868 resultados para rhetoric and philosophy


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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No ano de 1970 houve a publicação da obra póstuma Ave, palavra de Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967) que reúne alguns textos do autor, desta coletânea de textos se faz a escolha das crônicas “O mau humor de Wotan”, “A velha” e “A senhora dos segredos”, que giram em torno do contexto do Nazismo alemão e expõem uma posição contraria ao Nacional Socialismo. Num primeiro momento o trabalho busca mostrar como Benedito Nunes (1929-2011) se guiou por uma tendência interpretativa concebida por comentadores heideggerianos antes das obras completas [Gesamtausgabe] (2001), tal tendência postula que não há na Filosofia de Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) um vínculo entre o pensamento político e o filosófico. O passo seguinte expõe a noção heideggeriana em Ser e Verdade (2001) em que o filósofo alemão propõe uma fundamentação ideológica para o Nazismo, sendo favorável a este com certas ressalvas. Assim, mostra-se como as obras completas expõem argumentos que apontam uma limitação em relação aos comentadores que produziram antes de sua publicação sobre a Política e a Filosofia em Heidegger. No subcapítulo sobre O local da diferença (2005), trata-se do trauma e do testemunho como conceitos centrais que o autor coloca para teorizar as Literaturas do século XX nos contextos de guerra e de regimes autoritários. Após, faz-se uma leitura crítica com base na premissa do pensamento político filosófico em Heidegger nas crônicas rosianas, pois estas expõem imagens do período da Alemanha nazista que o escritor mineiro esteve como diplomata. A segunda crítica das crônicas de guerra será feita com base nos conceitos de trauma e de testemunho formulados por Seligmann-Silva (1964), pois, as obras rosianas tratadas demonstram o teor de autoritarismo do partido nazista. Por fim, será feita uma definição do conceito de recepção de Hans Robert Jauss (1921-1997) para em seguida discutir os autores que fizeram a recepção críticas das crônicas rosianas.


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No presente trabalho interpreta-se a poesia de Max Martins, focando, principalmente, a abertura que ela oferece para o acontecer do silêncio da linguagem. Pensa-se, aqui, no silêncio como uma questão que fala e se confunde com a questão da essência da linguagem e, por conseguinte, também com a da essência do poético. Sendo assim, a dissertação desdobra-se em discussões poético-filosóficas, articulando essas duas esferas criativas nas várias dimensões em que a obra martiniana manifesta o silêncio: na linguagem, no diálogo com o pensamento e a poesia orientais, no erotismo e na verbivocovisualidade. Busca-se a escuta da “voz do silêncio”, como aparece no título do trabalho. Nessa travessia, importante dizer, as reflexões implementadas pelo filósofo alemão Martin Heidegger acerca da linguagem, assim como suas ideias sobre hermenêutica poética, são de grande valia. Certamente, além de Heidegger, há outros pensadores cujos nomes ecoam pelo trabalho, mas o do alemão merece destaque, pois a compreensão da essência da linguagem como fala silenciosa encontra abrigo tanto em sua filosofia como na obra poética de Max Martins. Realizando um diálogo entre poesia e filosofia no que elas têm em comum — o pensamento de questões —, aqui não se aplicou uma teoria prévia ao acontecer da arte. Procurou-se, ao contrário, empreender ao longo desta jornada interpretativa a escuta da poética que os próprios textos martinianos põe em obra.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article integrates results from reflections on the importance of history and philosophy of science for science education and teacher training. Centrally, was based on results from reflections on the importance of this knowledge for teacher training and action planning of science teaching by the teacher, through a thematic approach. To address this latter topic, we attempted to do so by considering the action planning of science teaching in elementary schools. This option is due to the fact that in the discipline, be clearly stated the broad reach of its area, to integrate knowledge about nature, human beings and technology, among others, in a historical and philosophical perspective.


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Incomplete glimpses of the philosophy of Charles Peirce (1839-1914) can frequently be found in studies about Semiotics and Information Science. Therefore, we sought to discover the theoretical and applied interrelationships between knowledge and information organization and Peirce's Semiotics and Philosophy. The aim was to discover and evaluate the contributions of Peirce's Semiotics and Philosophy to the knowledge and information organization field. The method of this study was bibliographical research. The main results were: indexing process semiotic model, semiotic knowledge organization, interaction between documentary semiotics and documentary languages, kinds of inference to the indexing process, as well as the collaboration of Peirce's pragmatism to terminology theory. Finally, we listed issues for future research.


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In this paper we intend to understand the functioning of Freudian psychism concerning the constitution of the psychic subject in his relation with knowledge. In order to do that, we will analyze one of the most important writings by Freud: An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. This choice was made because we think that the author synthesizes his thought in that book, whose maturity makes possible for us to access a later elaboration of the functioning and the conceptions we intend to analyze: The regions of Psychic apparatus; The problem of the Psycho-Analysis approach: science and philosophy; and The psychic qualities of the subject.


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This paper discusses some of the general foundations of my philosophical journey, from studies, researches and reflections on the sciences and Genetic Epistemology, to the proposal of a speculative idealist metaphysics and ontology. I initially introduce the notion of a system of human beings and their behavior, in order to contextualize the discussion of one of the central questions of the paper: how can the system of human beings and their behavior be comprehended? I then make some general considerations about Genetic Epistemology and Psychology, and analyze the consequences of the thesis inherent in them that the object is an essentially intellectual being. Next, I consider the possibility of a different perspective on the Theory of Knowledge. This leads to the question “how are the different philosophic systems possible?” and to the necessity of the constitution of a philosophy that is able to deal with this question from a viewpoint of totality and on the basis of a thought able to think itself. I then make some considerations on the establishment of such a philosophy in regard to genetic epistemology, and introduce the notion of idea. Finallly, a general research project is proposed (that this paper only announces) that aims to use some concepts and arguments inspired by Hegelian Speculative Philosophy (or related to it) in order to comprehend the system of human beings and their behavior, especially in the production scenario of contemporary science and philosophy, including Genetic Epistemology. I hope I have contributed to showing that another philosophical view (distinct from Piagetian naturalism) is at least possible, one that takes into account the experimental data of Genetic Epistemology and Psychology.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research project aims to determine the main way that the inclusion of topics of history and philosophy of science education activities aimed at high school, influence the process of teaching and learning of chemistry. The subject of research will be a teacher, undergraduate student in chemistry and public school students that the teaching units developed will be applied. The literature presents a large of research indicating the need to include these topics in education and present the results of large withdrawals of original sources of the development of scientific knowledge. Despite of the large number of these works are not very common reports of application of the results of these studies on activities of the classroom, which reinforces the importance of this study


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The performance of investigative activities with lessons in teaching Science and Chemistry has promoted meaningful learning of scientific knowledge. This study aimed to develop the links between higher education for research and skills argumentative, aimed at building the scientific concept on combustion of the candle in a closed container, for students from two classes of 3rd year of high school, two city schools Bauru, São Paulo. We decided to do a short course investigative, to respond argumentative skills which are developed during the minicourse using investigative activities, knowledge from the history and philosophy of science. The results were gathered from analysis of video recordings of episodes of the short course in both the groups, to produce a higher rate of use of argumentative skill, which were classified into categories according to the prior knowledge of the subject, 'factual knowledge' , 'understanding of concepts' and 'reasoning and analysis.' From the information obtained, it was found that both the teachers and the students were consistent in their actions, and that the activity of reasoning is key to learning. Thus, one can realize that knowledge is not acquired all at the same time, each individual depends on the mediation of the teacher in order to reach different design more appropriate teaching and investigative linked with the argument can be the key tool to acquire this knowledge