848 resultados para semi-arid savanna


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Fifty-one experiments on maize -beans and 34 on maize-cowpea intercropping systems conducted mostly in semiarid Northeast Brazil were analysed to get an understanding of the performance of these intercrops in terms of their productivity as well as stability. Both the intercrop systems produced higher yields over their respective sole crops under a wide range of agroclimates; the average advantage with maize-beans was 32%, while that from maize-cowpea was 41%. The optimum row proportion for maize-beans was one maize: three beans, requiring 59% of sole crop maize population and 75% sole bean population. In maize-cowpea, alternate rows or one maize: two cowpea arrangement with about 50% of sole maize density and 100% of sole cowpea population seemed to be optimum. The intercrops failed less frequently compared to sole crops to meet specified incomes or yields. Sorghum seemed to be a good alternative to the traditional cereal because of its improved and consistent performance. Future research needs are discussed for further yield improvement in these two intercrop system.s


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Twenty years ago, in the Northeast Brazil, a tropical semi-arid area, the production of tropical wines from some Vitis vinifera L. cultivars started. In this region, it is possible to harvest two times a year, between April and December, and nowadays Syrah is the most cultivated wine grape. Research works about irrigation rnanagement in Syrah started in 2000 at Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). The aim of this paper is to introduce some characteristics about the region where Syrah grapevines is being cultivated under irrigation in Northeast Brazil, and to present some results obtained from field experiments as well as some grape and wine charcteristics already determined.


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Soil degradation affects more than 52 million ha of land in counties of the European Union. This problem is particularly serious in Mediterranean areas, where the effects of anthropogenic activities (tillage on slopes, deforestation, and pasture production) add to problems caused by prolonged periods of drought and intense and irregular rainfall. Soil microbiota can be used as an indicator of the soil healthy in degraded areas. This is because soil microbiota participates in the cycle elements and in the organic matter decomposition. All this helps to the young plants establishment and in long term protect the soils against the erosion. During dry periods in the Mediterranean areas, the lack of water entering the soil matrix leads to a loss of soil microbiological activity and it turns into a lower soil production capabilities. Under these conditions, the aim of this study was to evaluate the positive effect on soil biological components produced by an hydro absorbent polymer (Terracottem). The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the impact assessment of an hydropolymer (Terracottem) on the soil biological components. An experimental flowerpot layout was established in June 2015 and 12 variants with different amount of Terracottem were applied as follow: i) 3.0 kg.m3 ; ii) 1.5 kg.m3 and; iii) 0 kg.m3. In all the variants were tested the further additives: a) 1% of glucose, b) 50 kg N.ha-1 of Mineral nitrogen, c) 1% of Glucose + 50 kg N.ha-1 of Mineral nitrogen d) control (no additive). According to natural conditions, humidity have been kept at 15% in all the variants. During four weeks, mineral nitrogen leaching and soil respiration have been measured in each flowerplot. Respiration has been quantified four times every time while moistening containers and alkaline soda lime has been used as a sorbent. The amount of CO 2 increase has been measured with the sorbent. Leaching of mineral nitrogen has been quantified by ion exchange resins (IER). IER pouches have been placed on the bottom of each container, and after completion of the experiment mineral nitrogen leaching has been evaluated by distillation and titration method. Results from respiration have shown statistically significant differences between the variants. According to control, soil with polymers have shown significant difference when comparing respiration with independence of the additive used. CO 2 production in the first week has exceeded the sum of the outputs of the following weeks. Mineral nitrogen leaching measurement has shown statistically significant differences. The lowest leaching has been occurred in control variant, while the highest in variant containing only the addition of mineral nitrogen. Research results may conclude that the biological part of the test soil is not limited by a lack of components, the only thing that suppresses its activity is the lack of moisture. After moistening it leads to a rapid growth of soil activity, without causing the nutrients loss. Besides, Terracottem has affected soil activity neither positively nor negatively, but it considers being a suitable tool for reducing the drought impact in arid and semi-arid areas.


