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The Jabirian Corpus refers to the K. Thahirat Al-`Iskandar, ""The Book of the Treasure of Alexander"" (hereafter BTA), as one of several forgeries suggesting that alchemical secrets were hidden in inscriptions in various places. The book was neglected until 1926, when Julius Ruska discussed it in his work on the Emerald Tablet, placing the BTA within the literature related to the development of Arabic alchemy. His preliminary study became an essential reference and encouraged many scholars to work on the BTA in the following decades. Some years ago, we completed the first translation of the BTA into a Western language. The work was based on the acephalous Escorial manuscript, which we identified as a fourteenth-century copy of the BTA. This manuscript is peculiar, as part of it is encoded. After finishing our translation, we started to establish the text of the BTA. At present, the text is in process of fixation-to be followed by textual criticism-and has been the main focus of a thorough study of ours on medieval hermeticism and alchemy. A sample of the work currently in progress is presented in this paper: an analysis of the variations between different manuscripts along with a study and English translation of its alchemical chapter.
The Canoparmelia texana epiphytic lichenized fungi was used to monitor atmospheric pollution in the Sao Paulo metropolitan region, SP, Brazil. The cluster analysis applied to the element concentration values confirmed the site groups of different levels of pollution due to industrial and vehicular emissions. In the distribution maps of element concentrations, higher concentrations of Ba and Mn were observed in the vicinity of industries and of a petrochemical complex. The highest concentration of Co found in lichens from the Sao Miguel Paulista site is due to the emissions from a metallurgical processing plant that produces this element. For Br and Zn, the highest concentrations could be associated both to vehicular and industrial emissions. Exploratory analyses revealed that the accumulation of toxic elements in C. texana may be of use in evaluating the human risk of cardiopulmonary mortality due to prolonged exposure to ambient levels of air pollution. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rationale: There are no reports of the systemic human pathology of the novel swine H1N1 influenza (S-OIV) infection. Objectives: The autopsy findings of 21 Brazilian patients with confirmed S-OIV infection are presented. These patients died in the winter of the southern hemisphere 2009 pandemic, with acute respiratory failure. Methods: Lung tissue was submitted to virologic and bacteriologic analysis with real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and electron microscopy. Expression of toll-like receptor (TLR)-3, IFN-gamma, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, CD8(+) T cells and granzyme B(+) cells in the lungs was investigated by immunohistochemistry. Measurements and Main Results: Patients were aged from 1 to 68 years (72% between 30 and 59 yr) and 12 were male. Sixteen patients had preexisting medical conditions. Diff use alveolar damage was present in 20 individuals. in six patients, diffuse alveolar damage was associated with necrotizing bronchiolitis and in five with extensive hemorrhage. There was also a cytopathic effect in the bronchial and alveolar epithelial cells, as well as necrosis, epithelial hyperplasia, and squamous metaplasia of the large airways. There was marked expression of TLR-3 and IFN-gamma and a large number of CD8(+) T cell sand granzyme B(+) cells within the lung tissue. Changes in other organs were mainly secondary to multiple organ failure. Conclusions: Autopsies have shown that the main pathological changes associated with S-OIV infection are localized to the lungs, where three distinct histological patterns can be identified. We also show evidence of ongoing pulmonary aberrant immune response. Our results reinforce the usefulness of autopsy in increasing the understanding of the novel human influenza A (H1N1) infection.
