990 resultados para new species


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Ongoing taxonomic work on Mezilaurus has revealed two new species of the genus in Brazil, which are here described and illustrated. The first one, Mezilaurus glabriantha, from the state of Espirito Santo, represents the third endemic species known from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, and Mezilaurus microphylla occurs in seasonally dry forests from the central Brazilian state of Tocantins. A key to distinguish the extra-Amazonian species of Mezilaurus from Brazil is provided.


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We revisit species diversity within Oreobates (Anura: Strabomantidae) by combining molecular phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA amphibian barcode fragment with the study of the external morphology of living and preserved specimens. Molecular and morphological evidence support the existence of 23 species within Oreobates, and three additional candidate species (Oreobates sp. [Ca JF809995], Oreobates sp. [Ca EU368903], Oreobates cruralis [Ca EU192295]). We describe and name three new species from the Andean humid montane forests of Departamento Cusco, southern Peru: O. amarakaeri New Species from Rio Nusinuscato and Rio Mabe, at elevations ranging from 670 to 1000 m in the Andean foothills; O. machiguenga, new species, from Rio Kimbiri (1350 m), a small tributary of the Apurimac River, in the western versant of Cordillera Vilcabamba; and O. gemcare, new species, from the Kosnipata Valley at elevations ranging from 2400 to 2800 m. The three new species are readily distinguished from all other Oreobates by at least one qualitative morphological character. Three species are transferred to Oreobates from three genera of Strabomantidae: Hypodactylus lundbergi, Pristimantis crepitans, and Phrynopus ayacucho (for which the advertisement call, coloration in life, and male characteristics are described for first time). Oreobates simmonsi is transferred to the genus Lynchius. Hylodes verrucosus is considered a junior synonym of Hylodes philippi. In addition, H. philippi is removed from the synonymy of O. quixensis and considered a nomem dubium within Hypodactylus. The inclusion of Phrynopus ayacucho in Oreobates extends the ecological range of the genus to the cold Andean puna. Oreobates is thus distributed from the Amazonian lowlands in southern Colombia to northern Argentina, reaching the Brazilian Atlantic dry forests in eastern Brazil, across an altitudinal range from ca. 100 to 3850 m.


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Gamasiphis Berlese is one of the most diverse genera of Ologamasidae, with 68 described species, corresponding to about 15% of the species of the family. Until now, a single species of this genus was known from Brazil. Gamasiphis salvadori sp. nov., Gamasiphis flechtmanni sp. nov. and Gamasiphis edmilsoni sp. nov. are described based on the morphology of adult females and males collected from litter and soil in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The holotype of Gamasiphis plenosetosus Karg, 1994 was examined, given its close similarity with the latter species, and complementary morphological information about it is provided. A key for the separation of females of the 60 recognizable world species of Gamasiphis is provided.


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The new species, Matayba obovata (Sapindaceae), from southern and southeastern Brazil is described, illustrated, and contrasted to its putatively closest relatives. Palynological characters are also described. The new species belongs to sect. Matayba. A key to identify M. obovata and related species in the Atlantic Forest is included.


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In this paper we diagnose the genus Sabroskya Schlinger, 1960 and describe Sabroskya schlingeri sp. n. from Malawi. We also provide dichotomous keys to species of Sabroskya and to world genera of the subfamily Acrocerinae, both extant and extinct.


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Mannheimsia conica, sp. nov., is described, M. stricta redescribed and the hypopygial morphology including the phallus of all four Mannheimsia species is illustrated and discussed. A table with the different phallus terminology used in the main studies of this structure in Phoridae is presented. Uniformization of phallus terminology is suggested.


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Two new species of shallow water Tornidae are found in Espirito Santo state, Brazil, formally described herein. They belong to a complex group of tiny gastropods, in such the taxonomy is very confused. Cyclostremiscus mohicanus sp. n. is characterized by three well-developed spiral, equidistant carinas, working as base of three series of tall, aligned periostracal rods. Episcinia itanhuna sp. n. has as single sculpture a series of pustules in periphery, but the periostracum bears three series of peripheral fringes with irregular rods. The new species are compared with the allies, showing a close relation with Caribbean fauna, but possessing worthy differences. These similarities have raised misidentifications.


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A new species of Novantinoe Santos-Silva & Hovore 2007 is described from Panama. Modified key couplets including the new species are included.


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A new species of Mezilaurus from Colombia is described and illustrated in this paper. This species, Mezilaurus introrsa, is so far only known from the Ecological Station of Caparu in southeastern Colombia, Vaupes state, where it occurs in seasonally inundated forest, locally called "igapo".


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Redescriptions of Bizarrifrons magus (Nitzsch [in Giebel], 1866), the type species of Bizarrifrons, and B. picturatus Carriker & Diaz-Ungria, 1961 are given based on material from their type hosts. The nymphal instars of these two species are described and illustrated for the first time. Also, three new species are named and described: B. latifrons, from the russet-backed oropendola, Psarocolius angustifrons alfredi (Des Murs, 1856); B. wecksteini, from the Amazonian oropendola, Psarocolius b. bifasciatus (Spix, 1824); and B. quasisymmetricus, from the solitary cacique, Cacicus solitarius (Vieillot, 1816) (Passeriformes: Icteridae). Two species-groups are proposed, and a checklist and a key for the species of Bizarrifrons are also included. Sequences of a portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and the nuclear elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) genes for two species are given for the first time in this genus.


