659 resultados para nail dystrophy
Background: Quality of life and well-being are frequently restricted in adults with neuromuscular disorders. As such, identification of appropriate interventions is imperative. Objective: The objective of this paper was to systematically review and critically appraise quantitative studies (RCTs, controlled trials and cohort studies) of psychosocial interventions designed to improve quality of life and well-being in adults with neuromuscular disorders. Method: A systematic review of the published and unpublished literature was conducted. Studies meeting inclusion criteria were appraised using a validated quality assessment tool and results presented in a narrative synthesis. Results: Out of 3,136 studies identified, ten studies met criteria for inclusion within the review. Included studies comprised a range of interventions including: cognitive behavioural therapy, dignity therapy, hypnosis, expressive disclosure, gratitude lists, group psychoeducation and psychologically informed rehabilitation. Five of the interventions were for patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The remainder were for patients with post-polio syndrome, muscular dystrophies and mixed disorders, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, myasthenia gravis and myotonic dystrophy. Across varied interventions and neuromuscular disorders, seven studies reported a short-term beneficial effect of intervention on quality of life and well-being. Whilst such findings are encouraging, widespread issues with the methodological quality of these studies significantly compromised the results. Conclusion: There is no strong evidence that psychosocial interventions improve quality of life and well-being in adults with neuromuscular disorders, due to a paucity of high quality research in this field. Multi-site, randomised controlled trials with active controls, standardised outcome measurement and longer term follow-ups are urgently required.
Purpose Microcephaly with or without chorioretinopathy, lymphedema or intellectual disability (MCLID) is an autosomal dominant condition. Mutations in KIF11 have been found to be causative in approximately 75% of cases. This study describes the ocular phenotype in patients with confirmed KIF11 mutations. Methods Standard ophthalmic examination and investigation including visual acuity, refraction and fundus examination was carried out in all patients. Fundus autofluorescence imaging (FAF) was performed in three patients, and four patients underwent spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT). Flash electroretinography (ERG) was performed in seven patients, and five underwent additional pattern electroretinography (PERG). Results The patients ranged in age from 2 to 10 years. Most presented with visual acuity loss. Fundus examination revealed lacunae of chorioretinal atrophy. Pigmentary macular changes and optic disc pallor were present in three of seven patients. Fundus autofluorescence demonstrated hypoautofluorescence at the macula in two of three patients. The lacunae of chorioretinal atrophy were hypoautofluorescent. The OCT showed atrophic maculae in three of four patients. Follow-up in one patient showed no deterioration of the vision over a 9-year period. The lesions appear not to be progressive on the follow-up imaging. Electrophysiology showed generalized rod and cone dysfunction and severe macular dysfunction. Inner retinal dysfunction was evident in three of seven patients. Conclusions Patients with KIF11 mutations show a specific ocular phenotype with variable expressivity and intrafamilial variability. Macular atrophy and dysfunction have not been consistently documented before. The fundus lesions appear non-progressive. The findings assist in providing an accurate diagnosis and thus improving the management and follow-up of patients with this syndrome.
In recent years, lipofilling has established itself as one of the most effective and least invasive techniques to treat connective dystrophy subsequent to radiotherapy. We report the case of a patient diagnosed with intraductal carcinoma of the right breast in 1996, at the age of 41. The patient underwent quadrantectomy with ipsilateral axillary lymph node dissection and adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Four years later, a recurrence led the patient to undergo a subcutaneous mastectomy and immediate reconstruction, involving the submuscular insertion of a permanent implant. In 2007 the patient suffered both radiodermatitis and capsular contracture around the implant, causing constant pain and significant functional limitation. She first took a leukotriene inhibitor (Zafirlukast, 20 mg daily for 8 months) to reduce the capsular contracture. She then underwent lipofilling (Coleman’s technique) of the area affected by radiodermatitis, in which the skin was considerably thinned and visibly ischemic. A second session followed four months later. Clinical, photographic and ultrasound examination revealed clear and lasting thickening of the superficial tissues, increased coverage of the implant, and reduced skin discoloration and tension.
