932 resultados para rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars
Little is known about plant biodiversity, irrigation management and nutrient fluxes as criteria to assess the sustainability of traditional irrigation agriculture in eastern Arabia. Therefore interdisciplinary studies were conducted over 4 yrs on flood-irrigated fields dominated by wheat (Triticum spp.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in two mountain oases of northern Oman. In both oases wheat landraces consisted of varietal mixtures comprising T. aestivum and T. durum of which at least two botanical varieties were new to science. During irrigation cycles of 6-9 days on an alfalfa-planted soil, volumetric water contents ranged from 30-13%. For cropland, partial oasis balances (comprising inputs of manure, mineral fertilizers, N2-fixation and irrigation water, and outputs of harvested products) were similar for both oases, with per hectare annual surpluses of 131 kg N, 37 kg P and 84 kg K at Balad Seet and of 136 kg N, 16 kg P and 66 kg K at Maqta. Respective palm grove surpluses, in contrast were with 303 kg N, 38 kg P, and 173 kg K ha^-1 yr^-1 much higher at Balad Seet than with 84 kg N, 14 kg P and 91 kg K ha^-1 yr^-1 at Maqta. The results show that the sustainability of these irrigated landuse systems depends on a high quality of the irrigation water with low Na but high CaCO3, intensive recycling of manure and an elaborate terrace structure with a well tailored water management system that allows adequate drainage.
Summary: Productivity and forage quality of legume-grass swards are important factors for successful arable farming in both organic and conventional farming systems. For these objectives the botanical composition of the swards is of particular importance, especially, the content of legumes due to their ability to fix airborne nitrogen. As it can vary considerably within a field, a non-destructive detection method while doing other tasks would facilitate a more targeted sward management and could predict the nitrogen supply of the soil for the subsequent crop. This study was undertaken to explore the potential of digital image analysis (DIA) for a non destructive prediction of legume dry matter (DM) contribution of legume-grass mixtures. For this purpose an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, comprising a sample size of 64 experimental swards such as pure swards of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) as well as binary mixtures of each legume with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Growth stages ranged from tillering to heading and the proportion of legumes from 0 to 80 %. Based on digital sward images three steps were considered in order to estimate the legume contribution (% of DM): i) The development of a digital image analysis (DIA) procedure in order to estimate legume coverage (% of area). ii) The description of the relationship between legume coverage (% area) and legume contribution (% of DM) derived from digital analysis of legume coverage related to the green area in a digital image. iii) The estimation of the legume DM contribution with the findings of i) and ii). i) In order to evaluate the most suitable approach for the estimation of legume coverage by means of DIA different tools were tested. Morphological operators such as erode and dilate support the differentiation of objects of different shape by shrinking and dilating objects (Soille, 1999). When applied to digital images of legume-grass mixtures thin grass leaves were removed whereas rounder clover leaves were left. After this process legume leaves were identified by threshold segmentation. The segmentation of greyscale images turned out to be not applicable since the segmentation between legumes and bare soil failed. The advanced procedure comprising morphological operators and HSL colour information could determine bare soil areas in young and open swards very accurately. Also legume specific HSL thresholds allowed for precise estimations of legume coverage across a wide range from 11.8 - 72.4 %. Based on this legume specific DIA procedure estimated legume coverage showed good correlations with the measured values across the whole range of sward ages (R2 0.96, SE 4.7 %). A wide range of form parameters (i.e. size, breadth, rectangularity, and circularity of areas) was tested across all sward types, but none did improve prediction accuracy of legume coverage significantly. ii) Using measured reference data of legume coverage and contribution, in a first approach a common relationship based on all three legumes and sward ages of 35, 49 and 63 days was found with R2 0.90. This relationship was improved by a legume-specific approach of only 49- and 63-d old swards (R2 0.94, 0.96 and 0.97 for red clover, white clover, and lucerne, respectively) since differing structural attributes of the legume species influence the relationship between these two parameters. In a second approach biomass was included in the model in order to allow for different structures of swards of different ages. Hence, a model was developed, providing a close look on the relationship between