747 resultados para pacs: it consultancy services
The rapid uptake of mobile devices has created the capacity to provide services to consumers while they are on the move, and new mobile services (m-services) are constantly emerging. In past research, personal attributes have been found to be important in the adoption and use of information and communication technology. However, little research has been conducted in the area of m-services. To explore factors influencing the use of these services, this paper examines personal attributes in terms of motivational, attitudinal and demographic characteristics. Specifically, it investigates the influence of innovativeness, self- efficacy, involvement and impulsiveness, as well as age and gender on m-services use. Data were collected from a convenience sample of 250 respondents using an online survey and a modified snowball procedure. Age and gender were quite well balanced in the sample. The multiple regression model was significant and the hypotheses relating to the positive relationship between impulsiveness, involvement and gender and m-services were supported. Findings are discussed, further implications for managers are suggested and directions for future research are proposed.
Empathic engagement by the trauma therapist with another person's traumatic experiences is believed to create risks for the helping professional. Much attention has been focused upon the mental health professional experiencing symptoms of distress as a result of their exposure to the material of clients who survive traumatic incidents. This thesis contains the findings of a qualitative study that centres on a group of male mental health professionals and their experiences of exposure to the trauma material of survivor clients. The participants of the study practise within an internal Employee Assistance Program that provides, among other duties, a 24 hour, 7 day response to critical incidents to a heavy transport industry. Using semi-structured, in-depth interviews, the effects on the trauma therapists are explored by analysing their reactions to their survivor clients' accounts, the impact of these experiences upon their psychological schema, the organisational culture in which they practise and its influence upon their experiences and the methods participants use to cope with the psychological effects of exposure to trauma material. Participants' experiences are closely examined for critical comparisons with vicarious traumatization. Therapists' responses reveal their continued ability and motivation to empathically engage with the trauma material of survivor clients despite the potential risks.
The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) being one of those vital areas of a hospital providing clinical care, the quality of service rendered must be monitored and measured quantitatively. It is, therefore, essential to know the performance of an ICU, in order to identify any deficits and enable the service providers to improve the quality of service. Although there have been many attempts to do this with the help of illness severity scoring systems, the relative lack of success using these methods has led to the search for a form of measurement, which would encompass all the different aspects of an ICU in a holistic manner. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multiple-attribute, decision-making technique is utilised in this study to evolve a system to measure the performance of ICU services reliably. This tool has been applied to a surgical ICU in Barbados; we recommend AHP as a valuable tool to quantify the performance of an ICU. Copyright © 2004 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
This paper is concerned with the effects that leadership styles (i.e., transactional and transformational) can have upon the level of front-line employees’ service delivery quality. Previous literature has mostly looked at leadership and its effects upon subordinates within a sales, psychology, or human resources context. However, due to the idiosyncrasies inherent in services (i.e., intangibility, heterogeneity, perishability, and inseparability), it is likely that, in such a context, different leadership styles will effect performance outcomes. Consequently, this paper seeks to expand the services marketing literature by developing a conceptual framework of leadership style effects adapted to the field of services marketing. Of particular importance are the effects that leadership styles have upon front-line employee “motivators” and service-related job outcomes. Specific hypotheses are developed and future research directions are also presented for consideration.
A city's branding is investigated using generic product and services branding models. Two generic branding models and tourism segmentation models guide an investigation into city branding 'as it should be' and 'as it is' using Birmingham, England as a case study. The unique characteristics of city brands are identified and Keller's Brand Report Card provides a theoretical framework for building a picture of the brand-building activity taking place in the city. Four themes emerge and are discussed: 1) the impact of a network on brand models developed for organisations; 2) segmentation of brand elements; 3) corporate branding; and 4) the political dimension. A conclusion is that city branding would be more effective if the systems and structures of generic branding models were adopted.
This paper discusses the use of comparative performance measurement by means of Data Envelopment Analysis in the context of the regulation of English and Welsh water companies. Specifically, the use of Data Envelopment Analysis to estimate potential cost savings in sewerage is discussed as it fed into the price review of water companies carried out by the regulator of water companies in 1994. The application is used as a vehicle for highlighting generic issues in terms of assessing the impact of factors on the ranking of units on performance, the insights gained from using alternative methods to assess comparative performance, and the issue of assessing comparative performance when few in number but highly complex entities are involved. The paper should prove of interest to those interested in regulation and, more generally, in the use of methods of comparative performance measurement.