Os processos degenerativos do tecido cutâneo estão amplamente associados ao seu envelhecimento natural, onde se verifica perda de tecido fibroso, renovação celular mais lenta e redução da rede vascular e glandular da pele. Alguns fatores externos ao organismo podem contudo acelerar estes processos, como por exemplo a exposição solar, consumo excessivo de álcool e tabaco, poluição ambiental e aumento de peso. De entre estes processos destacam-se o processo descamativo, um fenómeno natural do mecanismo de diferenciação dos queratinócitos. É um processo complexo que envolve essencialmente a degradação da coesão entre células da pele. A lipodistrofia ginóide é outro destes processos, comummente denominado de celulite, e que se caracteriza como uma distrofia celular complexa, com alterações do metabolismo hídrico que conferem uma aparência de "casca de laranja" à pele. A flacidez é um processo resultante da atrofia tecidular, onde se verifica a perda progressiva de massa muscular que é substituída por tecido adiposo. Está diretamente relacionada com a redução da produção de fibras de colagénio e fibras elásticas no tecido subcutâneo. Por fim, insuficiência venosa é um termo utilizado para caracterizar um processo que afeta o sistema venoso dos membros inferiores, que se desenvolve por aumento da pressão venosa em combinação com um retorno venoso ineficiente. Embora ainda não exista compreensão total destes mecanismos, já é possível encontrar uma série de tratamentos que visam minimizar ou mesmo tratá-los, de modo a que não se agravem e representem um risco sério para a saúde.
Le stress oxydatif peut provenir de sources exogènes comme les UVA ou de sources endogènes comme la chaîne respiratoire (OXPHOS). L’oxydation des composants cellulaires a été associée avec la dégénération, des phénotypes de vieillissement et des pertes de fonctionnalités des tissus. Les UVA sont les plus efficaces des rayons UV à induire de l’oxydation, tel que démontré par la formation de dommages oxydatifs à l’ADN et par l’apparition de délétions mitochondriales qui en résultent. La délétion mitochondriale de 4977 pb (ADNmtCD4977), la plus commune, et celle de 3895 pb (ADNmt3895) sont deux délétions reliées au photovieillissement cutané et à l’exposition au stress oxydant. Le phénomène de vieillissement dans la peau est bien documenté et se traduit par une dégradation de la matrice extracellulaire, une perte d’élasticité et la formation de rides. Toutefois, peu d’études portent sur la cornée humaine alors qu’elle est un tissu exposé directement aux rayonnements UV au même titre que la peau. Nous avons donc tenté mieux comprendre l’effet de l’oxydation exogène et endogène sur cette structure. L’analyse de la localisation des délétions ADNmtCD4977 et ADNmtCD4977 dans l’oeil humain a permis de révéler qu’elles se concentrent principalement dans le stroma cornéen et s’accumule avec l’âge. Le stroma cornéen est la couche cellulaire qui confère la transparence et la rigidité à la cornée humaine. Ces résultats nous ont suggéré une implication des UVA dans le photovieillissement de la cornée. Nous avons donc entrepris de vérifier les changements liés à l’exposition aux UVA dans le stroma cornéen puisque les UVA sont connus pour causer des altérations à la matrice extracellulaire (ECM) au niveau cutané. Nous avons donc créé un modèle de photovieillisement par une exposition chronique aux UVA sur des kératocytes avec lesquels nous avons fait sécréter une ECM. Nos résultats nous ont démontré qu’une exposition chronique aux UVA cause des altérations à l’ECM cornéen semblable à des phénotypes de photvieillissement. En effet, nous avons dénoté des changements transcriptomiques et protéomiques pour certains collagènes et protéoglycans. Une atteinte aux collagènes par le vieillissement cornéen se traduit entre autres par une rigidification, une opacification et un changement dans son pouvoir réfractif qui mène à une perte de la vision. Par ailleurs, notre avons également investigué l’implication du stress oxydatif dans la dystrophie cornéenne endothéliale de Fuchs (FECD), une maladie dégénérative de l’endothélium cornéen, qui mène à une perte de vision et est une cause principale de greffe cornéenne. L’étiologie de la maladie est encore inconnue, mais le stress oxydatif est soupçonné de jouer un rôle important dans la pathogenèse. Nos résultats ont amené de nouvelles évidences de l’implication de l’oxydation dans la maladie par l’augmentation de la quantité d’ADN mitochondrial et un raccourcissement des télomères dans des explants de cornées pathologiques. Nos résultats nous ont également démontré que la mise en culture de cellules FECD permettait la sélection de cellules fonctionnelles et comparables à des cellules saines en termes de quantité d’ADN mitochondrial et de son intégrité, de sensibilité à l’oxydation et de longueur télomérique. Les résultats obtenus soutiennent ainsi la possibilité d’employer les cellules FECD fonctionnelles sélectionnées pour utilisation en génie tissulaire afin de créer des cornées autologues pour pallier aux manques de greffes cornéennes. Enfin, nos résultats apportent de nouvelles évidences quant à l’implication du stress oxydatif dans le photovieillissement cornéen et dans l’étiologie de la FECD.
