999 resultados para quantum fields
The recent observation of steps at regular intervals of magnetic field in the hysteresis loops of oriented crystals of the spin-10 molecular magnet Mn12O12(CH3COO)16(H2O)4 has been attributed to resonant tunneling between spin states. Here, we investigate the effect on the relaxation rate of applying the magnetic field at an angle with respect to the easy axis of magnetization. We find that the position of the resonances is independent of the transverse component of the field, and is determined solely by the longitudinal component. On the other hand, a transverse field significantly increases the relaxation rate, both on and off resonance. We discuss classical and quantum mechanical interpretations of this effect
We present a study of the magnetic relaxation of several ferrofluids composed of particles of about 40 Å in diameter (Fe3O4FeC, CoFe2O4). Our key observation is a nonthermal character of the relaxation below 3 K for the CoFe2O4 ferrofluid and below 1 K for the FeC ferrofluid. The crossover temperature from thermal to nonthermal (quantum) regime is in accordance with theoretical suggestions of macroscopic quantum tunneling of magnetization in single doma in particles
We present a theoretical study of the quantum depinning of domain walls. Our approach extends earlier work by Stamp and confirms his suggestion that quantum tunneling of domain walls in ferromagnets may reveal itself at a macroscopic level in a manner similar to the Josephson effect in superconductors. The rate of tunneling of a domain wall through a barrier formed by a planar defect is calculated in terms of macroscopic parameters of the ferromagnet. A universal behavior of the WKB exponent in the limit of small barriers is demonstrated. The effect of dissipation on the tunneling rate is studied. It is argued that quantum diffusion of domain walls apparently explains a nonthermal magnetic relaxation observed in some materials at low temperatures.
We generalize the analogous of Lee Hwa Chungs theorem to the case of presymplectic manifolds. As an application, we study the canonical transformations of a canonical system (M, S, O). The role of Dirac brackets as a test of canonicity is clarified.
We deal with a classical predictive mechanical system of two spinless charges where radiation is considered and there are no external fields. The terms (2,2)Paa of the expansion in the charges of the HamiltonJacobi momenta are calculated. Using these, together with known previous results, we can obtain the paa up to the fourth order. Then we have calculated the radiated energy and the 3-momentum in a scattering process as functions of the impact parameter and the incident energy for the former and 3-momentum for the latter. Scattering cross-sections are also calculated. Good agreement with well known results, including those of quantum electrodynamics, has been found.
The Meissner and diamagnetic shielding effects and the upper, lower, and thermodynamical critical fields have been studied in a Ba2HoCu3O7-x sample using magnetization measurements in fields up to 55 kOe. The diamagnetic shielding curve shows the existence of a transition at Tc=91.5 K followed by a broad transition extending from 85 to 25 K which may be related to inhomogeneities in the oxygen content of the sample. A rather low flux expulsion (13.5%) is observed which we attribute to flux pinning or trapping. We show that the coexistence of superconducting and nonsuperconducting regions within the sample at temperatures just below Tc leads to strong reductions in the critical magnetic fields.
We present a comprehensive study of the low-temperature magnetic relaxation in random magnets. The first part of the paper contains theoretical analysis of the expected features of the relaxation, based upon current theories of quantum tunneling of magnetization. Models of tunneling, dissipation, the crossover from the thermal to the quantum regime, and the effect of barrier distribution on the relaxation rate are discussed. It is argued that relaxation-type experiments are ideally suited for the observation of magnetic tunneling, since they automatically provide the condition of very low barriers. The second part of the paper contains experimental results on transition-metal¿rare-earth amorphous magnets. Structural and magnetic characterization of materials is presented. The temperature and field dependence of the magnetic relaxation is studied. Our key observation is a nonthermal character of the relaxation below a few kelvin. The observed features are in agreement with theoretical suggestions on quantum tunneling of magnetization.
Magnetic-relaxation measurements of a Tl-based high-Tc superconductor show temperature-independent flux creep below 6 K. The effect is analyzed in terms of the overdamped quantum diffusion of two-dimensional vortices. Good agreement between theory and experiment is found.
Several NdFeB compositionally modulated thin films are studied by using both conversion electron Mossbauer spectra and SQUID (superconducting quantum-interference-device) magnetometry. Both the hyperfine fields and the easy magnetization magnitude are not correlated with the modulation characteristic length (lambda) while the magnetization perpendicular to the thin-film plane decreases as lambda increases. The spectra were recorded at room temperature being the gamma rays perpendicular to the substrate plane. The magnetization measurements were recorded by using a SHE SQUID magnetometer in applied magnetic fields up to 5.5 T and in the temperature range between 1.8 and 30 K.
Magnetic relaxation and quantum tunneling of vortices in polycristalline Hg0.8Tl0.2Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+sigma
We present an imaginary-time path-integral study of the problem of quantum decay of a metastable state of a uniaxial magnetic particle placed in the magnetic field at an arbitrary angle. Our findings agree with earlier results of Zaslavskii obtained by mapping the spin Hamiltonian onto a particle Hamiltonian. In the limit of low barrier, weak dependence of the decay rate on the angle is found, except for the field which is almost normal to the anisotropy axis, where the rate is sharply peaked, and for the field approaching the parallel orientation, where the rate rapidly goes to zero. This distinct angular dependence, together with the dependence of the rate on the field strength, provides an independent test for macroscopic spin tunneling.