999 resultados para price limit


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The creation of an electronic limit order book is discussed as the basis for distinguishing between the floor trading and screen trading of derivative instruments. Distinguishing between FTP and ETP in terms of market transparency allows investors to contemplate the trade-off between the 2 platforms. Distinguishing between FTP and ETP in terms of memory preservation allows practitioners to contemplate the different experiences when analyzing floor data and screen data. A comparable set of floor and screen data is used to examine the impact on the trading dynamics and price discovery of LIFFE's FTSE 100 index futures market when trading is automated on LIFFE CONNECT. The dynamics in the quote change equation is shortened when moving from the floor to screen sample. Using the model's measure of trade informativeness, it is found that in 4 out of 5 daily sub-samples, screen trades are more than twice as informative as floor trades. Variability within a system of equations is explained more by order size history than trade size history.


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This book is based on extensive research and regaulr visits to East Timor since 1995. It considers the trials that the people of East Timor have undergone in their long struggle for independence, and issues that have arisen out of independence. This account places East Timor within the context of other post-colonial states, noting the problems that most of them have faced in coming to grips with their new-found freedoms, and how they have managed, or mismanaged, such freedoms. It also traces the themes and issues within the independence movement, noting how these have contibuted to post-independence outcomes, in particular the poltiical tensions that almost saw East Timor collapse as a viable state in 2006. The books concludes with an assessment of the 2007 elections which, depsite some post-election violence, saw the consolidation of democratic processes in East Timor, and which marked it as having a brighter future in this one critical respect.


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The stock index futures was introduced in Malaysia in December 1995 with the launching of the futures contract on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Composite Index. Due to its recentness in the country, many issues pertaining to this equity derivatives instrument have not been explored. Thus, the development of stock index futures opens many opportunities for research in this area. This study examines the temporal relationship between the price of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Composite Index futures contract (FKLI) and its underlying stock index, the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Composite Index (KLSE CI). The five-year period under study is split into three subperiods to observe the price co-movement pattern under different volatility levels. The study finds that futures market tends to lead the spot market by one day during the periods of stable market, and there is a mixed lead-lag relationship between the two markets during the period of highly volatile market.


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Contemporary economic and social contexts including the creative knowledge economy provide competing perspectives on ‘the future’ of higher education and the role of the academic within these contexts. Increasingly educators and educationa leaders are expected to act in ‘futures’ oriented ways whilst remaining true to the professional standards of their present environments. Working in the creative industries or as part of the creative knowledge economy increasingly contributes to Australia’s strategic directions for the future but also has an influence on what is valued in the higher education sector.
This paper explores the impact of the creative knowledge economy on the higher education sector and its response to the changing educational landscapes. An exploration is undertaken of the shift towards creative industries where the value of creativity and the arts is linked to economic value. It is argued that this shift requires researchers to alter their identities from that of having ‘academic’ value to engaging with the commodification of knowledge. The paper concludes with a suggested way forward for both the creative industries and the higher education sector using Giri’s (2002) model for transdisciplinarity.


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This paper estimates an import demand model for Fiji using the recently developed bounds testing approach to cointegration for the period 1972 to 1999. To estimate the long-run elasticities, we use three approaches: the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model, the dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) approach and the fully modified ordinary least squares technique. Our results indicate a long-run cointegration relationship among the variables when import volume is the dependent variable. We find that the coefficient on income is elastic while the coefficient on relative prices (import price relative to domestic price) is unitary elastic in the long run. The error correction mechanism reveals that after any shock(s) to the determinants of import demand equilibrium is attained after 2 1/2 years.


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The differences in economy, society, demography and geography in different regions are main reasons which cause disparities in regional house prices. Three theories, namely ripple effect hypothesis, convergence and efficient market hypothesis, are used to examine price fluctuations in spatial dimension amongst eight housing markets in Australian state capital cities.


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The research analyses economic linkages of producer price indices of the construction industry in Australia and relationships between construction and house prices. A range of econometric techniques are applied to analyse construction and house prices. The economic equilibrium and dynamic relationships among regional markets are investigated based on producer price index analysis.


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This dissertation consists of four separate but closely related studies which investigate different aspects of share price behavior on the Taiwan Stock Exchange over the period 1980-89: 1.The benefits of diversification available to investors using the Markowitz model and the Single Model Index. 2. The applicability of the CAPM to the TSE over the decade. 3. Regularities in proce sequences. 4. Market reaction to the announcements of stock dividends, right issues and combinations of both.


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This article investigates the distributional implication of relative price movements in Australia. It proposes and applies a method of evaluating the nature and size of the inequality bias of price movements. In the process, the study introduces a new demographic demand model that yields sensible and statistically significant estimates of the general equivalence scale and the size economies of scale. The study finds that relative price movements in Australia during the 1990s had an inequality increasing bias and that this bias increased in the late 1990s and the first part of the new millennium. The disaggregated analysis of the inequality movements shows that the regressive nature of relative price changes affected the renters much more than non-renters. The study also provides evidence on the decomposition of overall inequality between demographic groups and compares the decomposition between the nominal and real expenditure inequalities.


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With the rapid increasing number and assets of A-REITs, there has been an urgent need to study the relationship between the changes of cash rates and the A-REITs returns. This study investigates whether there were relationships between Australian-Real Estate Investment Trusts stock returns and policy interest rate changes in the past decade by using event study with a multivariate regression model. The findings indicate that cash rate changes have no significantly positive or negative influence on the equity A-REIT stock prices. A series of successive cash rate changes do not take a continuous and dramatic effect on the equity A-REIT stock prices in each economic cycle. Moreover, the A-REITs with relatively smaller assets show more significant fluctuation to the changes of cash rates, and the A-REITs owning more than $ 10 billion in capital assets have relatively steady stock prices. Overall, the findings from this research lead to a call for comprehensive research into various areas in order to ascertain the determinants of A-REIT price changes.


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The study described in this paper focuses on testing the short-run and
long-run relationships between house price and consumer price indices in Australia’s capital cities from 1998 to 2008. The autoregressive distributed lag model is adopted to obtain the estimates of the short-run relationships, while the error correction model is used to investigate the long-run relationships. The t-statistic is used to compute the significance of these relationships. The research results give no evidence that house price indices are correlated with consumer price indices in the short run. However, the long-run relationships between house and consumer price indices exist in most of the cities.