1000 resultados para psicologia social


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Professors of Architecture on the Subject of Human Development and Social Inclusion of People With Disabilities Historical-Cultural Psychology believes that the people appropriate the culture and develop themselves by social interactions. The architect acts indirectly on human development by producing spaces that allow varying levels of interaction between individuals. To know if the Brazilian Architecture courses are graduating professionals who facilitate the social inclusion of people with disabilities, this research aimed to investigate the concepts of Architecture teachers of a public university about this theme. After the interviews, the reports obtained were submitted to the categorical-content analysis method. Technical concepts predominated over reflective ones, except for the architecture concept, classified as a knowledge area which brings gains to human life.


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The effects of an intervention in social skills were assessed in four university students with ages between 19 and 31, with social phobia diagnosis. The performance in social skills as well as performance-compatible disorder was assessed before, after the intervention, and follow-up in four months later, by the instruments: SCID-I, Mini-SPIN, QACC-VU and IHS in a multiple baseline design among participants. The intervention programmed twelve weekly meetings in which the researcher discussed socially skilled alternatives to the described difficulties; leaded dialogued theoretical explanations about the theme of the meeting and also performed functional assessments and repertory training of the participants. It was observed deficits such as public speaking, starting and maintaining conversation in the participants’ social skills repertory, which are consistent with the criteria for social phobia and the difficulties into the adapting to university. After the intervention, the participants left difficulties in public speaking, performance characteristic compatible with the social phobia diagnosis and they also increased social repertory, although it is still necessary the improvement of other skills, such as expressing positive feeling.


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This study aimed at verifying the associations between social support, family support and self-concept in a group of men and women. In the male group there were negative correlations between family support and the factors negligence, aggression and indifference of the instrument of self-concept. In the female group, the total family support was positively correlated with sensuality and accountability, and negatively with uncertainty, and these three measures of the instrument of self-concept. The observed relationships between family support and social support were positive, for both men and women.


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This article discusses the need to deepen Psychology criticism as a science, unveiling its ideological commitment to the demands posed by the capitalism development and, at the same time, develop the critical thinking in Psychology. Taking the dialectical historical materialism as a basis, the main elements which should be contemplated by the critical thinking are presented: the dialectical reflection; the knowledge criticism; the denounce of degradation, alienation and human heteronomy in the conditions posed by capitalism and the possibility of being used as an instrument in the social transformation process. The incorporation of these elements can guide the constitution process of psychological knowledge which will be able to provide more satisfactory answers to questions concerning the dialectical relationship between individuals and society and the possibilities of human emancipation in nowadays society.


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This research investigated the process of personal sense attribution to the study activity of students in Elementary School. The theoretical reference is the Historical-Cultural Psychology. It was conducted with students from 4th grade in a public school. The methodological procedures were: observation the daily life of a classroom; learning oriented situations; focus groups; interviews. As a result, we sought to define the analysis unit: the relation between the study activity motives and the objectives of study actions. It is defended the thesis that for the scholar learning to happen, the study actions of the students must have a personal sense correspondent to the motives and to the social meanings of the study activity, towards the human development promotion.


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This study aimed to analyze the literature on social support in the database ebsco-Academic Search between 2001 and 2011. It was based on a search for items that had the words "social support" and "scale" in the abstract. The sample consisted of 107 studies. It was verified in the results that there were fluctuations in the number of studies over the years. Aging & Mental Health and Quality of Life Research were the journals which published the most. On the country of residence of the first author, the countries that dominated were United States and England. 34 different instruments were used to assess social support. We also observed a lack of information concerning the psychometric qualities in the instruments descriptions.


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The mass media have a decisive function in formation of opinion and conduct of population. Among those, the television is a vehicle with great power of spread of information. The objective this study is to analyze the influence of media on occurrences regarding the aggressiveness some participants involved in event soccer, while spectators. The subject's attitude is determined by predominant factors, among them the influences of social and cultural way in that lives, as well as, of the education and sporting influences that it affects. The problem of violence in the sport, in the case of soccer, it cannot be addressed for total responsibility of media. However, collaboration is indispensable, for aspect positive and/or negative, depending on the interest in subject. The models of behavior in television could influence the spectator's behavior for a learning process, for example, the use of the language. Therefore, it is indispensable to rethink the roads of television, their ethical conducts and to discuss the philosophical sense of the crisis. Because, to reject the mass media is to deny the reality and social transformations. The extent of the Physical education, above all in the school, is a fundamental space for the teacher to intermediate the meaning of the sport, in this case, the soccer-spectacle, in social context and their relationships with the media, enlarging the process civilization, so much inside as out of field.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aimed to assess the relationship between clinical and behavioral manifestations of the Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and verify the discriminative validity of the Social Skills Inventory (SSI-Del-Prette) in the diagnosis of this disorder. The participants were 1,006 undergraduates, aged between 17 and 35 years old, both genders. Subsequently, 86 participants were randomly selected from the initial sample and grouped as SAD cases and non-SAD cases through systematic clinical evaluation. The results indicated that the more elaborate the repertoire of social skills of an individual is, the lower his/her likelihood of meeting the screening criteria of diagnostic indicators for SAD. Furthermore, the SSI-Del-Prette has demonstrated to significantly distinguish individuals with and without SAD, evidencing, thus, its discriminative validity.