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This study aimed to describe the spatial and temporal patterns of variation in trophic state and its relation with the structure and dynamics of planktonic community of a large reservoir located in semi-arid tropical region of Northeast Brazil. The reservoir Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves is the biggest reservoir of the Rio Grande do Norte State and is responsible for about 53% of all surface water accumulated in the State. The samples of water and plankton were taken monthly in 10 points distributed throughout the longitudinal axis of the reservoir and over a full hydrological cycle. The samples were collected to determine concentrations of total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chlorophyll a and suspended solids (fixed and volatile) and for determining the composition and abundance of phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic species. During the study period, the reservoir was characterized as eutrophic and there was no trend of increasing the trophic state of the reservoir in the period of drought. The concentrations of total phosphorus and suspended fixed solids decreased towards the dam while the N:P ratios increased in the same direction due to the reduction in the phosphorus concentrations and relative constancy in the nitrogen concentrations. The N:P ratios observed were indicative of greater limitation by phosphorus than by nitrogen. However, as concentrations of both nutrients were high and the water transparency was very low, with secchi depth usually lower than one meter, it seems likely that the planktonic primary production of the reservoir is more limited by the availability of light than the availability of nutrients. High nutrient concentrations coupled with low availability of light may explain the continuing dominance of filamentous cyanobacteria such as Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in the plankton of the reservoir.These cyanobacteria are potentially toxic and pose a serious environmental problem because it compromises the water quality for public supply, recreation and fishing when present in high densities as in this study. The mesozooplankton of the reservoir was dominated by the calanoid Notodiaptomus cearensis and the cladoceran Diaphanosoma spinulosum. In general, the structure of zooplankton community seems to be particularly influenced by the spatial variation of cyanobacteria. The results of the regression analyses show that both the chlorophyll a concentrations and the cyanobacteria biovolume were more strongly correlated with the nitrogen than with phosphorus and that the water transparency was more strongly correlated with algal biomass than with other sources of turbidity. The maximum load of phosphorus to attain the maximum permissible concentration of total P in the reservoir was estimated in 63.2 tonnes P/ year. The current external P load to the reservoir is estimated in 324 tonnes P / year and must be severely reduced to improve the water quality for water supply and allow the implementation of aquaculture projects that could contribute to the socio-economic development of the region


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The aims of this study were: i) assessing the trophic state of the Mendubim reservoir (semi-arid, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil; 05° 38 99,0 S 36°55 98,0 W) based on chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations and water transparency; ii) relating the patterns of temporal variation of zooplankton and phytoplankton to the trophic state of the reservoir and iii) investigating the carrying capacity of the reservoir for cage fish farming. The samplingwas done monthly from July 2006 to July 2007 in three stations at the reservoir: next to the dam (barrage), in the central region and in the mouth of the main tributary. The abiotic and biotic variables analyzed were: Secchi depth, volatiles and fixed suspended solids, chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus and nitrogen, TN:TP ratio and mesozooplankton and phytoplankton composition and biomass. The results showed that the reservoir can be considered as mesotrophic with mean concentrations of total nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorophyll-a equal to 1711, 1 μg.L-1, 30,8 μg.L-1 and 5,62 μg.L-1 respectively. The Cyanophyceae class was the most representative in terms of density, with the presence of potentially toxic species such as Microcystis aeruginosa, Planktothrix planctonica, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Aphanizomenon sp. ,Aphanocapsa delicatissima and Pseudanabaena acicularis. Among the zooplankton, the genus Notodiaptomus presented the largest biomass values. Overall, our results show that the light limitation should explain the weak relationship between chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations. We concluded that the water of Mendubim reservoir is suitable for intensive fish cage aquaculture. Based on the carrying capacity calculations for this reservoir, we found that the maximum sustainable yield of tilapias in cages in the reservoir is 126 ton per year assuming a factor of food conversion of 1.5: 1.0 and a phosphorus content in the fish food of 1%