Objectives The purpose of the present work was to characterize file pharmacological profile of different L. alba chemotypes and to correlate the obtained data to the presence of chemical constituents detected by phytochemical analysis. Methods Essential oils from each L. alba chemotype (LP1-LP7) were characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and extracted non-volatile compounds were analysed by HPLC and GC-MS. The anticonvulsant actions of file extracted compounds were studied in pentylenetetrazole-induced clonic seizures in mice and then effect oil motor coordination was studied using the rota-rod test in rats. The synaptosomes and synaptic membranes of the rats were examined for the influence of LP3 chemotype extract oil GABA uptake and binding experiments. Key findings Behavioural parameters encompassed by the pentylenetetrazole test indicated that 80% ethanolic extracts of LP1, LP3 and LP6 L. alba chemotypes were more effective as anticonvulsant agents. Neurochemical assays using synaptosomes and synaptic membranes showed that L. alba LP3 chemotype 80% ethanolic extract inhibited GABA uptake and GABA binding ill a dose-dependent manner. HPLC analysis showed that LP1, LP3 and LP6 80% ethanolic extracts presented a similar profile of constituents, differing from those seen in LP2, LP4, LP5 and LP7 80% ethanolic extracts, which exhibited no anticonvulsant effect. GC-MS analysis indicated the Occurrence of phenylpropanoids in methanolic fractions obtained from LP1, LP3 and LP6 80% ethanolic extracts and also the accumulation of inositol and flavonoids in hydroalcoholic fractions. Conclusions Our results suggest that the anticonvulsant properties shown by L. alba might be correlated to the presence of it complex of non-volatile Substances (phenylpropanoids, flavonoids and/or inositols), and also to the volatile terpenoids (beta-myrcene, citral, limonene and carvone), which have been previously Validated as anticonvulsants.
Sera from 269 rodents obtained during the routine surveillance operations in plague areas of Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco states, Brazil were tested by ELISA for specific IgG antibodies against a recombinant nucleocapsid (N) protein of Araraquara hantavirus. ELISA-positive sera were submitted to reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for amplification of the virus genome and later sequencing for identification of the viral variant. The samples from the state of Pernambuco were antibody negative, and although four from Rio de Janeiro were ELISA-positive, they failed to yield viral cDNA by RT-PCR. This is the first report of the presence of antibodies to a hantavirus among rodents from Rio de Janeiro and suggests the possibility of human cases of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in that state, although no case has yet been reported. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Like previous volumes in the Educational Innovation in Economics and Business Series, this book is genuinely international in terms of its coverage. With contributions from nine different countries and three continents, it reflects a global interest in, and commitment to, innovation in business education, with a view to enhancing the learning experience of both undergraduates and postgraduates. It should prove of value to anyone engaged directly in business education, defined broadly to embrace management, finance, marketing, economics, informational studies, and ethics, or who has responsibility for fostering the professional development of business educators. The contributions have been selected with the objective of encouraging and inspiring others as well as illustrating developments in the sphere of business education. This volume brings together a collection of articles describing different aspects of the developments taking place in today’s workplace and how they affect business education. It describes strategies for breaking boundaries for global learning. These target specific techniques regarding teams and collaborative learning, transitions from academic settings to the workplace, the role of IT in the learning process, and program-level innovation strategies. This volume addresses issues faced by professionals in higher and further education and also those involved in corporate training centers and industry.
Objective: To assess the impact of the mean oocyte diameter (MOD) on occurrence of fertilization and embryo quality in assisted reproduction cycles. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: Sector of Human Reproduction of the University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo (HCFMRP-USP). Patient(s): Thirty-five women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) at the University Hospital of Ribeirao Preto from May to October 2007. Intervention(s): MOD assessment. Main Outcome Measure(s): Occurrence of fertilization and qualitative embryo classification on 2nd and 3rd day after ICSI. Result(s): We divided 160 metaphase II oocytes according to MOD into groups A (MOD below the 25th percentile), B (MOD between 25th and 75th percentile), and C (MOD above the 75th percentile). There was no statistically significant association between MOD and the occurrence of fertilization or the qualitative embryo classification on days 2 and 3. There was no statistically significant difference between groups regarding number of cells or the qualitative embryo classification on days 2 and 3. Conclusion(s): The MOD of mature oocytes does not seem to be related to the occurrence of fertilization or to the developmental quality of human embryos on days 2 and 3 after ICSI. (Fertil Steril(R) 2010;93:621-5. (C)2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Rocio virus (ROCV) is a flavivirus, probably transmitted by Culex mosquitoes and maintained in nature as a zoonosis of wild birds. Rocio virus caused a human epidemic of severe encephalitis that lasted from 1973 to 1980 in the Ribeira valley, in the southeastern coast of Brazil. After this outbreak, serologic evidence of ROCV circulation has been reported and public health authorities are concerned about a return of ROCV outbreaks in Brazil. We show here a study on the pathogenesis and the physiopathology of ROCV disease in the central nervous system of a Balb/C young adult mice experimental model. The animals were intraperitoneally infected by ROCV and followed from 0 to 9 days after infection, when all of them died. Nervous tissue samples were collected from infected animals for immunohistochemistry and molecular biology analysis. We observed the virus in the central nervous system, the inflammatory changes induced by Th1 and Th2 cytokines, and the final irreversible damage of nervous tissues by neuronal degeneration and apoptosis. These findings can help to better understand the pathogenesis and physiopathology of the human meningoencephalomyelitis by ROCV and other flaviviruses.
