831 resultados para offspring
O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer o tempo de prenhez da paca por meio de ultra-sonografia. Nove pacas prenhes foram periodicamente acompanhadas com um transdutor eletrônico setorial bi-frequencial de 5,0 e 7,5 MHz, em modo B, desde a detecção ultra-sonográfica da vesícula embrionária ou do feto até o nascimento dos filhotes. Os animais foram colocados em uma gaiola de ferro de prensagem lateral e permaneceram em posição quadrupedal durante as sessões. Um pano escuro foi usado para cobrir a gaiola e frutas foram oferecidas durante o exame ultra-sonográfico para evitar reações agressivas. Quanto mais precocemente ocorreu a detecção de prenhez, maior foi o período de acompanhamento ultra-sonográfico até o nascimento dos filhotes. Apenas um filhote nasceu por parto, com 796,5 ± 74,36 gramas (valor médio ± desvio padrão da amostra) e 33,46 ± 0,60 centímetros (valor médio ± desvio padrão da amostra) de comprimento (entre a borda rostral do focinho e a extremidade distal da cauda). O período de prenhez da paca abrange 135 a 139 dias.
This work has contributed to knowledge of the order Testudines from cytogenetic and morphological point of view. With regard to the aspects proposed cytogenetic characterization of the species Mesoclemmys tuberculata (n = 5), endemic to the Caatinga biomes, through conventional techniques of cytogenetics and molecular levels. This species presented 2n = 58, NF = 64, the first submetacentric pair, the second metacentric and third subtelocentric, and the other microchromosome telocentric. This species showed a nucleolar bearing pair, coincident with the 18S ribosomal rDNA and that proved to be heterochromatic. Small heterochromatic blocks were also found in the centromeres of the largest chromosomes, as well as terminal regions in most other chromosomes of the complement, that were GC +. Telomeric sequences showed variable patterns of signal intensity, with some repeats more intense in microchromosomes and subtly in the larger ones. When compared with other species of the genus, the G-banding patterns showed a marked similarity between them. The first karyotypic description of the species will aid in future studies and the understanding of evolutionary aspects of this family. From the morphological point of view, we carried out studies of fluctuating asymmetry in sea turtle Eretmochelys imbricata, using methods of benchmarking between hatchlings and adults and their implications for natural selection. Data were collected at two different times: first during the spawning female and the second during the outbreak and birth of the nest. The analyzed characteristics consisted of measurements of length and width of front and rear flippers (CANT, LANT, CPOS and LPOS) also collected data on the number of hull plates, side plates (NPL), the surrounding plates (NPCIRC), and plastron; plates power plants (NPP), inframarginais plates (NPIM). With the values of asymmetry we calculated the value of strict heritability for these traits, the calculation was based on only one parent. A nonparametric analysis Mann-Whitneywas performed to compare the groups (females X hatchlings, newborn hatchlings X dead hatchlings). Adult females showed no bilateral fluctuating asymmetry (FA = 0) on the number plates of the hull and plastron, while offspring, living and dead, showed a greater level of variation in these meristic parameters. In the analysis of females x hatchlings we found a significant difference between the levels of asymmetry in hoof plates (p=0.006) an the width of hindlimbs (p=0.001). Levels of FA suggest an accurate indicator as to the viability or maintenance of the individual to the reproductive phase. The coefficient of heritability (h2) of FA , obtained from the regression analysis, showed that both have low and not statistically significant values(p> 0.1). In the case of exclusion of the effective role of genetics in the generation of FA, reproductive strategies based on high number of subsidiaries products, such as those observed in E. imbricata seems to implicate the production of individuals with high level of developmental instability