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Este estudo objetivou verificar as associações entre as manifestações clínicas e comportamentais do Transtorno de Ansiedade Social (TAS) e aferir a validade discriminativa do Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS-Del-Prette) no diagnóstico deste transtorno. Participaram 1006 estudantes universitários, na faixa etária entre 17 e 35 anos, de ambos os gêneros. Posteriormente, 86 participantes foram randomicamente selecionados desta amostra inicial e agrupados como casos e não-casos de TAS por meio de avaliação clínica sistemática. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que quanto mais elaborado for o repertório de habilidades sociais de um indivíduo, menor será a sua probabilidade de satisfazer os critérios de rastreamento de indicadores diagnósticos para o TAS. Além disso, o IHS-Del-Prette demonstrou distinguir significativamente indivíduos com e sem TAS, evidenciando-se a sua validade discriminativa.


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Este texto objetiva discutir contribuições da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural para a formação e a atuação do psicólogo junto à educação, num contexto de Educação Inclusiva. Destacam-se os fundamentos e princípios da educação para pessoas com deficiência, bem como postulados da teoria de Vigotski referentes à formação e à atuação dos psicólogos. Considera-se que a perspectiva teórica elaborada pelo autor soviético contribui por: destacar a transitoriedade dos eventos e fenômenos; atrelar o mundo das ideias, valores e representações à vida objetiva e à prática social; relacionar propostas educacionais a um dado projeto de sociedade; defender a possibilidade do desvendamento da constituição social do psiquismo e da possível intervenção sobre a mesma; requisitar uma condição de desenvolvimento humano sobre o patamar do homem cultural e livre. Por fim, destaca-se o fato de que a Educação Inclusiva deve se referir ao processo de apropriação e usufruto das produções humanas mais complexas, elaboradas nas diferentes áreas da vida e do conhecimento.


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Trabalhos anteriores têm revelado vieses no reconhecimento de emoções e padrões diferenciais de ativação cerebral no transtorno de ansiedade social. No presente estudo, foi investigada a atribuição de emoções a faces neutras em 22 indivíduos com ansiedade social e 20 voluntários controles. Através do método da escolha forçada, participantes atribuíram emoções de alegria, medo, raiva ou tristeza a faces neutras. Verificou-se que homens e mulheres com ansiedade social atribuíram mais frequentemente emoções de raiva e tristeza às faces neutras, respectivamente. A atribuição de raiva por homens pode estar associada à tendência masculina em detectar sinais de hostilidade no ambiente social, enquanto que o aumento na atribuição de tristeza pelas mulheres pode estar associado à facilitação na identificação de emoções negativas. Os resultados sugerem que a ansiedade social afeta diferentemente os sexos e têm implicações importantes sobre o uso da face neutra como condição de base ou controle nas neurociências comportamentais.


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A distrofia muscular de Duchenne é uma doença genética caracterizada por enfraquecimento muscular progressivo e degeneração irreversível, acompanhados por danos sensoriais e neuropsicológicos. Os objetivos do estudo consistiram em avaliar o perfil comportamental de crianças/adolescentes com DMD e a influência do prejuízo motor, da idade no início do uso de cadeira de rodas e da idade no diagnóstico. Participaram 34 pacientes e 20 controles. Os pacientes formaram dois grupos conforme o quociente de inteligência (QI). Os pais responderam ao Inventário de Comportamentos da Infância e da Adolescência. Pacientes com DMD obtiveram escores mais baixos em Atividades e Sociabilidade (p < 0,01; ANCOVA). Os pacientes com QI < 80 apresentaram menores índices de Escolaridade. O prejuízo motor e as idades referentes à cadeira e ao diagnóstico correlacionaram-se com sintomas psiquiátricos/somáticos e problemas escolares. Os achados enfatizam a necessidade de programas educacionais acerca da doença como base para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de inclusão social.


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Este trabalho visou a avaliar a concepção de responsabilidade social de gestores e empregados de algumas empresas que participam da Política Nacional de Integração da Pessoa com Deficiência. A amostra foi constituída por 57 sujeitos, divididos em dois grupos: gestores e empregados. O grupo de gestores foi formado por 19 profissionais de recursos humanos, e o grupo de empregados, por 38 profissionais com deficiência. Os sujeitos foram solicitados a escrever as associações evocadas pelas palavras responsabilidade social em um período de 90 segundos. A partir dos dados coletados, as respostas dos sujeitos foram agrupadas em oito categorias: preocupação com o ambiente, inclusão social, solidariedade, respeito, compromisso social, sentimentos e atitudes positivos, coletividade e outras respostas. A análise estatística do Qui-quadrado permitiu rejeitar a hipótese nula com um alto grau de probabilidade. Verificou-se que o maior número de respostas associadas ao conceito de responsabilidade social concentrou-se nas categorias inclusão social, sentimentos/atitudes positivos e preocupação com o meio ambiente que, em conjunto, englobaram pouco mais da metade (52%) do total das respostas. A fim de avaliar o grau de associação entre as respostas dos gestores e dos empregados, foi calculado o coeficiente de correlação posto-ordem de Spearman. Os resultados permitiram identificar uma rede de conceitos associados ao conceito de responsabilidade social, tal como previsto por uma das teorias sobre formação de conceitos: a visão teórica.