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The feeding habits and biological aspects of the reproductive cycle of two-spot astyanax, Astyanax cf. lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874) were investigated. Fish samples were captured on a monthly basis, using gillnets of 4 cm mesh size, from the Piató Lake, Assu, Rio Grande do Norte, during the period of September, 2006 to August, 2007. Physico-chemical parameters, such as, temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of the lake were registered. The monthly values of rainfall also were obtained. The 360 individuals captured, were measured, weighed, dissected, and stomach weight and the stage of gonadal maturity were registered. The stomach contents analyses were carried out based on volumetric method, points, frequency of occurrence and applying the Index of Relative Importance. The degrees of repletion of the stomachs were determined besides the Index of Repletion relating to feeding activity variations and frequency of ingestion with limnological parameters and rainfall. The food items identified were separated into distinct groups according to their origin. Sex ratio and Gonadosomatic Relation of females were verified to determine the spawning period and fecundity. The physico-chemical parameters presented the following annual mean values: temperature = 28.8ºC, electrical conductivity = 992.5 µS.cm-1; dissolved oxygen = 4.9 mg.L-1 during the study period. The annual mean of the rainfall was 63.5 mm. The results indicate that this species present an omnivorous feeding habit with a tendency towards insectivory, with an increase in feeding activity during the dry season. The aquatic oxygen to interfere very importance in the feeding activity than the others factors physico-chemicals of water and rainfall. There was a predominance of females, with a sex proportion of 1M:7F. The macroscopic characteristics of the ovaries and testicles revealed four stages of gonadal development: immature, maturing, mature and spent. A temporal variation was observed for the gonadal development of males and females. There was reproductive activity through out the year, with peaks in the months of February, April and June to correspond with the rain of precipitation of the region. The mean fecundity was 7.681 mature oocytes, varying from 4.476 to 12.036, with mean of 7.681. There was positive relation between fecundity and body mass. Condition Factor is not an efficient indicator of the reproductive period of this species. The species A. cf. lacustris is an opportunist and is well adapted to the conditions of the semi-arid Caatinga Biome


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2015.


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The composition of termite assemblages was analyzed at three Caatinga sites of the Seridó Ecological Station, located in the municipality of Serra Negra do Norte, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. These sites have been subjected to selective logging, and cleared for pasture and farming. A standardized sampling protocol for termite assemblages (30h/person/site) was conducted between September 2007 and February 2009. At each site we measured environmental variables, such as soil granulometry, pH and organic matter, necromass stock, vegetation height, tree density, stem diameter at ankle height (DAH) and the largest and the smallest crown width. Ten species of termites, belonging to eight genera and three families, were found at the three experimental sites. Four feeding-groups were sampled: wood-feeders, soil-feeders, wood-soil interface feeders and leaf-feeders. The wood-feeders were dominant in number of species and number of encounters at all sites. In general, the sites were not significantly different in relation to the environmental variables measured. The same pattern was observed for termite assemblages, where no significant differences in species richness, relative abundance and taxonomic and functional composition were observed between the three sites. The agreement between the composition of assemblages and environmental variables reinforces the potential of termites as biological indicators of habitat quality


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Artificial lakes must differ from natural lakes in important structural and functional aspects that need to be understood so that these ecosystems can be properly managed. The aim of this work was to test the hypothesis that the artificial lakes (impoundments) in the semi-arid region of the Rio Grande do Norte State are more eutrophic and turbid and have different trophic structure when compared to the natural coastal lakes that occur in the humid eastern coast of the State. To test this hypothesis, 10 natural lakes and 8 artificial lakes with about 100 ha were sampled between September and November 2005 for the determination of some limnological variables and the abundance of the main fish species, which were grouped in three trophic guilds: facultative piscivores, facultative planktivores and omnivores. The results show that the artificial lakes had significantly higher concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a , total and volatile suspended solids than the natural lakes. Results also show that the values of pH, total alkalinity, electric conductivity, turbidity as well as the coefficient of vertical attenuation of light were significantly higher in the artificial lakes than in the natural lakes. In the artificial lakes, the abundance of facultative planktivores was significantly higher, while the abundance of facultative piscivores significantly lower than in the natural lakes. There was no significant difference in the abundance of omnivorous fish between the two types of lakes. These results suggest that the increase in turbidity together with the other changes in the water quality of the artificial lakes, modifies the trophic structure of the fish communities reducing the importance of piscivores and the length of the food chains


