685 resultados para pleasure


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Contains songs, partly from English operas, and instrumental music.


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This chapter explores the ways in which sexuality has been understood, embodied and negotiated by a cohort of Irish women through their lives. It is based on qualitative data generated as part of an oral history project on Irish women’s experiences of sexuality and reproduction during the period 1920–1970.1 The interviews, which were conducted with 21 Irish women born between 1914 and 1955, illustrate that social and cultural discourses of sexuality as secretive, dangerous, dutiful and sinful were central to these women’s interpretative repertoires around sexuality and gender. However, the data also contains accounts of behaviours, experiences and feelings that challenged or resisted prevailing scripts of sexuality and gender. Drawing on feminist conceptualisations of sexuality and embodiment (Holland et al., 1994; Jackson and Scott, 2010), this chapter demonstrates that the women’s sexual subjectivities were forged in the tensions that existed between normative sexual scripts and their embodied experiences of sexual desires and sexual and reproductive practices. While recollections of sexual desire and pleasure did feature in the accounts of some of the women, it was the difficulties experienced around sexuality and reproduction that were spoken about in greatest detail. What emerges clearly from the data is the confusion, anxiety and pain occasioned by the negotiation of external demands and internal desires and the contested, unstable nature of both cultural power and female resistance.


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The greater part of this Monograph is devoted to detailed descriptions of 1426 samples of deposits from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean stored in the Challenger Office, Edinburgh, which had been collected during thirty-five cruising expeditions between 1857 and 1911. The remaining part discusses the results of the work. The work of examining and describing in detail this abundant mass of material was in progress when the late Sir JOHN MURRAY met his death in March 1914. By that time about three-fourths of the descriptive work had been completed under his supervision. Sir John's trustees arranged for the completion of the descriptive work by Mr Chumley, and this was done in the Challenger Office during the two succeeding years. Later, after he had removed to Glasgow, Mr Chumley prepared the notes discussing the results. The trustees have pleasure in recording, on the suggestion of Mr Chumley, the courtesy of Dr G. W. Lee of the Geological Survey of Scotland, for help in determining many of the rarer mineral particles contained in the deposits.


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A partir de un análisis temático inductivo, este artículo explora la visión ciudadana sobre la esfera pública expresada en las cartas de los lectores de los diarios El Tiempo y El Heraldo de Colombia. Los resultados muestran cómo la identidad colectiva de los lectores apareció en forma transversal en las cartas, para dar cuenta de una comunidad de adultos que se autodefine como “colombianos de bien”. El análisis reveló dos unidades de significado: posturas sobre la administración de lo público y antagonismos en la esfera pública, centrada en el conflicto político con las guerrillas. A través de estas se pudieron hacer visibles los llamamientos vívidos de los lectores al gobierno, funcionarios públicos, actores al margen de la ley y a sus compatriotas, para movilizarse para exigir cambios sociales largamente esperados.


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Advertising investment and audience figures indicate that television continues to lead as a mass advertising medium. However, its effectiveness is questioned due to problems such as zapping, saturation and audience fragmentation. This has favoured the development of non-conventional advertising formats. This study provides empirical evidence for the theoretical development. This investigation analyzes the recall generated by four non-conventional advertising formats in a real environment: short programme (branded content), television sponsorship, internal and external telepromotion versus the more conventional spot. The methodology employed has integrated secondary data with primary data from computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) were performed ad-hoc on a sample of 2000 individuals, aged 16 to 65, representative of the total television audience. Our findings show that non-conventional advertising formats are more effective at a cognitive level, as they generate higher levels of both unaided and aided recall, in all analyzed formats when compared to the spot.


