639 resultados para permeation


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In order to improve the miscibility and mechanical properties of poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) bio-alloy, small amount of transesterification catalyst, zinc acetate was added in the melt blending process. We show that the PLLA-PHBV copolymer generated during the melt blending significantly improves the miscibility and therefore enhances the mechanical properties of the product. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and tensile tests were performed to study the miscibility and mechanical properties of the blends. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and gel permeation chromatography (GPC) were used to reveal the molecular structural, and molecular weight changes of PLLA and PHBV after melt mixing with zinc acetate. SEM and FTIR results have clearly shown that the PLLA-PHBV copolymer generated from transesterification reaction acted as a compatibilizer and therefore resulted in an improved interfacial miscibility and ductility of PLLA/PHBV blend. In our mechanistic study, a competition between the PLLA/PHBV transesterification reaction and the thermal decomposition of PHBV was identified for the first time. On the basis of these observations, a new mechanism of transesterification reaction was proposed.


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Seven chemically designed monolayer compounds were synthesized and investigated with comparison to the properties and water evaporation suppression ability of 1-hexadecanol and 1-octadecanol. Increasing the molecular weight and polarity of the compound headgroup drastically altered the characteristics and performance of the monolayer at the air/water interface. Contrary to the common expectation the monolayer's lifetime on the water surface decreased with increasing number of ethylene oxy moieties, thus optimal performance for water evaporation suppression was achieved when only one ethylene oxy moiety was used. Replacing the hydroxyl headgroup with a methyl group and with multiple ethylene oxy moieties resulted in a loss of suppression capability, while an additional hydroxyl group provided a molecule with limited performance against water evaporation. Theoretical molecular simulation demonstrated that for exceptional performance, a candidate needs to possess a high equilibrium spreading pressure, the ability to sustain a highly ordered monolayer with a stable isotherm curve, and low tilt angle over the full studied range of surface pressures by simultaneously maintaining H-bonding to the water surface and between the monolayer chains.


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The impact on performance of the surface energy and roughness of membrane materials used for direct contact membrane distillation are critical but yet poorly investigated parameters. The capacity to alter the wettability of highly hydrophobic materials such as poly(tetra-fluoro-ethylene) (PTFE) by gas plasma treatments is reported in this paper. An equally important contribution from this investigation arises from illustrating how vaporized material from the treated sample participates after a short while in the composition of the plasma and fundamentally changes the result of surface chemistry processes. The water contact angle across the hydrophobic membranes is generally controlled by varying the plasma gas conditions, such as the plasma power, chamber pressure and irradiation duration. Changes to surface porosity and roughness of the bulk material as well as the surface chemistry, through specific and partial de-fluorination of the surface were detected and systematically studied by Fourier transform infra-red analysis and scanning electron microscopy. It was found that the rupture of fibrils, formed during membrane processing by thermal-stretching, led to the formation of a denser surface composed of nodules similar to these naturally acting as bridging points across the membrane material between fibrils. This structural change has a profound and impart a permanent effect on the permeation across the modified membranes, which was found to be enhanced by up to 10% for long plasma exposures while the selectivity of the membranes was found to remain unaffected by the treatment at a level higher than 99.99%. This is the first time that an investigation demonstrates how the permeation characteristics of these membranes is directly related to data from spectral, morphological and surface charge analyses, which provide new insights on the impact of plasma treatments on both, the surface charge and roughness, of PTFE porous materials.


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We present a simple, environmentally friendly approach to fabricating superhydrophobic coatings with pH-induced wettability transition. The coatings are prepared from a mixture of silica nanoparticles and decanoic acid-modified TiO2. When the coating is applied on cotton fabric, the fabric turns superhydrophobic in air but superoleophilic in neutral aqueous environment. It is permeable to oil fluids but impermeable to water. However, when the coated fabric is placed in basic aqueous solution or ammonia vapor, it turns hydrophilic but underwater superoleophobic, thus allowing water to penetrate through but blocking oil. Therefore, such a unique, selective water/oil permeation feature makes the treated fabric have capability to separate either oil or water from a water-oil mixture. It may be useful for development of smart oil-water separators, microfluidic valves, and lab-on-a-chip devices.


