896 resultados para nAChRs, ethanol, nicotine, pharmacotherapy, smoking cessation aids, varenicline, mecamylamine
Bioethanol is the world's largest-produced alternative to petroleum-derived transportation fuels due to its compatibility within existing spark-ignition engines and its relatively mature production technology. Despite its success, questions remain over the greenhouse gas (GHG) implications of fuel ethanol use with many studies showing significant impacts of differences in land use, feedstock, and refinery operation. While most efforts to quantify life-cycle GHG impacts have focused on the production stage, a few recent studies have acknowledged the effect of ethanol on engine performance and incorporated these effects into the fuel life cycle. These studies have broadly asserted that vehicle efficiency increases with ethanol use to justify reducing the GHG impact of ethanol. These results seem to conflict with the general notion that ethanol decreases the fuel efficiency (or increases the fuel consumption) of vehicles due to the lower volumetric energy content of ethanol when compared to gasoline. Here we argue that due to the increased emphasis on alternative fuels with drastically differing energy densities, vehicle efficiency should be evaluated based on energy rather than volume. When done so, we show that efficiency of existing vehicles can be affected by ethanol content, but these impacts can serve to have both positive and negative effects and are highly uncertain (ranging from -15% to +24%). As a result, uncertainties in the net GHG effect of ethanol, particularly when used in a low-level blend with gasoline, are considerably larger than previously estimated (standard deviations increase by >10% and >200% when used in high and low blends, respectively). Technical options exist to improve vehicle efficiency through smarter use of ethanol though changes to the vehicle fleets and fuel infrastructure would be required. Future biofuel policies should promote synergies between the vehicle and fuel industries in order to maximize the society-wise benefits or minimize the risks of adverse impacts of ethanol.
Biofuels are increasingly promoted worldwide as a means for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transport. However, current regulatory frameworks and most academic life cycle analyses adopt a deterministic approach in determining the GHG intensities of biofuels and thus ignore the inherent risk associated with biofuel production. This study aims to develop a transparent stochastic method for evaluating UK biofuels that determines both the magnitude and uncertainty of GHG intensity on the basis of current industry practices. Using wheat ethanol as a case study, we show that the GHG intensity could span a range of 40-110 gCO2e MJ-1 when land use change (LUC) emissions and various sources of uncertainty are taken into account, as compared with a regulatory default value of 44 gCO2e MJ-1. This suggests that the current deterministic regulatory framework underestimates wheat ethanol GHG intensity and thus may not be effective in evaluating transport fuels. Uncertainties in determining the GHG intensity of UK wheat ethanol include limitations of available data at a localized scale, and significant scientific uncertainty of parameters such as soil N2O and LUC emissions. Biofuel polices should be robust enough to incorporate the currently irreducible uncertainties and flexible enough to be readily revised when better science is available. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.
The TiO2-supported zeolite with core/shell heterostructure was fabricated by coating aluminosilicate zeolite (ASZ) on the TiO2 inoculating seed via in situ hydrothermal synthesis. The catalysts were characterized by transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen physisorption (BET), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The surface acidity of the catalysts was measured by pyridine-TPD method. The catalytic performance of the catalysts for ethanol dehydration to ethylene was also investigated. The results show that the TiO2-supported zeolite composite catalyst with core/shell heterostructure exhibits prominent conversion efficiency for ethanol dehydration to ethylene.
TiO2/4A zeolite composite catalysts were prepared by coating TiO2 on 4A zeolite via liquid phase deposition. The TiO 2/4A zeolite composite catalysts wtih higher surface weak acidity and lower mediate strong acidity exhibit much better catalytic performance on ethanol dehydration to ethylene compared with 4A zeolite. It is suggested that the TiO2 promoter could improve the effective Lewis acidity of composite catalyst which consequently enhanced the catalytic performance.
