766 resultados para restocking programs


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We propose a general framework for assertion-based debugging of constraint logic programs. Assertions are linguistic constructions for expressing properties of programs. We define several assertion schemas for writing (partial) specifications for constraint logic programs using quite general properties, including user-defined programs. The framework is aimed at detecting deviations of the program behavior (symptoms) with respect to the given assertions, either at compile-time (i.e., statically) or run-time (i.e., dynamically). We provide techniques for using information from global analysis both to detect at compile-time assertions which do not hold in at least one of the possible executions (i.e., static symptoms) and assertions which hold for all possible executions (i.e., statically proved assertions). We also provide program transformations which introduce tests in the program for checking at run-time those assertions whose status cannot be determined at compile-time. Both the static and the dynamic checking are provably safe in the sense that all errors flagged are definite violations of the pecifications. Finally, we report briefly on the currently implemented instances of the generic framework.


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It is generally recognized that information about the runtime cost of computations can be useful for a variety of applications, including program transformation, granularity control during parallel execution, and query optimization in deductive databases. Most of the work to date on compile-time cost estimation of logic programs has focused on the estimation of upper bounds on costs. However, in many applications, such as parallel implementations on distributed-memory machines, one would prefer to work with lower bounds instead. The problem with estimating lower bounds is that in general, it is necessary to account for the possibility of failure of head unification, leading to a trivial lower bound of 0. In this paper, we show how, given type and mode information about procedures in a logic program, it is possible to (semi-automatically) derive nontrivial lower bounds on their computational costs. We also discuss the cost analysis for the special and frequent case of divide-and-conquer programs and show how —as a pragmatic short-term solution —it may be possible to obtain useful results simply by identifying and treating divide-and-conquer programs specially.


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We provide a method whereby, given mode and (upper approximation) type information, we can detect procedures and goals that can be guaranteed to not fail (i.e., to produce at least one solution or not termínate). The technique is based on an intuitively very simple notion, that of a (set of) tests "covering" the type of a set of variables. We show that the problem of determining a covering is undecidable in general, and give decidability and complexity results for the Herbrand and linear arithmetic constraint systems. We give sound algorithms for determining covering that are precise and efiicient in practice. Based on this information, we show how to identify goals and procedures that can be guaranteed to not fail at runtime. Applications of such non-failure information include programming error detection, program transiormations and parallel execution optimization, avoiding speculative parallelism and estimating lower bounds on the computational costs of goals, which can be used for granularity control. Finally, we report on an implementation of our method and show that better results are obtained than with previously proposed approaches.


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Global analysis of logic programs can be performed effectively by the use of one of several existing efficient algorithms. However, the traditional global analysis scheme in which all the program code is known in advance and no previous analysis information is available is unsatisfactory in many situations. Incrementa! analysis of logic programs has been shown to be feasible and much more efficient in certain contexts than traditional (non-incremental) global analysis. However, incremental analysis poses additional requirements on the fixpoint algorithm used. In this work we identify these requirements, present an important class of strategies meeting the requirements, present sufficient a priori conditions for such strategies, and propose, implement, and evalúate experimentally a novel algorithm for incremental analysis based on these ideas. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs very efficiently in the incremental case while being comparable to (and, in some cases, considerably better than) other state-of-the-art analysis algorithms even for the non-incremental case. We argüe that our discussions, results, and experiments also shed light on some of the many tradeoffs involved in the design of algorithms for logic program analysis.


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Abstract is not available.


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Abstract is not available.


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Abstract interpretation-based data-flow analysis of logic programs is, at this point, relatively well understood from the point of view of general frameworks and abstract domains. On the other hand, comparatively little attention has been given to the problems which arise when analysis of a full, practical dialect of the Prolog language is attempted, and only few solutions to these problems have been proposed to date. Existing proposals generally restrict in one way or another the classes of programs which can be analyzed. This paper attempts to fill this gap by considering a full dialect of Prolog, essentially the recent ISO standard, pointing out the problems that may arise in the analysis of such a dialect, and proposing a combination of known and novel solutions that together allow the correct analysis of arbitrary programs which use the full power of the language.


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We study the múltiple specialization of logic programs based on abstract interpretation. This involves in general generating several versions of a program predícate for different uses of such predícate, making use of information obtained from global analysis performed by an abstract interpreter, and finally producing a new, "multiply specialized" program. While the topic of múltiple specialization of logic programs has received considerable theoretical attention, it has never been actually incorporated in a compiler and its effects quantified. We perform such a study in the context of a parallelizing compiler and show that it is indeed a relevant technique in practice. Also, we propose an implementation technique which has the same power as the strongest of the previously proposed techniques but requires little or no modification of an existing abstract interpreter.