Meeting participants: Rosário dos Santos, Porto, Portugal
We report on two Portuguese sisters with a very similar phenotype characterized by severe intellectual disability, absent speech, relative macrocephaly, coarse face, cerebellar hypotrophy, and severe ataxia. Additional common features include increased thickness of the cranial vault, delayed dental eruption, talipes equino-varus, clinodactyly, and camptodactyly of the fifth finger. The older sister has retinal dystrophy and the younger sister has short stature. Their parents are consanguineous. We suggest this condition constitutes a previously unreported autosomal recessive entity.
Voluntary methadone administration for the purpose of sedation eventually resulting in the infant's death is extremely infrequent, though it has been observed. In this report, we describe an autopsy case pertaining to a 32-month-old infant who was repeatedly exposed to methadone by his parents. Autopsy revealed a coarctation of the aorta with a focal stenosis located at the junction of the distal aortic arch and the descending aorta. Left ventricular hypertrophy was also observed. Both these findings were considered to not have played a role in the child's death. Methadone was detected in the femoral blood (0.633 mg/l), urine (5.25 mg/l), bile (2.64 mg/l), and gastric contents (1.08 mg). A segmental hair analysis showed the presence of methadone and morphine in both the proximal and distal portion of the lock. Methadone was also detected in nail samples. A segmental hair analysis performed on the younger brother of the deceased revealed the presence of methadone and morphine in both the proximal and distal segments, as well as the presence of 6-monoacetylmorphine exclusively in the distal portion. Though the parents denied any involvement in methadone administration or exposure for the purpose of sedation, the manner of death was listed as homicide. The case emphasizes the usefulness of hair analysis to identify threatening situations for the children of drug-dependent parents and possibly support measures by the authorities to recognize and intervene in these potentially fatal situations.
AIMS: Cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients has been linked to synaptic damage and neuronal loss. Hyperphosphorylation of tau protein destabilizes microtubules leading to the accumulation of autophagy/vesicular material and the generation of dystrophic neurites, thus contributing to axonal/synaptic dysfunction. In this study, we analyzed the effect of a microtubule-stabilizing compound in the progression of the disease in the hippocampus of APP751SL/PS1M146L transgenic model. METHODS: APP/PS1 mice (3 month-old) were treated with a weekly intraperitoneal injection of 2 mg/kg epothilone-D (Epo-D) for 3 months. Vehicle-injected animals were used as controls. Mice were tested on the Morris water maze, Y-maze and object-recognition tasks for memory performance. Abeta, AT8, ubiquitin and synaptic markers levels were analyzed by Western-blots. Hippocampal plaque, synaptic and dystrophic loadings were quantified by image analysis after immunohistochemical stainings. RESULTS: Epo-D treated mice exhibited a significant improvement in the memory tests compared to controls. The rescue of cognitive deficits was associated to a significant reduction in the AD-like hippocampal pathology. Levels of Abeta, APP and ubiquitin were significantly reduced in treated animals. This was paralleled by a decrease in the amyloid burden, and more importantly, in the plaque-associated axonal dystrophy pathology. Finally, synaptic levels were significantly restored in treated animals compared to controls. CONCLUSION: Epo-D treatment promotes synaptic and spatial memory recovery, reduces the accumulation of extracellular Abeta and the associated neuritic pathology in the hippocampus of APP/PS1 model. Therefore, microtubule stabilizing drugs could be considered therapeutical candidates to slow down AD progression. Supported by FIS-PI12/01431 and PI15/00796 (AG),FIS-PI12/01439 and PI15/00957(JV)
