting viruses in sewage samples.
Viruses are among the most important pathogens present in water contaminated with feces or urine and represent a serious risk to human health. Four procedures for concentrating viruses from sewage have been compared in this work, three of which were developed in the present study. Viruses were quantified using PCR techniques. According to statistical analysis and the sensitivity to detect human adenoviruses (HAdV), JC polyomaviruses (JCPyV) and noroviruses genogroup II (NoV GGII): (i) a new procedure (elution and skimmed-milk flocculation procedure (ESMP)) based on the elution of the viruses with glycine-alkaline buffer followed by organic flocculation with skimmed-milk was found to be the most efficient method when compared to (ii) ultrafiltration and glycine-alkaline elution, (iii) a lyophilization-based method and (iv) ultracentrifugation and glycine-alkaline elution. Through the analysis of replicate sewage samples, ESMP showed reproducible results with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 16% for HAdV, 12% for JCPyV and 17% for NoV GGII. Using spiked samples, the viral recoveries were estimated at 30-95% for HAdV, 55-90% for JCPyV and 45-50% for NoV GGII. ESMP was validated in a field study using twelve 24-h composite sewage samples collected in an urban sewage treatment plant in the North of Spain that reported 100% positive samples with mean values of HAdV, JCPyV and NoV GGII similar to those observed in other studies. Although all of the methods compared in this work yield consistently high values of virus detection and recovery in urban sewage, some require expensive laboratory equipment. ESMP is an effective low-cost procedure which allows a large number of samples to be processed simultaneously and is easily standardizable for its performance in a routine laboratory working in water monitoring. Moreover, in the present study, a CV was applied and proposed as a parameter to evaluate and compare the methods for detecting viruses in sewage samples.
Euroopan unionissa pyritään lisäämään uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttöä. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää Parikkalan kunnan alueella muodostuvat biomassat sekä tutkia niiden hyötykäyttömahdollisuuksia sähkön, lämmön sekä lannoitteiden tuotannossa. Käsiteltäviä biomassoja ovat eläintilojen lietteet ja lannat, biojätteet ja yhdyskuntalietteet, vesistöjen kunnostuksessa syntyvät biomassat sekä peltobiomassat ja metsäbiomassa. Mädätyksen kannalta olennaisinta on materiaalien kosteus ja haihtuvan orgaanisen aineksen pitoisuus sekä siitä saatava biokaasumäärä. Poltossa polttoaineen kuiva-aineen lämpöarvo ja kosteus määrittelevät saadun hyödyn. Kompostoinnissa on tärkeää huolehtia riittävästä ilman saannista ja riittävästä viipymäajasta. Hyödynnettäessä biokaasua sähkön ja lämmön yhteistuotannossa on tärkeää löytää hyötykäyttö myös muodostuvalle lämmölle. Poltosta saatavan tuhkan hyötykäyttö onnistuu metsälannoitteena, kun poltetaan turvetta tai puuta. Kompostia voidaan hyödyntää maanparannusaineena. Parikkalan alueella tarkasteltiin biomassojen nykyistä ja mahdollista tulevaa hyötykäyttöä. Tarkastelu tehtiin skenaarioiden avulla. Skenaarioihin kuuluvat mädätyksen ja polton maksimipotentiaalit sekä keskitetyn ja hajautetun käsittelyn skenaariot. Alueelta on saatavissa paljon biomassoja, joista massaltaan suurin on eläintilojen lannat. Alueella on hankaluutena löytää sopiva kulutuskohde biokaasusta tuotetulle lämmölle, mutta sopivana kohteena voisi toimia alueella oleva suuri sikala tai lämpökeskukset.
Composting of sawdust and paper mill sludge, using a "Kneer" process reactor, was studied in an attempt to elaborate upon organic matter (OM) transformation during the process and to define parameters to measure the compost maturity level. Temperature, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data, ash and C, H, N and S contents, and a spectroscopic method using ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) for alkaline (pH = 8.5) and solid samples was used to study the maturity of the compost samples. These parameters were measured in 6 humic acids (HA) extracted from the compost samples during 29 days. The results of this work show that the "Kneer" process is efficient in transforming ligno-celulitic residues in a short time (29 days), into an organic fertilizer material with application perspectives.
Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are a combination of activated sludge bioreactors and membrane filtration, enabling high quality effluent with a small footprint. However, they can be beset by fouling, which causes an increase in transmembrane pressure (TMP). Modelling and simulation of changes in TMP could be useful to describe fouling through the identification of the most relevant operating conditions. Using experimental data from a MBR pilot plant operated for 462days, two different models were developed: a deterministic model using activated sludge model n°2d (ASM2d) for the biological component and a resistance in-series model for the filtration component as well as a data-driven model based on multivariable regressions. Once validated, these models were used to describe membrane fouling (as changes in TMP over time) under different operating conditions. The deterministic model performed better at higher temperatures (>20°C), constant operating conditions (DO set-point, membrane air-flow, pH and ORP), and high mixed liquor suspended solids (>6.9gL-1) and flux changes. At low pH (<7) or periods with higher pH changes, the data-driven model was more accurate. Changes in the DO set-point of the aerobic reactor that affected the TMP were also better described by the data-driven model. By combining the use of both models, a better description of fouling can be achieved under different operating conditions