Due to a suspected human case of Brazilian Lyme-like disease in the city of Goiatins, Tocantins State, an epidemiological survey was carried out in eight counties in this region during September 2007 and February 2008, where 1,890 ticks were collected from domestic animals and from the environment. A total of eight tick species were identified: Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, Dermacentor nitens, Amblyomma cajennense, Amblyomma oblongoguttatum, Amblyomma ovale, Amblyomma parvum and Amblyomma tigrinum. The last four species were described for the first time in this region. Although human parasitism by ticks is frequently described in Goiatins, no ticks collected from humans were analyzed. The Study of ixodids in this region contributes with the survey of Brazilian ticks, as well as the elucidation of the possible transmission of the agent that caused the Brazilian Lyme-like disease case in Goiatins.
The magnitude of the basic reproduction ratio R(0) of an epidemic can be estimated in several ways, namely, from the final size of the epidemic, from the average age at first infection, or from the initial growth phase of the outbreak. In this paper, we discuss this last method for estimating R(0) for vector-borne infections. Implicit in these models is the assumption that there is an exponential phase of the outbreaks, which implies that in all cases R(0) > 1. We demonstrate that an outbreak is possible, even in cases where R(0) is less than one, provided that the vector-to-human component of R(0) is greater than one and that a certain number of infected vectors are introduced into the affected population. This theory is applied to two real epidemiological dengue situations in the southeastern part of Brazil, one where R(0) is less than one, and other one where R(0) is greater than one. In both cases, the model mirrors the real situations with reasonable accuracy.
This article examines the effects of marital status, farm size and other factors on the extent of cash cropping (and allocation of land use) by means of a case study in the Nyeri district in Kenya. It was found that married women are involved in the production of a relatively greater amount of output of cash crops than unmarried women since husbands prefer to have more land under cash crops than food crops. Farmers with better quality land allocate a high proportion of it to non-food cash crops, which may expose some households to greater risks of possible famine. The proportion of land allocated to food crops declines as the farm size increases while the proportion of land allocated to non-food cash crops rises as the size of farm increases. Age is also inversely associated with subsistence. Education, though inversely associated with subsistence farming does not appear to be statistically very significant as an influence on the composition of land use and composition of farm output. With growing commercialisation, married women work more hours than unmarried ones, working not only on non-cash food crops but also on non-food cash crops. Married women seem to lose their decision-making ability with growth of agricultural commercialisation, as husbands make most decisions to do with cash crops. Married women in Kenya also have little or no power to change the way land is allocated between food and non-food cash crops.