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We present a concurrent semantics (i.e. a semantics where concurrency is explicitely represented) for CC programs with atomic tells. This allows to derive concurrency, dependency, and nondeterminism information for such languages. The ability to treat failure information puts CLP programs also in the range of applicability of our semantics: although such programs are not concurrent, the concurrency information derived in the semantics may be interpreted as possible parallelism, thus allowing to safely parallelize those computation steps which appear to be concurrent in the net. Dually, the dependency information may also be interpreted as necessary sequentialization, thus possibly exploiting it to schedule CC programs. The fact that the semantical structure contains dependency information suggests a new tell operation, which checks for consistency only the constraints it depends on, achieving a reasonable trade-off between efficiency and atomicity.


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This paper presents a study of the effectiveness of three different algorithms for the parallelization of logic programs based on compile-time detection of independence among goals. The algorithms are embedded in a complete parallelizing compiler, which incorporates different abstract interpretation-based program analyses. The complete system shows the task of automatic program parallelization to be practical. The trade-offs involved in using each of the algorithms in this task are studied experimentally, weaknesses of these identified, and possible improvements discussed.


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Several types of parallelism can be exploited in logic programs while preserving correctness and efficiency, i.e. ensuring that the parallel execution obtains the same results as the sequential one and the amount of work performed is not greater. However, such results do not take into account a number of overheads which appear in practice, such as process creation and scheduling, which can induce a slow-down, or, at least, limit speedup, if they are not controlled in some way. This paper describes a methodology whereby the granularity of parallel tasks, i.e. the work available under them, is efficiently estimated and used to limit parallelism so that the effect of such overheads is controlled. The run-time overhead associated with the approach is usually quite small, since as much work is done at compile time as possible. Also, a number of run-time optimizations are proposed. Moreover, a static analysis of the overhead associated with the granularity control process is performed in order to decide its convenience. The performance improvements resulting from the incorporation of grain size control are shown to be quite good, specially for systems with médium to large parallel execution overheads.


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Goal independent analysis of logic programs is commonly discussed in the context of the bottom-up approach. However, while the literature is rich in descriptions of top-down analysers and their application, practical experience with bottom-up analysis is still in a preliminary stage. Moreover, the practical use of existing top-down frameworks for goal independent analysis has not been addressed in a practical system. We illustrate the efficient use of existing goal dependent, top-down frameworks for abstract interpretation in performing goal independent analyses of logic programs much the same as those usually derived from bottom-up frameworks. We present several optimizations for this flavour of top-down analysis. The approach is fully implemented within an existing top-down framework. Several implementation tradeoffs are discussed as well as the influence of domain characteristics. An experimental evaluation including a comparison with a bottom-up analysis for the domain Prop is presented. We conclude that the technique can offer advantages with respect to standard goal dependent analyses.


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In this paper we present a novel execution model for parallel implementation of logic programs which is capable of exploiting both independent and-parallelism and or-parallelism in an efficient way. This model extends the stack copying approach, which has been successfully applied in the Muse system to implement or-parallelism, by integrating it with proven techniques used to support independent and-parallelism. We show how all solutions to non-deterministic andparallel goals are found without repetitions. This is done through recomputation as in Prolog (and in various and-parallel systems, like &-Prolog and DDAS), i.e., solutions of and-parallel goals are not shared. We propose a scheme for the efficient management of the address space in a way that is compatible with the apparently incompatible requirements of both and- and or-parallelism. We also show how the full Prolog language, with all its extra-logical features, can be supported in our and-or parallel system so that its sequential semantics is preserved. The resulting system retains the advantages of both purely or-parallel systems as well as purely and-parallel systems. The stack copying scheme together with our proposed memory management scheme can also be used to implement models that combine dependent and-parallelism and or-parallelism, such as Andorra and Prometheus.


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Traditional logic programming languages, such as Prolog, use a fixed left-to-right atom scheduling rule. Recent logic programming languages, however, usually provide more flexible scheduling in which computation generally proceeds leftto- right but in which some calis are dynamically "delayed" until their arguments are sufRciently instantiated to allow the cali to run efficiently. Such dynamic scheduling has a significant cost. We give a framework for the global analysis of logic programming languages with dynamic scheduling and show that program analysis based on this framework supports optimizations which remove much of the overhead of dynamic scheduling.


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This paper presents and illustrates with an example a practical approach to the dataflow analysis of programs written in constraint logic programming (CLP) languages using abstract interpretation. It is first argued that, from the framework point of view, it sufnces to propose relatively simple extensions of traditional analysis methods which have already been proved useful and practical and for which efncient fixpoint algorithms have been developed. This is shown by proposing a simple but quite general extensión of Bruynooghe's traditional framework to the analysis of CLP programs. In this extensión constraints are viewed not as "suspended goals" but rather as new information in the store, following the traditional view of CLP. Using this approach, and as an example of its use, a complete, constraint system independent, abstract analysis is presented for approximating definiteness information. The analysis is in fact of quite general applicability. It has been implemented and used in the analysis of CLP(R) and Prolog-III applications. Results from the implementation of this analysis are also presented.