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This article considers the opportunities of civilians to peacefully resist violent conflicts or civil wars. The argument developed here is based on a field-based research on the peace community San José de Apartadó in Colombia. The analytical and theoretical framework, which delimits the use of the term ‘resistance’ in this article, builds on the conceptual considerations of Hollander and Einwohner (2004) and on the theoretical concept of ‘rightful resistance’ developed by O’Brien (1996). Beginning with a conflict-analytical classification of the case study, we will describe the long-term socio-historical processes and the organizational experiences of the civilian population, which favoured the emergence of this resistance initiative. The analytical approach to the dimensions and aims of the resistance of this peace community leads to the differentiation of O`Brian’s concept of ‘rightful resistance’.


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Las TIC son inseparables de la museografía in situ e imprescindibles en la museografía en red fija y móvil. En demasiados casos se han instalado prótesis tecnológicas para barnizar de modernidad el espacio cultural, olvidando que la tecnología debe estar al servicio de los contenidos de manera que resulte invisible y perfectamente imbricada con la museografía tradicional. Las interfaces móviles pueden fusionar museo in situ y en red y acompañar a las personas más allá del espacio físico. Esa fusión debe partir de una base de datos narrativa y abierta a obras materiales e inmateriales de otros museos de manera que no se trasladen las limitaciones del museo físico al virtual. En el museo in situ tienen sentido las instalaciones hipermedia inmersivas que faciliten experiencias culturales innovadoras. La interactividad (relaciones virtuales) debe convivir con la interacción (relaciones físicas y personales) y estar al servicio de todas las personas, partiendo de que todas, todos tenemos limitaciones. Trabajar interdisciplinarmente ayuda a comprender mejor el museo para ponerlo al servicio de las personas.


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Este trabajo estudia la presencia e importancia de las diversiones y el placer en distintos momentos de la vida de la corte de los reyes de Aragón: las prostitutas, dirigidas por el rey Arlot, la música, el juego, el baile o los juglares, observando el aumento de su presencia a lo largo del siglo xiv, con el correlativo aumento de los gastos. También se observa el incremento en el lujo y la complejidad de estas actividades y la siempre mayor presencia de elementos espectaculares como bestias, carros, figuras alegóricas y otros entremeses en coronaciones, bodas o entradas reales, todos ellos aspectos de la progresiva glorificación de la monarquía.


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CLIL instruction has been reported to be beneficial for foreign language vocabulary learning since CLIL students show higher vocabulary profiles than students of their same age in traditional EFL contexts. However, to our knowledge, the receptive vocabulary knowledge of CLIL and non-CLIL learners at the end of primary and secondary education has not been examined yet. Hence, this study aims at comparing the receptive vocabulary size 79 CLIL primary learners with the receptive vocabulary knowledge of 331 non-CLIL learners at the end of primary and secondary school. Sex-based differences were also analysed. The 2k Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT) was used for the purposes of the study. Results revealed that learners’ receptive vocabulary sizes lie within the most frequent 1000 words, non-CLIL secondary school students throw better results than primary students but the differences between the secondary group and the CLIL group are not statistically significant. As for sex-based differences, we found no significant differences among the groups. These findings led us to believe that the CLIL approach offers a benefit for vocabulary acquisition since CLIL learners have been exposed to the foreign language for a shorter period of time and the results are quite similar to their non-CLIL secondary school partners.


