759 resultados para optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification
A novel all-optical time domain regeneration technique using nonlinear pulse broadening and flattening in normal dispersion fiber and subsequent temporal slicing by an amplitude modulator (or a device performing a similar function) is proposed. Substantial suppression of the timing jitter of jitter-degraded optical signals is demonstrated using the proposed approach.
We examine the correlations between the parameters of ultra-narrow off-centred filtering and pulse width on the performance of a wavelength paired Nx40Gbit/s DWDM transmission, consisting of carrier suppressed return-to-zero signal with 0.64 bit/s/Hz (without polarization-division multiplexing) spectral efficiency.
A novel distributed amplification scheme for quasi-lossless transmission is presented. The system is studied numerically and shown to be able to strongly reduce signal power variations in comparison with currently employed schemes of similar complexity. As an example, variations of less than 3.1 dB for 100 km distance between pumps and below 0.42 dB for 60 km are obtained when using standard single-mode fibre as the transmission medium with an input signal average power of 0 dBm, and a total pump power of about 1.7 W. © 2004 Optical Society of America.
We propose a new all-optical signal processing technique to enhance the performance of a return-to-zero optical receiver, which is based on nonlinear temporal pulse broadening and flattening in a normal dispersion fiber and subsequent slicing of the pulse temporal waveform. The potential of the method is demonstrated by application to timing jitter-and noise-limited transmission at 40 Gbit/s. © 2005 Optical Society of America.
A detailed experimental characterization of the transition process of an initially Gaussian pulse to the asymptotic self-similar parabolic solution in optical fibre amplifiers operating in the normal dispersion regime is performed.
The development of ultra-long (UL) cavity (hundreds of meters to several kilometres) mode-locked fibre lasers for the generation of high-energy light pulses with relatively low (sub-megahertz) repetition rates has emerged as a new rapidly advancing area of laser physics. The first demonstration of high pulse energy laser of this type was followed by a number of publications from many research groups on long-cavity Ytterbium and Erbium lasers featuring a variety of configurations with rather different mode-locked operations. The substantial interest to this new approach is stimulated both by non-trivial underlying physics and by the potential of high pulse energy laser sources with unique parameters for a range of applications in industry, bio-medicine, metrology and telecommunications. It is well known, that pulse generation regimes in mode-locked fibre lasers are determined by the intra-cavity balance between the effects of dispersion and non-linearity, and the processes of energy attenuation and amplification. The highest per-pulse energy has been achieved in normal-dispersion UL fibre lasers mode-locked through nonlinear polarization evolution (NPE) for self-modelocking operation. In such lasers are generated the so-called dissipative optical solitons. The uncompensated net normal dispersion in long-cavity resonatorsusually leads to very high chirp and, consequently, to a relatively long duration of generated pulses. This thesis presents the results of research Er-doped ultra-long (more than 1 km cavity length) fibre lasers mode-locked based on NPE. The self-mode-locked erbium-based 3.5-km-long all-fiber laser with the 1.7 µJ pulse energy at a wavelength of 1.55 µm was developed as a part of this research. It has resulted in direct generation of short laser pulses with an ultralow repetition rate of 35.1 kHz. The laser cavity has net normal-dispersion and has been fabricated from commercially-available telecom fibers and optical-fiber elements. Its unconventional linear-ring design with compensation for polarization instability ensures high reliability of the self-mode-locking operation, despite the use of a non polarization-maintaining fibers. The single pulse generation regime in all-fibre erbium mode-locking laser based on NPE with a record cavity length of 25 km was demonstrated. Modelocked lasers with such a long cavity have never been studied before. Our result shows a feasibility of stable mode-locked operation even for an ultra-long cavity length. A new design of fibre laser cavity – “y-configuration”, that offers a range of new functionalities for optimization and stabilization of mode-locked lasing regimes was proposed. This novel cavity configuration has been successfully implemented into a long-cavity normal-dispersion self-mode-locked Er-fibre laser. In particular, it features compensation for polarization instability, suppression of ASE, reduction of pulse duration, prevention of in-cavity wave breaking, and stabilization of the lasing wavelength. This laser along with a specially designed double-pass EDFA have allowed us to demonstrate anenvironmentally stable all-fibre laser system able to deliver sub-nanosecond high-energy pulses with low level of ASE noise.