The novel hexagon SnO2 nanosheets are successfully synthesized in ethanol/water solution by hydrothermal process. The samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared ray (IR) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). By changing the reaction conditions, the size and the morphology can be controlled. Comparison experiments show that when the temperature increased from 140 degrees C to 180 degrees C, the edge length of the hexagon nanoparticles increases from 300-450 nm to 700-900 nm. On the other hand, by adjusting the ratios of water to ethanol from 2 to 0.5, SnO2 nanoparticles with different morphologies of triangle and sphere are obtained. When the concentration of NaOH is increased from 0.15 M to 0.30 M, a hollow ring structure can be obtained. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
:对HIV 疫苗的研究一直是国际上艾滋病方面研究的热点和难点。动物模型则为疫苗研究必不可缺少的 重要工具,缺乏合适的动物模型很大程度上制约了AIDS疫苗的研究。目前在国际上SIV 或SHIV 感染的猕猴模 型为最常用的AIDS研究模型,受猕猴背景及病毒特性等多种因素的影响,使得以上两种模型在HIV疫苗研究中 仍存在一定的局限性。为了更好地发挥猕猴模型在HIV疫苗研究中的巨大潜力,开发理想的AIDS猕猴模型已成 为目前HIV疫苗研究的首要任务。本文简要介绍了AIDS疫苗的研发策略、研发概况以及SIV/SHIV猕猴模型在 HIV疫苗中的应用,并对其中存在的问题及其应用前景进行了探讨。
In the present research, two Chinese rhesus monkeys were inoculated intravenously with 5000 TCID50 of SIVmac239. The changes in the numbers of CD4+ T lymphocyte in peripheral blood, plasma viral loads, proviral DNA and humoral antibodies against virus were periodically monitored during 121 days. At the early stage of infection, proviral DNA had been detected in PBMCs, and infectious SIVmac239 virus had been isolated from PBMCs. At the same period, the numbers of CD4+ T lymphocytes were significantly decreased, and maintained at low level during the 121-day period of infection. Plasma viral loads reached the peak at week 2 post-inoculation and kept at a steady state subsequently. Moreover, antibodies against viral proteins were detected from plasma. All the results showed that the two Chinese rhesus monkeys had been infected with SIVmac239 successfully. This animal model can be applied for further AIDS researches.
本文包括两方面的研究工作。第一部分对TRIM5α基因在灵长类动物中的分 子进化进行了详尽的研究,希望能从分子进化的角度认识该基因在灵长类动物抵 抗病毒感染尤其是在限制HIV-1 感染过程中所起的作用,并希望能够从中寻找适 合用于AIDS 基因治疗的基因。第二部分构建了艾滋病治疗性DC 疫苗相关的腺 病毒载体,包括表达HIV-1 gp120 基因、表达HIV-1 gp41 基因、表达HSP70 基 因以及仅表达绿色荧光蛋白基因的重组腺病毒,为利用HIV-1 抗原刺激的DC 免 疫治疗AIDS 的研究奠定了基础。 在长期的HIV-1 和AIDS 研究中,人们发现很多种旧大陆猴不能被HIV-1 感 染,而旧大陆猴中的平顶猴却对HIV-1 有易感性,并且对SIV 的感染也表现出较 其它旧大陆猴更为严重的症状,TRIM5α基因的发现解释了这一“历史之谜”。