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An overview of the design and performance of geosynthetics in composite barrier systems for biopiles used to remediate hydrocarbon-contaminated soil at Casey Station, Antarctica, is presented. Seven instrumented biopiles were constructed over three field seasons. To minimize the risk of hydrocarbon migration to groundwater, composite barrier systems were used (each using different combinations of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs), high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes (GMB), and geotextiles (GTXs)). One biopile used a co-extruded geomembrane (HDPE with an ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) core). The liner system was subject to a combination of coupled phenomena that could interact and affect the GMB-GCL composite barrier performance. The exposure conditions involved potential freeze-thaw cycling, hydration-desiccation cycles, cation exchange, direct and diffusive exposure to hydrocarbons. The effect of these phenomena was investigated by monitoring GCL and GMB sacrificial coupons. GCL coupons were placed between the main GCL component and the main geomembrane component of the composite liner and GMB coupons placed between the main GMB sheet and the GTX protection layer. Coupons were exhumed from the biopiles each year. The exhumed GCL field moisture content values ranged from 162% to 22%. After three (3) years in the field, GCL coupons that had undergone at least one hydration/desiccation cycle showed no significant change in swell index values or fluid loss values. The measured hydraulic conductivity of exhumed GCL coupons from Biopiles 1 and 2 (3 × 10-11 m s-1) was within the expected range and not significantly different from the values for virgin GCL. GMB coupons exhumed after three years from Biopiles 1 and 2 showed no significant change in oxidative induction time (OIT), melt flow index or tensile properties. Diffusion tests were performed as an index test for establishing the performance of the GMBs as a diffusive barrier to hydrocarbons, with permeation parameters for BTEX contaminants ranging from P g = 0.9-9.2 × 10-13 m2 s-1 for the exhumed GMB (with values depending on the contaminant and GMB). These values were similar to the parameters obtained for virgin GMBs and there was no significant change with field exposure, with GMBs appearing to be performing well.


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Many types of materials at nanoscale are currently being used in everyday life. The production and use of such products based on engineered nanomaterials have raised concerns of the possible risks and hazards associated with these nanomaterials. In order to evaluate and gain a better understanding of their effects on living organisms, we have performed first-principles quantum mechanical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. Specifically, we will investigate the interaction of nanomaterials including semiconducting quantum dots and metallic nanoparticles with various biological molecules, such as dopamine, DNA nucleobases and lipid membranes. Firstly, interactions of semiconducting CdSe/CdS quantum dots (QDs) with the dopamine and the DNA nucleobase molecules are investigated using similar quantum mechanical approach to the one used for the metallic nanoparticles. A variety of interaction sites are explored. Our results show that small-sized Cd4Se4 and Cd4S4 QDs interact strongly with the DNA nucleobase if a DNA nucleobase has the amide or hydroxyl chemical group. These results indicate that these QDs are suitable for detecting subcellular structures, as also reported by experiments. The next two chapters describe a preparation required for the simulation of nanoparticles interacting with membranes leading to accurate structure models for the membranes. We develop a method for the molecular crystalline structure prediction of 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine (DMPC), 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylethanolamine (DMPE) and cyclic di-amino acid peptide using first-principles methods. Since an accurate determination of the structure of an organic crystal is usually an extremely difficult task due to availability of the large number of its conformers, we propose a new computational scheme by applying knowledge of symmetry, structural chemistry and chemical bonding to reduce the sampling size of the conformation space. The interaction of metal nanoparticles with cell membranes is finally carried out by molecular dynamics simulations, and the results are reported in the last chapter. A new force field is developed which accurately describes the interaction forces between the clusters representing small-sized metal nanoparticles and the lipid bilayer molecules. The permeation of nanoparticles into the cell membrane is analyzed together with the RMSD values of the membrane modeled by a lipid bilayer. The simulation results suggest that the AgNPs could cause the same amount of deformation as the AuNPs for the dysfunction of the membrane.