The application of modulation instability-initiated nonlinear broadening of two CW pumps at different wavelengths, in order to achieve superior gain ripple performance in broadband Raman amplifiers, is demonstrated for the first time experimentally. A particular example using Truewave and LEAF fibers is offered, in which the 0.1 dB gain ripple band is extended from 5 nm to 19 nm. Experimental results are in a good agreement with numerical modeling. Guidelines for optimal broadening are discussed. © 2005 Optical Society of America.
In the early days of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger noticed that oscillations of a wave packet in a one-dimensional harmonic potential well are periodic and, in contrast to those in anharmonic potential wells, do not experience distortion over time. This original idea did not find applications up to now since an exact one-dimensional harmonic resonator does not exist in nature and has not been created artificially. However, an optical pulse propagating in a bottle microresonator (a dielectric cylinder with a nanoscale-high bump of the effective radius) can exactly imitate a quantum wave packet in the harmonic potential. Here, we propose a tuneable microresonator that can trap an optical pulse completely, hold it as long as the material losses permit, and release it without distortion. This result suggests the solution of the long standing problem of creating a microscopic optical buffer, the key element of the future optical signal processing devices.
A novel all-optical time domain regeneration technique using nonlinear pulse broadening and flattening in normal dispersion fiber and subsequent temporal slicing by an amplitude modulator (or a device performing a similar function) is proposed. Substantial suppression of the timing jitter of jitter-degraded optical signals is demonstrated using the proposed approach.
The recent expansion of clinical applications for optical coherence tomography (OCT) is driving the development of approaches for consistent image acquisition. There is a simultaneous need for time-stable, easy-to-use imaging targets for calibration and standardization of OCT devices. We present calibration targets consisting of three-dimensional structures etched into nanoparticle-embedded resin. Spherical iron oxide nanoparticles with a predominant particle diameter of 400 nm were homogeneously dispersed in a two part polyurethane resin and allowed to harden overnight. These samples were then etched using a precision micromachining femtosecond laser with a center wavelength of 1026 nm, 100kHz repetition rate and 450 fs pulse duration. A series of lines in depth were etched, varying the percentage of inscription energy and speed of the translation stage moving the target with respect to the laser. Samples were imaged with a dual wavelength spectral-domain OCT system and point-spread function of nanoparticles within the target was measured.
We propose and demonstrate novel virtual Gires-Tournois (GT) etalons based on fiber gratings. By introducing an additional phase modulation in wideband linearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings, we have successfully generated GT resonance with only one grating. This technique can simplify the fabrication procedure while retaining the normal advantages of distributed etalons, including their full compatibility with optical fiber, low insertion loss, and low cost. Such etalons can be used as dispersion compensation devices in optical transmission systems. © 2007 Optical Society of America.
We demonstrate a novel and simple sensor interrogation scheme for fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based sensing systems. In this scheme, a chirped FBG based Sagnac loop is used as a wavelength-dependent receiver, and a stable and linear readout response is realised. It is a signijkant advantage of this scheme that the sensitivity and the measurement wavelength range can be easily adjhsted by controlling the chirp of the FBG or using an optical delay line in the Sagnac loop.
We provide an overview of our recent work on the shaping and stability of optical continua in the long pulse regime. Fibers with normal group-velocity dispersion at all-wavelengths are shown to allow for highly coherent continua that can be nonlinearly shaped using appropriate initial conditions. In contrast, supercontinua generated in the anomalous dispersion regime are shown to exhibit large fluctuations in the temporal and spectral domains that can be controlled using a carefully chosen seed. A particular example of this is the first experimental observation of the Peregrine soliton which constitutes a prototype of optical rogue-waves. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We propose a new method for the generation of both triangular-shaped optical pulses and flat-top, coherent supercontinuum spectra using the effect of fourth-order dispersion on parabolic pulses in a passive, normally dispersive highly nonlinear fiber. The pulse reshaping process is described qualitatively and is compared to numerical simulations.
The microchannelled chirped fibre Bragg grating (MCFBG) was fabricated using femtosecond laser processing and HF-etching. Intrinsical refractive-index sensitivity induced by the microchannel makes MCFBGs ideal for biochemical sensing.