legume coverage in binary legume-ryegrass communities and the legume contribution: At the same level of legume coverage, legume contribution decreased with increased total biomass. This phenomenon may be caused by more non-leguminous biomass covered by legume leaves at high levels of total biomass. Additionally, values of legume contribution and coverage were transformed to the logit-scale in order to avoid problems with heteroscedasticity and negative predictions. The resulting relationships between the measured legume contribution and the calculated legume contribution indicated a high model accuracy for all legume species (R2 0.93, 0.97, 0.98 with SE 4.81, 3.22, 3.07 % of DM for red clover, white clover, and lucerne swards, respectively). The validation of the model by using digital images collected over field grown swards with biomass ranges considering the scope of the model shows, that the model is able to predict legume contribution for most common legume-grass swards (Frame, 1992; Ledgard and Steele, 1992; Loges, 1998). iii) An advanced procedure for the determination of legume DM contribution by DIA is suggested, which comprises the inclusion of morphological operators and HSL colour information in the analysis of images and which applies an advanced function to predict legume DM contribution from legume coverage by considering total sward biomass. Low residuals between measured and calculated values of legume dry matter contribution were found for the separate legume species (R2 0.90, 0.94, 0.93 with SE 5.89, 4.31, 5.52 % of DM for red clover, white clover, and lucerne swards, respectively). The introduced DIA procedure provides a rapid and precise estimation of legume DM contribution for different legume species across a wide range of sward ages. Further research is needed in order to adapt the procedure to field scale, dealing with differing light effects and potentially higher swards. The integration of total biomass into the model for determining legume contribution does not necessarily reduce its applicability in practice as a combined estimation of total biomass and legume coverage by field spectroscopy (Biewer et al. 2009) and DIA, respectively, may allow for an accurate prediction of the legume contribution in legume-grass mixtures.
Im ersten Teil dieser Dissertation stand die Analyse der Motilitätsentwicklung bei Vertretern der Gattung Methylobacterium im Vordergrund. Diese zu den pink pigmentierten fakultativ methylotrophen Mikroorganismen (PPFMs) gehörenden Prokaryoten sind in der Umwelt weit verbreitet. Besonders häufig besiedeln die Mikroben pflanzliche Oberflächen und können als so genannte Phytosymbionten in einer wechselseitigen Beziehung zu pflanzlichen Organismen stehen. In aquatischer Umgebung können Methylobakterien Flagellen aufweisen. Hierbei handelt es sich um spezielle Fortbewegungsorganellen, die den Mikroben eine aktive Beweglichkeit ermöglichen. Die Ausbildung polarer Einzelflagellen bei Methylobacterium-Zellen in planktonischer Lebensweise konnte unter Anwendung verschiedener mikroskopischer Techniken dokumentiert werden. Quantitative Beweglichkeitsstudien zeigten einen charakteristischen Entwicklungsverlauf, korreliert mit den Wachstumsphasen der Bakterienkulturen und machten deutlich, dass die Motilitätsrate durch Umweltfaktoren, wie z. B. die Nährstoffversorgung, beeinflusst werden kann. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Pflanzen-assoziierten PPFMs in der Lage sind, zwischen einer sessilen und planktonischen Lebensweise zu wechseln und dass sowohl die zelluläre Beweglichkeit als auch die Biofilm-Bildung der Prokaryoten ein reversibles, reaktivierbares Verhalten darstellt. Weiterhin konnte belegt werden, dass die Motilität der epiphytischen Mikroben bezüglich der Besiedelung von Pflanzen, z. B. bei der Ausbreitung auf Keimblatt-Oberflächen von Sonnenblumen (Helianthus annuus), keine zentrale Rolle spielt und eine endophytische Lebensweise unwahrscheinlich ist. Ziel der Arbeit war weiterhin die Charakterisierung und Identifizierung eines aus der Phyllosphäre der Echten Feige (Ficus carica, Standort Griechenland) isolierten Bakterien-Stammes (Mtb. sp. Fc1). Die fakultativ methylotrophe Stoffwechseleigenschaft, sowie die auffällige rötliche Pigmentierung belegen, dass es sich um einen Vertreter der PPFMs handelt. Die Analyse morphologischer, physiologischer und biochemischer Eigenschaften bestätigte in Übereinstimmung mit molekularphylogenetischen Untersuchungen zur Klassifizierung und taxonomischen Einordnung, dass es sich um Pflanzen-assoziierte Mikroben der Gattung Methylobacterium handelt. Analysen der 16S rDNA sowie partieller Sequenzen der für Methylobakterien etablierten Marker-Gene mxaF und gyrB verdeutlichten die phylogenetische Stellung und die evolutionären Beziehungen des Ficus-Isolates. Obwohl enge Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse zu anderen Methylobacterium-Arten ermittelt werden konnten, war eine Identifizierung als valide beschriebene Spezies nicht möglich. Die Resultate legen den Schluss nahe, dass es sich um eine neue, unbeschriebene Spezies der epiphytisch lebenden Methylobakterien handelt.