Arguably, the catalyst for the best research studies using social analysis of discourse is personal ‘lived’ experience. This is certainly the case for Kamada, who, as a white American woman with a Japanese spouse, had to deal first hand with the racialization of her son. Like many other mixed-ethnic parents, she experienced the shock and disap-pointment of finding her child being racialized as ‘Chinese’ in America through peer group taunts, and constituted as gaijin (a foreigner) in his own homeland of Japan. As a member of an e-list of the (Japan) Bilingualism Special Interest Group (BSIG), Kamada learnt that other parents from the English-speaking foreign community in Japan had similar disturbing stories to tell of their mixed-ethnic children who, upon entering the Japanese school system, were mocked, bullied and marginalized by their peers. She men-tions a pervasive Japanese proverb which warns of diversity or difference getting squashed: ‘The nail that sticks up gets hammered down’. This imperative to conform to Japanese behavioural and discursive norms prompted Kamada’s quest to investigate the impact of ‘otherization’ on the identities of children of mixed parentage. In this fascinat-ing book, she shows that this pressure to conform is balanced by a corresponding cele-bration of ‘hybrid’ or mixed identities. The children in her study are also able to negotiate their identities positively as they come to terms with contradictory discursive notions of ‘Japaneseness’, ‘whiteness’ and ‘halfness/doubleness’.The discursive construction of identity has become a central concern amongst researchers across a wide range of academic disciplines within the humanities and the social sciences, and most existing work either concentrates on a specific identity cate-gory, such as gender, sexuality or national identity, or else offers a broader discussion of how identity is theorized. Kamada’s book is refreshing because it crosses the usual boundaries and offers divergent insights on identity in a number of ways. First, using the term ‘ethno-gendering’, she examines the ways in which six mixed-ethnic girls living in Japan accomplish and manage the relationship between their gender and ethnic ‘differ-ences’ from age 12 to 15. She analyses in close detail how their actions or displays within certain situated interactions might come into conflict with how they are seen or constituted by others. Second, Kamada’s study builds on contemporary writing on the benefits of hybridity where identities are fluid, flexible and indeterminate, and which contest the usual monolithic distinctions of gender, ethnicity, class, etc. Here, Kamada carves out an original space for her findings. While scholars have often investigated changing identities and language practices of young people who have been geographi-cally displaced and are newcomers to the local language, Kamada’s participants were all born and brought up in Japan, were fluent in Japanese and were relatively proficient in English. Third, the author refuses to conceptualize or theorize identity from a single given viewpoint in preference to others, but in postmodernist spirit draws upon multiple perspectives and frameworks of discourse analysis in order to create different forms of knowledge and understandings of her subject. Drawing on this ‘multi-perspectival’ approach, Kamada examines grammatical, lexical, rhetorical and interactional features from six extensive conversations, to show how her participants position their diverse identities in relation to their friends, to the researcher and to the outside world. Kamada’s study is driven by three clear aims. The first is to find out ‘whether there are any tensions and dilemmas in the ways adolescent girls of Japanese and “white” mixed parentage in Japan identify themselves in terms of ethnicity’. In Chapter 4, she shows how the girls indeed felt that they stood out as different and consequently experienced isolation, marginalization and bullying at school – although they were able to make better sense of this as they grew older, repositioning the bullies as pitiable. The second aim is to ask how, if at all, her participants celebrate their ethnicity, and furthermore, what kind of symbolic, linguistic and social capital they were able to claim for themselves on the basis of their hybrid identities. In Chapter 5, Kamada shows how the girls over time were able to constitute themselves as insiders while constituting ‘the Japanese’ as outsiders, and their network of mixed-ethnic friends was a key means to achieve this. In Chapter 6, the author develops this potential celebration of the girls’ mixed ethnicity by investigating the privileges they perceived it afforded them – for example, having the advantage of pos-sessing English proficiency and intercultural ‘savvy’ in a globalized world. Kamada’s third aim is to ask how her participants positioned themselves and performed their hybrid identities on the basis of their constituted appearance: that is, how the girls saw them-selves based on how they looked to