766 resultados para predatory stink bug


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Studio degli strumenti Open Source usati per lo sviluppo cooperativo del software, delle loro possibili interazioni e di come esse facilitino lo sviluppo cooperativo.


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La presente tesi esamina la progettazione e lo sviluppo di un sistema software la cui funzionalità principale è quella di gestire segnalazioni in merito a problematiche riscontrate dall'utente che possono riguardare diversi ambiti come segnalazioni post-vendita in merito a progetti informatici (bug, mancanza di funzionalità, errori di funzionalità...) o segnalazioni in merito a disguidi su ordini (ordine errato, ordine non ricevuto...). Tali problematiche vengono identificate nel ticket. Una volta aperto, dopo un'analisi del problema, il ticket viene assegnato ad un operatore che si occuperà di risolverlo. In questa fase operatore ed utente possono scambiarsi informazioni aggiuntive tramite un thread di conversazione associato al ticket. Il sistema è volto ad uniformare il canale di comunicazione tra azienda e cliente e a fornire all'azienda che ne ha fatto richiesta un sistema efficiente per la gestione di queste segnalazioni, portando dei benefici ad entrambe le parti, impiegati e clienti, che possono fornire un feedback in merito al servizio ricevuto. Il sistema è stato sviluppato per dispositivi Android. L'architettura utilizzata per sviluppare l'applicazione è di tipo client-server. I dati necessari al funzionamento dell'applicazione sono conservati in un database online.


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L'argomento di questa tesi è l'architettura di rete Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN), progettata per operare nelle reti “challenged”, dove la suite di protocolli TCP/IP risulta inefficace a causa di lunghi ritardi di propagazione del segnale, interruzioni e disturbi di canale, ecc. Esempi di reti “challenged” variano dalle reti interplanetarie alle Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs). Le principali implementazioni dell'architettura DTN sono DTN2, implementazione di riferimento, e ION, sviluppata da NASA JPL per applicazioni spaziali. Una grande differenza tra reti spaziali e terrestri è che nello spazio i movimenti dei nodi sono deterministici, mentre non lo sono per i nodi mobili terrestri, i quali generalmente non conoscono la topologia della rete. Questo ha portato allo sviluppo di diversi algoritmi di routing: deterministici per le reti spaziali e opportunistici per quelle terrestri. NASA JPL ha recentemente deciso di estendere l'ambito di applicazione di ION per supportare anche scenari non deterministici. Durante la tesi, svolta presso NASA JPL, mi sono occupato di argomenti diversi, tutti finalizzati a questo obiettivo. Inizialmente ho testato la nuova implementazione dell'algoritmo IP Neighbor Discovery (IPND) di ION, corretti i bug e prodotta la documentazione ufficiale. Quindi ho contribuito ad integrare il Contact Graph Routing (CGR) di ION nel simulatore DTN “ONE” utilizzando la Java Native Interface (JNI) come ponte tra il codice Java di ONE e il codice C di ION. In particolare ho adattato tutte le librerie di ION necessarie per far funzionare CGR all'interno dell'ambiente di ONE. Infine, dopo aver analizzato un dataset di tracce reali di nodi mobili, ho contribuito a progettare e a sviluppare OCGR, estensione opportunistica del CGR, quindi ne ho curato l'integrazione in ONE. I risultati preliminari sembrano confermare la validità di OCGR che, una volta messo a punto, può diventare un valido concorrente ai più rinomati algoritmi opportunistici.


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Code duplication is common in current programming-practice: programmers search for snippets of code, incorporate them into their projects and then modify them to their needs. In today's practice, no automated scheme is in place to inform both parties of any distant changes of the code. As code snippets continues to evolve both on the side of the user and on the side of the author, both may wish to benefit from remote bug fixes or refinements --- authors may be interested in the actual usage of their code snippets, and researchers could gather information on clone usage. We propose maintaining a link between software clones across repositories and outline how the links can be created and maintained.


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Adaptive maternal responses to stressful environments before young are born can follow two non-exclusive pathways: either the mother reduces current investment in favor of future investment, or influences offspring growth and development in order to fit offspring phenotype to the stressful environment. Inducing such developmental cues, however, may be risky if the environment changes meanwhile, resulting in maladapted offspring. Here we test the effects of a predator-induced maternal effect in a predator-free postnatal environment. We manipulated perceived predation-risk for breeding female great tits by exposing them to stuffed models of either a predatory bird or a non-predatory control. Offspring were raised either in an environment matching the maternal one by exchanging whole broods within a maternal treatment group, or in a mismatching environment by exchanging broods among the maternal treatments. Offspring growth depended on the matching of the two environments. While for offspring originating from control treated mothers environmental mismatch did not significantly change growth, offspring of mothers under increased perceived predation risk grew faster and larger in matching conditions. Offspring of predator treated mothers fledged about one day later when growing under mismatching conditions. This suggests costs paid by the offspring if mothers predict environmental conditions wrongly.


