899 resultados para particle trajectory computation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O experimento foi realizado para avaliar o efeito dos níveis de cálcio (Ca) e da granulometria do calcário (GC) para poedeiras comerciais. Foram utilizadas 216 poedeiras da linhagem Dekalb White de 25 a 49 semanas de idade em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 × 2, composto de três níveis de cálcio (3,92; 4,02 e 4,12%) e duas granulometrias do calcário (fina - 0,60 mm; e grossa - 1,00 mm), que resultaram em seis tratamentos, com seis repetições de seis aves. Não houve efeito significativo dos níveis de cálcio e da granulometria do calcário nem da interação nível de cálcio × granulometria do calcário para o consumo de ração, o peso dos ovos, a gravidade específica, a espessura da casca, a porcentagem de casca, a unidade Haugh, a digestibilidade de cálcio e fósforo e a porcentagem do trato digestório. A produção, massa, conversão por massa e conversão por dúzia de ovos tiveram seus melhores resultados com 4,12% de cálcio na dieta. A porcentagem de moela e o consumo de ração observado às 15 h melhoraram com o aumento na granulometria do calcário de 0,60 para 1,00 mm. Houve efeito da interação entre nível de cálcio e granulometria do calcário para a resistência à quebra da tíbia, a densidade óssea, o comprimento do intestino delgado e o consumo de ração às 6, 9, 12, 18 e 21 h, respectivamente. Recomenda-se a adição de 4,12% de cálcio e calcário na granulometria grossa (1,00 mm) para melhor desempenho de poedeiras comerciais. Mais estudos são necessários para elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos na alteração do comportamento alimentar das poedeiras em resposta às mudanças nos níveis de cálcio e na granulometria do calcário das rações.


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The lunar sphere of influence, whose radius is some 66,300 km, has regions of stable orbits around the Moon and also regions that contain trajectories which, after spending some time around the Moon, escape and are later recaptured by lunar gravity. Both the escape and the capture occur along the Lagrangian equilibrium points L1 and L2. In this study, we mapped out the region of lunar influence considering the restricted three-body Earth-Moon-particle problem and the four-body Sun-Earth-Moon-particle (probe) problem. We identified the stable trajectories, and the escape and capture trajectories through the L I and L2 in plots of the eccentricity versus the semi-major axis as a function of the time that the energy of the osculating lunar trajectory in the two-body Moon-particle problem remains negative. We also investigated the properties of these routes, giving special attention to the fact that they supply a natural mechanism for performing low-energy transfers between the Earth and the Moon, and can thus be useful on a great number of future missions. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of COSPAR.


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Naturally occuring or man-made systems displaying periodic spatial modulations of their properties on a nanoscale constitute superlattices. Such modulated structures are important both as prototypes of simple nanotechnological devices and as particular examples of emerging spatial inhomogeneity in interacting many-electron systems. Here we investigate the effect different types of modulation of the system parameters have on the ground-state energy and the charge-density distribution of the system. The superlattices are described by the inhomogeneous attractive Hubbard model, and the calculations are performed by density-functional and density-matrix renormalization group techniques. We find that modulations in local electric potentials are much more effective in shaping the system's properties than modulations in the attractive on-site interaction. This is the same conclusion we previously [M.F. Silva, N.A. Lima, A.L. Malvezzi, K. Capelle, Phys. Rev. B 71 (2005) 125130.] obtained for repulsive interactions, suggesting that it is not an artifact of a specific state, but a general property of modulated structures. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The quantum Brownian particle, immersed in a heat bath, is described by a statistical operator whose evolution is ruled by a generalized master equation (GME). The heat bath's degrees of freedom are considered to be either white-noise or colored-noise correlated, while the GME is considered under either the Markov or non-Markov approaches. The comparisons between these considerations are fully developed, and their physical meaning is discussed.


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Non-crystalline silica was obtained with different particle sizes. Samples were prepared from soluble sodium silicate (water glass) and sulfuric acid solutions. Dialysis was performed for sodium sulfate elimination. Products were dried in a microwave oven, milled and characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, infrared spectrum and sedigraphic analysis. Products milled for more than 120 minutes showed uniform particle size distribution with average silica particle size of 4.5 mu m.