In northeastern Brazil, Octopus insularis is the most commercially important cephalopod species and its capture has been performed for several years by the lobster fishermen in the region. In order to obtain information about the reproductive biology, 1108 specimens were collected between November 2009 and September 2011 in the landings and fish markets of Rio do Fogo (RN). For each specimen the mantle length (CM) and total fresh weight (PT) were recorded. Gonads of 264 males and 295 females were examined macroscopically and histologically to assess sexual maturation and determine reproductive indices. Four reproductive stages were determined for males (immature, maturing, mature and post-mature) and females (immature, early maturing, late maturing and mature). The average of eggs recorded in the female s gonads was 93.820 and 39 was the average of spermatophores found in male Needham s complex. Spermathecae with sperm were found in females with 69 mm CM (immature). Males and females become sexually mature at 64.41 and 98.50 mm of CM, respectively. The weight at sexual maturity was 270 g for males and 630 g for females. The values of the size and weight at sexual maturity found in this study show that males mature at smaller sizes than females. For both sexes the maturation peaks occurred in February and November 2010 and also in September 2011. The periods of maximum reproductive activity lasted about 3 months and it seems to occur every 7 10 months. Only one spent female (stage V) was found and the number of mature females was low. Presumably, mature females migrate to deep waters with complex habitat to protect the offspring, indicating that fishery by snorkeling with maximum depth of 15 meters is not reaches this part of the stock. Finally, it is noticeable the importance of the establishment of management strategies for the exploitation of O. insularis different of the ones used for O. vulgaris, once the species have distinct biological features
For a long time, we believed in the pattern that tropical and south hemisphere species have high survival. Nowadays results began to contradict this pattern, indicating the need for further studies. Despite the advanced state of the study of bird population parameters, little is known about their variation throughout the year and the factors affecting them. Reproduction, for example, is one factor that may alter adult survival rates, because during this process the breeding pair allocates resources to maintain itself to maintain offspring, making itself more susceptible to diseases and predation. The aim of this study was to estimate survival and population size of a Central and South America passerine, Tachyphonus rufus (Boddaert, 1783), testing hypotheses about the factors that define these parameters. We performed data collection between Nov/2010 and ago/2012 in 12 ha plot, in a fragment of Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil. We used capture-mark-recapture methods to generate estimates using Closed Design Robust model in the program MARK. We generated Multi-state models to test some assumptions inherent to Closed Robust Design. The influence of co-variables (time, rain and reproductive cycle) and the effect of transient individuals were measured. Capture, recapture and apparent survival parameters were defined by reproductive cycle, while temporary dispersal was influence by rain. The estimates showed a higher apparent survival during the non-breeding period (92% ± 1%) than during breeding (40% ± 9%), revealing a cost of reproduction and suggesting a trade-off between surviving and reproducing. The low annual survival observed (34%) did not corroborate the pattern of high rates expected for a tropical bird. The largest population size was estimated to be 56 individuals in Nov/11, explained by high recruitment of juveniles, while the lowest observed in May/12: 10 individuals, probably as a result of massive influx of competitor species. Results from this study add to the growing literature on life history of Neotropical species. We encourage studies like this especially in Brazil, where there are few information, and suggest that covariates related to habitat quality and environmental changes should be tested, so that we can generate increasingly reliable models
Verificou-se o efeito de diferentes densidades de insetos por unidade de criação sobre o potencial reprodutivo de Chrysoperla externa. Utilizaram-se adultos da geração F4 mantidos a 25 ± 1ºC, 70 ± 10% de UR e fotofase de 12 horas. Foram utilizadas as seguintes densidades por unidade de criação (10 cm de diâmetro por 23 cm de altura e volume de 1650 cm³): um macho e três fêmeas, dois machos e seis fêmeas, três machos e nove fêmeas e quatro machos e doze fêmeas. Avaliou-se o período de pré-oviposição, a oviposição diária e total por fêmea e por unidade de criação, as porcentagens de ovos viáveis e inférteis e o índice de aproveitamento, calculado por fêmea e por unidade de criação. A densidade quatro machos e doze fêmeas apresentou melhor aproveitamento da unidade de criação, compensando as reduções observadas nos valores de postura média e total por fêmea.