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La vestibulodynie provoquée (VP) est la forme la plus répandue de douleur génito-pelvienne/trouble de la pénétration et la cause la plus fréquente de douleur vaginale chez les femmes pré-ménopausées. Les femmes qui en souffrent rapportent plus de détresse psychologique ainsi qu’un fonctionnement sexuel appauvri, une diminution de la fréquence des activités sexuelles et du plaisir, et plus d’attitudes négatives à l’égard de la sexualité. Les recherches portant sur les couples souffrant de VP ont montré le rôle prépondérant des variables relationnelles dans la modulation des conséquences sexuelles et psychologiques pour les femmes et leurs partenaires. Cependant, aucune analyse dyadique n’a été appliquée au facteur de risque étiologique le plus robuste, soit la maltraitance durant l’enfance. Par ailleurs, malgré des recommandations répétées pour inclure le partenaire dans le traitement psychologique pour la VP, aucune étude à ce jour n’a examiné l’efficacité d’une psychothérapie qui inclut systématiquement le partenaire et dont la cible est le couple. L’objectif général de cette thèse a été d’utiliser une perspective dyadique afin d’examiner les antécédents de maltraitance et l’efficacité d’une intervention conçue pour améliorer les issues des couples souffrant de VP. Le premier article vise à examiner les liens entre la maltraitance durant l’enfance des femmes souffrant de VP et leurs partenaires, et leur fonctionnement sexuel, leur ajustement psychologique, leur satisfaction conjugale et enfin avec la douleur rapportée par les femmes durant les relations sexuelles. Quarante-neuf couples souffrant de VP ont complété des questionnaires auto-rapportés. La maltraitance durant l’enfance chez les femmes était associée à un fonctionnement sexuel plus faible chez les femmes et les hommes, une augmentation de l’anxiété chez les femmes seulement, et une douleur affective accrue durant les relations sexuelles. La maltraitance durant l’enfance chez les hommes était associée à un fonctionnement sexuel plus faible, moins de satisfaction conjugale, plus d’anxiété chez les femmes et les hommes, et une douleur affective accrue durant les relations sexuelles rapportée par les femmes. En se basant sur les recommandations issues des études empiriques, une thérapie cognitive et comportementale pour les couples (TCCC) souffrant de VP a été développée. Le deuxième article présente les résultats d’une étude pilote testant son efficacité, fidélité et faisabilité potentielles. Neuf couples ont complété des questionnaires auto-rapportés pré- et post-traitement. La TCCC de 12 rencontres était manualisée. Les femmes ont rapporté une amélioration significative de la douleur, du fonctionnement et de la satisfaction sexuels, et les partenaires ont rapporté une amélioration significative de leur satisfaction sexuelle. Les couples ont rapporté des niveaux élevés de satisfaction quant à la psychothérapie, et les psychothérapeutes ont rapporté suivre le manuel de traitement de manière fidèle. Le troisième article, s’appuyant sur les résultats prometteurs de l’étude pilote, décrit le protocole de recherche pour un essai clinique randomisé mesurant l’efficacité de la TCCC comparée à une intervention médicale de première ligne, la lidocaïne topique, pour le traitement de la VP. Enfin, les implications cliniques et théoriques de la thèse sont discutées.