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We describe a new species of bufonid from a lowland, sandy soil, restinga habitat in the state of Espirito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Based on the shared occurrence of putative morphological synapomorphies of Melanophryniscus and the results of a phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences of a broad sample of bufonids, and other anurans, we assign the new species to Melanophryniscus. The new species possesses several peculiar character states that distinguish it from all other Melanophryniscus including, but not limited to: fingers II, III, and V much reduced; nuptial pad with few enlarged, brown-colored spines on medial margin of finger II; seven presacral vertebrae, the last fused with the sacrum; and ventral humeral crest prominent, forming a spinelike projection.


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Lebiasina marilynae n. sp., L. melanoguttata n. sp., and L. minuta n. sp. are described from the headwaters of the rio Curua in Serra do Cachimbo, Para, Brazil, and represent the only members of the Lebiasininae in the Brazilian Shied, so far. A close relationship among these species is proposed based on: I) the presence of a pair of foramina through which the rain us palatinus of the facial nerve passes, a modification unique in Lebiasinidae and apparently in the Characiformes, 2) the enlargement of the extrascapular bone, 3) the absence of the secondary stripe, and 4) the nearly equal length of caudal-fin lobes. Lebiasina marilynae additionally differs from all congeners in having the primary stripe extending from the tip of the snout to the distal border of the caudal-fin peduncle, the possession of two series of dark blotches parallel to the primary stripe, and a rounded dorsal surface of the mesethmoid. Lebiasina melanoguttata and Lebiasina minuta additionally differ from all congeners in the absence of the primary stripe and the caudal blotch, and the presence of three longitudinal series of dark blotches at the base of the scales of series 3-5. Lebiasina melanoguttata differs from Lebiasina minuta in the absence of a dark blotch at the base of the median rays of the dorsal fin, second infrapharyngobranchial bearing conical teeth, the reddish overall coloration of the eye and fins, and the dark blotches never coalescing (vs. dark dorsal-fin blotch present; the second infrapharyngobranchial being edentulous; dark, olive green eyes, and the yellowish overall color of body and fins; and the dark blotches of longitudinal series 3 and 4 coalescing where scales of adjacent longitudinal series overlap). The occurrence of species of the Lebiasininae on the Brazilian Shield is discussed, and the distribution pattern of the species described herein is compared to that of other endemic species of the Serra do Cachimbo, a highly biodiverse area isolated from the rest of the Amazon basin.


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A new species of Oreobates is described from Cavernas do Peruacu National Park, Januaria, Minas Gerais state, in the Atlantic Dry Forests of Brazil. The new species is distinguished from all other Oreobates by having the following combination of characters: large tympanum, discs broadly enlarged and truncate on Fingers III and IV, smooth dorsal skin, nuptial pads absent, snout subacuminate, and a very short pulsatile (2-3 pulses) single-noted advertisement call with dominant frequency of about 3150 Hz, and no harmonic structure. Molecular phylogenetic analyses using partial sequences of the mitochondrial genes cytochrome b (cyt b) and 16S using multiple outgroups recovered the new species within Oreobates and sister to O. heterodactylus. The latter species inhabits the Dry Forests of Mato Grosso (Cerrado) and Bolivia (Chiquitano forests), and is strictly associated to these habitats, which suggests a preterit connection between Chiquitano and Atlantic Dry Forests. The discovery of a new Oreobates in the Atlantic Dry Forest is of great importance for the conservation of these dry forests, as it is known only from this type of habitat.


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Trichomycterus anhanga is described from the Amazon basin, northern Brazil. The species is diagnosed by the latero-sensory system which is restricted to LL1 and LL2, the pectoral fin with two branched rays, the absence of pelvic fins and girdle, the reduced jaws and pharyngeal dentition, the presence of six to seven interopercular odontodes, the absence of a lateral series of spots, the presence of a small dark spot on the ventral surface of the mandibular symphysis, the narrow comma-shaped palatine, the absence of procurrent rays anterior to the dorsal and anal fins, the position of insertion of the first dorsal-fin pterygiophore and the presence of a single pair of pleural ribs. Trichomycterus anhanga shares with T. hasemani and T. johnsoni a wide cranial fontanel which occupies most of the skull roof. Miniaturization as well as synapomorphies for the T. hasemani group are discussed.


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The Chilean genus Nanophareus Roewer, 1929 is revised and three new species are described: N. araucanus sp. nov. (type locality: Parque Nacional La Campana, Valparaiso, Chile); N. bipartitus sp. nov. (type locality: Parque Nacional La Campana, Valparaiso, Chile); N. bosqenublado sp. nov. (type locality: Parque Nacional Fray Jorge, Coquimbo, Chile). The type species, N. palpalis Roewer, 1929, is redescribed and a lectotype is designated. A cladistic analysis was performed using these three new species plus N. palpalis and 14 more laniatorid species, and a data matrix of 72 characters: Seven from the ocularium, 22 from the dorsal scutum, one from the venter, one from the chelicera, eight from the pedipalp, 24 from male legs, and nine from male genitalia. Two equally most parsimonious trees were found (L = 210; C.I. = 0.41; R.I. = 0.51). Nanophareus was recovered as nested within a paraphyletic subfamily Pachylinae. The genus Nanophareus was found to be monophyletic based on the following exclusive synapomorphies: An external row of enlarged tubercles inserted among small ones on lateral margin of the dorsal scutum (innapplicable in N. bosqenublado); the ventro-basal margin of pedipalpal tibia curved 90 degrees in lateral view; and retrolateral seta of the pedipalpal tibia with a socket apically bifid (socket and seta longer than pedipalpal tibia length).