Mitochondria are endosymbiotic organelles responsible for energy production in practically every eukaryotic cell. Their uniparental fashion of inheritance, maternally inherited in mammals, and the homogeneity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) within individuals and matrilineages, are biological phenomena that remain unexplained. This paper reviews some of the recent findings on mitochondrial influences on the manner in which embryos develop and how their genotypes are inherited in mammals, with particular emphasis on the genetic bottleneck effect. Animal models carrying a mix of mtDNAs (heteroplasmic) have been produced by karyoplast and cytoplast transplantation to analyze the segregation patterns at different stages during embryogenesis, in fetuses and offspring. Comparisons performed between murine and bovine reveal interesting changes in segregation and replication of transplanted mtDNAs. We have recently obtained Bos indicus and Bos taurus fetuses and calves from embryos reconstructed using enucleated polymorphic oocytes of Bos taurus origin. These and other findings on mitochondrial biology will have important implications in determining the cytoplasmic genotype of clones and in the preservation of endangered breeds and species. (C) 1999 by Elsevier B.V.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Agouti paca is both considered as a species vulnerable to extinction and recognised with the potential for domestication. In spite of this, its behaviour is poorly documented and captive breeding is mainly based on trial and error. The aim of the present research was to analyse whether different strategies of straw supply could affect the behaviour and welfare of pacas in captivity. The study was done with eight adult pacas grouped in four mated pairs, three of them with one offspring. Each group was housed separately in 10 m 2 pens and the straw collecting behaviour was recorded. The quantity of straw collected per day was measured to compare four different strategies for straw supply and nest removal, where: every day nest removal treatment (1R) = supplying 1 kg of straw every day (outside the burrow) and removing all straw from inside the burrow every day; every 3 days nest removal treatment (3R) = supplying 1 kg every day and removing after 3, 6, and 9 days; no nest removal treatment (9R) = supplying 1 kg every day and removing after 9 days; nest deprivation treatment (Dep) = supplying 1 kg every day except at days 3, 4, and 5 and removing after 3 and 9 days. Straw collecting was always performed after 17:30 h, with three behavioural acts being performed: mouthing, transporting, and depositing the straw into the artificial burrow. The straw collected per day mean of 1R was significantly higher than the means of other treatments. During the deprivation period of Dep, chips cut from the eucalyptus branches and a great quantity of fruits and manioc were found inside the burrows. The motivation to collect seemed to increase as a consequence of straw deprivation. By these we conclude that straw should be offered to pacas in captivity, giving them the opportunity to collect straw by themselves. Doing this we expect to promote an effective environmental enrichment for this species in captivity. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
It is reasonable to assume that the knowledge of suckling behaviour contributes to optimal management and selection of beef cattle. However, there is little information about suckling behaviour of some beef cattle breeds. The aim of this study was to describe the suckling behaviour of two zebu (Bos indicus) and one criollo (Bos taurus) breeds, analysing the potential effects of breed and some environmental factors on suckling frequency and duration. Forty cows, 17 Nelore, 14 Gir (both zebu) and 9 Caracu (criollo) were bred in a diallelic crossing design. The cows and resulting calves were kept on pasture from birth to weaning. Their behaviour was recorded weekly during daylight. Three behavioural traits were considered: number of suckling meals (NSM), duration of each suckling meal (DSM) and total suckling duration (TSD). Allosuckling was not observed. The calves suckled at any time during the daylight and the overall means were: NSM = 2.57 +/- 0.05 meals/12 h (from back transformed data), DSM = 9.25 +/- 0.11 min/suckling meal and TSD = 23.76 +/- 0.47 min/12 h. There was an effect of dam's breed on NSM and DSM; the calf's genetic group within breed of cow influenced NSM and TSD when the dams were from the Nelore breed. The age of calf had significant effects on all traits. Males averaged higher NSM and TSD (2.60 +/- 0.03 meals and 25.05 +/- 1.37 min/12 h, respectively) than females (2.12 +/- 0.04 meals and 21.51 +/- 1.55 min/12 h, respectively). The differences in suckling behaviour seem to be produced by a complex combination of genetic and environmental factors, which result in a particular behavioural relationship within mother-offspring pairs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Genomewide marker information can improve the reliability of breeding value predictions for young selection candidates in genomic selection. However, the cost of genotyping limits its use to elite animals, and how such selective genotyping affects predictive ability of genomic selection models is an open question. We performed a simulation study to evaluate the quality of breeding value predictions for selection candidates based on different selective genotyping strategies in a population undergoing selection. The genome consisted of 10 chromosomes of 100 cM each. After 5,000 generations of random mating with a population size of 100 (50 males and 50 females), generation G(0) (reference population) was produced via a full factorial mating between the 50 males and 50 females from generation 5,000. Different levels of selection intensities (animals with the largest yield deviation value) in G(0) or random sampling (no selection) were used to produce offspring of G(0) generation (G(1)). Five genotyping strategies were used to choose 500 animals in G(0) to be genotyped: 1) Random: randomly selected animals, 2) Top: animals with largest yield deviation values, 3) Bottom: animals with lowest yield deviations values, 4) Extreme: animals with the 250 largest and the 250 lowest yield deviations values, and 5) Less Related: less genetically related animals. The number of individuals in G(0) and G(1) was fixed at 2,500 each, and different levels of heritability were considered (0.10, 0.25, and 0.50). Additionally, all 5 selective genotyping strategies (Random, Top, Bottom, Extreme, and Less Related) were applied to an indicator trait in generation G(0), and the results were evaluated for the target trait in generation G(1), with the genetic correlation between the 2 traits set to 0.50. The 5 genotyping strategies applied to individuals in G(0) (reference population) were compared in terms of their ability to predict the genetic values of the animals in G(1) (selection candidates). Lower correlations between genomic-based estimates of breeding values (GEBV) and true breeding values (TBV) were obtained when using the Bottom strategy. For Random, Extreme, and Less Related strategies, the correlation between GEBV and TBV became slightly larger as selection intensity decreased and was largest when no selection occurred. These 3 strategies were better than the Top approach. In addition, the Extreme, Random, and Less Related strategies had smaller predictive mean squared errors (PMSE) followed by the Top and Bottom methods. Overall, the Extreme genotyping strategy led to the best predictive ability of breeding values, indicating that animals with extreme yield deviations values in a reference population are the most informative when training genomic selection models.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objetivou-se com este estudo comparar a seleção com base no ganho médio diário de peso na pré-desmama (GMD) e no número de dias para ganhar 160 kg nessa fase (D160), com e sem correção para efeitos de grupos de contemporâneos (GC), em bovinos da raça Guzerá. Utilizou-se o banco de dados de desenvolvimento ponderal da Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Zebu (ABCZ) para esta raça. A obtenção dos parâmetros e valores genéticos foi feita pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita utilizando-se modelo unicaracterístico com equações de modelos mistos. O modelo utilizado foi composto pelo efeito fixo de grupo genético e pelos efeitos aleatórios, genético aditivo direto e de ambiente permanente, além do erro residual. A média para D160 foi de 270,5 dias e para GMD, 642,3 g. As correlações de Spearman entre ganho médio diário e a precocidade em dias para ganhar 160 kg na pré-desmama (PD160), e GMD e PD160c (PD160 corrigido para o efeito de grupo de contemporâneo), foram iguais a 0,91 e 0,94, respectivamente. A seleção para PD160 favorece touros que produzem progênie com desempenho superior e menos variável e a padronização deste critério com base no grupo de contemporâneos melhorou sua eficiência. A classificação dos touros varia de acordo com o critério de seleção utilizado, GMD ou PD160, principalmente nos extremos, onde ocorrem seleção e descarte de reprodutores.