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Este estudo teve como principal objetivo a análise dos fatores determinantes que levaram os bombeiros voluntários de uma corporação para a prática de voluntariado. Nesta investigação, começamos por fazer um enquadramento teórico sobre as perspetivas e tipos de motivação do voluntariado, focando-nos depois em alguns aspetos da sua prática em Portugal. A componente empírica deste estudo apoiou-se numa análise quantitativa a 92 questionários realizados a bombeiros voluntários, adaptados de um estudo realizado por Ward e Mckillop (2011) com uma escala do tipo Likert de 1 a 7 pontos. A análise da distribuição por sexo apontou uma proporção de homens superior à das mulheres (63 = 68,5% vs. 29 = 31,5%), com idades compreendidas entre os 17 e os 71 anos, sendo a média das mesmas de 37,77 anos (dp = ± 12,1). No que concerne ao estado civil, dos inquiridos (35 = 38%) são casados. Quanto à escolaridade, a moda estatística situou-se no secundário (52 = 56,5%). Os itens que compuseram a escala de motivação para o voluntariado apresentaram pontuações superiores a 4 pontos numa escala do tipo Likert de 7 pontos. A escala constituída por 17 itens relaciona os diferentes tipos de motivação, designadamente, social, interesse, prazer, material-egoísta, egoísta, altruísta, necessidade e dever moral. Estes itens foram avaliados nas seguintes variáveis: sexo, classe etária, escolaridade e antiguidade. As conclusões retiradas deste estudo revelaram, dominantemente, motivações do tipo altruísta e social, para a prática do voluntariado. Estes resultados basearam-se nos valores das significâncias estatísticas (p). Quanto à motivação dos elementos do sexo masculino e do sexo feminino, verificaram-se em ambas maiores percentagens no tipo de motivação altruísta. Na análise realizada consoante a classe etária, as respostas que obtiveram maior percentagem foram relativamente ao item altruísta. No que concerne à escolaridade, os inquiridos com ensino básico e secundário apresentaram um maior número de respostas nos itens altruísta e social. Nos licenciados o item com maior percentagem foi o dever moral. Na análise feita relativamente à interseção entre a motivação e os anos de voluntariado, obtiveram-se índices de motivação muito diferenciados, entre os quais interesse, prazer, social, egoísta, material-egoísta e necessidade. / This study aimed to the analysis of the determining factors that led the volunteer firefighters of a corporation to practice voluntary. In this investigation, we begin by making a theoretical framework on the perspectives and types of volunteer motivation, focusing us then in some aspects of their practice in Portugal. The empirical component of the study was supported on a quantitative analysis of 92 questionnaires by volunteer firefighters, adapted from a study by Ward & McKillop (2011) with a Likert scale from 1 to 7 points. The gender distribution, of the analysis indicated a ratio of greater than men to women (63 = 68.5% vs. 29 = 31.5%), aged between 17 and 71 years, and the average of 37 to 77 years (SD = ± 12.1). With regard to marital status (35 = 38%) are married. As for education, the statistical mode stood in the secondary on (52 = 56.5%). The items comprising the motivation scale for volunteering had scores greater than 4 points on a Likert scale of 7 points. The scale consists of 17 items lists the different types of motivation, namely social, interest, pleasure, material-selfish, selfish, selfless, necessity and moral duty. These items were evaluated in the following variables: gender, age group, education level and years of service. Conclusions from this study revealed mainly motivations of altruistic and social type for volunteering. These results were based on the values of statistical significance (p). Both male and female elements replied with the highest percentage for the type of altruistic motivation. In the analysis carried out according to age group, the answers with the greatest percentage were relative to the altruistic item. With regard to education respondents with elementary and high school education had a higher number of responses in altruistic and social items. At University graduate level the item with the highest percentage was the moral duty. In the analysis regarding the intersection between motivation and years of volunteering very different motivation indices were obtained including interest, pleasure, social, selfish, material-selfish and need.


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Stealth Visor for the Duke of Wellington Project HATWALK The 2012 Cultural Olympiad would not have been representative of London's creative industries without fashion design. Sponsored by the Mayor of London brought milliners to organise an alternative to the catwalk format , the designers brought together a Hatwalk, uniting landmark heritage statues, classical and modern, to be crowned with a new bespoke design piece each. Together forming a pedestrian navigation through the Jubilee city, the hats also invited twenty one milliners to consider the specificity of working for the great outdoors. Rigorously tested in wind tunnel laboratory to withstand hurricane wind speeds and squally shows the designs aim to bring the 'exclusive' culture of fashion accessories to the inclusive culture of international festival. Working with new technologies of engineering, such as laser measuring tools, and crane for assemblage and fitting, McLean brings new meaning to the familiar figures of national public authority. Since the storming of the Bastille in revolutionary France it has been traditional for the new order to symbolize change through attacking public statuary. In a similar vein, Hatwalk, invites spectators to reconsider the relationship between distant and lofty personages of power and the sartorial insignia through which their power is signified. Crowned with a revolutionary red ' large plexi punk neon number' the Duke of Wellington, at Wellington arch is the first in the Hatwalk exhibition. The originality of this research consists in the effects of surprise and Brechtian 'de familiarisation' resulting from the unexpected. The effects of this structural carnivalesque inversion of authorities can involve a range of reactions from the disdain of the offended to the laughter and pleasure of the surprised. This strategy of bringing the ludic element of play to the formalised authority of legitimised power is also signified through the conscious use of materials and colour in a monochrome and uniform culture of statuary. Here the difference in materials and visible surface of the design signifies the differences that need to be included within a socio political order before it may takes its place in history as being representative of the people it is entrusted to lead. This research output continues the work that led to the Hat Anthology exhibition (output 1), the Fifty Hats that Changed the World (output 2), the Jamaican Olympic team headwear design ( output 4), and is continued in the design, merchandise, accessories and avant garde artefacts of the House of Flora ( see website). The iterative process of the research brings innovation within continuity to McLean's work. It is difficult to theorise the 'rigour' that is undeniably present in a creative design praxis except in that McLean;s research outputs are always surprising and unexpected.