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We report the exact fundamental solution for Kramers equation associated to a Brownian gas of charged particles, under the influence of homogeneous (spatially uniform) otherwise arbitrary, external mechanical, electrical and magnetic fields. Some applications are presented, namely the hydrothermodynamical picture for Brownian motion in the long-time regime. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We calculate the contribution of relativistic dynamics on the neutron-deutron scattering length and triton binding energy employing five sets trinucleon potential models and four types of three-dimensional relativistic three-body equations suggested in the preceding paper. The relativistic correction to binding energy may vary a lot and even change sign depending on the relativistic formulation employed. The deviations of these observables from those obtained in nonrelativistic models follow the general universal trend of deviations introduced by off- and on-shell variations of two- and three-nucleon potentials in a nonrelativistic model calculation. Consequently, it will be difficult to separate unambiguously the effect of off- and on-shell variations of two- and three-nucleon potentials on low-energy three-nucleon observables from the effect of relativistic dynamics. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.


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We study a charged Brownian gas with a non uniform bath temperature, and present a thermohydrodynamical picture. Expansion on the collision time probes the validity of the local equilibrium approach and the relevant thermodynamical variables. For the linear regime we present several applications (some novel).


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A study of the analytic behavior of different few-particle scattering amplitudes at low energies in two space dimensions is presented. Such a study is of use in modeling and understanding different few-particle processes at low energies. A detailed discussion of the energy and the momentum dependence of the partial-wave on-the-energy-shell and off-the-energy-shell two-particle t matrices is given. These t-matrix elements tend to zero as the energy and momentum variables tend to zero. The multiple-scattering series is used to show that the connected three-to-three amplitudes diverge in the low-energy-momentum limit. Unitarity relations are used to show that the connected two-to-three and one-to-three amplitudes have specific logarithmic singularities at the m-particle breakup threshold. The subenergy singularity in the two-to-three amplitudes is also studied, and comments are made on some applications of the present study in different problems of ph cal interest.


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Starting from the two-particle Bethe-Salpeter equation in the ladder approximation and integrating over the time component of momentum, we rederive three-dimensional scattering integral equations satisfying constraints of relativistic unitarity and convariance, first derived by Weinberg and by Blankenbecler and Sugar. These two-particle equations are shown to be related by a transformation of variables. Hence we show how to perform and relate identical dynamical calculation using these two equations. Similarly, starting from the Bethe-Salpeter-Faddeev equation for the three-particle system and integrating over the time component of momentum, we derive several three-dimensional three-particle scattering equations satisfying constraints of relativistic unitarity and convariance. We relate two of these three-particle equations by a transformation of variables as in the two-particle case. The three-particle equations we derive are very practical and suitable for performing relativistic scattering calculations. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.


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A parallel technique, for a distributed memory machine, based on domain decomposition for solving the Navier-Stokes equations in cartesian and cylindrical coordinates in two dimensions with free surfaces is described. It is based on the code by Tome and McKee (J. Comp. Phys. 110 (1994) 171-186) and Tome (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 1993) which in turn is based on the SMAC method by Amsden and Harlow (Report LA-4370, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1971), which solves the Navier-Stokes equations in three steps: the momentum and Poisson equations and particle movement, These equations are discretized by explicit and 5-point finite differences. The parallelization is performed by splitting the computation domain into vertical panels and assigning each of these panels to a processor. All the computation can then be performed using nearest neighbour communication. Test runs comparing the performance of the parallel with the serial code, and a discussion of the load balancing question are presented. PVM is used for communication between processes. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We derive a set of relativistic three-particle scattering equations in the three-particle c.m. frame employing a relativistic three-particle propagator suggested long ago by Ahmadzadeh and Tjon in the c.m. frame of a two-particle subsystem. We make the coordinate transformation of this propagator from the c.m. frame of the two-particle subsystem to the three-particle c.m. frame. We also point out that some numerical applications of the Ahmadzadeh and Tjon propagator to the three-nucleon problem use unnecessary nonrelativistic approximations which do not simplify the computational task, but violate constraints of relativistic unitarity and/or covariance.


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This work reports on the luminescence spectroscopy sensitivity in the determination of the phase purity in gadolinium compounds using Eu3+ as a probe. Cubic Gd2O3 and hexagonal Gd2O2S doped with Eu3+ spherical fine particles were obtained from doped gadolinium basic carbonates with morphological control and were also characterized by IR and XRD. Doped samples present Eu3+ characteristic transitions, with specific energy positions related to each phase. Emission and excitation spectra patterns were established for oxide and oxysulfide compounds, then oxysulfate and oxide impurities generated during oxysulfide preparation were monitored. From emission spectra some experimental intensity parameters were also calculated. All spectroscopic results reflect the presence or not of impurities in all compounds. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.