This system is concerned with the design and implementation of a community health information system which fulfils some of the local needs of fourteen nursing and para-medical professions in a district health authority, whilst satisfying the statutory requirements of the NHS Korner steering group for those professions. A national survey of community health computer applications, documented in the form of an applications register, shows the need for such a system. A series of general requirements for an informations systems design methodology are identified, together with specific requirements for this problem situation. A number of existing methodologies are reviewed, but none of these were appropriate for this application. Some existing approaches, tools and techniques are used to define a more suitable methodology. It is unreasonable to rely on one single general methodology for all types of application development. There is a need for pragmatism, adaptation and flexibility. In this research, participation in the development stages by those who will eventually use the system was thought desirable. This was achieved by forming a representative design group. Results would seem to show a highly favourable response from users to this participation which contributed to the overall success of the system implemented. A prototype was developed for the chiropody and school nursing staff groups of Darlington health authority, and evaluations show that a significant number of the problems and objectives of those groups have been successfully addressed; the value of community health information has been increased; and information has been successfully fed back to staff and better utilised.
This research investigates the general user interface problems in using networked services. Some of the problems are: users have to recall machine names and procedures to. invoke networked services; interactions with some of the services are by means of menu-based interfaces which are quite cumbersome to use; inconsistencies exist between the interfaces for different services because they were developed independently. These problems have to be removed so that users can use the services effectively. A prototype system has been developed to help users interact with networked services. This consists of software which gives the user an easy and consistent interface with the various services. The prototype is based on a graphical user interface and it includes the following appJications: Bath Information & Data Services; electronic mail; file editor. The prototype incorporates an online help facility to assist users using the system. The prototype can be divided into two parts: the user interface part that manages interactlon with the user; the communicatIon part that enables the communication with networked services to take place. The implementation is carried out using an object-oriented approach where both the user interface part and communication part are objects. The essential characteristics of object-orientation, - abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism - can all contribute to the better design and implementation of the prototype. The Smalltalk Model-View-Controller (MVC) methodology has been the framework for the construction of the prototype user interface. The purpose of the development was to study the effectiveness of users interaction to networked services. Having completed the prototype, tests users were requested to use the system to evaluate its effectiveness. The evaluation of the prototype is based on observation, i.e. observing the way users use the system and the opinion rating given by the users. Recommendations to improve further the prototype are given based on the results of the evaluation. based on the results of the evah:1ation. . .'. " "', ':::' ,n,<~;'.'
The project described in this thesis investigates the needs of a group of people working cooperatively in an OSI environment, and recommends tools and services to meet these needs. The project looks specifically at Services for Activities in Group Editing, and is identified as the `SAGE' project. The project uses case studies to identify user requirements and to determine common functionalities for a variety of group editing activities. A prototype is implemented in an X.400 environment to help refine user requirements, as a source of new ideas and to test the proposed functionalities. The conceptual modelling follows current CCITT proposals, but a new classification of group activities is proposed: Informative, Objective and Supportive application groups. It is proposed that each of these application groups have their own Service Agent. Use of this classification allows the possibility of developing three sets of tools which will cover a wide range of group activities, rather than developing tools for individual activities. Group editing is considered to be in the Supportive application group. A set of additional services and tools to support group editing are proposed in the context of the CCITT draft on group communication, X.gc. The proposed services and tools are mapped onto the X.400 series of recommendations, with the Abstract Service Definition of the operational objects defined, along with their associated component files, by extending the X.420 protocol functionality. It is proposed that each of the Informative, Objective and Supportive application groups should be implemented as a modified X.420 inter-personal messaging system.
This thesis explores the innovative capacity of voluntary organizations in the field of the personal social services. It commences with a full literature review, which concludes that the wealth of research upon innovation in the organization studies field has not addressed this topic, whilst the specialist literatures upon voluntary organizations and upon the personal social services have neglected the study of innovation. The research contained in this thesis is intended to right this neglect and to integrate lessons from both fields. It combines a survey of the innovative activity of voluntary organizations in three localities with cross-sectional case studies of innovative, developmental and traditional organizations. The research concludes that innovation is an important, but not integral, characteristic of voluntary organizations. It develops a contingent model of this innovative capacity of voluntary organizations, which stresses the role of external environmental and institutional forces in shaping and releasing this capacity. It concludes by considering the contribution of this model both to organization studies and to the study of voluntary organizations.