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Summary: Conservation of biodiversity in fire-prone regions depends on understanding responses to fire in animal communities and the mechanisms governing these responses. We collated data from an Australian semi-arid woodland reptile community (4796 individuals captured over 6 years) to: (i) determine the ability of commonly used shorter-term (2 years) surveys to detect reptile responses to time since fire (TSF) and (ii) investigate whether ecological traits of species reliably predicted their responses to fire. Of 16 reptile species analysed, four had responses to TSF consistent with shorter-term surveys and three showed no response to TSF. Nine species had responses to TSF not detected in previous studies using smaller but substantial subsets of the same data. Among the 13 affected species, times of peak abundance ranged from 1 to 50 years after fire. Nocturnal, burrowing species tended to be early successional and leaf-litter dwellers to be late successional, but these were only weak trends. Synthesis and applications. We found only limited support for a generalizable, trait-based model of succession in reptiles. However, our study revealed that the majority of common reptile species in our study region specialize on a post-fire successional stage and may therefore become threatened if homogeneous fire regimes predominate. Our study highlights the importance of interpreting results from time- or sample-limited fire studies of reptiles with the knowledge that many ecological responses may not have been detected. In such cases, an adaptive or precautionary approach to fire management may be necessary. We found only limited support for a generalizable, trait-based model of succession in reptiles. However, our study revealed that the majority of common reptile species in our study region specialize on a post-fire successional stage and may therefore become threatened if homogeneous fire regimes predominate. Our study highlights the importance of interpreting results from time- or sample-limited fire studies of reptiles with the knowledge that many ecological responses may not have been detected. In such cases, an adaptive or precautionary approach to fire management may be necessary.


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Summary The feral Cat (Felis catus) is a significant threat to Australian fauna, and reducing their impacts is considered an essential action for threatened species conservation. Poison baiting is increasingly being used for the broad scale control of feral cats. In this study, we measured the population response of feral cats to a track-based baiting programme using Eradicat baits in the semi-arid northern wheatbelt region of Western Australia. Over two years, 1500 baits were laid once annually and the response of feral cats was measured using remote cameras in a before–after, control–impact design. There was a significant reduction in feral cat activity in the second year, but not the first. During bait uptake trials, corvids removed the most number of baits, followed by cats and varanids. The lack of a response to baiting in the first year may be due to existing low cat numbers in the baited area and/or the timing of the baiting. We provide a list of key recommendations to help inform future cat baiting programmes and research.


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The arid and semi-arid zones of Australia are characterized by highly variable and unpredictable environmental conditions which affect the provision of resources for flora and fauna. Environments which are highly unpredictable in terms of both resource access and distribution are likely to select for a variety of adaptive behavioral strategies, intrinsically linked to the physiological control of behavior. How unpredictable resource distribution has affected the coevolution of behavioral strategies and physiology has rarely been quantified, particularly not in Australian birds. We used a captive population of wild-derived zebra finches to test the relationships between behavioral strategies relating to food access and physiological responses to stress and body condition. We found that individuals which were in poorer body condition and had higher peak corticosterone levels entered baited feeders earlier in the trapping sequence of birds within the colony. We also found that individuals in poorer body condition fed in smaller social groups. Our data show that the foraging decisions which individuals make represent not only a trade-off between food access and risk of exposure, but their underlying physiological response to stress. Our data also suggest fundamental links between social networks and physiological parameters, which largely remain untested. These data demonstrate the fundamental importance of physiological mechanisms in controlling adaptive behavioral strategies and the dynamic interplay between physiological control of behavior and life-history evolution.