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Florida is the second leading horticulture state in the United States with a total annual industry sale of over $12 Billion. Due to its competitive nature, agricultural plant production represents an extremely intensive practice with large amounts of water and fertilizer usage. Agrochemical and water management are vital for efficient functioning of any agricultural enterprise, and the subsequent nutrient loading from such agricultural practices has been a concern for environmentalists. A thorough understanding of the agrochemical and the soil amendments used in these agricultural systems is of special interest as contamination of soils can cause surface and groundwater pollution leading to ecosystem toxicity. The presence of fragile ecosystems such as the Everglades, Biscayne Bay and Big Cypress near enterprises that use such agricultural systems makes the whole issue even more imminent. Although significant research has been conducted with soils and soil mix, there is no acceptable method for determining the hydraulic properties of mixtures that have been subjected to organic and inorganic soil amendments. Hydro-physical characterization of such mixtures can facilitate the understanding of water retention and permeation characteristics of the commonly used mix which can further allow modeling of soil water interactions. The objective of this study was to characterize some of the locally and commercially available plant growth mixtures for their hydro-physical properties and develop mathematical models to correlate these acquired basic properties to the hydraulic conductivity of the mixture. The objective was also to model the response patterns of soil amendments present in those mixtures to different water and fertilizer use scenarios using the characterized hydro-physical properties with the help of Everglades-Agro-Hydrology Model. The presence of organic amendments helps the mixtures retain more water while the inorganic amendments tend to adsorb more nutrients due to their high surface area. The results of these types of characterization can provide a scientific basis for understanding the non-point source water pollution from horticulture production systems and assist in the development of the best management practices for the operation of environmentally sustainable agricultural enterprise


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Building upon the renewed attention to the ways in which criminology may be ‘queered’ (or not), this article explores how a criminal justice paradigm has influenced lesbian and gay politics through an investigation of anti-homophobic research and lobbying focused on violence and harassment. It asks: What place does criminal justice occupy within sexual politics? Using the Australian state of Victoria as a case study, the article examines how the lesbian and gay anti-violence movement has utilized criminal justice theories, methodologies and approaches to explain and attempt to remedy ‘homophobic hate’. It provides three inter-connected examples of the permeation of criminal justice logics: (1) the victimization survey method, (2) the focus on police reform, and (3) elements of a punitive public discourse surrounding homophobic hate crime. These examples are nevertheless complicated by the persistence of institutionalized violence and state failure to ‘protect’ lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) lives. These discursive practices contribute to ‘queer penalities’, a term used to describe the ways in which lesbian and gay movements shape and contest the social meaning of terms such as ‘crime’, victimization and punishment.


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Les canaux sodiques dépendants du voltage (Nav) sont des protéines transmembranaires largement exprimées au sein de l’organisme. Ils sont responsables de l’initiation des potentiels d’action au niveau des cellules excitables et régissent ainsi de nombreuses fonctions physiologiques telles que les fonctions cognitives et sensorielles, les fonctions motrices et la fonction cardiaque. Au niveau du coeur, le sous-type Nav1.5 est majoritairement exprimé à la surface des cardiomyocytes. Leurs dysfonctions sont traditionnellement associées à de nombreux troubles électriques cardiaques. Des mutations de ces canaux ont récemment été reliées au développement d’un phénotype clinique complexe associant diverses arythmies et la cardiomyopathie dilatée (DCM), une atteinte morphologique. L’objectif de mon doctorat a donc été l’identification mais aussi la caractérisation d’un potentiel défaut biophysique commun à l’ensemble des mutations Nav1.5 associées au développement de ce phénotype clinique atypique. Premièrement, nous nous sommes intéressés à deux mutations des canaux Nav1.5 retrouvées chez des patients atteints de DCM, et dont les altérations biophysiques ont été décrites comme divergentes. L’étude parallèle de ces deux mutants nous a amenés à identifier une caractéristique commune : la création d’une nouvelle voie de perméation alternative au sein des canaux Nav1.5, le pore oméga. Dans un second temps, nous avons souhaité consolider l’association entre la création du pore oméga et le développement pathologique. Cette seconde étude portant sur deux autres mutants Nav1.5 a permis de confirmer l’apparition d’un pore oméga et ainsi d’accroître la suspicion du caractère délétère de ce pore oméga. Finalement, à l’aide d’une cinquième mutation des canaux Nav1.5, nous avons investigué les conséquences physiopathologiques de la création d’un pore oméga. Cette étude, a clairement démontré les conséquences néfastes d’un tel pore au niveau de l’homéostasie ionique cellulaire. Ces perturbations se répercutent par la suite sur les signaux électriques, les propriétés morphologiques mais aussi fonctionnelles des cardiomyocytes. Les études menées lors de mon doctorat ont ainsi abouti à l’identification du pore oméga comme étant une caractéristique biophysique commune aux mutations des canaux Nav1.5 associées au développement des arythmies et de la dilatation cardiaque.