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This was an interdisciplinary cross-cultural project which subjected Czech citizens to theoretical analysis and empirical examination. In the first, theoretical, part of the work a typology of post-totalitarian citizenship was proposed containing five types of citizens: responsible democratic, social materialistic, passive asocial, hedonistic consuming, and predatory antisocial. While democratic citizenship stems from preserved civic virtues, the deficient types of citizenship are partially caused by the post-totalitarian syndrome. In the concrete empirical studies of the international context the most significant aspects of citizenship were examined. Czech citizens (students) displayed an encouraging level of political civic culture when they loaded more often than six other national samples on the factor of democratic citizenship (based on a questionnaire and Q-sort by Feierabend, Q-factor analysis), but their level of loyalty and low critical rebelliousness can also be seen as reason for concern. The Czech population provided contrasting results in measures of civility; although chronically complaining about interpersonal relations, they passed relatively well in a series of situational field experiments even in the international comparison (Levine's helping measures. Czech nationalism is primarily "cultural nationalism", which is less favourable for democratic citizenship than the "civic nationalism" of Americans.


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The group presents an analysis of the development of the Czech society and economy during the 1990s. They believe that the Czech neo-liberal strategy of transformation led to a partial and uneven modernisation and that this strategy is unable to provide a firm basis for a complex process of modernisation. The increasing developmental problems encountered during 1996-1999 can be seen as empirical evidence of the inadequacy of the neo-liberal transformation strategy. These problems are connected to institutional shortcomings due to the excessive speed of privatisation, its form with certain important Czech innovations (particularly the voucher method and an attempt to resuscitate the Czech national capital) and with the overlooking of the importance of the legal framework and its enforcement. The overly hasty privatisation has created a type of 'recombinant property' which lacks the economic order necessary to stimulate efficiency in an atmosphere of prevailing social justice. A second reason for the present difficulties is the long-term lag behind the civilisation and cultural standards typical of the advanced European countries. The first steps of the Czech transformation concentrated mainly on changes in the institutions important for the distribution of power and wealth and largely neglected the necessity of deep-reaching modernisation of Czech society and the economy. The neo-liberal strategy created conditions conducive to predatory and speculative behaviour at the expense of creative behaviour. Inherited principles of egalitarianism combined with undeserved economic privileges survived and were reinforced by important new developments in the same direction. This situation hinders the assertion of meritocratic motivations. The group advocates the development and implementation of a complex strategy of modernisation based on deliberate reforms, institutional changes and restructuring on the basis of strategic planning, and structural and regional policies which stress the role of cultivation of the institutional order and of the most important factors of economic growth and development.


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To test the role of telomere biology in T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (T-PLL), a rare aggressive disease characterized by the expansion of a T-cell clone derived from immuno-competent post-thymic T-lymphocytes, we analyzed telomere length and telomerase activity in subsets of peripheral blood leukocytes from 11 newly diagnosed or relapsed patients with sporadic T-PLL. Telomere length values of the leukemic T cells (mean+/-s.d.: 1.53+/-0.65 kb) were all below the 1st percentile of telomere length values observed in T cells from healthy age-matched controls whereas telomere length of normal T- and B cells fell between the 1st and 99th percentile of the normal distribution. Leukemic T cells exhibited high levels of telomerase and were sensitive to the telomerase inhibitor BIBR1532 at doses that showed no effect on normal, unstimulated T cells. Targeting the short telomeres and telomerase activity in T-PLL seems an attractive strategy for the future treatment of this devastating disease.