others. In Chapter 7, the author shows that, while there are competing discourses at work, the girls are able to take up empowering positions within a discourse of ‘foreigner attractiveness’ or ‘a white-Western female beauty’ discourse, which provides them with a certain cachet among their Japanese peers. Throughout the book, Kamada adopts a highly self-reflexive perspective of her own position as author. For example, she interrogates the fact that she may have changed the lived reality of her six participants during the course of her research study. As the six girls, who were ‘best friends’, lived in different parts of the Morita region of Japan, she had to be proactive in organizing six separate ‘get-togethers’ through the course of her three-year study. She acknowledges that she did not collect ‘naturally occurring data’ but rather co-constructed opportunities for the girls to meet and talk on a regular basis. At these meetings, she encouraged the girls to discuss matters of identity, prompted by open-ended interview questions, by stimulus materials such as photos, articles and pic-tures, and by individual tasks such as drawing self-portraits. By giving her participants a platform in this way, Kamada not only elicited some very rich spoken data but also ‘helped in some way to shape the attitudes and self-images of the girls positively, in ways that might not have developed had these get-togethers not occurred’ (p. 221). While the data she gathers are indeed rich, it may well be asked whether there is a mismatch between the girls’ frank and engaging accounts of personal experience, and the social constructionist academic register in which these are later re-articulated. When Kamada writes, ‘Rina related how within the more narrow range of discourses that she had to draw on in her past, she was disempowered and marginalized’ (p. 118), we know that Rina’s actual words were very different. Would she really recognize, understand and agree with the reported speech of the researcher? This small omission of self-reflexivity apart – an omission which is true of most lin-guistic ethnography conducted today – Kamada has written a unique, engaging and thought-provoking book which offers a model to future discourse analysts investigating hybrid identities. The idea that speakers can draw upon competing discourses or reper-toires to constitute their identities in contrasting, creative and positive ways provides linguistic researchers with a clear orientation by which to analyse the contradictions of identity construction as they occur across time in different discursive contexts
BACKGROUND: The WNT10A protein is critical for the development of ectodermal appendages. Variants in the WNT10A gene may be associated with a spectrum of ectodermal abnormalities including extensive tooth agenesis. METHODS: In seven patients with severe tooth agenesis we identified anomalies in primary dentition and additional ectodermal symptoms, and assessed WNT10A mutations by genetic analysis. RESULTS: Investigation of primary dentition revealed peg-shaped crowns of primary mandibular incisors and three individuals had agenesis of at least two primary teeth. The permanent dentition was severely affected in all individuals with a mean of 21 missing teeth. Primary teeth were most often present in positions were succedaneous teeth were missing. Furthermore, most existing molars had taurodontism. Light, brittle or coarse hair was reported in all seven individuals, hyperhidrosis of palms and soles in six individuals and nail anomalies in two individuals. The anomalies in primary dentition preceded most of the additional ectodermal symptoms. Genetic analysis revealed that all seven individuals were homozygous or compound heterozygous for WNT10A mutations resulting in C107X, E222X and F228I. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that tooth agenesis and/or peg-shaped crowns of primary mandibular incisors, severe oligodontia of permanent dentition as well as ectodermal symptoms of varying severity may be predictors of bi-allelic WNT10A mutations of importance for diagnosis, counselling and follow-up.
La estimulación eléctrica medular (EEM), es una técnica mínimamente invasiva, segura, con pocos efectos secundarios y resultados favorables en patologías crónicas asociadas a dolor severo de difícil manejo, tal como es el caso del Síndrome Doloroso Regional Complejo (SDRC). La evidencia actual señala beneficios en esta patología particular, motivo por el cuál es de interés hacer una revisión actualizada sobre la EEM en SDRC.