This research has two focal points: experiences of stigma and experiences of formal support services among teenage mothers. Twenty teenage mothers were interviewed in depth, ten from a one-to-one support service, and ten from a group based support service. Contributions to knowledge consisted of the following. First, regarding experiences of stigma, this research integrated concepts from the social psychology literature and established the effects of stigma which are experienced by teenage mothers, offering reasons for the same. Additionally, further coping mechanisms in response to being stigmatized were discovered and grouped into two new headings: active and passive coping mechanisms. It is acknowledged that for a minority of participants, stigma does have negative effects, however, the majority experiences no such serious negative effects. Secondly, regarding experiences of support services, this research was able to directly compare one-to-one with group based support for teenage mothers. Knowledge was unearthed as to influential factors in the selection of a mode of support and the functions of each of the modes of support, which were categorised under headings for ease of comparison. It was established that there is indeed a link between these two research foci in that both the one-to-one and group based support services fulfil a stigma management function, in which teenage mothers discuss the phenomenon, share experiences and offer advice to others. However, it was also established that this function is of minor importance compared to the other functions fulfilled by the support services.
The aim of this thesis is to examine the specific contextual factors affecting the applicability and development of the planning, programming, budgeting system (P.P.B.S.) as a systems approach to public sector budgeting. The concept of P.P.B.S. as a systems approach to public sector budgeting will first be developed and the preliminary hypothesis that general contextual factors may be classified under political, structural and cognitive headings will be put forward. This preliminary hypothesis will be developed and refined using American and early British experience. The refined hypothesis will then be tested in detail in the case of the English health and personal social services (H.P.S.S.), The reasons for this focus are that it is the most recent, the sole remaining, and the most significant example in British central government outside of defence, and is fairly representative of non-defence government programme areas. The method of data collection relies on the examination of unpublished and difficult to obtain central government, health and local authority documents, and interviews with senior civil servants and public officials. The conclusion will be that the political constraints on, or factors affecting P.P.B.S., vary with product characteristics and cultural imperatives on pluralistic decision-making; that structural constraints vary with the degree of coincidence of programme and organisation structure and with the degree of controllability of the organisation; and finally, that cognitive constraints vary according to product characteristics, organisational responsibilities, and analytical effort.
This report describes the practice of teamwork as expressed in case conferences for care of the elderly and evaluates the effectiveness of case conferences in their contribution to care. The study involved the observation of more than two hundred case conferences in sixteen locations throughout the West Midlands, in which one thousand seven hundred and three participants were involved. Related investigation of service outcomes involved an additional ninety six patients who were interviewed in their homes. The pu`pose of the study was to determine whether the practice of teamwork and decision-making in case conferences is a productive and cost effective method of working. Preliminary exploration revealed the extent to which the team approach is part of the organisational culture and which, it is asserted, serves to perpetuate the mythical value of team working. The study has demonstrated an active subscription to the case conference approach, yet has revealed many weaknesses, not least of which is clear evidence that certain team members are inhibited in their contribution. Further, that the decisional process in case conferences has little consequence to care outcome. Where outcomes are examined there is evidence of service inadequacy. This work presents a challenge to professionals to confront their working practices with honesty and with vision, in the quest for the best and most cost effective service to patients.
The introduction of a micro-electronic based technology to the workplace has had a far reaching and widespread effect on the numbers and content of jobs. The importance of the implications of new technology were recognised by the trade unions, leading to a plethora of advice and literature in the late 70s and early 80s, notably the TUC 'Technology and Employment ' report. However, studies into the union response have consistently found an overall lack of influence by unions in the introduction of technology. Whilst the advent of new technology has coincided with an industrial relations climate of unprecedented hostility to union activity in the post-war period, there are structural weaknesses in unions in coming to terms with the process of technological change. In particular was the identification of a lack of suitable technological expertise. Addressing itself to this perceived weakness of the union response, this thesis is the outcome of a collaborative project between a national union and an academic institution. The thesis is based on detailed case studies concerning technology bargaining in the Civil Service and the response of the Civil and Public Services Associations (CPSA), the union that represents lower grade white collar civil servants. It is demonstrated that the application of expertise to union negotiators is insufficient on its own to extend union influence and that for unions to effectively come to terms with technology and influence its development requires a re-assessment across all spheres of union activity. It is suggested that this has repercussions for not only the internal organisation and quality of union policy formation and the extent, form and nature of collective bargaining with employer representatives, but also in the relationship with consumer and interest groups outside the traditional collective bargaining forum. Three policy options are developed in the thesis with the 'adversarial' and 'co~operative' options representing the more traditional reactive and passive forms of involvement. These are contrasted with an 'independent participative' form of involvement which was a 'pro-active' policy option and utilised the expertise of the Author in the CPSA's response to technological change.