Soil contamination by arsenic (As) presents a hazard in many countries and there is a need for techniques to minimize As uptake by plants. A proposed in situ remediation method was tested by growing lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Kermit) in a greenhouse pot experiment on soil that contained 577 mg As kg(-1), taken from a former As smelter site. All combinations of iron (Fe) oxides, at concentrations of 0.00, 0.22, 0.54, and 1.09% (w/w), and lime, at concentrations of 0.00, 0.27, 0.68, and 1.36% (w/w), were tested in a factorial design. To create the treatments, field-moist soil, commercial-grade FeSO4, and ground agricultural lime were mixed and stored for one week, allowing Fe oxides to precipitate. Iron oxides gave highly significant (P < 0.001) reductions in lettuce As concentrations, down to 11% of the lettuce As concentration for untreated soil. For the Fe oxides and lime treatment combinations where soil pH was maintained nearly constant, the lettuce As concentration declined in an exponential relationship with increasing FeSO4 application rate and lettuce yield was almost unchanged. Iron oxides applied at a concentration of 1.09% did not give significantly lower lettuce As concentrations than the 0.54% treatment. Simultaneous addition of lime with FeSO4 was essential. Ferrous sulfate with insufficient lime lowered soil pH and caused mobilization of Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sr, and Zn. At the highest Fe oxide to lime ratios, Mn toxicity caused severe yield loss.
The soil-plant transfer factors for Cs and Sr were analyzed in relationship to soil properties, crops, and varieties of crops. Two crops and two varieties of each crop: lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), cv. Salad Bowl Green and cv. Lobjoits Green Cos, and radish (Raphanus sativus L.), cv. French Breakfast 3 and cv. Scarlet Globe, were grown on five different soils amended with Cs and Sr to give concentrations of 1 mg kg(-1) and 50 mg kg(-1) of each element. Soil-plant transfer coefficients ranged between 0.12-19.10 (Cs) and 1.48-146.10 (Sr) for lettuce and 0.09-13.24 (Cs) and 2.99-93.00 (Sr) for radish. Uptake of Cs and Sr by plants depended on both plant and soil properties. There were significant (P less than or equal to 0.05) differences between soil-plant transfer factors for each plant type at the two soil concentrations. At each soil concentration about 60% of the variance in the uptake of the Cs and Sr was due to soil properties. For a given concentration of Cs or Sr in soil, the most important factor effecting soil-plant transfer of these elements was the soil properties rather than the crops or varieties of crops. Therefore, for the varieties considered here, soil-plant transfer of Cs and Sr would be best regulated through the management of soil properties. At each concentration of Cs and Sr, the main soil properties effecting the uptake of Cs and Sr by lettuce and radish were the concentrations of K and Ca, pH and CEC. Together with the concentrations of contaminants in soils, they explained about 80% of total data variance, and were the best predictors for soil-plant transfer. The different varieties of lettuce and radish gave different responses in soil-plant transfer of Cs and Sr in different soil conditions, i.e. genotype x environment interaction caused about 30% of the variability in the uptake of Cs and Sr by plants. This means that a plant variety with a low soil-plant transfer of Cs and Sr in one soil could have an increased soil-plant transfer factor in other soils. The broad implications of this work are that in contaminated agricultural lands still used for plant growing, contaminant-excluding crop varieties may not be a reliable method for decreasing contaminant transfer to foodstuffs. Modification of soil properties would be a more reliable technique. This is particularly relevant to agricultural soils in the former USSR still affected by fallout from the Chernobyl disaster.