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The fact that most of the large scale solar PV plants are built in arid and semi-arid areas where land availability and solar radiation is high, it is expected the performance of the PV plants in such locations will be affected significantly due to high cell temperature as well as due to soiling. Therefore, it is essential to study how the different PV module technologies will perform in such geographical locations to ensure a consistent and reliable power delivery over the lifetime of the PV power plants. As soiling is strongly dependent on the climatic conditions of a particular location a test station, consisted of about 24 PV modules and a well-equipped weather station, was built within the fences of Scatec’s 75 MW Kalkbult solar PV plant in South Africa. This study was performed to a better understand the effect of soiling by comparing the relative power generation by the cleaned modules to the un-cleaned modules. Such knowledge can enable more quantitative evaluations of the cleaning strategies that are going to be implemented in bigger solar PV power plants. The data collected and recorded from the test station has been analyzed at IFE, Norway using a MatLab script written for this thesis project. This thesis work has been done at IFE, Norway in collaboration with Stellenbosch University in South Africa and Scatec Solar a Norwegian independent power producer company. Generally for the polycrystalline modules it is found that the average temperature corrected efficiency during the period of the experiment has been 15.00±0.08 % and for the thin film-CdTe with ARC is 11.52% and for the thin film without ARC is about 11.13% with standard uncertainty of ±0.01 %. Besides, by comparing the initial relative average efficiency of the polycrystalline-Si modules when all the modules have been cleaned for the first time and the final relative efficiency; after the last cleaning schedule which is when all the reference modules E, F, G, and H have been cleaned for the last time it is found that poly3 performs 2 % and 3 % better than poly1 and poly16 respectively, poly13 performs 1 % better than poly15 as well as poly5 and poly12 performs 1 % and 2 % better than poly10 respectively. Besides, poly5 and poly12 performs a 9 % and 11 % better than poly7. Furthermore, there is no change in performance between poly6 and poly9 as well as poly4 and poly15. However, the increase in performance of poly3 to poly1, poly13 to poly15 as well as poly5 and poly12 to poly10 is insignificant. In addition, it is found that TF22 perform 7% better than the reference un-cleaned module TF24 and similarly; TF21 performs 7% higher than TF23. Furthermore, modules with ARC glass (TF17, TF18, TF19, and TF20) shows that cleaning the modules with only distilled water (TF19) or dry-cleaned after cleaned with distilled water(TF20) decreases the performance of the modules by 5 % and 4 % comparing to its respective reference uncleanedmodules TF17 and TF18 respectively.


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Multiple pressures (land-use change, water extraction and climate change) interact to influence biodiversity and ecosystem processes, but direct evidence for interactions among multiple pressures is limited. Floodplain forests are an acute example of how interacting pressures (river regulation, water extraction, decreasing rainfall and mammal browsing) interact to degrade native ecosystems. We conducted a 2-year field experiment to determine how flooding, browsing and sediment salinity interacted to determine in situ seedling survival and growth of the keystone floodplain tree species (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.). On semi-arid floodplains of southern Australia, 1-year-old seedlings were planted on the banks of six ephemeral creeks, three of which were flooded with management flows before planting while the others remained dry. Four plots were established at each creek, two open to browsing and two fenced to exclude mammal herbivores. Flooding had a strong positive effect on seedling survival and height, but browsing had strong negative effects. Sediment salinity (a covariate rather than a designed effect) had a weak negative effect on seedling survival and height. The positive effects of flooding were largely offset by the negative interaction with browsing and, to a lesser extent, sediment salinity. Although flooding has been restored to some degraded floodplain forests subjected to river regulation and a drying climate, the long-term success of such actions is likely to be undermined by persistent browsing. Synthesis and applications. Management actions that focus on single pressures (e.g. infrequent flooding) and processes (e.g. mature tree survival) while ignoring other pressures are unlikely to sustain populations of keystone species, suggesting that complementary strategies (managed flooding with herbivore control) are necessary to sustain recruitment and, therefore, ensure the future health of these essential ecosystems.


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Landscape-level wildfires have a major role in structuring faunal assemblages, particularly in fire-prone landscapes. These effects are mediated by changes to vegetation structure and composition that directly influence the availability of shelter, feeding and breeding resources. We investigated the response of a semi-arid shrubland bird community in Western Australia to the prevailing fire regime by examining the abundance, diversity and guild structure in relation to time since fire. We also examined vegetation structural attributes in relation to time since fire. We surveyed 32 sites ranging in age from 12 to 84 years since last fire. A total of 845 birds from 40 species were recorded. Vegetation structure varied with fire history with old and very old sites characterised by less bare ground, more leaf litter cover and greater canopy cover. Bird community composition varied with time since fire, driven by increased bird species richness and abundance of insectivores, granivores/frugivores, golden whistlers, grey shrike-thrush and red-capped robins with time since fire. Frequent, intense landscape-scale fires transform the landscape into homogeneous young shrublands, which may render vegetation unsuitable for several species and guilds.