INTRODUCCIÓN. La distrofia muscular de Duchenne es una enfermedad neuromuscular con una herencia recesiva ligada al X que afecta a 1 de cada 3500 niños nacidos vivos. Se produce por mutaciones en el gen DMD que codifica para la distrofina. Se caracteriza por manifestaciones clínicas variables típicas de una distrofia muscular proximal progresiva. OBJETIVO. Realizar el primer registro en Colombia de los pacientes identificados con distrofinopatías, teniendo en cuenta características clínicas y paraclínicas, así como las mutaciones causales de esta patología. METODOLOGÍA Es un estudio descriptivo, transversal, de la revisión de historias clínicas de los pacientes con diagnóstico de DMD atendidos en la consulta de Genética de la Universidad del Rosario durante los años 2006 a 2015. RESULTADOS Se identificaron 99 pacientes, de los cuales 56 (56,56%) corresponden al fenotipo Duchenne y 12 (12,12%) al Becker. No fue posible clasificar a 31 pacientes (31,3%) por falta de datos clínicos. La edad de inicio de los síntomas fue en promedio de 4,41 años. Las mutaciones más frecuentes fueron las deleciones (69%), seguidas por las mutaciones puntuales(14%), las duplicaciones (11%) y por otras mutaciones (4%). CONCLUSIONES Este registro de distrofinopatías es el primero reportado en Colombia y el punto de partida para conocer la incidencia de la enfermedad, caracterización clínica y molecular de los pacientes, garantizando así el acceso oportuno a los nuevos tratamientos de medicina de precisión que permitan mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes y sus familias.
Background: The natural history of Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 is largely unclear, longitudinal studies are lacking. Objectives: to collect clinical and laboratory data, to evaluate sleep disorders, somatic and autonomic skin fibres, neuropsychological and neuroradiological aspects in DM1 patients. Methods: 72 DM1 patients underwent a standardized clinical and neuroradiological evaluation performed by a multidisciplinary team during 3 years of follow-up. Results: longer disease duration was associated with higher incidence of conduction disorders and lower ejection fraction; higher CVF values were predictors for a reduced risk of cardiopathy. Lower functional pulmonary values were associated with class of expansion and were negatively associated with disease duration; arterial blood gas parameters were not associated with expansion size, disease duration nor with respiratory function test. Excessive daytime sleepiness was not associated with class of expansion nor with any of the clinical parameters examined. We detected apnoea in a large percentage of patients, without differences between the 3 genetic classes; higher CVF values were predictors for a reduced risk of apnoea. Skin biopsies demonstrated the presence of a subclinical small fibre neuropathy with involvement of the somatic fibres. The pupillometry study showed lower pupil size at baseline and a lower constriction response to light. The most affected neuropsychological domains were executive functions, visuoconstructional, attention and visuospatial tasks, with a worse performance of E1 patients in the visuoperceptual ability and social cognition tasks. MRI study demonstrated a decrease in the volumes of frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital cortices, accumbens, putamen nuclei and a more severe volume reduction of the isthmus cingulate, transverse temporal, superior parietal and temporal gyri in E2 patients. Discussion: only some clinical parameters could predict the risk of cardiopathy, pulmonary syndrome and sleep disorders, while other clinical aspects proved to be unpredictable, confirming the importance of periodic clinical follow-up of these patients.
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) is an advanced magnetic resonance technique that can quantify in vivo biomarkers of pathology, such as alteration in iron and myelin concentration. It allows for the comparison of magnetic susceptibility properties within and between different subject groups. In this thesis, QSM acquisition and processing pipeline are discussed, together with clinical and methodological applications of QSM to neurodegeneration. In designing the studies, significant emphasis was placed on results reproducibility and interpretability. The first project focuses on the investigation of cortical regions in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. By examining various histogram susceptibility properties, a pattern of increased iron content was revealed in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis compared to controls and other neurodegenerative disorders. Moreover, there was a correlation between susceptibility and upper motor neuron impairment, particularly in patients experiencing rapid disease progression. Similarly, in the second application, QSM was used to examine cortical and sub-cortical areas in individuals with myotonic dystrophy type 1. The thalamus and brainstem were identified as structures of interest, with relevant correlations with clinical and laboratory data such as neurological evaluation and sleep records. In the third project, a robust pipeline for assessing radiomic susceptibility-based features reliability was implemented within a cohort of patients with multiple sclerosis and healthy controls. Lastly, a deep learning super-resolution model was applied to QSM images of healthy controls. The employed model demonstrated excellent generalization abilities and outperformed traditional up-sampling methods, without requiring a customized re-training. Across the three disorders investigated, it was evident that QSM is capable of distinguishing between patient groups and healthy controls while establishing correlations between imaging measurements and clinical data. These studies lay the foundation for future research, with the ultimate goal of achieving earlier and less invasive diagnoses of neurodegenerative disorders within the context of personalized medicine.