Soil contamination by arsenic (As) presents a hazard in many countries and there is a need for techniques to minimize As uptake by plants. A proposed in situ remediation method was tested by growing lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Kermit) in a greenhouse pot experiment on soil that contained 577 mg As kg(-1), taken from a former As smelter site. All combinations of iron (Fe) oxides, at concentrations of 0.00, 0.22, 0.54, and 1.09% (w/w), and lime, at concentrations of 0.00, 0.27, 0.68, and 1.36% (w/w), were tested in a factorial design. To create the treatments, field-moist soil, commercial-grade FeSO4, and ground agricultural lime were mixed and stored for one week, allowing Fe oxides to precipitate. Iron oxides gave highly significant (P < 0.001) reductions in lettuce As concentrations, down to 11% of the lettuce As concentration for untreated soil. For the Fe oxides and lime treatment combinations where soil pH was maintained nearly constant, the lettuce As concentration declined in an exponential relationship with increasing FeSO4 application rate and lettuce yield was almost unchanged. Iron oxides applied at a concentration of 1.09% did not give significantly lower lettuce As concentrations than the 0.54% treatment. Simultaneous addition of lime with FeSO4 was essential. Ferrous sulfate with insufficient lime lowered soil pH and caused mobilization of Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sr, and Zn. At the highest Fe oxide to lime ratios, Mn toxicity caused severe yield loss.
Two commercial enzyme products, Depol 40 (D) and Liquicell 2500 (L), were characterised from a biochemical standpoint and their potential to improve rumen degradation of forages was evaluated in vitro. Enzyme activities were determined at pH 5.5 and 39 degreesC. Analysis of the enzyme activities indicated that L contained higher xylanase and endoglucanase, but lower exoglucanase, pectinase and alpha-amylase activities than D. The Reading Pressure Technique (RPT) was used to investigate the effect of enzyme addition on the in vitro gas production (GP) and organic matter degradation (OMD) of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) stems and leaves. A completely randomised design with factorial arrangement of treatments was used. Both alfalfa fractions were untreated or treated with each enzyme at four levels, 20 h before incubation with rumen fluid. Each level of enzyme provided similar amounts of filter paper (D1, L1), endoglucanase (D2, L2), alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase (D3, L3) and xylanase units (D4, L4) per gram forage DM. Enzymes increased the initial OMD in both fractions, with improvements of up to 15% in leaves (D4) and 8% in stems (L2) after 12 h incubation. All enzyme treatments increased the extent of degradation (96 h incubation) in the leaf fractions, but only L2 increased final OMD in the stems. Direct hydrolysis of forage fractions during the pre-treatment period did not fully account for the magnitude of the increases in OMD, suggesting that the increase in rate of degradation was achieved through a combined effect of direct enzyme hydrolysis and synergistic action between the exogenous (applied) and endogenous (rumen) enzymes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Background and aims Medicago sativa L. is widely grown in southern Australia, but is poorly adapted to dry, hot summers. This study aimed to identify perennial herbaceous legumes with greater resistance to drought stress and explore their adaptive strategies. Methods Ten herbaceous perennial legume species/accessions were grown in deep pots in a sandy, low-phosphorus field soil in a glasshouse. Drought stress was imposed by ceasing to water. A companion M. sativa plant in each pot minimised differences in leaf area and water consumption among species. Plants were harvested when stomatal conductance of stressed plants decreased to around 10% of well watered plants. Results A range of responses to drought stress were identified, including: reduced shoot growth; leaf curling; thicker pubescence on leaves and stems; an increased root:shoot ratio; an increase, decrease or no change in root distribution with depth; reductions in specific leaf area or leaf water potential; and osmotic adjustment. The suite of changes differed substantially among species and, less so, among accessions. Conclusions The inter- and intra-specific variability of responses to drought-stress in the plants examined suggests a wide range of strategies are available in perennial legumes to cope with drying conditions, and these could be harnessed in breeding/selection programs.