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Purpose - To examine the leisure cruise service environment—the shipscape—and its effects on cruisers’ emotions, meaning-making, and onboard behavior. Design/methodology/approach - This paper uses qualitative data from 260 cruise customers that was mined from archived online discussion boards. Data were analyzed based on grounded theory and interpretive methods to derive an understanding of shipscape meanings and influences from the cruiser’s perspective. Research limitations/implications - Given the exploratory research objective and interpretive methodology, generalizability beyond the cruise context is limited. However, research findings suggest not only that ambient shipscape conditions influence cruisers’ pleasure, but also that ship layout, décor, size, facilities, and social factors influence the meanings cruisers attach to cruise brands and to the overall cruise experience. Originality/value - This paper explores atmospheric effects on consumer behavior in a context as yet examined by tourism and hospitality scholars. The findings extend Bitner’s (1992) servicescape framework and reveal novel atmospheric and social effects that influence cruise travelers’ experience.


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The purpose of this research is to gain a deeper understanding of how materialistic aspirations are related to distinct aspects of psychological well-being. Research has consistently found a negative relationship between materialistic goals and well-being, but a review of the literature identified that the measures of well- being used in the majority of studies were measures of what Keyes (2002) describes as “subjective well-being” or “hedonic happiness”. Criticisms of these types of measures are that they fixate too much on the momentary experience of pleasure and don’t take into account what is meaningful and or what contributes to long lasting fulfilment. Very little research was found investigating the impact of materialism on “eudaimonic” well-being, which is found through doing what is worthwhile and realising ones potential and has been found to have a longer lasting impact on overall well-being (Huta & Ryan, 2010). To address this gap in the literature, a convenience sample of 113 adult subjects in the UK were recruited through Facebook and asked to respond to the Aspiration Index and the Psychological wellbeing scale. The relative importance placed on extrinsic (materialistic) and intrinsic aspirations was compared to the six dimensions of psychological well-being. In line with previous research, higher importance placed on materialistic aspirations for wealth, status and image were found to be negatively correlated with all aspects of psychological well-being. However, the strongest and only statistically significant negative correlation was between extrinsic aspirations and positive relations with others (r = -.256, p< 0.01). Positive relationships with other people form a central component of many theories of well- being and so this negative relationship may help to explain why materialistic aspirations are so consistently found to be negatively correlated to a variety of measures of well-being. Further research is needed to explore this relationship as no causation could be inferred.


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El prólogo del De rerum natura de Lucrecio (1.1-148) parece ser un tema gastado: ha sido tratado decenas de veces tanto por su excelente calidad como por los problemas que plantea. Pero esperamos poder dar un nuevo sentido y solución a ambos aspectos. En primer lugar, el himno a Venus no es una mera convención, sino que respira sentimiento religioso; Venus no personifica a la naturaleza, sino al placer y la felicidad y ni la hegemonía que se dice ejerce Venus, ni las plegarias que contiene el himno contradicen la teología epicúrea. Todavía más, nos parece que el himno constituye una auténtica epifanía religiosa muy propia de la teología epicúrea. En segundo lugar, suponiendo que el autor ha tomado como tema compartido los schemata o grados de dificultad de la intellectio retórica en el texto de 1.50-148, se intentan solucionar las dificultades de coherencia del texto.