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Various applications for the purposes of event detection, localization, and monitoring can benefit from the use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Wireless sensor networks are generally easy to deploy, with flexible topology and can support diversity of tasks thanks to the large variety of sensors that can be attached to the wireless sensor nodes. To guarantee the efficient operation of such a heterogeneous wireless sensor networks during its lifetime an appropriate management is necessary. Typically, there are three management tasks, namely monitoring, (re) configuration, and code updating. On the one hand, status information, such as battery state and node connectivity, of both the wireless sensor network and the sensor nodes has to be monitored. And on the other hand, sensor nodes have to be (re)configured, e.g., setting the sensing interval. Most importantly, new applications have to be deployed as well as bug fixes have to be applied during the network lifetime. All management tasks have to be performed in a reliable, time- and energy-efficient manner. The ability to disseminate data from one sender to multiple receivers in a reliable, time- and energy-efficient manner is critical for the execution of the management tasks, especially for code updating. Using multicast communication in wireless sensor networks is an efficient way to handle such traffic pattern. Due to the nature of code updates a multicast protocol has to support bulky traffic and endto-end reliability. Further, the limited resources of wireless sensor nodes demand an energy-efficient operation of the multicast protocol. Current data dissemination schemes do not fulfil all of the above requirements. In order to close the gap, we designed the Sensor Node Overlay Multicast (SNOMC) protocol such that to support a reliable, time-efficient and energy-efficient dissemination of data from one sender node to multiple receivers. In contrast to other multicast transport protocols, which do not support reliability mechanisms, SNOMC supports end-to-end reliability using a NACK-based reliability mechanism. The mechanism is simple and easy to implement and can significantly reduce the number of transmissions. It is complemented by a data acknowledgement after successful reception of all data fragments by the receiver nodes. In SNOMC three different caching strategies are integrated for an efficient handling of necessary retransmissions, namely, caching on each intermediate node, caching on branching nodes, or caching only on the sender node. Moreover, an option was included to pro-actively request missing fragments. SNOMC was evaluated both in the OMNeT++ simulator and in our in-house real-world testbed and compared to a number of common data dissemination protocols, such as Flooding, MPR, TinyCubus, PSFQ, and both UDP and TCP. The results showed that SNOMC outperforms the selected protocols in terms of transmission time, number of transmitted packets, and energy-consumption. Moreover, we showed that SNOMC performs well with different underlying MAC protocols, which support different levels of reliability and energy-efficiency. Thus, SNOMC can offer a robust, high-performing solution for the efficient distribution of code updates and management information in a wireless sensor network. To address the three management tasks, in this thesis we developed the Management Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks (MARWIS). MARWIS is specifically designed for the management of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. A distinguished feature of its design is the use of wireless mesh nodes as backbone, which enables diverse communication platforms and offloading functionality from the sensor nodes to the mesh nodes. This hierarchical architecture allows for efficient operation of the management tasks, due to the organisation of the sensor nodes into small sub-networks each managed by a mesh node. Furthermore, we developed a intuitive -based graphical user interface, which allows non-expert users to easily perform management tasks in the network. In contrast to other management frameworks, such as Mate, MANNA, TinyCubus, or code dissemination protocols, such as Impala, Trickle, and Deluge, MARWIS offers an integrated solution monitoring, configuration and code updating of sensor nodes. Integration of SNOMC into MARWIS further increases performance efficiency of the management tasks. To our knowledge, our approach is the first one, which offers a combination of a management architecture with an efficient overlay multicast transport protocol. This combination of SNOMC and MARWIS supports reliably, time- and energy-efficient operation of a heterogeneous wireless sensor network.


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For low-energy organisms such as bivalves, the costs of thermal compensation of biological rates (synonymous with acclimation or acclimatization) may be higher than the benefits. We therefore conducted two experiments to examine the effect of seasonal temperature changes on behaviour and oxygen consumption. In the first experiment, we examined the effects of seasonal temperature changes on the freshwater bivalve Anodonta anatina, taking measurements each month for a year at the corresponding temperature for that time of year. There was no evidence for compensation of burrowing valve closure duration or frequency, or locomotory speed. In the second experiment, we compared A. anatina at summer and winter temperatures (24 and 4°C, respectively) and found no evidence for compensation of the burrowing rate, valve closure duration or frequency, or oxygen consumption rates during burrowing, immediately after valve closure or at rest. Within the experimental limits of this study, the evidence suggests that thermal compensation of biological rates is not a strategy employed by A. anatina. We argue that this is due to either a lack of evolutionary pressure to acclimatize, or evolutionary pressure to not acclimatize. Firstly, there is little incentive to increase metabolic rate to enhance predatory ability given that these are filter feeders. Secondly, maintained low energetic demand, enhanced at winter temperatures, is essential for predator avoidance, i.e. valve closure. Thus, we suggest that the costs of acclimatization outweigh the benefits in A. anatina.