Phosphorus (P) deficiency is a major problem for Australian agriculture. Development of new perennial pasture legumes that acquire or use P more efficiently than the current major perennial pasture legume, lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), is urgent. A glasshouse experiment compared the response of ten perennial herbaceous legume species to a series of P supplies ranging from 0 to 384 µg g−1 soil, with lucerne as the control. Under low-P conditions, several legumes produced more biomass than lucerne. Four species (Lotononis bainesii Baker, Kennedia prorepens F.Muell, K. prostrata R.Br, Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) C.H.Stirt) achieved maximum growth at 12 µg P g−1 soil, while other species required 24 µg P g−1. In most tested legumes, biomass production was reduced when P supply was ≥192 µg g−1, due to P toxicity, while L. bainesii and K. prorepens showed reduced biomass when P was ≥24 µg g−1 and K. prostrata at ≥48 µg P g−1 soil. B. bituminosa and Glycine canescens F.J.Herm required less soil P to achieve 0.5 g dry mass than the other species did. Lucerne performed poorly with low P supply and our results suggest that some novel perennial legumes may perform better on low-P soils.
Many Australian plant species have specific root adaptations for growth in phosphorus-impoverished soils, and are often sensitive to high external P concentrations. The growth responses of native Australian legumes in agricultural soils with elevated P availability in the surface horizons are unknown. The aim of these experiments was to test the hypothesis that increased P concentration in surface soil would reduce root proliferation at depth in native legumes. The effect of P placement on root distribution was assessed for two Australian legumes, Kennedia prorepens F. Muell. and Lotus australis Andrews, and the exotic Medicago sativa L. Three treatments were established in a low-P loam soil: amendment of 0.15 g mono-calcium phosphate in either (i) the top 50 mm (120 µg P g–1) or (ii) the top 500 mm (12 µg P g–1) of soil, and an unamended control. In the unamended soil M. sativa was shallow rooted, with 58% of the root length of in the top 50 mm. K. prorepens and L. australis had a more even distribution down the pot length, with only 4 and 22% of their roots in the 0–50 mm pot section, respectively. When exposed to amendment of P in the top 50 mm, root length in the top 50 mm increased 4-fold for K. prorepens and 10-fold for M. sativa, although the pattern of root distribution did not change for M. sativa. L. australis was relatively unresponsive to P additions and had an even distribution of roots down the pot. Shoot P concentrations differed according to species but not treatment (K. prorepens 2.1 mg g–1, L. australis 2.4 mg g–1, M. sativa 3.2 mg g–1). Total shoot P content was higher for K. prorepens than for the other species in all treatments. In a second experiment, mono-ester phosphatases were analysed from 1-mm slices of soil collected directly adjacent to the rhizosphere. All species exuded phosphatases into the rhizosphere, but addition of P to soil reduced phosphatase activity only for K. prorepens. Overall, high P concentration in the surface soil altered root distribution, but did not reduce root proliferation at depth. Furthermore, the Australian herbaceous perennial legumes had root distributions that enhanced P acquisition from low-P soils.
The endosperm of seeds of Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers. accumulates galactomannan as a cell wall storage polysaccharide. It is hydrolysed by three enzymes, one of them being alpha-galactosidase. A great amount of protein bodies is found in the cytoplasm of endospermic cells, which are thought to play the major role as a nitrogen reserve in this seed. The present work aimed at understanding how the production of enzymes that degrade storage compounds is controlled. We performed experiments with addition of inhibitors of transcription (actinomycin-d and alpha-amanitin) and translation (cycloheximide) during and after germination. In order to follow the performance of storage mobilisation, we measured fresh mass, protein contents and alpha-galactosidase activity. All the inhibitors tested had little effect on seed germination and seedling development. Actinomycin-d and cycloheximide provoked a slight inhibition of the storage protein degradation and concomitantly lead to an elevation of the alpha-galactosidase activity. Although alpha-amanitin showed some effect on seedling development at latter stages, it presented the former effect and did not change galactomannan degradation performance. Our data suggest that some of the proteases may be synthesised de novo, whereas alpha-galactosidase seems to be present in the endosperm cells probably as an inactive polypeptide in the protein bodies, being probably activated by proteolysis when the latter organelle is disassembled. These evidences suggest the existence of a connection between storage proteins and carbohydrates mobilisation in seeds of S. virgata, which would play a role by assuring a balanced afflux of the carbon and nitrogen to the seedling development.