人 们发现旧大陆猴的TRIM5α基因具有很强的抗HIV-1 的功能,是旧大陆猴抵抗 HIV-1 感染必须的免疫因子;并且进一步证明TRIM5α是灵长类动物中普遍存在 的、具有抗多种逆转录病毒功能的天然免疫因子。我们通过对TRIM5α基因在灵 长类动物中的分子进化研究发现,证明该基因在进化过程中表现出很强的达尔文 正向选择作用,尤其是其负责识别逆转录病毒衣壳蛋白的SPRY 结构域。TRIM5 α基因表现出的正向选择很可能是灵长类动物在长期的进化过程中反复被病毒 感染的选择压力造成的,这也从另一个方面证明TRIM5α基因是一个普遍存在的、 具有抗病毒功能的天然免疫因子。对不同灵长类动物的TRIM5α基因序列分析发 现,该基因的序列变化很大,这可能是不同灵长类动物被HIV-1 感染后表现不同 症状的原因;基于密码子的中性检测证明,TRIM5α基因SPRY 结构域上第347、 354、552 位氨基酸表现出很强的正向选择,说明这些位点可能与其抗病毒功能 关系紧密。另外,我们发现平顶猴的TRIM5α基因与CypA 基因以一种新的方式 融合,这种融合方式不同于鹰猴中该基因与CypA 基因的融合,而且与具有较强抗HIV-1 功能的恒河猴的TRIM5α基因比较,平顶猴的TRIM5α基因在几个与其 抗病毒功能紧密相关的位点上的氨基酸也发生了变化,这可能是其被HIV-1 和 SIV 感染后表现出较其它旧大陆猴更为严重症状的原因。 将经过HIV-1 抗原刺激的DC 回输到HIV-1 感染者体内可以诱导产生较强的 抗HIV-1 细胞免疫反应,这种免疫反应理论上可以治疗AIDS,而且对HARRT 治 疗能够产生很好的协同作用;HSP70 蛋白可以提高DC 对抗原的加工和呈递。为 了检测经HIV-1 抗原刺激的DC 免疫治疗AIDS 的实际效果,同时检验通过HSP70 增强DC 对HIV-1 抗原的加工和呈递功能,发现并解决这一治疗方案存在的问题, 我们首先从HIV-1 的基因组及带有HSP70 基因的质粒上克隆了gp120、gp41 和 HSP70 基因,测序及序列分析证明所克隆的基因没有发生影响表达的突变。然后 我们分别构建了表达有关基因的重组腺病毒载体。在荧光显微镜下可以观察到感 染后的细胞内绿色荧光蛋白报告基因的表达,证明成功构建了四种重组腺病毒, 而PCR 扩增也证明在其中三种重组腺病毒的基因组上确实分别带有gp120、gp41、 HSP70 基因。同时我们还构建了不表达外源基因的重组腺病毒,作为未来实验中 的对照载体。未来的研究工作包括目的基因表达检测,重组腺病毒感染DC 及腺 病毒感染DC 功能分析等。
1、喜树碱类衍生物抗HIV构效关系与作用机制研究 喜树碱为传统的抗肿瘤药物。本研究对经过化学结构修饰的喜树碱类衍生物进行抗HIV活性及作用机制的研究,并初步探讨了其抗HIV构效关系。 我们对喜树碱类衍生物A系列化合物A1(喜树碱)、A2(10-羟基喜树碱)及A3(7-羟基喜树碱)进行了抗HIV活性检测。化合物A1和A3有较好的抗HIV-1和抗HIV-2活性,化合物A2没有显示抗HIV活性。表明化合物A1的C-10位上-OH基团修饰可能会降低抗HIV活性,化合物A1的C-7位上-CH2OH基团修饰和C-20位-CH3缺失可能会提高其抗HIV活性。对化合物A3和A1的抗HIV机制研究发现:二者对整合酶有一定的结合活性,对慢性感染H9/HIV-1ⅢB 和Jurkat/HIV-1ⅢB细胞中病毒复制没有抑制活性、不能阻断H9/HIV-1ⅢB与正常细胞间的融合,对重组的HIV-1蛋白酶和逆转录酶没有抑制活性。化合物A1和A3不具有选择性杀伤HIV-1ⅢB慢性感染的H9和Jurkat细胞系的作用。进一步进行化合物A3诱导 H9和H9/HIV-1ⅢB、Jurkat和Jurkat/HIV-1ⅢB的凋亡实验显示,化合物A3诱导感染HIV-1ⅢB和未感染病毒细胞的凋亡没有选择性。据此我们初步认为化合物A3和A1的抗HIV作用可能与抑制整合酶活性有关,该化合物可能还作用于其它靶点。 喜树碱类衍生物B系列中化合物B1为20(S)-O - [-O-( 1'-氧基-2',2',6',6'-四甲基哌啶-4'-丁二酸)]-20-喜树碱酯,化合物B2为20(S)-O - [-N-( 1'-氧基-2',2',6',6'-四甲基-1',2',5',6'-四氢吡啶酰胺)-4'-丙氨酸)]-20-喜树碱酯)。我们对化合物B1和B2进行了抗HIV活性检测。结果显示:化合物B2有较好的抗HIV-1和抗HIV-21、喜树碱类衍生物抗HIV构效关系与作用机制研究 喜树碱为传统的抗肿瘤药物。本研究对经过化学结构修饰的喜树碱类衍生物进行抗HIV活性及作用机制的研究,并初步探讨了其抗HIV构效关系。 我们对喜树碱类衍生物A系列化合物A1(喜树碱)、A2(10-羟基喜树碱)及A3(7-羟基喜树碱)进行了抗HIV活性检测。化合物A1和A3有较好的抗HIV-1和抗HIV-2活性,化合物A2没有显示抗HIV活性。表明化合物A1的C-10位上-OH基团修饰可能会降低抗HIV活性,化合物A1的C-7位上-CH2OH基团修饰和C-20位-CH3缺失可能会提高其抗HIV活性。对化合物A3和A1的抗HIV机制研究发现:二者对整合酶有一定的结合活性,对慢性感染H9/HIV-1ⅢB 和Jurkat/HIV-1ⅢB细胞中病毒复制没有抑制活性、不能阻断H9/HIV-1ⅢB与正常细胞间的融合,对重组的HIV-1蛋白酶和逆转录酶没有抑制活性。化合物A1和A3不具有选择性杀伤HIV-1ⅢB慢性感染的H9和Jurkat细胞系的作用。进一步进行化合物A3诱导 H9和H9/HIV-1ⅢB、Jurkat和Jurkat/HIV-1ⅢB的凋亡实验显示,化合物A3诱导感染HIV-1ⅢB和未感染病毒细胞的凋亡没有选择性。据此我们初步认为化合物A3和A1的抗HIV作用可能与抑制整合酶活性有关,该化合物可能还作用于其它靶点。 