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Venom glands are alreadypresent in theoldes t spider group, the Mesothelae. Theglands lie in the anterior portion of the cheliceral basal segment but are very small, and it is doubtful how much the venom contributes to the predatory success. In mygalomorph spiders, the well-developed venom glands are still in the basal segment of the chelicerae and produce powerful venom that is injected via the cheliceral fangs into a victim. In all other spiders (Araneomorphae), the venom glands have become much larger and reach into the prosoma where they can take up a considerable proportion of this body part. Only a few spiders have reduced their venom glands, either partially or completely (Uloboridae, Holarchaeidae and Symphytognathidae are usually mentioned) or modified them significantly (Scytodidae, see Suter and Stratton 2013). As well as using venom, spiders may also use their chelicerae to overwhelm an item of prey. It is primarily a question of size whether a spider chews up small arthropods without applying venom or if it injects venom first. Very small and/or defenceless arthropods are picked up and crashed with the chelicerae, while larger, dangerous or well-defended items are carefully approached and only attacked with venom injection. Some spiders specialize on prey groups, such as noctuid moths (several genera of bola spiders among Araneidae), web spiders (Mimetidae), ants (Zodarion species in Zodariidae, aphantochiline thomisids, several genera among Theridiidae, Salticidae, Clubionidae and Gnaphosidae) or termites (Ammoxenidae). However, these more or less monophagous species amount only to roughly 2 % of all known spider species, while 98 % are polyphagous. From these considerations, it follows that the majority of spider venoms are not tailored to any given invertebrate or insect group but are rather unspecialized to be effective over a broad spectrum of prey types that spiders naturally encounter.


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As Death of a Salesman opens, Willy Loman returns home “tired to the death” (p. 13). Lost in reveries about the beautiful countryside and the past, he's been driving off the road; and now he wants a cheese sandwich. But Linda's suggestion that he try a new American-type cheese — “It's whipped” (p. 16) — irritates Willy: “Why do you get American when I like Swiss?” (p. 17). His anger at being contradicted unleashes an indictment of modern industrialized America: The street is lined with cars. There's not a breath of fresh air in the neighborhood. The grass don't grow any more, you can't raise a carrot in the back yard. (p. 17). In the old days, “This time of year it was lilac and wisteria.” Now: “Smell the stink from that apartment house! And another one on the other side…” (pp. 17–18). But just as Willy defines the conflict between nature and industry, he pauses and simply wonders: “How can they whip cheese?” (p. 18). The clash between the old agrarian ideal and capitalistic enterprise is well documented in the literature on Death of a Salesman, as is the spiritual shift from Thomas Jefferson to Andrew Carnegie to Dale Carnegie that the play reflects. The son of a pioneer inventor and the slave to broken machines, Willy Loman seems to epitomize the victim of modern technology.


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The stomatopod body plan is highly specialized for predation, yet the Superorder Hoplocarida originated from something other than the "lean, mean, killing machine" seen today. The fossil record of the group indicates that it originated early on from a non-raptorial ancestor, with the specialized predatory morphology developing much later. The Recent Hoplocarida have been variously positioned within the Malacostraca, from a Subclass equal in rank to the Eumalacostraca (= Caridoida) to being placed as a Superorder within the Eumalacostraca. Consideration of the early fossil morphology, especially of the form of the carapace, of the position and functioning of the articles in the last three pairs of thoracopods, and of other features, suggests that hoplocarids are early derivatives of a basal eumalacostracan stock that was "shrimp-like" in form. The enhancement of an abdominal respiratory system most likely allowed the development of the anterior thorax into the specialized raptorial system present today.