Existe a necessidade da sustentação da produção vegetal no perÃodo de inverno no Rio Grande do Sul para a produção animal, e há duas espécies potenciais para isto, o trevo vermelho e a alfafa. No entanto, vários são os fatores que são necessários para a implantação destas culturas cujo custo, por ser elevado, deve ser justificado. O melhoramento genético vegetal é uma das áreas que pode contribuir na maior produção destas espécies principalmente de matéria seca e de produção de sementes. Especificamente, os Ãndices de seleção que associam diversas caracterÃsticas de interesse na seleção são ferramentas importantes. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a eficiência da utilização de diferentes metodologias de Ãndices de seleção na escolha das melhores plantas cultivadas à campo. Os dados sobre caracterÃsticas agronômicas de duas populações de trezentas plantas, uma de trevo vermelho (Trifolium pratense L.) e outra de alfafa (Medicago sativa L.) avaliadas a campo de forma individualizada, dispostas em seis blocos, com cinqüenta plantas em cada bloco, foram investigadas. Utilizou-se a análise de correlações residuais entre as variáveis analisadas, para se determinar quais seriam as caracterÃsticas que seriam incluÃdas nos Ãndices, eliminando-se uma de cada duas altamente correlacionadas. Foram construÃdos seis Ãndices de seleção: o multiplicativo de Elston, o base de Baker, os base de Williams via componentes principais e via função discriminante canônica, um Ãndice construÃdo através da correlação canônica e o de soma de postos de Mulamba e Mock. Estudos de concordância, entre os diferentes Ãndices, foram realizados através da correlação de Sperman. A concordância quanto à s plantas selecionadas, pelos diferentes Ãndices de seleção, foi procedida sob uma seleção de 20% das plantas. As metodologias de seleção de plantas individuais foram eficientes, na escolha de plantas promissoras, levando em consideração simultaneamente à s várias caracterÃsticas. Os Ãndices de seleção apresentaram alta concordância em relação à s plantas selecionadas.
Avaliou-se a influência da disposição de mangueiras gotejadoras nos canteiros e a injeção ou não de cloro na água de irrigação, nas condições sanitárias do solo e da alface americana irrigada (Lactuca sativa L.) com águas receptoras de efluentes urbanos. Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas de amostras de água do solo e da alface, no decorrer de todo o ciclo de cultivo. Objetivou-se determinar a possÃvel existência de Salmonella spp. e de formas evolutivas de parasitos humanos e a quantidade de coliformes fecais, em pontos e épocas diferentes do experimento, impedindo assim o consumo da alface. Os resultados não indicaram a presença dos dois primeiros em nenhuma das amostras, mas sim de parasitos não humanos (nematóides) de vida livre no solo. em relação à quantidade de coliformes fecais (NMP ml-1), o valor encontrado na cultura atende à s exigências da Secretaria de Vigilância Sanitária do Ministério da Saúde brasileiro, porém a presença dos nematóides em quantidades superiores ao permitido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) inviabiliza o seu consumo.
Foram conduzidos dois experimentos de campo em área experimental do Departamento de Nutrição Animal e Pastagens da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (UNESP), Campus de Jaboticabal, com o objetivo de observar resÃduos do herbicida imazethapyr na forragem da alfafa e analisar a interferência de plantas daninhas monocotiledôneas e dicotiledôneas. No primeiro experimento, o herbicida foi aplicado nas doses de 0,5 e 1,0 l do p.c./ha, nos estádios de desenvolvimento: inÃcio de brotação das gemas basais, estádio vegetativo, ou seja, antes da cobertura total do solo e inÃcio do florescimento da alfafa. Foi observado que o herbicida não deixou resÃduo nas plantas da alfafa, podendo estas serem consumidas pelos animais, logo após seu tratamento. No segundo experimento, foi estabelecido com base no manejo de cortes da área experimental e na presença de plantas daninhas, quatro tratamentos: 1)corte no verão de 1996, sem a presença de invasoras, 2)corte no inverno de 1996, sem a presença de invasoras, 3)corte no verão de 1997, com predominância de espécies monocotiledôneas, 4)corte no verão de 1997, com predominância de espécies dicotiledôneas. A presença de plantas daninhas reduziu a produção de matéria seca da alfafa. Quanto aos valores de parede celular, observou menores de Hem (5,7) e Lig (5,1) e maior de PB (26,1%) nas plantas colhidas no inverno, devido à maior proporção de folhas.