Managing hawksbill turtle populations for use and conservation requires (i) adequate scientific understanding of their population status and dynamics and (ii) consideration of the public’s attitudes to this species. This study employs experimental surveys to assess the Australian public’s attitudes towards the hawksbill turtle, their knowledge of it, their views about its sustainable commercial harvesting, and their support and financial contribution for the species’ conservation. Contingent valuation reveals that the Australian public’s willingness to contribute to the conservation of the hawksbill turtle is high even in comparison to threatened Australian bird and mammal fauna. Most of this stated contribution is based on the intrinsic (non-use) value associated with the hawksbill turtle. It seems that the Australian public will only accept its harvesting if the sustainability of this is assured and its population is more secure. The CITES categorisation of the hawksbill as an Appendix I species hampers the development of techniques for its sustainable use.
Transmembrane mucins are glycoproteins involved in barrier function in epithelial tissues. To identify novel transmembrane mucin genes, we performed a tblastn search of the GenBank(TM) EST data bases with a serine/ threonine-rich search string, and a rodent gene expressed in bone marrow was identified. We determined the cDNA sequence of the human orthologue of this gene, MUC13, which localizes to chromosome band 3q13.3 and generates 3.2-kilobase pair transcripts encoding a 512-amino acid protein comprised of an N-terminal mucin repeat domain, three epidermal growth factor-like sequences, a SEA module, a transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic tail (GenBank(TM) accession no. AF286113), MUC13 mRNA is expressed most highly in the large intestine and trachea, and at moderate levels in the kidney, small intestine, appendix, and stomach, In situ hybridization in murine tissues revealed expression in intestinal epithelial and lymphoid cells. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated the human MUC13 protein on the apical membrane of both columnar and goblet cells in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as within goblet cell thecae, indicative of secretion in addition to presence on the cell surface. MUC13 is cleaved, and the beta -subunit containing the cytoplasmic tail undergoes homodimerization, Including MUC13, there are at least five cell surface mucins expressed in the gastrointestinal tract.
Lateral ventricular volumes based on segmented brain MR images can be significantly underestimated if partial volume effects are not considered. This is because a group of voxels in the neighborhood of lateral ventricles is often mis-classified as gray matter voxels due to partial volume effects. This group of voxels is actually a mixture of ventricular cerebro-spinal fluid and the white matter and therefore, a portion of it should be included as part of the lateral ventricular structure. In this note, we describe an automated method for the measurement of lateral ventricular volumes on segmented brain MR images. Image segmentation was carried in combination of intensity correction and thresholding. The method is featured with a procedure for addressing mis-classified voxels in the surrounding of lateral ventricles. A detailed analysis showed that lateral ventricular volumes could be underestimated by 10 to 30% depending upon the size of the lateral ventricular structure, if mis-classified voxels were not included. Validation of the method was done through comparison with the averaged manually traced volumes. Finally, the merit of the method is demonstrated in the evaluation of the rate of lateral ventricular enlargement. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Our groups have had a long-term interest in utilizing bacterial systems in the characterization of bioactivation and detoxication reactions catalyzed by cytochrome P450 (P450) and glutathione transferase (GST) enzymes. Bacterial systems remain the first choice for initial screens with new chemicals and have advantages, including high-throughput capability. Most human P450s of interest in toxicology have been readily expressed in Escherichia coli with only minor sequence modification. These enzymes can be readily purified and used in assays of activation of chemicals. Bicistronic systems have been developed in order to provide the auxiliary NADPH-P450 reductase. Alternative systems involve these enzymes expressed together within bacteria. In one approach, a lac selection system is used with E. coli and has been applied to the characterization of inhibitors of P450s 1A2 and 1131, as well as in basic studies involving random mutagenesis. Another approach utilizes induction of the SOS (umu) response in Salmonella typhimurium, and systems have now been developed with human P450s 1A1, 1A2, 1B1, 2C9, 2D6, 2E1, and 3A4, which have been used to report responses from heterocyclic amines. S. typhimurium his reporter systems have also been used with GSTs, first to demonstrate the role of rat GST 5-5 in the activation of dihalomethanes. These systems have been used to compare these GSTs with regard to activation of dihaloalkanes and potential toxicity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.