喜树碱类衍生物B系列中化合物B1为20(S)-O - [-O-( 1'-氧基-2',2',6',6'-四甲基哌啶-4'-丁二酸)]-20-喜树碱酯,化合物B2为20(S)-O - [-N-( 1'-氧基-2',2',6',6'-四甲基-1',2',5',6'-四氢吡啶酰胺)-4'-丙氨酸)]-20-喜树碱酯)。我们对化合物B1和B2进行了抗HIV活性检测。结果显示:化合物B2有较好的抗HIV-1和抗HIV-2活性,而化合物B1的抗HIV活性差。表明化合物B1的C-4’位-CH2被-NH取代,同时C-3’位-CH3修饰可能会提高其抗HIV活性。对化合物B2的抗HIV机制研究发现,化合物B2对慢性感染H9/HIV-1ⅢB细胞中病毒复制没有抑制活性、不能阻断H9/HIV-1ⅢB与正常细胞间的融合,对HIV-1蛋白酶、重组的HIV-1逆转录酶及整合酶没有抑制活性。化合物B2不具有选择性杀伤HIV-1ⅢB慢性感染的H9细胞系的作用。化合物B2抗HIV的作用机制还需进一步研究。 2、HIV/AIDS患者疱疹病毒感染状况及性病患者的HIV感染状况分析 疱疹病毒是AIDS患者合并感染的常见病原体。引起人类疾病的8种疱疹病毒与HIV感染及AIDS进展、机会性感染、恶性肿瘤密切相关。为了解HIV/AIDS患者人类8型疱疹病毒感染状况,我们检测了30例AIDS患者、40例HIV携带者及70例正常对照的液标本中8型疱疹病毒感染状况。采用ELISA法检测单纯疱疹病毒1型(HSV-1)、单纯疱疹病毒2型(HSV-2)、水痘-带状疱疹病毒(VZV)和巨细胞病毒(CMV);采用PCR法检测EB病毒(EBV)、疱疹病毒6型(HHV-6)、疱疹病毒7型(HHV-7)及疱疹病毒8型(HHV-8)。结果显示,HIV/AIDS患者中HSV-1、HSV-2、VZV、CMV、HHV-6、HHV-8 阳性率均高于健康体检者,其中AIDS患者VZV感染率与HIV携带者有显著性差异;在AIDS患者中多种疱疹病毒共感染普遍存在,必须重视HIV/AIDS患者合并疱疹病毒感染的防治。 性病可促进HIV的传播,了解性病患者的HIV感染状况及临床特征具有重要的意义。在自愿接受HIV咨询检测的基础上,对临床确诊的412例性病患者进行HIV-1/2抗体检测,并对其临床特征进行分析研究。结果显示412例性病患者的HIV检出率为2.9%。性病患者中检出HIV阳性率依次为:尖锐湿疣(6.2%)、生殖器疱疹(4.2%)、梅毒(3.4%)、淋病(1.5%)及非淋菌性尿道炎(1.0%)。83.3%合并感染HIV的性病患者存在多性伴,商业性行为普遍存在,安全套使用率极低现象。感染HIV的尖锐湿疣及生殖器疱疹患者以频繁复发为突出表现,1例合并感染HIV的梅毒患者半年即进展为神经梅毒。性病患者是HIV感染的重要高危人群,危险性行为是其感染HIV和其它性病的主要原因,应该加强性病患者的HIV检测。对临床上频繁复发的尖锐湿疣及生殖器疱疹患者、快速进展的梅毒患者应高度怀疑合并HIV感染的可能。
We present in this paper results obtained from a parabolic flight campaign regarding ethanol sessile drop evaporation under reduced gravity conditions. Drops are created using a syringe pump by means of injection through a PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) substrate. The drops are recorded using a video camera and an infrared camera to observe the thermal motion inside the drop and on the heating substrate. The experimental set-up presented in this paper enables the simultaneous visualization and access to the heat flux density that is transferred to the drop using a heat flux meter placed between the heating block and the PTFE substrate. We evidence original thermal spreading phenomena during the ethanol drop creation on a heated PTFE substrate. The drop exhibits specific behaviour which is discussed here. This work is performed in the frame of a French-Chinese collaboration (project IMPACHT) for future experiments in a Chinese scientific satellite.
利用100MeV/u的12C6+离子束辐照酵母Saccharomyces cerevsiea YY,选育出一株高产突变菌株C03A,考察C03A发酵过程中不同温度、pH、糖汁浓度对发酵的影响。通过正交实验确定最佳发酵条件为:糖汁浓度24%、温度35℃、pH5.0。在10L发酵罐实验中,C03A发酵速率相对原始菌株高,36h发酵完全,比原始菌株缩短12h;发酵产酒率达到13.2%(V/V),比原始菌株高1.6%(V/V)。