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Kelp forests are phyletically diverse, structurally complex and highly productive components of cold-water rocky marine coastlines. This paper reviews the conditions in which kelp forests develop globally and where, why and at what rate they become deforested. The ecology and long archaeological history of kelp forests are examined through case studies from southern California, the Aleutian Islands and the western North Atlantic, well-studied locations that represent the widest possible range in kelp forest biodiversity. Global distribution of kelp forests is physiologically constrained by light at high latitudes and by nutrients, warm temperatures and other macrophytes at low latitudes. Within mid-latitude belts (roughly 40-60degrees latitude in both hemispheres) well-developed kelp forests are most threatened by herbivory, usually from sea urchins. Overfishing and extirpation of highly valued vertebrate apex predators often triggered herbivore population increases, leading to widespread kelp deforestation. Such deforestations have the most profound and lasting impacts on species-depauperate systems, such as those in Alaska and the western North Atlantic. Globally urchin-induced deforestation has been increasing over the past 2-3 decades. Continued fishing down of coastal food webs has resulted in shifting harvesting targets from apex predators to their invertebrate prey, including kelp-grazing herbivores. The recent global expansion of sea urchin harvesting has led to the widespread extirpation of this herbivore, and kelp forests have returned in some locations but, for the first time, these forests are devoid of vertebrate apex predators. In the western North Atlantic, large predatory crabs have recently filled this void and they have become the new apex predator in this system. Similar shifts from fish- to crab-dominance may have occurred in coastal zones of the United Kingdom and Japan, where large predatory finfish were extirpated long ago. Three North American case studies of kelp forests were examined to determine their long history with humans and project the status of future kelp forests to the year 2025. Fishing impacts on kelp forest systems have been both profound and much longer in duration than previously thought. Archaeological data suggest that coastal peoples exploited kelp forest organisms for thousands of years, occasionally resulting in localized losses of apex predators, outbreaks of sea urchin populations and probably small-scale deforestation. Over the past two centuries, commercial exploitation for export led to the extirpation of sea urchin predators, such as the sea otter in the North Pacific and predatory fishes like the cod in the North Atlantic. The largescale removal of predators for export markets increased sea urchin abundances and promoted the decline of kelp forests over vast areas. Despite southern California having one of the longest known associations with coastal kelp forests, widespread deforestation is rare. It is possible that functional redundancies among predators and herbivores make this most diverse system most stable. Such biodiverse kelp forests may also resist invasion from non-native species. In the species-depauperate western North Atlantic, introduced algal competitors carpet the benthos and threaten future kelp dominance. There, other non-native herbivores and predators have become established and dominant components of this system. Climate changes have had measurable impacts on kelp forest ecosystems and efforts to control the emission of greenhouse gasses should be a global priority. However, overfishing appears to be the greatest manageable threat to kelp forest ecosystems over the 2025 time horizon. Management should focus on minimizing fishing impacts and restoring populations of functionally important species in these systems.


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Taxon-specific stable carbon isotope (δ13C) analysis of chitinous remains of invertebrates can provide valuable information about the carbon sources used by invertebrates living in specific habitats of lake ecosystems (for example, sediments, water column, or aquatic vegetation). This is complementary to δ13C of sedimentary organic matter (SOM), which provides an integrated signal of organic matter produced in a lake and its catchment, and of diagenetic processes within sediments. In a sediment record from Strandsjön (Sweden) covering the past circa 140 years, we analyzed SOM geochemistry (δ13C, C:Natomic, organic carbon content) and δ13C of chitinous invertebrate remains in order to examine whether taxon-specific δ13C records could be developed for different invertebrate groups and whether these analyses provide insights into past changes of organic carbon sources for lacustrine invertebrates available in benthic and planktonic compartments of the lake. Invertebrate taxa included benthic chironomids (Chironomus, Chironomini excluding Chironomus, Tanytarsini, and Tanypodinae), filter-feeders on suspended particulate organic matter (Daphnia, Plumatella and Cristatella mucedo), and Rhabdocoela. δ13C of chironomid remains indicated periodic availability of 13C-depleted carbon sources in the benthic environment of the lake as δ13C values of the different chironomid taxa fluctuated simultaneously between -34.7 and -30.5‰ (VPDB). Daphnia and Bryozoa showed parallel changes in their δ13C values which did not coincide with variations in δ13C of chironomids, though, and a 2-3‰ decrease since circa AD 1960. The decrease in δ13C of Daphnia and Bryozoa could indicate a decrease in phytoplankton δ13C as a result of lower lake productivity, which is in accordance with historical information about the lake that suggests a shift to less eutrophic conditions after AD 1960. In contrast, Rhabdocoela cocoons were characterized by relatively high δ13C values (-30.4 to -28.2‰) that did not show a strong temporal trend, which could be related to the predatory feeding mode and wide prey spectrum of this organism group. The taxon-specific δ13C analyses of invertebrate remains indicated that different carbon sources were available for the benthic chironomid larvae than for the filter-feeding Daphnia and bryozoans. Our results therefore demonstrate that taxon-specific analysis of δ13C of organic invertebrate remains can provide complementary information to measurements on bulk SOM and that δ13C of invertebrate remains may allow the reconstruction of past changes in carbon sources and their δ13C in different habitats of lake ecosystems.